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Near-ripe ‘Kensington Pride’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit with green skin colour generally return lower wholesale and retail prices. Pre-harvest management, especially nitrogen (N) nutrition, appears to be a major causal factor. To obtain an understanding of the extent of the problem in the Burdekin district (dry tropics; the major production area in Australia), green mature ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit were harvested from ten orchards and ripened at 20 ± 0.5 O C. Of these orchards, 70% produced fruit with more than 25% of the skin surface area green when ripe. The following year, the effect of N application on skin colour and other quality attributes was investigated on three orchards, one with a high green (HG) skin problem and two with a low green (LG) skin problem. N was applied at pre-flowering and at panicle emergence at the rate of 0,75,150,300 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree as foliar N for the HG orchard, and 0,150,300,450 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree (foliar) for the LG orchards. In all orchards the proportion of green colour on the ripe fruit was significantly (P<0.05) higher with soil applications of 150 g N or more per tree. Foliar sprays resulted in a higher proportion of green colour than the highest soil treatment in the HG orchard, but not in the LG orchards. Anthracnose disease severity was significantly (P<0.05) higher with 300 g of N per tree or foliar treatment in the HG orchard, compared with no additional N. Thus, N can reduce mango fruit quality by increasing green colour and anthracnose disease in ripe fruit.


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Runoff and sediment loss from forest roads were monitored for a two-year period in a Pinus plantation in southeast Queensland. Two classes of road were investigated: a gravelled road, which is used as a primary daily haulage route for the logging area, and an ungravelled road, which provides the main access route for individual logging compartments and is intensively used as a haulage route only during the harvest of these areas (approximately every 30 years). Both roads were subjected to routine traffic loads and maintenance during the study. Surface runoff in response to natural rainfall was measured and samples taken for the determination of sediment and nutrient (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and total iron) loads from each road. Results revealed that the mean runoff coefficient (runoff depth/rainfall depth) was consistently higher from the gravelled road plot with 0.57, as compared to the ungravelled road with 0.38. Total sediment loss over the two-year period was greatest from the gravelled road plot at 5.7 t km−1 compared to the ungravelled road plot with 3.9 t km−1. Suspended solids contributed 86% of the total sediment loss from the gravelled road, and 72% from the ungravelled road over the two years. Nitrogen loads from the two roads were both relatively constant throughout the study, and averaged 5.2 and 2.9 kg km−1 from the gravelled and ungravelled road, respectively. Mean annual phosphorus loads were 0.6 kg km−1 from the gravelled road and 0.2 kg km−1 from the ungravelled road. Organic carbon and total iron loads increased in the second year of the study, which was a much wetter year, and are thought to reflect the breakdown of organic matter in roadside drains and increased sediment generation, respectively. When road and drain maintenance (grading) was performed runoff and sediment loss were increased from both road types. Additionally, the breakdown of the gravel road base due to high traffic intensity during wet conditions resulted in the formation of deep (10 cm) ruts which increased erosion. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP):Road model was used to compare predicted to observed runoff and sediment loss from the two road classes investigated. For individual rainfall events, WEPP:Road predicted output showed strong agreement with observed values of runoff and sediment loss. WEPP:Road predictions for annual sediment loss from the entire forestry road network in the study area also showed reasonable agreement with the extrapolated observed values.


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The response of cattle to alterations in social groupings can lead to physiological changes that affect meat quality. Feedlot practices frequently lead to a proportion of cattle in a pen being drafted for slaughter with the balance retained for a further period until they meet market specifications. An ability to regroup such retained cattle for short periods without consequences for meat quality would facilitate efficient use of feedlot pen space. The current experiment examined the impact on physiological variables and meat quality of regrouped British breed steers 4, 2 or 1 week before dispatch for slaughter. There was little effect of regrouping cattle on physiological variables associated with stress responses. Physical assessment of meat quality indicated that regrouping steers 1 week before slaughter led to higher compression and a tendency for higher peak force values in animals from one genotype than in their respective controls (1.89 v. 1.71 ± 0.05 kg, P = 0.017); however, these assessments were not matched by changes in sensory perception of meat quality. Average daily gain during feedlot finishing was negatively related to the temperament measure and flight time. It was also associated with breed, white cell count, plasma cortisol and haemoglobin at the midpoint of the 70-day finishing period. The results confirm the impact of flight time on growth rate during feedlot finishing and that regrouping cattle less than 2 weeks before slaughter may reduce meat quality.


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Commercial and recreational harvesting of pigs is often encouraged by pest managers because it is essentially a ‘free’ reduction in pest density. However, the reduction in numbers may provide minimal damage mitigation and may be inappropriately allocated in space and time. Additionally, more effective control (e.g. baiting) may not occur because of the incorrect perception that harvesting is effective or because pigs are valued for recreational use.


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Parthenium hysterophorus is a weed of global significance causing severe economic, environmental, human and animal health problems in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Pacific. In South Asia, P. hysterophorus occurs in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. A host-specific leaf-feeding beetle Zygogramma bicolorata from Mexico was introduced into India in 1984, as a biological control agent for P. hysterophorus. In this study, a GIS-based distribution map of P. hysterophorus and its biological control agent Z. bicolorata in South Asia based on meta-analysis is presented. The map highlights the limited published information on P. hysterophorus incidence in many of the states and territories in India, as well as in neighbouring Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan. Incidence of Z. bicolorata was recorded as three distinct clusters, covering many states in India. In Pakistan, Z. bicolorata was recorded in the Punjab region bordering India. A CLIMEX model based on the current distribution of Z. bicolorata in India suggests that the geographic range of this agent in India and Pakistan can extend to other P. hysterophorus-infested areas in the region. The CLIMEX model also suggests that all of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and parts of Nepal are climatically suitable for Z. bicolorata.


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Soil water repellency occurs widely in horticultural and agricultural soils when very dry. The gradual accumulation and breakdown of surface organic matter over time produces wax-like organic acids, which coat soil particles preventing uniform entry of water into the soil. Water repellency is usually managed by regular surfactant applications. Surfactants, literally, are surface active agents (SURFace ACTive AgeNTS). Their mode of action is to reduce the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate and wet the soil more easily and completely. This practice improves water use efficiency (by requiring less water to wet the soil and by capturing rainfall and irrigation more effectively and rapidly). It also reduces nutrient losses through run-off erosion or leaching. These nutrients have the potential to pollute the surrounding environment and water courses. This project investigated potential improvements to standard practices (product combination and scheduling) for surfactant use to overcome localised dry spots on water repellent soils and thus improve turf quality and water use efficiency. Weather conditions for the duration of the trial prevented the identification of improved practices in terms of combination and scheduling. However, the findings support previous research that the use of soil surfactants decreased the time for water to infiltrate dry soil samples taken from a previously severely hydrophobic site. Data will be continually collected from this trial site on a private contractual basis, with the hope that improvements to standard practices will be observed during the drier winter months when moisture availability is a limiting factor for turfgrass growth and quality.


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Insecticides are used by growers to control Frankliniella occidentalis (western flower thrips) in Australian vegetable crops. However, limited information was available on the efficacy of some insecticides used against F. occidentalis and data on new insecticides that could be included in a resistance management program were required. The efficacy of 16 insecticides in controlling F. occidentalis was tested in four small plot trials in chillies and capsicums. Spinosad, fipronil and methamidophos were effective against adults and larvae. Spirotetramat had no efficacy against adults but was very effective against larvae. Pyridalyl was moderately effective against larvae. Methidathion showed limited effectiveness. Abamectin, amorphous silica, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, emamectin benzoate, endosulfan, imidacloprid, methomyl and insecticidal soap were not effective. Laboratory bioassays on F. occidentalis collected from the field trials showed resistance to bifenthrin but not to the other insecticides tested. The trials demonstrated that some insecticides permitted for use against F. occidentalis are not effective and identified a number of insecticides, including the new ones spirotetramat and pyridalyl, that are effective and that could be used to manage the pest within a resistance management program.


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This chapter describes poisoning associated with consumption of pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA)-containing plants (Crotalaria spp., Heliotropium spp. and Senecio spp.) by cattle and horses in rangelands of northern Australia, as well as the risks for meat quality of PA residues and potential health hazards to consumers.


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Cattle ticks and buffalo flies impose significant economic burdens on the Northern Australian cattle and dairy industries. With the increased temperatures expected under climate change the range of parasites such as these is likely to extend. Current control options for these ectoparasites are limited by problems associated with chemical resistance and residues. Fungal biopesticides offer a sustainable and promising alternative method of control. Laboratory and animal studies have established the potential for the fungus Metarhizium in tick control and provided data that suggests a secondary effect of buffalo fly control is possible. Small field trials are required to obtain a proof of concept for the control of ticks and buffalo flies on animals.


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The main aim of this project is to develop variety management packages to help tailor commercial malt and feed barley production in the Northern GRDC Region to commercial malt and feed barley specifications. Field trials are designed to give information.


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Producing management packages for new northern barley varieties. Evaluating silage barley varieties.


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Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of various proteins and proteoglycans which provides tissues with structural strength and resilience. By harvesting signaling molecules like growth factors ECM has the capacity to control cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation and cell survival. Latent transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) binding proteins (LTBPs) associate fibrillar structures of the ECM and mediate the efficient secretion and ECM deposition of latent TGF-β. The current work was conducted to determine the regulatory regions of LTBP-3 and -4 genes to gain insight into their tissue-specific expression which also has impact on TGF-β biology. Furthermore, the current research aimed at defining the ECM targeting of the N-terminal variants of LTBP-4 (LTBP-4S and -4L), which is required to understand their functions in tissues and to gain insight into conditions in which TGF-β is activated. To characterize the regulatory regions of LTBP-3 and -4 genes in silico and functional promoter analysis techniques were employed. It was found that the expression of LTBP-4S and -4L are under control of two independent promoters. This finding was in accordance with the observed expression patterns of LTBP-4S and -4L in human tissues. All promoter regions characterized in this study were TATAless, GC-rich and highly conserved between human and mouse species. Putative binding sites for Sp1 and GATA family of transcription factors were recognized in all of these regulatory regions. It is possible that these transcription factors control the basal expression of LTBP-3 and -4 genes. Smad binding element was found within the LTBP-3 and -4S promoter regions, but it was not present in LTBP-4L promoter. Although this element important for TGF-β signaling was present in LTBP-4S promoter, TGF-β did not induce its transcriptional activity. LTBP-3 promoter activity and mRNA expression instead were stimulated by TGF-β1 in osteosarcoma cells. It was found that the stimulatory effect of TGF-β was mediated by Smad and Erk MAPK signaling pathways. The current work explored the ECM targeting of LTBP-4S and identified binding partners of this protein. It was found that the N-terminal end of LTBP-4S possesses fibronectin (FN) binding sites which are critical for its ECM targeting. FN deficient fibroblasts incorporated LTBP-4S into their ECM only after addition of exogenous FN. Furthermore, LTBP-4S was found to have heparin binding regions, of which the C-terminal binding site mediated fibroblast adhesion. Soluble heparin prevented the ECM association of LTBP-4S in fibroblast cultures. In the current work it was observed that there are significant differences in the secretion, processing and ECM targeting of LTBP-4S and -4L. Interestingly, it was observed that most of the secreted LTBP-4L was associated with latent TGF-β1, whereas LTBP-4S was mainly secreted as a free form from CHO cells. This thesis provides information on transcriptional regulation of LTBP-3 and -4 genes, which is required for the deeper understanding of their tissue-specific functions. Further, the current work elucidates the structural variability of LTBPs, which appears to have impact on secretion and ECM targeting of TGF-β. These findings may advance understanding the abnormal activation of TGF-β which is associated with connective tissue disorders and cancer.


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Increased sediment and nutrient losses resulting from unsustainable grazing management in the Burdekin River catchment are major threats to water quality in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. To test the effects of grazing management on soil and nutrient loss, five 1 ha mini-catchments were established in 1999 under different grazing strategies on a sedimentary landscape near Charters Towers. Reference samples were also collected from watercourses in the Burdekin catchment during major flow events.Soil and nutrient loss were relatively low across all grazing strategies due to a combination of good cover, low slope and low rainfall intensities. Total soil loss varied from 3 to 20 kg haˉ¹ per event while losses of N and P ranged from 10 to 1900 g haˉ¹ and from 1 to 71 g haˉ¹ per event respectively. Water quality of runoff was considered moderate across all strategies with relatively low levels of total suspended sediment (range: 8-1409 mg lˉ¹), total N (range: 101-4000 ug lˉ¹) and total P (range: 14-609 ug lˉ¹). However, treatment differences are likely to emerge with time as the impacts of the different grazing strategies on land condition become more apparent.Samples collected opportunistically from rivers and creeks during flow events displayed significantly higher levels of total suspended sediment (range: 10-6010 mg lˉ¹), total N (range: 650-6350 ug lˉ¹) and total P (range: 50-1500 ug lˉ¹) than those collected at the grazing trial. These differences can largely be attributed to variation in slope, geology and cover between the grazing trial and different catchments. In particular, watercourses draining hillier, grano-diorite landscapes with low cover had markedly higher sediment and nutrient loads compared to those draining flatter, sedimentary landscapes.These preliminary data suggest that on relatively flat, sedimentary landscapes, extensive cattle grazing is compatible with achieving water quality targets, provided high levels of ground cover are maintained. In contrast, sediment and nutrient loss under grazing on more erodable land types is cause for serious concern. Long-term empirical research and monitoring will be essential to quantify the impacts of changed land management on water quality in the spatially and temporally variable Burdekin River catchment.


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Because of epidemics of Fusarium head blight (FHB; caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe [teleomorph Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch]) in the northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada in the past two decades, malting barley breeders have been forced to use nonadapted barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions as sources of FHB resistance. Many of the resistant accessions are from East Asia, and limited information is available on their genetic diversity and malt quality. The objectives of this study were to determine the genetic diversity among 30 East Asian accessions and two North American cultivars. Genetic diversity was based on 49 simple-sequence repeat markers. All accessions were tested for barley grain brightness; protein content; 1,000-kernel weight; malting loss; fine-grind malt extract; content of plump kernels, free amino nitrogen, soluble protein, and wort beta-glucan; the Kolbach index (i.e., the ratio of malt soluble protein to malt total protein); a-amylase activity; diastatic power; won color; and wort viscosity. A few accessions had equal quality compared with Harrington and Conlon barley for individual traits but not for all. Qing 2, Mokkei 93-78, and Nitakia 48 could be excellent sources for increased malt extract; Nitakia 48 is a possible source for low wort viscosity; and Mokkei 93-78 and Nitakia 48 are putative sources of low beta-glucan content. The cluster analyses also implied that the malt quality of an accession cannot be predicted based on the country where it was developed.


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It is at the population level that an invasion either fails or succeeds. Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) is a weed of great significance in Queensland Australia and globally but its whole life-history ecology is poorly known. Here we used 3 years of field data across four land use types (farm, hoop pine plantation and two open eucalyptus forests, including one with a triennial fire regime) to parameterise the weed’s vital rates and develop size-structured matrix models. Lantana camara in its re-colonization phase, as observed in the recently cleared hoop pine plantation, was projected to increase more rapidly (annual growth rate, λ = 3.80) than at the other three sites (λ 1.88–2.71). Elasticity analyses indicated that growth contributed more (64.6 %) to λ than fecundity (18.5 %) or survival (15.5 %), while across size groups, the contribution was of the order: juvenile (19–27 %) ≥ seed (17–28 %) ≥ seedling (16–25 %) > small adult (4–26 %) ≥ medium adult (7–20 %) > large adult (0–20 %). From a control perspective it is difficult to determine a single weak point in the life cycle of lantana that might be exploited to reduce growth below a sustaining rate. The triennial fire regime applied did not alter the population elasticity structure nor resulted in local control of the weed. However, simulations showed that, except for the farm population, periodic burning could work within 4–10 years for control of the weed, but fire frequency should increase to at least once every 2 years. For the farm, site-specific control may be achieved by 15 years if the biennial fire frequency is tempered with increased burning intensity.