969 resultados para Azores
O presente relatório apresenta o Estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa, na Associação para Apoio à Criança com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, mais especificamente na valência do Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais, no Concelho de Velas, Açores, cuja população-alvo apresenta essencialmente Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais. O estágio curricular inclui a caracterização do contexto de atuação, e a reflexão crítica do processo de formação que compreendeu três áreas de atuação: avaliação, planeamento e intervenção. A avaliação dos clientes, efetuada através de escalas e instrumentos validados, que permitiram a elaboração de planos de intervenção individuais, e a sua concretização sob a forma da intervenção psicomotora individual e grupal, em diversos contextos como ginásio, snoezelen e meio aquático, foram etapas vivenciadas ao longo deste ano letivo, e descritas no atual documento. Foi, ainda, elaborado um Projeto de Intervenção no campo da Dançoterapia em concomitância com a Intervenção Familiar. Finalmente, são também apresentadas as principais conclusões e reflexões resultantes de toda a experiência de estágio.
Mestrado em Marketing
Com a idade existe uma alteração na forma como o corpo responde à informação do meio, esta alteração reflete-se na capacidade para ajustar os movimentos corporais às situações do quotidiano.
O conceito de dependência está relacionado com a incapacidade da pessoa em satisfazer as suas necessidades precisando para tal de terceiros.
Partial sequences of the mitochondrial control region and its comparison with previously published cytochrome b (cyt-b) and microsatellite data were used to investigate the influence of island isolation and connectivity on white seabream genetic structure. To achieve this, a total of 188 individuals from four island localities (Castellamare and Mallorca, Mediterranean Sea; Azores and Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean) and five coastal localities (Banyuls, Murcia and Tunisia, Mediterranean Sea; Galicia and Faro, Atlantic Ocean) were analysed. Results showed high haplotype diversity and low to moderate nucleotide diversity in all populations (except for the Canary Islands). This pattern of genetic diversity is attributed to a recent population expansion which is corroborated by other results such as cyt-b network and demographic analyses. Low differentiation among Mediterranean/Atlantic and coastal/island groups was shown by the AMOVA and FST values, although a weak phylogeographic break was detected using cyt-b data. However, we found a clear and significant island/ distance effect with regard to the Azores islands. Significant genetic differentiation has been detected between the Azores islands and all other populations. The large geographical distance between the European continental slope and the Azores islands is a barrier to gene flow within this region and historic events such as glaciation could also explain this genetic differentiation.
We assessed the genetic structure of populations of the widely distributed sea cucumber Holothuria (Holothuria) mammata Grube, 1840, and investigated the effects of marine barriers to gene flow and historical processes. Several potential genetic breaks were considered, which would separate the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins, the isolated Macaronesian Islands from the other locations analysed, and the Western Mediterranean and Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). We analysed mitochondrial 16S and COI gene sequences from 177 individuals from four Atlantic locations and four Mediterranean locations. Haplotype diversity was high (H = 0.9307 for 16S and 0.9203 for COI), and the haplotypes were closely related (p = 0.0058 for 16S and 0.0071 for COI). The lowest genetic diversities were found in the Aegean Sea population. Our results showed that the COI gene was more variable and more useful for the detection of population structure than the 16S gene. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes, the pairwise FST values and the results of exact tests and AMOVA revealed: (i) a significant genetic break between the population in the Aegean Sea and those in the other locations, as supported by both mitochondrial genes, and (ii) weak differentiation of the Canary and Azores Islands from the other populations; however, the populations from the Macaronesian Islands, Algarve and West Mediterranean could be considered to be a panmictic metapopulation. Isolation by distance was not identified in H. (H.) mammata. Historical events behind the observed findings, together with the current oceanographic patterns, were proposed and discussed as the main factors that determine the population structure and genetic signature of H. (H.) mammata
Themarine environment seems, at first sight, to be a homogeneousmediumlacking barriers to species dispersal. Nevertheless, populations of marine species show varying levels of gene flow and population differentiation, so barriers to gene flow can often be detected. Weaimto elucidate the role of oceanographical factors ingenerating connectivity among populations shaping the phylogeographical patterns in the marine realm, which is not only a topic of considerable interest for understanding the evolution ofmarine biodiversity but also formanagement and conservation of marine life. For this proposal,we investigate the genetic structure and connectivity between continental and insular populations ofwhite seabreamin North East Atlantic (NEA) and Mediterranean Sea (MS) aswell as the influence of historical and contemporary factors in this scenario using mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and nuclear (a set of 9 microsatellite) molecular markers. Azores population appeared genetically differentiated in a single cluster using Structure analysis. This result was corroborated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Monmonier algorithm which suggested a boundary to gene flow, isolating this locality. Azorean population also shows the highest significant values of FST and genetic distances for both molecular markers (microsatellites and mtDNA). We suggest that the breakdown of effective genetic exchange between Azores and the others' samples could be explained simultaneously by hydrographic (deep water) and hydrodynamic (isolating current regimes) factors acting as barriers to the free dispersal of white seabream(adults and larvae) and by historical factors which could be favoured for the survival of Azorean white seabream population at the last glaciation. Mediterranean islands show similar genetic diversity to the neighbouring continental samples and nonsignificant genetic differences. Proximity to continental coasts and the current system could promote an optimal larval dispersion among Mediterranean islands (Mallorca and Castellamare) and coasts with high gene flow.
Doutoramento em Economia.
Tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) pollution in the Northern Hemisphere is commonly thought to be of anthropogenic origin. While this is true in most cases, copious quantities of pollutants are emitted by fires in boreal regions, and the impact of these fires on CO has been shown to significantly exceed the impact of urban and industrial sources during large fire years. The impact of boreal fires on ozone is still poorly quantified, and large uncertainties exist in the estimates of the fire-released nitrogen oxides (NO x ), a critical factor in ozone production. As boreal fire activity is predicted to increase in the future due to its strong dependence on weather conditions, it is necessary to understand how these fires affect atmospheric composition. To determine the scale of boreal fire impacts on ozone and its precursors, this work combined statistical analysis of ground-based measurements downwind of fires, satellite data analysis, transport modeling and the results of chemical model simulations. The first part of this work focused on determining boreal fire impact on ozone levels downwind of fires, using analysis of observations in several-days-old fire plumes intercepted at the Pico Mountain station (Azores). The results of this study revealed that fires significantly increase midlatitude summertime ozone background during high fire years, implying that predicted future increases in boreal wildfires may affect ozone levels over large regions in the Northern Hemisphere. To improve current estimates of NOx emissions from boreal fires, we further analyzed ΔNOy /ΔCO enhancement ratios in the observed fire plumes together with transport modeling of fire emission estimates. The results of this analysis revealed the presence of a considerable seasonal trend in the fire NOx /CO emission ratio due to the late-summer changes in burning properties. This finding implies that the constant NOx /CO emission ratio currently used in atmospheric modeling is unrealistic, and is likely to introduce a significant bias in the estimated ozone production. Finally, satellite observations were used to determine the impact of fires on atmospheric burdens of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and formaldehyde (HCHO) in the North American boreal region. This analysis demonstrated that fires dominated the HCHO burden over the fires and in plumes up to two days old. This finding provides insights into the magnitude of secondary HCHO production and further enhances scientific understanding of the atmospheric impacts of boreal fires.
Climate science and climate change are included in the Next Generation Science Standards, curriculum standards that were released in 2013. How to incorporate these topics, especially climate change, has been a difficult task for teachers. A team of scientists are studying aerosols in the free troposphere; what their properties are, how they change while in the atmosphere and where they came from. Lessons were created based on this real, ongoing scientific research being conducted in the Azores. During these activities, students are exposed to what scientists actually do in the form of videos and participate in similar tasks such as conducting experiments, collecting data, and analyzing data. At the conclusion of the lessons, students will form conclusions based on the evidence they have at the time.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Ozone (O3) are considered to be one of the most important atmospheric pollutants in the troposphere with both having significant effects on human health. Both are included in the U.S. E.P.A list of criteria pollutants. CO is primarily emitted in the source region whereas O3 can be formed near the source, during transport of the pollution plumes containing O3 precursors or in a receptor region as the plumes subside. The long chemical lifetimes of both CO and O3 enable them to be transported over long distances. This transport is important on continental scales as well, commonly referred to as inter-continental transport and affects the concentrations of both CO and O3 in downwind receptor regions, thereby having significant implications for their air quality standards. Over the period 2001-2011, there have been decreases in the anthropogenic emissions of CO and NOx in North America and Europe whereas the emissions over Asia have increased. How these emission trends have affected concentrations at remote sites located downwind of these continents is an important question. The PICO-NARE observatory located on the Pico Mountain in Azores, Portugal is frequently impacted by North American pollution outflow (both anthropogenic and biomass burning) and is a unique site to investigate long range transport from North America. This study uses in-situ observations of CO and O3 for the period 2001-2011 at PICO-NARE coupled with output from the full chemistry (with normal and fixed anthropogenic emissions) and tagged CO simulations in GEOS-Chem, a global 3-D chemical transport model of atmospheric composition driven by meteorological input from the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) of the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, to determine and interpret the trends in CO and O3 concentrations over the past decade. These trends would be useful in ascertaining the impacts emission reductions in the United States have had over Pico and in general over the North Atlantic. A regression model with sinusoidal functions and a linear trend term was fit to the in-situ observations and the GEOS-Chem output for CO and O3 at Pico respectively. The regression model yielded decreasing trends for CO and O3 with the observations (-0.314 ppbv/year & -0.208 ppbv/year respectively) and the full chemistry simulation with normal emissions (-0.343 ppbv/year & -0.526 ppbv/year respectively). Based on analysis of the results from the full chemistry simulation with fixed anthropogenic emissions and the tagged CO simulation it was concluded that the decreasing trends in CO were a consequence of the anthropogenic emission changes in regions such as USA and Asia. The emission reductions in USA are countered by Asian increases but the former have a greater impact resulting in decreasing trends for CO at PICO-NARE. For O3 however, it is the increase in water vapor content (which increases O3 destruction) along the pathways of transport from North America to PICO-NARE as well as around the site that has resulted in decreasing trends over this period. This decrease is offset by increase in O3 concentrations due to anthropogenic influence which could be due to increasing Asian emissions of O3 precursors as these emissions have decreased over the US. However, the anthropogenic influence does not change the final direction of the trend. It can thus be concluded that CO and O3 concentrations at PICO-NARE have decreased over 2001-2011.
Introdução: O burnout é uma síndrome psicológica, caracterizada por elevada exaustão emocional, elevada despersonalização e baixa realização profissional, que conduz à erosão dos valores pessoais, profissionais e de saúde. Este estudo reporta a prevalência do burnout em profissionais de saúde Portugueses. Material e Métodos: Os níveis de burnout foram estimados pelo Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey numa escala ordinal de zero (nunca) a seis (sempre) pontos. A amostra foi constituída por 1 262 enfermeiros e 466 médicos com médias de idade de 36,8 anos (DP = 12,2) e 38,7 (DP = 11,0), respetivamente. Os participantes foram provenientes de todos os distritos nacionais (35% Lisboa; 18% Porto; 6% Aveiro, 6% Setúbal, 5% Coimbra; 5% regiões autónomas), com atuação em meio hospitalar (54%), centros de saúde (Unidade de Saúde Familiar - 30%; Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Primários - 8%) e outras instituições públicas/privadas (8%). Resultados: A análise dos níveis de burnout revelou que ambas as categorias profissionais apresentaram níveis moderados a elevados de burnout (M = 3,0; DP = 1,7) não sendo significativas as diferenças entre as duas profissões. Vila Real (M = 3,8; SD = 1,7) e a Madeira (M = 2,5; DP = 1,5) são as regiões onde os níveis de burnout são mais e menos elevados, respetivamente. Os níveis de burnout não diferiram significativamente entre Hospitais, Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados e Unidades de Saúde Familiares. Os profissionais com maior tempo na função são menos acometidos por burnout (r = -0,15) não ocorrendo associação significativa com a duração da jornada de trabalho (r = 0,04). A má qualidade das condições de trabalho foi o melhor preditor do burnout (r = -0,35). Discussão: A ocorrência da síndrome de burnout em profissionais de saúde portugueses é frequente, estando associada à percepção de más condições de trabalho e à menor duração do tempo de serviço. A incidência de burnout apresenta diferenças regionais que podem estar associadas ao aumento do stress imposto pelo exercício da profissão em condições sub-ótimas para a prestação dos cuidados de saúde. Os resultados alertam para a necessidade de intervenções para melhorar as condições de trabalho e formação inicial dos profissionais de saúde de forma a garantir a qualidade do serviço prestado aos utentes e o bem-estar pessoal destes profissionais. Conclusões: A nível nacional, entre 2011 e 2013, 21,6% dos profissionais de saúde apresentaram burnout moderado e 47,8% burnout elevado. A perceção de más condições de trabalho foi o principal preditor da ocorrência de burnout nos profissionais de saúde Portugueses.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a syndrome caused by the ingestion of fish contaminated with Ciguatoxins (CTXs). These phycotoxins are produced mainly by dinoflagellates that belong to the genus Gambierdiscus that are transformed in more toxic forms in predatory fish guts, and are more present in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean areas. It is estimated that CFP causes per year more than 10,000 intoxications worldwide. With the rise of water temperature and anthropogenic intervention, it is important to study the prevalence of CFP in more temperate waters. Through inter- and subtidal sampling, 22 species of organisms were collected, in Madeira and Azores archipelagos and in the northwestern Moroccan coast, during September of 2012 and June and July of 2013. A total of 94 samples of 22 different species of bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms and crustaceans where analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectometry-Ion Trap-Time of Flight (UPLC-MS-IT-TOF) and Ultra Performance Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Our main aim was to detect new vectors and ascertain if there were some geographical differences. We detected for the first time putative CTXs in echinoderms, in two starfish species—M. glacialis and O. ophidianus. We detected differences regarding uptake values by organisms and geographical location. Toxin amounts were significant, showing the importance and the need for continuity of these studies to gain more knowledge about the prevalence of these toxins, in order to better access human health risk. In addition, we suggest monitoring of these toxins should be extended to other vectors, starfish being a good alternative for protecting and accessing human health risk.
Background: The number of centenarians is rapidly increasing in Europe. In Portugal, it has almost tripled over the last 10 years and constitutes one of the fastest-growing segments of the population. This paper aims to describe the health and sociodemographic characteristics of Portuguese centenarians as given in the 2011 census and to identify sex differences. Methods: All persons living in Portugal mainland and Madeira and Azores islands aged 100 years old at the time of the 2011 census (N = 1,526) were considered. Measures include sociodemographic characteristics and perceived difficulties in six functional domains of basic actions (seeing, hearing, walking, cognition, self-care, and communication) as assessed by the Portuguese census official questionnaires. Results: Most centenarians are women (82.1 %), widowed (82 %), never attended school (51 %), and live in private households (71 %). The majority show major constraints in seeing (67.4 %), hearing (72.3 %), and particularly in their mobility (83.7 % cannot/have great difficulties in walking/climbing stairs and 80.7 % in bathing/dressing). In general, a better outcome was found for reported memory/concentration and understanding, with 39.1 % and 42.5 % presenting no or mild difficulty, respectively. Top-level functioning (no/mild difficulties in all dimensions concurrently) was observed in a minority of cases (5.96 %). Women outnumber men by a ratio of 4.6, and statistically significant differences were found between men and women for all health-related variables, with women presenting a higher percentage of difficulties. Conclusion: Portuguese centenarians experience great difficulties in sensory domains and basic daily living activities, and to a lesser extent in cognition and communication. The obtained profile, though self-reported, is important in considering the potential of social and family participation of this population regardless of their functional and sensory limitations. Based on the observed differences between men and women, gender-specific and gender-sensitive interventions are recommended in order to acknowledge women’s worse overall condition.