997 resultados para Anti-reflection coating (ARC)


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Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopyroxene with higher Al2O3 content (> 7%) and lower Mg-#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg-#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are analyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE, while magnesiohornblende has higher content of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti, and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influenced by temperature and pressure.


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Processing of a recently acquired seismic line in the northeastern South China Sea by Project 973 has been conducted to study the character and the distribution of gas hydrate Bottom-Simulating Reflectors (BSRs) in the Hengchun ridge. Analysis of different-type seismic profiles shows that the distribution of BSRs can be revealed to some extents by single-channel profile in this area, but seismic data processing plays an important role to resolve the full distribution of BSRs in this area. BSR' s in the northeastern South China Sea have the typical characteristics of BSRs on worldwide continental margins: they cross sediment bed reflections, they are generally parallel to the seafloor and the associated reflections have strong amplitude and a negative polarity. The characteristics of BSRs in this area are obvious and the BSRs indicate the occurrence of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northeastern South China Sea. The depth of the base of the gas-hydrate stability zone was calculated using the phase stability boundary curve of methane hydrate and gas hydrate with mixture gas composition and compared with the observed BSR depth. If a single gradient geothermal curve is used for the calculation, the base of the stability zone for methane hydrate or gas hydrate with a gas mixture composition does not correspond to the depth of the BSRs observed along the whole seismic profile. The geothermal gradient therefore changes significantly along the profile. The geothermal gradient and heat flow were estimated from the BSR data and the calculations show that the geothermal gradient and heat flow decrease from west to east, with the increase of the distance from the trench and the decrease of the distance to the island arc. The calculated 2 heat flow changes from 28 to 64 mW/m(2), which is basically consistent with the measured heat flow in southwestern offshore Taiwan.


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To look for gas hydrate, 22 multi-channel and 3 single-channel seismic lines on the East China Sea (ECS) shelf slope and at the bottom of the Okinawa Trough were examined. It was found that there was indeed bottom simulating reflector (BSR) occurrence, but it is very rare. Besides several BSRs, a gas seepage was also found. As shown by the data, both the BSR and gas seepage are all related with local geological structures, such as mud diapir, anticline, and fault-controlled graben-like structure. However, similar structural "anomalies" are quite common in the tectonically very active Okinawa Trough region, but very few of them have developed BSR or gas seepage. The article points out that the main reason is probably the low concentration of organic carbon of the sediment in this area. It was speculated that the rare occurrence of gas hydrates in this region is governed by structure-controlled fluid flow. Numerous faults and fractures form a network of high-permeability channels in the sediment and highly fractured igneous basement to allow fluid circulation and ventilation. Fluid flow in this tectonic environment is driven primarily by thermal buoyancy and takes place on a wide range of spatial scales. The fluid flow may play two roles to facilitate hydrate formation: to help gather enough methane into a small area and to modulate the thermal regime.


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An ocean general circulation model (OGCM) is used to study the roles of equatorial waves and western boundary reflection in the seasonal circulation of the equatorial Indian Ocean. The western boundary reflection is defined as the total Kelvin waves leaving the western boundary, which include the reflection of the equatorial Rossby waves as well as the effects of alongshore winds, off-equatorial Rossby waves, and nonlinear processes near the western boundary. The evaluation of the reflection is based on a wave decomposition of the OGCM results and experiments with linear models. It is found that the alongshore winds along the east coast of Africa and the Rossby waves in the off-equatorial areas contribute significantly to the annual harmonics of the equatorial Kelvin waves at the western boundary. The semiannual harmonics of the Kelvin waves, on the other hand, originate primarily from a linear reflection of the equatorial Rossby waves. The dynamics of a dominant annual oscillation of sea level coexisting with the dominant semiannual oscillations of surface zonal currents in the central equatorial Indian Ocean are investigated. These sea level and zonal current patterns are found to be closely related to the linear reflections of the semiannual harmonics at the meridional boundaries. Because of the reflections, the second baroclinic mode resonates with the semiannual wind forcing; that is, the semiannual zonal currents carried by the reflected waves enhance the wind-forced currents at the central basin. Because of the different behavior of the zonal current and sea level during the reflections, the semiannual sea levels of the directly forced and reflected waves cancel each other significantly at the central basin. In the meantime, the annual harmonic of the sea level remains large, producing a dominant annual oscillation of sea level in the central equatorial Indian Ocean. The linear reflection causes the semiannual harmonics of the incoming and reflected sea levels to enhance each other at the meridional boundaries. In addition, the weak annual harmonics of sea level in the western basin, resulting from a combined effect of the western boundary reflection and the equatorial zonal wind forcing, facilitate the dominance by the semiannual harmonics near the western boundary despite the strong local wind forcing at the annual period. The Rossby waves are found to have a much larger contribution to the observed equatorial semiannual oscillations of surface zonal currents than the Kelvin waves. The westward progressive reversal of seasonal surface zonal currents along the equator in the observations is primarily due to the Rossby wave propagation.


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Anti-cyclonic eddies northwest of Luzon of the Philippines in summer-fall are identified in the merged data products of satellite altimeters of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and European Research Satellites. The generation and propagation of the anti-cyclonic eddies, which are confirmed by satellite ocean color data, are found to be a seasonal phenomenon that is phase-locked to the onset of the southwesterly monsoon and the relaxation of the cyclonic wind curl in the northeastern South China Sea. The eddies originate from northwest of Luzon in summer, move across the northeastern South China Sea to reach the China continental slope in fall, and propagate southwestward along the continental slope in fall-winter, inducing shelfbreak current variations in the western South China Sea in fall-winter. The anti-cyclonic eddy discovered by Li et al. (1998) in the northern South China Sea is found to originate from northwest of Luzon and carry primarily the South China Sea waters. It does not appear to be an eddy shed from the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait area as alluded by Li et al. (1998) and others.


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面临世界上严重的淡水资源紧缺,海水淡化和海水利用技术是可行的解决方案之一。铜及其合金因其良好的机械性能、可成型性、导热性以及在海洋环境中优良的耐腐蚀性能成为海水冷凝器的首选材料,但由于海水成分的多样性和复杂性,对铜及其合金还是造成了一定的腐蚀和结垢问题,因而制约着海水利用技术的发展和应用。 氟碳涂料是一种新型的高科技功能性涂料,其聚合物分子间的作用力低,决定着它具有非常低的表面自由能。因此,氟碳涂料具有不可润湿性、防沾污性和自润滑性。而它本身所特有的螺旋结构则决定了它具有一般涂料所难以比拟的优异的物理性能,在防腐蚀领域特别是复杂苛刻的海洋环境中有着广阔的应用前景。 本文选择了性能优异的聚三氟氯乙烯这种氟碳涂料,涂覆在紫铜上,研究了其阻垢能力和耐海水腐蚀性能。实验首先是通过配制超硬度的实验用水,测试了不同温度下,试样上所结水垢的量,然后通过SEM-EDX做了样品表面成分分析,结果表明涂料在样品表面附着均匀、致密,与基底金属结合紧密,可以有效地防止水垢的生成,并且还防止了金属铜的腐蚀问题。为进一步研究涂层的耐蚀性能,做了中性盐雾试验和电化学实验。在经过3000h的盐雾试验后,样品表面几乎没有变化,腐蚀增重率很小,金属腐蚀可以忽略不计;在为期90d的交流阻抗实验过程中,刚开始时阻抗弧不稳定,到第十天达到最大,然后慢慢减小,但始终为单弧容抗,只有一个时间常数。而且,在90d以后,极化电阻值仍然在10000Ω以上,因此,在实验期间,腐蚀介质不能到达涂层/基底金属界面,基底金属受到了良好的保护。


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Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) plays an important role as a negative regulator in insulin signaling pathways. PTP1B is an effective target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Four bromophenol derivatives from red algae Rhodomela confervoides, 2,2',3,3'-tetrabromo-4,4',5,5'-tetra-hydroxydiphenyl methane (1), 3-bormo-4,5-bis(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl) pyrocatechol (2), bis(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl) ether (3) and 2,2',3-tribromo-3',4,4',5-tetrahydroxy-6'-ethyloxy-methyldiphenylmethane (4) showed significant inhibitory activity against PTP1B (IC50 were 2.4, 1.7, 1.5 and 0.84 mu mol/L, respectively) as potential therapeutical agents for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The anti-hyperglycemic effects of the ethanol extracts from R. confervoides on streptozotocin-induced diabetes (STZ-diabetes) in male Wistar rats fed with high fat diet were investigated. The STZ-diabetic rats treated with medium-dose and high-dose alga extracts showed remarkable reductions in fasting blood glucose (FBG) as compared with the STZ-diabetic control. The results indicate that the in vivo anti-hyperglycemic activity of the R. confervoides extracts can be partially attributed to the inhibitory actions against PTP1B of the bromophenol derivatives and that may be of clinical importance in improving the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.


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Hot dip Zn-Al alloy coating performs better than hot dip galvanized coating and 55% Al-Zn-Si coating as well with regard to general seawater corrosion protection. A characterization of the corrosion products on Zn-Al alloy coating immersed in dynamic aerated seawater has been performed mainly based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for morphological analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique for crystalline phase identification. The XRD and TEM analyses showed that the corrosion products mainly were typical nanometer Zn4CO3(OH)(6).H2O, Zn-5(OH)(8)Cl-2 and Zn6Al2CO3(OH)(16). 4H(2)O microcrystals. This probably is connected to the co-precipitation of Zn2+ and Al3+ ions caused by adsorption. Zn-Al alloy coating being suffered seawater attacks, AI(OH)(3) gel was first produced on the coating surface. Zn and Al hydroxides would co-precipitate and form double-hydroxide when the concentration of adsorbed Zn2+ ions by the newly produced gel exceeded the critical degree of supersaturation of the interphase nucleation. However, because the growth of the crystals was too low to keep in step with the nucleation, a layer of nano-crystalline corrosion products were produced on the surface of the coating finally. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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25%Al-Zn alloy coating performs better than hot dip galvanized coating and 55%Al-Zn-Si coating with regard to general seawater corrosion protection. This study deals with the interfacial intermetallic layer's growth, which affects considerably the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of 25%Al-Zn alloy coatings, by means of three-factor quadratic regressive orthogonal experiments, The regression equation shows that the intermetallic layer thickness decreases rapidly with increasing content of Si added to the Zn-Al alloy bath, increases with rise in bath temperature and prolonging dip time. The most effective factor that determined the thickness of intermetallic layer was the amount of Si added to Zn-Al alloy bath, while the effect of bath temperature and dip time on the thickness of intermetallic layer were not very obvious.


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Effect of alloy elements on corrosion of low alloy steel was studied under simulated offshore conditions. The results showed that the elements Cu, P, Mo, W, V had evident effect on corrosion resistance in the atmosphere zone; Cu, P, V, Mo in the splash zone and Cr, Al, Mo in the submerged zone.


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The corrosion rate of low alloy steel in different sea zones has close correlation with the content of the alloy element. From the field data of steel corrosion rates in atmospheric zone, splash zone and immersion zone, regression analysis was used to study the correlation between the corrosion rate of steels and the amount of added alloy elements. Three regression equations were obtained in different sea zones. Based on the equations, the anti-corrosion performance of the alloy elements can be deduced which can be used to screen out low alloy steel with good anti-corrosion performance. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The real earth is far away from an ideal elastic ball. The movement of structures or fluid and scattering of thin-layer would inevitably affect seismic wave propagation, which is demonstrated mainly as energy nongeometrical attenuation. Today, most of theoretical researches and applications take the assumption that all media studied are fully elastic. Ignoring the viscoelastic property would, in some circumstances, lead to amplitude and phase distortion, which will indirectly affect extraction of traveltime and waveform we use in imaging and inversion. In order to investigate the response of seismic wave propagation and improve the imaging and inversion quality in complex media, we need not only consider into attenuation of the real media but also implement it by means of efficient numerical methods and imaging techniques. As for numerical modeling, most widely used methods, such as finite difference, finite element and pseudospectral algorithms, have difficulty in dealing with problem of simultaneously improving accuracy and efficiency in computation. To partially overcome this difficulty, this paper devises a matrix differentiator method and an optimal convolutional differentiator method based on staggered-grid Fourier pseudospectral differentiation, and a staggered-grid optimal Shannon singular kernel convolutional differentiator by function distribution theory, which then are used to study seismic wave propagation in viscoelastic media. Results through comparisons and accuracy analysis demonstrate that optimal convolutional differentiator methods can solve well the incompatibility between accuracy and efficiency, and are almost twice more accurate than the same-length finite difference. They can efficiently reduce dispersion and provide high-precision waveform data. On the basis of frequency-domain wavefield modeling, we discuss how to directly solve linear equations and point out that when compared to the time-domain methods, frequency-domain methods would be more convenient to handle the multi-source problem and be much easier to incorporate medium attenuation. We also prove the equivalence of the time- and frequency-domain methods by using numerical tests when assumptions with non-relaxation modulus and quality factor are made, and analyze the reason that causes waveform difference. In frequency-domain waveform inversion, experiments have been conducted with transmission, crosshole and reflection data. By using the relation between media scales and characteristic frequencies, we analyze the capacity of the frequency-domain sequential inversion method in anti-noising and dealing with non-uniqueness of nonlinear optimization. In crosshole experiments, we find the main sources of inversion error and figure out how incorrect quality factor would affect inverted results. When dealing with surface reflection data, several frequencies have been chosen with optimal frequency selection strategy, with which we use to carry out sequential and simultaneous inversions to verify how important low frequency data are to the inverted results and the functionality of simultaneous inversion in anti-noising. Finally, I come with some conclusions about the whole work I have done in this dissertation and discuss detailly the existing and would-be problems in it. I also point out the possible directions and theories we should go and deepen, which, to some extent, would provide a helpful reference to researchers who are interested in seismic wave propagation and imaging in complex media.


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Since 1970s, igneous reservoirs such as Shang741, Bin674 and Luol51 have been found in Jiyang depression, which are enrichment and heavy-producing. Showing good prospect of exploration and development, igneous reservoirs have been the main part of increasing reserves and production in Shengli oilfield. As fracture igneous reservoir being an extraordinary complex concealed reservoir and showing heavy heterogeneity in spatial distribution, the study of recognition, prediction, formation mechanism and the law of distribution of fracture is essential to develop the reservoir. Guided by multiple discipline theory such as sedimentology, geophysics, mineralogy, petroleum geology, structural geology and reservoir engineering, a set of theories and methods of recognition and prediction of fractured igneous rock reservoir are formed in this paper. Rock data, three-dimensional seismic data, log data, borehole log data, testing data and production data are combined in these methods by the means of computer. Based on the research of igneous rock petrography and reservoir formation mechanism, emphasized on the assessment and forecast of igneous rock reservoir, aimed at establishing a nonhomogeneity quantification model of fractured igneous rock reservoir, the creativity on the fracture recognition, prediction and formation mechanism are achieved. The research result is applied to Jiyang depression, suggestion of exploration and development for fractured igneous rock reservoir is supplied and some great achievement and favourable economic effect are achieved. The main achievements are gained as follows: 1. The main facies models of igneous rock reservoir in JiYang depression are summarized. Based on data and techniques of seism, well log and logging,started from the research of single well rock facies, proceeded by seismic and log facies research, from point to line and line to face, the regional igneous facies models are established. And hypabyssal intrusion allgovite facies model, explosion volcaniclastic rock facies model and overfall basaltic rocks facies model are the main facies models of igneous rock reservoir in JiYang depression. 2. Four nonhomogenous reservoir models of igneous reservoirs are established, which is the base of fracture prediction and recognition. According to characteristics of igneous petrology and spatial types of reservoir, igneous reservoirs of Jiyang depression are divided into four categories: fractured irruptive rock reservoir, fracture-pore thermocontact metamorphic rock and irruptive rock compound reservoir, pore volcanic debris cone reservoir and fracture-pore overfall basaltic rock reservoir. The spatial distribution of each model's reservoir has its features. And reservoirs can be divided into primary ones and secondary ones, whose mechanism of formation and laws of distribution are studied in this paper. 3. Eight geologic factors which dominate igneous reservoirs are presented. The eight geologic factors which dominates igneous reservoirs are igneous facies, epigenetic tectonics deformation, fracture motion, intensity of intrusive effect and adjoining-rock characters, thermo-contact metamorphic rock facies, specific volcano-tectonic position, magmatic cyclicity and epigenetic diagenetic evolution. The interaction of the eight factors forms the four types nonhomogenous reservoir models of igneous reservoirs in Jiyang depression. And igneous facies and fracture motion are the most important and primary factors. 4. Identification patterns of seismic, well log and logging facies of igneous rocks are established. Igneous rocks of Jiyang depression show typical reflecting features on seismic profile. Tabular reflection seismic facies, arc reflection seismic facies and hummocky or mushroom reflection seismic facies are the three main facies. Logging response features of basic basalt and diabase are shown as typical "three low and two high", which means low natural gamma value, low interval transit-time, low neutron porosity, high resistivity and high density. Volcaniclastic rocks show "two high and three low"-high neutron porosity, high interval transit-time, low density, low-resistance and low natural gamma value. Thermo-contact metamorphic rocks surrounding to diabase show "four high and two low" on log data, which is high natural gamma value, high self-potential anomaly, high neutron porosity, high interval transit-time and low density and low-resistance. Based on seismic, well log and logging data, spatial shape of Shang 741 igneous rock is described. 5. The methods of fracture prediction and recognition for fractured igneous reservoir are summarized. Adopting FMI image log and nuclear magnetic resonance log to quantitative analysis of fractured igneous reservoir and according to formation mechanism and shape of fracture, various fractures are recognized, such as high-angle fracture, low-angle fracture, vertical fracture, reticulated fracture, induced fracture, infilling fracture and corrosion vug. Shang 741 intrusive rock reservoir can be divided into pore-vug compound type, pore fracture type, micro-pore and micro-fracture type. Physical properties parameters of the reservoir are computed and single-well fracture model and reservoir parameters model are established. 6. Various comprehensive methods of fracture prediction and recognition for fractured igneous reservoir are put forward. Adopting three-element (igneous facies, fracture motion and rock bending) geologic comprehensive reservoir evaluation technique and deep-shallow unconventional laterolog constrained inversion technique, lateral prediction of fractured reservoir such as Shang 741 is taken and nonhomogeneity quantification models of reservoirs are established.


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In the increasingly enlarged exploration target, deep target layer(especially for the reservoir of lava) is a potential exploration area. As well known, the reflective energy becomes weak because the seismic signals of reflection in deep layer are absorbed and attenuate by upper layer. Caustics and multi-values traveltime in wavefield are aroused by the complexity of stratum. The ratio of signal to noise is not high and the fold numbers are finite(no more than 30). All the factors above affect the validity of conventional processing methods. So the high S/N section of stack can't always be got with the conventional stack methods even if the prestack depth migration is used. So it is inevitable to develop another kind of stack method instead. In the last a few years, the differential solution of wave equation was hold up by the condition of computation. Kirchhoff integral method rose in the initial stages of the ninetieth decade of last century. But there exist severe problems in it, which is are too difficult to resolve, so new method of stack is required for the oil and gas exploration. It is natural to think about upgrading the traditionally physic base of seismic exploration methods and improving those widely used techniques of stack. On the other hand, great progress is depended on the improvement in the wave differential equation prestack depth migration. The algorithm of wavefield continuation in it is utilized. In combination with the wavefield extrapolation and the Fresnel zone stack, new stack method is carried out It is well known that the seismic wavefield observed on surface comes from Fresnel zone physically, and doesn't comes from the same reflection points only. As to the more complex reflection in deep layer, it is difficult to describe the relationship between the reflective interface and the travel time. Extrapolation is used to eliminate caustic and simplify the expression of travel time. So the image quality is enhanced by Fresnel zone stack in target. Based on wave equation, high-frequency ray solution and its character are given to clarify theoretical foundation of the method. The hyperbolic and parabolic travel time of the reflection in layer media are presented in expression of matrix with paraxial ray theory. Because the reflective wave field mainly comes from the Fresnel Zone, thereby the conception of Fresnel Zone is explained. The matrix expression of Fresnel zone and projected Fresnel zone are given in sequence. With geometrical optics, the relationship between object point in model and image point in image space is built for the complex subsurface. The travel time formula of reflective point in the nonuniform media is deduced. Also the formula of reflective segment of zero-offset and nonzero offset section is provided. For convenient application, the interface model of subsurface and curve surface derived from conventional stacks DMO stack and prestack depth migration are analyzed, and the problem of these methods was pointed out in aspects of using data. Arc was put forward to describe the subsurface, thereby the amount of data to stack enlarged in Fresnel Zone. Based on the formula of hyperbolic travel time, the steps of implementation and the flow of Fresnel Zone stack were provided. The computation of three model data shows that the method of Fresnel Zone stack can enhance the signal energy and the ratio of signal to noise effectively. Practical data in Xui Jia Wei Zhi, a area in Daqing oilfield, was processed with this method. The processing results showed that the ability in increasing S/N ratio and enhancing the continuity of weak events as well as confirming the deep configuration of volcanic reservoir is better than others. In deeper target layer, there exists caustic caused by the complex media overburden and the great variation of velocity. Travel time of reflection can't be exactly described by the formula of travel time. Extrapolation is bring forward to resolve the questions above. With the combination of the phase operator and differential operator, extrapolating operator adaptable to the variation of lateral velocity is provided. With this method, seismic records were extrapolated from surface to any different deptlis below. Wave aberration and caustic caused by the inhomogenous layer overburden were eliminated and multi-value curve was transformed into the curve.of single value. The computation of Marmousi shows that it is feasible. Wave field continuation extends the Fresnel Zone stack's application.


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Superfine mineral materials are mainly resulted from the pulverization of natural mineral resources, and are a type of new materials that can replace traditional materials and enjoy the most extensive application and the highest degree of consumption in the present day market. As a result, superfine mineral materials have a very broad and promising prospect in terms of market potential. Superfine pulverization technology is the only way for the in-depth processing of most of the traditional materials, and is also one of the major means for which mineral materials can realize their application. China is rich in natural resources such as heavy calcite, kaolin, wollastonite, etc., which enjoy a very wide market of application in paper making, rubber, plastics, painting, coating, medicine, environment-friendly recycle paper and fine chemical industries, for example. However, because the processing of these resources is generally at the low level, economic benefit and scale for the processing of these resources have not been realized to their full potential even up to now. Big difference in product indices and superfine processing equipment and technologies between China and advanced western countries still exists. Based on resource assessment and market potential analysis, an in-depth study was carried out in this paper about the superfine pulverization technology and superfine pulverized mineral materials from the point of mineralogical features, determination of processing technologies, analytical methods and applications, by utilizing a variety of modern analytical methods in mineralogy, superfine pulverization technology, macromolecular chemistry, material science and physical chemistry together with computer technology and so on. The focus was placed on the innovative study about the in-depth processing technology and the processing apparatus for kaolin and heavy calcite as well as the application of superfine products. The main contents and the major achievements of this study are listed as follows: 1. Superfine pulverization processing of mineral materials shall be integrated with the study of their crystal structures and chemical composition. And special attention shall be put on the post-processing technologies, rather than on the indices for particle size, of these materials, based on their fields of application. Both technical feasibility and economic feasibility shall be taken into account for the study about superfine pulverization technologies, since these two kinds of feasibilities serve as the premise for the industrialized application of superfine pulverized mineral materials. Based on this principle, preposed chemical treatment method, technology of synchronized superfine pulverization and gradation, processing technology and apparatus of integrated modification and depolymerization were utilized in this study, and narrow distribution in terms of particle size, good dispersibility, good application effects, low consumption as well as high effectiveness of superfine products were achieved in this study. Heavy calcite and kaolin are two kinds of superfine mineral materials that enjoy the highest consumption in the industry. Heavy calcite is mainly applied in paper making, coating and plastics industries, the hard kaolin in northern China is mainly used in macromolecular materials and chemical industries, while the soft kaolin in southern China is mainly used for paper making. On the other hand, superfine pulverized heavy calcite and kaolin can both be used as the functional additives to cement, a kind of material that enjoys the biggest consumption in the world. A variety of analytical methods and instruments such as transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, infrared analysis, laser particle size analysis and so on were applied for the elucidation of the properties and the mechanisms for the functions of superfine mineral materials as used in plastics and high-performance cement. Detection of superfine mineral materials is closely related to the post-processing and application of these materials. Traditional detection and analytical methods for superfine mineral materials include optical microscopy, infrared spectral analysis and a series of microbeam techniques such as transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and so on. In addition to these traditional methods, super-weak luminescent photon detection technology of high precision, high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio was also utilized by the author for the first time in the study of superfine mineral materials, in an attempt to explore a completely new method and means for the study of the characterization of superfine materials. The experimental results are really exciting! The innovation of this study is represented in the following aspects: 1. In this study, preposed chemical treatment method, technology of synchronized superfine pulverization and gradation, processing technology and apparatus of integrated modification and depolymerization were utilized in an innovative way, and narrow distribution in terms of particle size, good dispersibility, good application effects, low consumption as well as high effectiveness of superfine products were achieved in the industrialized production process*. Moreover, a new modification technology and related directions for producing the chemicals were invented, and the modification technology was even awarded a patent. 2. The detection technology of super-weak luminescent photon of high precision, high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio was utilized for the first time in this study to explore the superfine mineral materials, and the experimental results can be compared with those acquired with scanning electron microscopy and has demonstrated its unique advantages. It can be expected that further study may possibly help to result in a completely new method and means for the characterization of superfine materials. 3. During the heating of kaolinite and its decomposition into pianlinite, the diffraction peaks disappear gradually. First comes the disappearance of the reflection of the basal plane (001), and then comes the slow disappearance of the (hkl) diffraction peaks. And this was first discovered during the experiments by the author, and it has never before reported by other scholars. 4. The first discovery of the functions that superfine mineral materials can be used as dispersants in plastics, and the first discovery of the comprehensive functions that superfine mineral materials can also be used as activators, water-reducing agents and aggregates in high-performance cement were made in this study, together with a detailed discussion. This study was jointly supported by two key grants from Guangdong Province for Scientific and Technological Research in the 10th Five-year Plan Period (1,200,000 yuan for Preparation technology, apparatus and post-processing research by using sub-micron superfine pulverization machinery method, and 300,000 yuan for Method and instruments for biological photon technology in the characterization of nanometer materials), and two grants from Guangdong Province for 100 projects for scientific and technological innovation (700,000 yuan for Pilot experimentation of superfine and modified heavy calcite used in paper-making, rubber and plastics industry, and 400,000 yuan for Study of superfine, modified wollastonite of large length-to-diameter ratio).