945 resultados para short-time dynamics
In the first part of the thesis, we propose an exactly-solvable one-dimensional model for fermions with long-range p-wave pairing decaying with distance as a power law. We studied the phase diagram by analyzing the critical lines, the decay of correlation functions and the scaling of the von Neumann entropy with the system size. We found two gapped regimes, where correlation functions decay (i) exponentially at short range and algebraically at long range, (ii) purely algebraically. In the latter the entanglement entropy is found to diverge logarithmically. Most interestingly, along the critical lines, long-range pairing breaks also the conformal symmetry. This can be detected via the dynamics of entanglement following a quench. In the second part of the thesis we studied the evolution in time of the entanglement entropy for the Ising model in a transverse field varying linearly in time with different velocities. We found different regimes: an adiabatic one (small velocities) when the system evolves according the instantaneous ground state; a sudden quench (large velocities) when the system is essentially frozen to its initial state; and an intermediate one, where the entropy starts growing linearly but then displays oscillations (also as a function of the velocity). Finally, we discussed the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the transition between the paramagnetic and the ordered phase.
RNAi ist ein bedeutendes Werkzeug zur Funktionsanalyse von Genen und hat großes Potential für den Einsatz in der Therapie. Obwohl effiziente Knockdowns in der Zellkultur erzielt werden, erweist sich eine in vivo Anwendung als schwierig. Die großen Hürden sind dabei der Transport der siRNA ins Zielgewebe und deren voranschreitende Degradierung.rnMarkierte siRNA kann sowohl zur eigenen Integritätsmessung als auch zur Lokalisierung verwendet werden. Zwei Farbstoffe an den jeweiligen 3’- bzw. -5’-Enden des Sense- bzw. Antisense-Stranges erzeugen ein robustes FRET-System (Hirsch et al. 2012). Das Verhältnis von FRET- zu Donor-Signal, das R/G-Ratio, dient zur sensitiven Klassifizierung des Integritätslevels einer siRNA Probe (Järve et al. 2007; Hirsch et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2010). Mit diesem System kann eine Degradierung von weniger als 5 % in der Küvette und in Zellen nachgewiesen werden.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Evaluierung von potentiellen FRET Farbstoffpaaren hinsichtlich deren Eignung für in vitro und in vivo Anwendung. Verschiedenste FRET-Paare, die das gesamte sichtbare Spektrum abdecken, wurden evaluiert und ermöglichen nun die Auswahl eines geeigneten Paares für die jeweilige Anwendung oder Kombination mit anderen Farbstoffen.rnMit Hilfe von Alexa555/Atto647N siRNA wurde ein erfolgreicher Einschluss von siRNA in Liposomen beobachtet. Eine anschließende Evaluierung der RNase-Protektion ergab für Liposomen, Nanohydrogele und kationische Peptide hervorragende protektive Eigenschaften. Basierend auf den Ergebnisse können diese und andere Transportsysteme nun für eine zelluläre Aufnahme optimiert werden.rnAtto488/Atto590 zeigte die besten Eigenschaften für Echtzeit-Integritätsmessungen in der Lebendzellmikroskopie. Verringerte Bleicheigenschaften und minimaler spektraler “Cross-Talk” ermöglichten es, transfizierte Zellen über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 8 Stunden zu beobachten. Mittels Atto488/Atto590 siRNA wurde die Einschleusung und Freisetzung in Zellen in Echtzeit untersucht. Dabei konnten Freisetzung und Verteilung in einzelnen Zellen beobachtet und analysiert werden. rnAuf eine anfängliche Phase mit hoher Freisetzungsrate folgte eine Phase mit geringerer Rate für den restlichen Beobachtungszeitraum. Die durchschnittliche Verweildauer im Zytosol betrug 24 und 58 Minuten, wobei zwischen lang- und kurzanhaltenden Ereignissen unterschieden werden konnte. Obwohl ein Import von siRNA in den Zellkern beobachtet wurde, konnte kein Schema bzw. genauer Zeitpunkt, in Bezug auf den Transfektionszeitraum für diese Ereignisse bestimmt werden. Die beobachteten Freisetzungsprozesse fanden sporadisch statt und Änderungen in der zellulären Verteilung geschahen innerhalb von wenigen Minuten. Einmal freigesetzte siRNA verschwand mit der Zeit wieder aus dem Zytosol und es blieben nur kleine Aggregate von siRNA mit immer noch geringer Integrität zurück.rn
In dieser Arbeit werden die Dynamiken angeregter Zustände in Donor-Akzeptorsystemen für Energieumwandlungsprozesse mit ultraschneller zeitaufgelöster optischer Spektroskopie behandelt. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit legt den Fokus auf die Erforschung der Photophysik organischer Solarzellen, deren aktive Schichten aus diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) basierten Polymeren mit kleiner Bandlücke als Elektronendonatoren und Fullerenen als Elektronenakzeptoren bestehen. rnEin zweiter Teil widmet sich der Erforschung von künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren, basierend auf Porphyrinen, Quinonen und Ferrocenen, die jeweils als Lichtsammeleinheit, Elektronenakzeptor beziehungsweise als Elektronendonatoren eingesetzt werden, um langlebige ladungsgetrennte Zustände zu erzeugen.rnrnZeitaufgelöste Photolumineszenzspektroskopie und transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie haben gezeigt, dass Singulettexzitonenlebenszeiten in den Polymeren PTDPP-TT und PFDPP-TT Polymeren kurz sind (< 20 ps) und dass in Mischungen der Polymere mit PC71BM geminale Rekombination von gebundenen Ladungstransferzuständen ein Hauptverlustkanal ist. Zudem wurde in beiden Systemen schnelle nichtgeminale Rekombination freier Ladungen zu Triplettzuständen auf dem Polymer beobachtet. Für das Donor-Akzeptor System PDPP5T:PC71BM wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Zugabe eines Lösungsmittels mit hohem Siedepunkt, und zwar ortho-Dichlorbenzol, die Morphologie der aktiven Schicht stark beeinflusst und die Solarzelleneffizienz verbessert. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass die Donator- und Akzeptormaterialien besser durchmischt sind und sich Perkolationswege zu den Elektroden ausgebildet haben, was zu einer verbesserten Ladungsträgergeneration und Extraktion führt. Schnelle Bildung des Triplettzustands wurde in beiden PDPP5T:PC71BM Systemen beobachtet, da der Triplettzustand des Polymers über Laungstransferzustände mit Triplettcharakter populiert werden kann. "Multivariate curve resolution" (MCR) Analyse hat eine starke Intensitätsabhängigkeit gezeigt, was auf nichtgeminale Ladungsträgerrekombination in den Triplettzustand hinweist.rnrnIn den künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren hat transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie bestätigt, dass photoinduzierter Ladungstransfer in Quinon-Porphyrin (Q-P) und Porphyrin-Ferrocen (P-Fc) Diaden sowie in Quinon-Porphyrin-Ferrocen (Q-P-Fc) Triaden effizient ist. Es wurde jedoch auch gezeigt, dass in den P-Fc unf Q-P-Fc Systemen die ladungsgetrennten Zustände in den Triplettzustand der jeweiligen Porphyrine rekombinieren. Der ladungsgetrennte Zustand konnte in der Q-P Diade durch Zugabe einer Lewissäure signifikant stabilisiert werden.
Far from being static transmission units, synapses are highly dynamical elements that change over multiple time scales depending on the history of the neural activity of both the pre- and postsynaptic neuron. Moreover, synaptic changes on different time scales interact: long-term plasticity (LTP) can modify the properties of short-term plasticity (STP) in the same synapse. Most existing theories of synaptic plasticity focus on only one of these time scales (either STP or LTP or late-LTP) and the theoretical principles underlying their interactions are thus largely unknown. Here we develop a normative model of synaptic plasticity that combines both STP and LTP and predicts specific patterns for their interactions. Recently, it has been proposed that STP arranges for the local postsynaptic membrane potential at a synapse to behave as an optimal estimator of the presynaptic membrane potential based on the incoming spikes. Here we generalize this approach by considering an optimal estimator of a non-linear function of the membrane potential and the long-term synaptic efficacy—which itself may be subject to change on a slower time scale. We find that an increase in the long-term synaptic efficacy necessitates changes in the dynamics of STP. More precisely, for a realistic non-linear function to be estimated, our model predicts that after the induction of LTP, causing long-term synaptic efficacy to increase, a depressing synapse should become even more depressing. That is, in a protocol using trains of presynaptic stimuli, as the initial EPSP becomes stronger due to LTP, subsequent EPSPs should become weakened and this weakening should be more pronounced with LTP. This form of redistribution of synaptic efficacies agrees well with electrophysiological data on synapses connecting layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
In this work electrophoretically mediated micro-analysis (EMMA) is used in conjunction with short end injection to improve the in-capillary Jaffé assay for creatinine. Key advances over prior work include (i) using simulation to ensure intimate overlap of reagent plugs, (ii) using OH- to drive the reaction, (iii) using short-end injection to minimize analysis time and in-line product degradation. The potential-driven overlapping time with the EMMA approach, as well as the borate buffer background electrolyte (BGE) concentration and pH are optimized with the short end approach. The best conditions for short-end analyses would not have been predicted by the prior long end work, owing to a complex interplay of separation time and product degradation rates. Raw peak areas and flow-adjusted peak areas for the Jaffé reaction product (at 505 nm) are used to assess the sensitivity of the short-end EMMA approach. Optimal overlap conditions depend heavily on local conductivity differences within the reagent zone(s), as these differences cause dramatic voltage field differences, which effect reagent overlap dynamics. Simul 5.0, a dynamic simulation program for capillary electrophoresis (CE) systems, is used to understand the ionic boundaries and profiles that give rise to the experimentally obtained data for EMMA analysis. Overall, fast migration of hydroxide ions from the picrate zone makes difficult reagent overlap. In addition, the challenges associated with the simultaneous overlapping of three reagent zones are considered, and experimental results validate the predictions made by the simulation. With one set of “optimized” conditions including OH- (253 mM) as the third reagent zone the response was linear with creatinine concentration (R2 = 0.998) and reproducible over the clinically relevant range (0.08 to 0.1 mM) of standard creatinine concentrations. An LOD (S/N = 3) of 0.02 mM and LOQ (S/N=10) of 0.08 mM were determined. A significant improvement (43%) in assay sensitivity was obtained compared to prior work that considered only two reagents in the overlap.
Galina Kovaleva. The Formation of the Exchange Rate on the Russian Market: Dynamics and Modelling. The Russian financial market is fast becoming one of the major sectors of the Russian economy. Assets have been increasing steadily, while new market segments and new financial market instruments have emerged. Kovaleva attempted to isolate the factors influencing exchange rates, determine patterns in the dynamic changes to the rouble/dollar exchange rate, construct models of the processes, and on the basis of these activities make forecasts. She studied the significance of economic indicators influencing the rouble/dollar exchange rate at different times, and developed multi-factor econometric models. In order to reveal the inner structure of the financial indicators and to work out ex-post forecasts for different time intervals, she carried out a series of calculations with the aim of constructing trend-cyclical (TC) and harmonic models, and Box and Jenkins models. She found that: 1. The Russian financial market is dependant on the rouble/dollar exchange rate. Its dynamics are formed under the influence of the short-term state treasury notes and government bonds markets, interbank loans, the rouble/DM exchange rate, the inflation rate, and the DM/dollar exchange rate. The exchange rate is influenced by sales on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange and the mechanism of those sales. 2. The TC model makes it possible to conduct an in-depth study of the structure of the processes and to make forecasts of the dynamic changes to currency indicators. 3. The Russian market is increasingly influenced by the world currency market and its prospects are of crucial interest for the world financial community.
The rotational nature of shifting cultivation poses several challenges to its detection by remote sensing. Consequently, there is a lack of spatial data on the dynamics of shifting cultivation landscapes on a regional, i.e. sub-national, or national level. We present an approach based on a time series of Landsat and MODIS data and landscape metrics to delineate the dynamics of shifting cultivation landscapes. Our results reveal that shifting cultivation is a land use system still widely and dynamically utilized in northern Laos. While there is an overall reduction in the areas dominated by shifting cultivation, some regions also show an expansion. A review of relevant reports and articles indicates that policies tend to lead to a reduction while market forces can result in both expansion and reduction. For a better understanding of the different factors affecting shifting cultivation landscapes in Laos, further research should focus on spatially explicit analyses.
The dynamics of HIV-1 RNA during structured treatment interruptions (STIs) are well established, but little is known about viral proteins like p24. We studied 65 participants of an STI trial. Before the trial, continuous highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) had suppressed their viral load to <50 copies/mL during 6 months. They then interrupted HAART during weeks 1 through 2, 11 through 12, 21 through 22, 31 through 32, and 41 through 52. The p24 was measured by boosted enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of plasma pretreated by efficient virus disruption and heat denaturation. At time point 0, p24 was measurable in 22 patients (34%), who had maintained a viral load <50 copies/mL for 25.4 months (median, range: 6.2-38.9 months) under HAART. Viral rebounds during 2-week STIs led to a mean p24 increase of only 0.08 to 0.19 log10 (ie, 20%-60%). Pre-HAART viral load and p24 at time 0 independently predicted p24 rebounds during the 4 2-week STIs. The p24 at time 0 and HIV-1 RNA rebound during weeks 41 through 52 independently determined the concomitant p24 rebound. An increase of p24 but not viral load during the first 8 weeks of the long STI correlated significantly with concomitant CD4(+) T cell loss. Persisting p24 despite successful HAART may reflect virus replication in reservoirs not represented by plasma viral load and has implications for the concept of therapeutic vaccination.
The herbaceous layer is a dynamic layer in a forest ecosystem which often contains the highest species richness in northern temperate forests. Few long-term studies exist in northern hardwood forests with consistent management practices to observe herbaceous species dynamics. The Ford Forest (Michigan Technological University) reached its 50th year of management during the winter of 2008-2009. Herbaceous species were sampled during the summers pre- and post-harvest. Distinct herbaceous communities developed in the 13-cm diameter-limit treatment and the uncut control. After the harvest, the diameter-limit treatments had herbaceous communities more similar to the 13-cm diameter-limit treatment than the uncut control; the herbaceous layer contained more exotic and early successional species. Fifty years of continuous management changed the herbaceous community especially in the diameter-limit treatments. Sites used in the development of habitat classification systems based on the presence and absence of certain herbaceous species can also be used to monitor vegetation change over time. The Guide to Forest Communities and Habitat Types of Michigan was developed to aid forest managers in understanding the potential productivity of a stand, and often aid in the development of ecologically-based forest management practices. Subsets of plots used to create the Western Upper Peninsula Guide were resampled after 10 years. During the resampling, both spring and summer vegetation were sampled and earthworm populations were estimated through liquid extraction. Spring sampling observed important spring ephemerals missed during summer sampling. More exotic species were present during the summer 2010 sampling than the summer 2000 sampling. Invasive European earthworms were also observed at all sample locations in all habitat types; earthworm densities increased with increasing habitat richness. To ensure the accuracy of the guide book, plots should be monitored to see how herbaceous communities are changing. These plots also offer unique opportunities to monitor for invasive species and the effects of a changing climate.
Quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) is a robust method to quantitate RNA abundance. The procedure is highly sensitive and reproducible as long as the initial RNA is intact. However, breaks in the RNA due to chemical or enzymatic cleavage may reduce the number of RNA molecules that contain intact amplicons. As a consequence, the number of molecules available for amplification decreases. We determined the relation between RNA fragmentation and threshold values (Ct values) in subsequent QRT-PCR for four genes in an experimental model of intact and partially hydrolyzed RNA derived from a cell line and we describe the relation between RNA integrity, amplicon size and Ct values in this biologically homogenous system. We demonstrate that degradation-related shifts of Ct values can be compensated by calculating delta Ct values between test genes and the mean values of several control genes. These delta Ct values are less sensitive to fragmentation of the RNA and are unaffected by varying amounts of input RNA. The feasibility of the procedure was demonstrated by comparing Ct values from a larger panel of genes in intact and in partially degraded RNA. We compared Ct values from intact RNA derived from well-preserved tumor material and from fragmented RNA derived from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples of the same tumors. We demonstrate that the relative abundance of gene expression can be based on FFPE material even when the amount of RNA in the sample and the extent of fragmentation are not known.
In process industries, make-and-pack production is used to produce food and beverages, chemicals, and metal products, among others. This type of production process allows the fabrication of a wide range of products in relatively small amounts using the same equipment. In this article, we consider a real-world production process (cf. Honkomp et al. 2000. The curse of reality – why process scheduling optimization problems are diffcult in practice. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 24, 323–328.) comprising sequence-dependent changeover times, multipurpose storage units with limited capacities, quarantine times, batch splitting, partial equipment connectivity, and transfer times. The planning problem consists of computing a production schedule such that a given demand of packed products is fulfilled, all technological constraints are satisfied, and the production makespan is minimised. None of the models in the literature covers all of the technological constraints that occur in such make-and-pack production processes. To close this gap, we develop an efficient mixed-integer linear programming model that is based on a continuous time domain and general-precedence variables. We propose novel types of symmetry-breaking constraints and a preprocessing procedure to improve the model performance. In an experimental analysis, we show that small- and moderate-sized instances can be solved to optimality within short CPU times.
Using a weighted up-down procedure, in each of eight conditions 28 participants compared durations of auditory (noise bursts) or visual (LED flashes) intervals; filled or unfilled with 3-ms markers; with or without feedback. Standards (Sts) were 100 and 1000 ms, and the ISI 900 ms. Intermixedly, presentation orders were St-Comparison (Co) and Co-St. TOEs were positive for St=100-ms and negative for St=1000 ms. Weber fractions (WFs, JND/St) were lowered by feedback. For visual-filled and visual-empty, WFs were highest for St=100 ms. For auditory-filled and visual-empty, St interacted with Order: lowest WFs occurred for St-Co with St=1000 ms, but for Co-St with St=100 ms. Lowest average WFs occurred with St-Co for visual-filled, but with Co-St for visual-empty. The results refute the generalization of better discrimination with St-Co than with Co-St (”type-B effect”), and support the notion of sensation weighting: flexibly differential impact weights of the compared durations in generating the response.
Geomagnetic excursions, i.e. short periods in time with much weaker geomagnetic fields and substantial changes in the position of the geomagnetic pole, occurred repeatedly in the Earth's history, e.g. the Laschamp event about 41 kyr ago. Although the next such excursion is certain to come, little is known about the timing and possible consequences for the state of the atmosphere and the ecosystems. Here we use the global chemistry climate model SOCOL-MPIOM to simulate the effects of geomagnetic excursions on atmospheric ionization, chemistry and dynamics. Our simulations show significantly increased concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the entire stratosphere, especially over Antarctica (+15%), due to enhanced ionization by galactic cosmic rays. Hydrogen oxides (HOx) are also produced in greater amounts (up to +40%) in the tropical and subtropical lower stratosphere, while their destruction by reactions with enhanced NOx prevails over the poles and in high altitudes (by −5%). Stratospheric ozone concentrations decrease globally above 20 km by 1–2% and at the northern hemispheric tropopause by up to 5% owing to the accelerated NOx-induced destruction. A 5% increase is found in the southern lower stratosphere and troposphere. In response to these changes in ozone and the concomitant changes in atmospheric heating rates, the Arctic vortex intensifies in boreal winter, while the Antarctic vortex weakens in austral winter and spring. Surface wind anomalies show significant intensification of the southern westerlies at their poleward edge during austral winter and a pronounced northward shift in spring. Major impacts on the global climate seem unlikely.