984 resultados para robust estimation


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The authors consider the channel estimation problem in the context of a linear equaliser designed for a frequency selective channel, which relies on the minimum bit-error-ratio (MBER) optimisation framework. Previous literature has shown that the MBER-based signal detection may outperform its minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) counterpart in the bit-error-ratio performance sense. In this study, they develop a framework for channel estimation by first discretising the parameter space and then posing it as a detection problem. Explicitly, the MBER cost function (CF) is derived and its performance studied, when transmitting binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signals. It is demonstrated that the MBER based CF aided scheme is capable of outperforming existing MMSE, least square-based solutions.


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An important question in kernel regression is one of estimating the order and bandwidth parameters from available noisy data. We propose to solve the problem within a risk estimation framework. Considering an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian observations model, we use Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) to estimate a weighted mean-square error (MSE) risk, and optimize it with respect to the order and bandwidth parameters. The two parameters are thus spatially adapted in such a manner that noise smoothing and fine structure preservation are simultaneously achieved. On the application side, we consider the problem of image restoration from uniform/non-uniform data, and show that the SURE approach to spatially adaptive kernel regression results in better quality estimation compared with its spatially non-adaptive counterparts. The denoising results obtained are comparable to those obtained using other state-of-the-art techniques, and in some scenarios, superior.


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A robust suboptimal reentry guidance scheme is presented for a reusable launch vehicle using the recently developed, computationally efficient model predictive static programming. The formulation uses the nonlinear vehicle dynamics with a spherical and rotating Earth, hard constraints for desired terminal conditions, and an innovative cost function having several components with associated weighting factors that can account for path and control constraints in a soft constraint manner, thereby leading to smooth solutions of the guidance parameters. The proposed guidance essentially shapes the trajectory of the vehicle by computing the necessary angle of attack and bank angle that the vehicle should execute. The path constraints are the structural load constraint, thermal load constraint, bounds on the angle of attack, and bounds on the bank angle. In addition, the terminal constraints include the three-dimensional position and velocity vector components at the end of the reentry. Whereas the angle-of-attack command is generated directly, the bank angle command is generated by first generating the required heading angle history and then using it in a dynamic inversion loop considering the heading angle dynamics. Such a two-loop synthesis of bank angle leads to better management of the vehicle trajectory and avoids mathematical complexity as well. Moreover, all bank angle maneuvers have been confined to the middle of the trajectory and the vehicle ends the reentry segment with near-zero bank angle, which is quite desirable. It has also been demonstrated that the proposed guidance has sufficient robustness for state perturbations as well as parametric uncertainties in the model.


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An extended Kalman filter based generalized state estimation approach is presented in this paper for accurately estimating the states of incoming high-speed targets such as ballistic missiles. A key advantage of this nine-state problem formulation is that it is very much generic and can capture spiraling as well as pure ballistic motion of targets without any change of the target model and the tuning parameters. A new nonlinear model predictive zero-effort-miss based guidance algorithm is also presented in this paper, in which both the zero-effort-miss as well as the time-to-go are predicted more accurately by first propagating the nonlinear target model (with estimated states) and zero-effort interceptor model simultaneously. This information is then used for computing the necessary lateral acceleration. Extensive six-degrees-of-freedom simulation experiments, which include noisy seeker measurements, a nonlinear dynamic inversion based autopilot for the interceptor along with appropriate actuator and sensor models and magnitude and rate saturation limits for the fin deflections, show that near-zero miss distance (i.e., hit-to-kill level performance) can be obtained when these two new techniques are applied together. Comparison studies with an augmented proportional navigation based guidance shows that the proposed model predictive guidance leads to a substantial amount of conservation in the control energy as well.


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The problem of time variant reliability analysis of randomly parametered and randomly driven nonlinear vibrating systems is considered. The study combines two Monte Carlo variance reduction strategies into a single framework to tackle the problem. The first of these strategies is based on the application of the Girsanov transformation to account for the randomness in dynamic excitations, and the second approach is fashioned after the subset simulation method to deal with randomness in system parameters. Illustrative examples include study of single/multi degree of freedom linear/non-linear inelastic randomly parametered building frame models driven by stationary/non-stationary, white/filtered white noise support acceleration. The estimated reliability measures are demonstrated to compare well with results from direct Monte Carlo simulations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We develop noise robust features using Gammatone wavelets derived from the popular Gammatone functions. These wavelets incorporate the characteristics of human peripheral auditory systems, in particular the spatially-varying frequency response of the basilar membrane. We refer to the new features as Gammatone Wavelet Cepstral Coefficients (GWCC). The procedure involved in extracting GWCC from a speech signal is similar to that of the conventional Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) technique, with the difference being in the type of filterbank used. We replace the conventional mel filterbank in MFCC with a Gammatone wavelet filterbank, which we construct using Gammatone wavelets. We also explore the effect of Gammatone filterbank based features (Gammatone Cepstral Coefficients (GCC)) for robust speech recognition. On AURORA 2 database, a comparison of GWCCs and GCCs with MFCCs shows that Gammatone based features yield a better recognition performance at low SNRs.


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In this paper, we propose FeatureMatch, a generalised approximate nearest-neighbour field (ANNF) computation framework, between a source and target image. The proposed algorithm can estimate ANNF maps between any image pairs, not necessarily related. This generalisation is achieved through appropriate spatial-range transforms. To compute ANNF maps, global colour adaptation is applied as a range transform on the source image. Image patches from the pair of images are approximated using low-dimensional features, which are used along with KD-tree to estimate the ANNF map. This ANNF map is further improved based on image coherency and spatial transforms. The proposed generalisation, enables us to handle a wider range of vision applications, which have not been tackled using the ANNF framework. We illustrate two such applications namely: 1) optic disk detection and 2) super resolution. The first application deals with medical imaging, where we locate optic disks in retinal images using a healthy optic disk image as common target image. The second application deals with super resolution of synthetic images using a common source image as dictionary. We make use of ANNF mappings in both these applications and show experimentally that our proposed approaches are faster and accurate, compared with the state-of-the-art techniques.


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Periodic estimation, monitoring and reporting on area under forest and plantation types and afforestation rates are critical to forest and biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management and for meeting international commitments. This article is aimed at assessing the adequacy of the current monitoring and reporting approach adopted in India in the context of new challenges of conservation and reporting to international conventions and agencies. The analysis shows that the current mode of monitoring and reporting of forest area is inadequate to meet the national and international requirements. India could be potentially over-reporting the area under forests by including many non-forest tree categories such as commercial plantations of coconut, cashew, coffee and rubber, and fruit orchards. India may also be under-reporting deforestation by reporting only gross forest area at the state and national levels. There is a need for monitoring and reporting of forest cover, deforestation and afforestation rates according to categories such as (i) natural/primary forest, (ii) secondary/degraded forests, (iii) forest plantations, (iv) commercial plantations, (v) fruit orchards and (vi) scattered trees.


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We estimate the distribution of ice thickness for a Himalayan glacier using surface velocities, slope and the ice flow law. Surface velocities over Gangotri Glacier were estimated using sub-pixel correlation of Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery. Velocities range from similar to 14-85 m a(-1) in the accumulation region to similar to 20-30 ma(-1) near the snout. Depth profiles were calculated using the equation of laminar flow. Thickness varies from similar to 540 m in the upper reaches to similar to 50-60 m near the snout. The volume of the glacier is estimated to be 23.2 +/- 4.2 km(3).


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Bending at the valence angle N-C-alpha-C' (tau) is a known control feature for attenuating the stability of the rare intramolecular hydrogen bonded pseudo five-membered ring C-5 structures, the so called 2.0(5) helices, at Aib. The competitive 3(10)-helical structures still predominate over the C5 structures at Aib for most values of tau. However at Aib*, a mimic of Aib where the carbonyl 0 of Aib is replaced with an imidate N (in 5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-oxazine = Oxa), in the peptidomimic Piv-Pro-Aib*-Oxa (1), the C(5)i structure is persistent in both crystals and in solution. Here we show that the i -> i hydrogen bond energy is a more determinant control for the relative stability of the C5 structure and estimate its value to be 18.5 +/- 0.7 kJ/mol at Aib* in 1, through the computational isodesmic reaction approach, using two independent sets of theoretical isodesmic reactions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hexagonal Ln(2)CuTiO(6) (Ln = Y, Dy, Ho, Er, and Yb) exhibits a rare combination of interesting dielectric properties, in the form of relatively large dielectric constants (epsilon' > 30), low losses, and extremely small temperature and frequency dependencies, over large ranges of temperature and frequency Choudhury et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 162903 (2010) and Choudhury et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 134203 (2010)], making these compounds promising as high-k dielectric materials. The authors present a brief review of the existing literature on this interesting class of oxides, complimenting it with spectroscopic data in conjunction with first-principles calculation results, revealing a novel mechanism underlying these robust dielectric properties. These show that the large size differences in Cu2+ and Ti4+ at the B-site, aided by an inherent random distribution of CuO5 and TiO5 polyhedral units, frustrates the ferroelectric instability, inherent to the noncentrosymmetric P6(3) cm space group of this system, and gives rise to the observed relatively large dielectric constant values. Additionally, the phononic contributions to the dielectric constant are dominated primarily by mid-frequency (>100 cm(-1)) polar modes, involving mainly Ti4+ 3d(0) ions. In contrast, the soft polar phonon modes with frequencies typically less than 100 cm(-1), usually responsible for dielectric properties of materials, are found to be associated with non-d(0) Cu2+ ions and to contribute very little, giving rise to the remarkable temperature stability of dielectric properties of these compounds. (C) 2014 American Vacuum Society.


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It is essential to accurately estimate the working set size (WSS) of an application for various optimizations such as to partition cache among virtual machines or reduce leakage power dissipated in an over-allocated cache by switching it OFF. However, the state-of-the-art heuristics such as average memory access latency (AMAL) or cache miss ratio (CMR) are poorly correlated to the WSS of an application due to 1) over-sized caches and 2) their dispersed nature. Past studies focus on estimating WSS of an application executing on a uniprocessor platform. Estimating the same for a chip multiprocessor (CMP) with a large dispersed cache is challenging due to the presence of concurrently executing threads/processes. Hence, we propose a scalable, highly accurate method to estimate WSS of an application. We call this method ``tagged WSS (TWSS)'' estimation method. We demonstrate the use of TWSS to switch-OFF the over-allocated cache ways in Static and Dynamic NonUniform Cache Architectures (SNUCA, DNUCA) on a tiled CMP. In our implementation of adaptable way SNUCA and DNUCA caches, decision of altering associativity is taken by each L2 controller. Hence, this approach scales better with the number of cores present on a CMP. It gives overall (geometric mean) 26% and 19% higher energy-delay product savings compared to AMAL and CMR heuristics on SNUCA, respectively.


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Accelerated electrothermal aging tests were conducted at a constant temperature of 60 degrees C and at different stress levels of 6 kV/mm, 7 kV/mm and 8 kV/mm on unfilled epoxy and epoxy filled with 5 wt% of nano alumina. The leakage current through the samples were continuously monitored and the variation in tan delta values with aging duration was monitored to predict the impending failure and the time to failure of the samples. It is observed that the time to failure of epoxy alumina nanocomposite samples is significantly higher as compared to the unfilled epoxy. Data from the experiments has been analyzed graphically by plotting the Weibull probability and theoretically by the linear least square regression analysis. The characteristic life obtained from the least square regression analysis has been used to plot the inverse power law curve. From the inverse power law curve, the life of the epoxy insulation with and without nanofiller loading at a stress level of 3 kV/mm, i.e. within the midrange of the design stress level of rotating machine insulation, has been obtained by extrapolation. It is observed that the life of epoxy alumina nanocomposite of 5 wt% filler loading is nine times higher than that of the unfilled epoxy.