967 resultados para recruit faculty


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the career satisfaction of medical school professors in relation to initial motivation, satisfaction factors, and the desire to remain in the profession. METHODOLOGY: A qualitative methodology was used, based on questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with faculty members at a federal institution of higher education in Brazil. RESULTS: For 42.86% of the sample, teaching began while they were medical students; 80% had chosen teaching either as a vocation or due to influence from families or professors; 20% chose teaching as a professional opportunity. The majority, 57.14%, stated they were happy with teaching, and 51.42% did not plan to leave the career. Factors involved in satisfaction with teaching were: the possibility of remaining up-to-date in the medical profession, the feeling of doing their duty, their contribution to training future doctors, and contact with young people and the university setting. Factors leading to dissatisfaction were pedagogical (33.33%), economic (30.95%), institutional (14.28%), and relational (14.28%). CONCLUSIONS: Subjects expressed a positive attitude towards teaching, and because of their great personal satisfaction with the career, they did not plan to leave it. These findings should shed light on factors that interfere with career satisfaction and help increase those that promote satisfaction, thus improving the productivity and well-being of medical professors.


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Entering medical school can be associated with a number of difficulties that can hinder students' performance. Mentoring programs are designed to help students circumvent difficulties and improve their learning and personal development. The current study aimed to evaluate the perceptions of both students and mentors regarding a recently introduced, group-based mentoring program designed to support first-year students. After one year of regular meetings, students and mentors' perceptions of the program were assessed by means of structured questionnaires. Response content categories were identified through multiple readings. Both regular attendees and non-participating students had positive opinions about the program. Mentors were highly satisfied at having participated and acknowledged that the program has been useful not only for assisting students, but also for fostering their own personal and professional development. In conclusion, the group-based mentoring program is feasible and can elicit positive views from both mentors and students. In addition, faculty members' participation as mentors can also be beneficial, since the program appears to contribute to their own personal and professional development


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BACKGROUND: Mentoring Programs have been developed in several medical schools, but few studies have investigated the mentors'perspective. PURPOSES: To explore mentors'perceptions regarding their experience. METHODS: Mentors at a medical school were invited to participate in an in-depth interview including questions on satisfaction, difficulties, and perception of changes resulting from the program. RESULTS: Mentors' satisfaction and difficulties are strongly associated with students'involvement in the activity. Mentors believe changes observed in students were more related to life issues; for some mentors, there is no recognition or awareness of the program. However, most of the mentors acknowledged important changes in relation to themselves: as teachers, faculty members, and individuals. CONCLUSION: Attendance is crucial for both the mentoring relationship and strengthening of the program. Students involved in the activity motivate mentors in teaching and curriculum development, thereby creating a virtuous circle and benefiting undergraduate medical education as a whole.


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Foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura (1997-2007), no âmbito da formação docente, em currículos médicos orientados pela aprendizagem baseada em problemas, por meio de busca, identificação, seleção e análise de estudos nas bases Scielo, Lilacs, Cochrane, Medline, Ibesc, Pubmed e Eric com os descritores faculty OR faculty medical or staff development and education, medical or education, medical undergraduate or medical, schools and pbl. Os estudos analisados se agruparam em três eixos norteadores, que delinearam aplicações práticas para um programa de desenvolvimento docente eficiente: gestão participativa, maior investimento nos docentes, elaboração e aplicação de programas de educação continuada, permanente, com foco na construção dos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes.


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Introduction of second-generation biofuels is an essential factor for meeting the EU’s 2020 targets for renewable energy in the transport sector and enabling the more ambitious targets for 2030. Finland’s forest industry is strongly involved in the development and commercialising of second-generation biofuel production technologies. The goal of this paper is to provide a quantified insight into Finnish prospects for reaching the 2020 national renewable energy targets and concurrently becoming a large-scale producer of forest biomass based second-generation biofuels feeding the increasing demand in European markets. The focus of the paper is on assessing the potential for utilising forest biomass for liquid biofuels up to 2020. In addition, technological issues related to the production of second-generation biofuels were reviewed. Finland has good opportunities to realise a scenario to meet 2020 renewable energy targets and for large-scale production of wood based biofuels. In 2020, biofuel production from domestic forest biomass in Finland may reach nearly a million ton (40 PJ). With the existing biofuel production capacity (20 PJ/yr) and national biofuel consumption target (25 PJ) taken into account, the potential net export of biofuels from Finland in 2020 would be 35 PJ, corresponding to 2–3% of European demand. Commercialisation of second-generation biofuel production technologies, high utilisation of the sustainable harvesting potential of Finnish forest biomass, and allocation of a significant proportion of the pulpwood harvesting potential for energy purposes are prerequisites for this scenario. Large-scale import of raw biomass would enable remarkably greater biofuel production than is described in this paper.


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The present work aimed to evaluate the tractive performance of four agricultural tractors with auxiliary front traction in function of six lateral inclinations in a lateral track of trials, which belongs to the Agronomic Sciences Faculty from the São Paulo State University, Campus of Botucatu. The lateral inclinations were 0; 5; 10; 15; 20 and 25 degrees. In all of these situations, the tractors operated with predetermined load of an imposed traction to the pulled tractor of 40 kN in the inclination of 0 degrees. Hence a delineation in random blocks was used, considering six inclinations and four tractors, and with three repetitions for each treatment. The analyzed variables were slippage, tractive force, hourly fuel consumption, and speed. It was concluded that the pneumatic tire configurations influenced in the tractive performance of the tractors, as they increased the lateral inclinations of the terrain.


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Ammattikorkeakoulut ovat osa suomalaista innovaatiojärjestelmää. Niiden tärkeimpiä tuotteita ovat laadukkaat tutkinnot, joilla tuotetaan Suomen kilpailukyvyn kannalta olennaista osaavaa työvoimaa. Koulutusinnovaatioiden avulla ammattikorkeakoulut voivat parantaa opetuksen ja oppimisen laatua ja edistää opiskelijoiden parempaa osaamista. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulua innovatiivisena oppimisyhteisönä Hokkasen (2001) hahmotteleman innovatiivisen oppimisyhteisön profiilitekijöiden mukaisesti. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen innovatiivinen oppimisyhteisö KyAMK:ssa toteutuu opettajien kokemana, ja miten innovatiivisen oppimisyhteisön piirteitä voitaisiin edistää mainitussa organisaatiossa. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kymmentä KyAMK:n Tekniikan ja liikenteen toimialan opettajaa. Tulokset osoittivat Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun johdon sallivan innovatiiviset koulutuksen kehittämiseen tähtäävät toimet, mutta johto ei proaktiivisesti ohjannut ja kannustanut niihin. Ammattikorkeakouluopettajien pedagogisen autonomian todettiin olevan suurta. Tästä huolimatta kaivattiin yhteisöllisyyteen tukevia toimintamalleja, joiden avulla organisaatiossa oleva monialaisen työyhteisön innovaatiopotentiaali voitaisiin valjastaa opetuksen kehittämiseen ja organisaatiolta puuttuvan toiminnan kokonaiskuvan ja -ymmärryksen kehittämiseen. Osana yhteisöllisyyden kehittämistä aineistosta nousi esiin kehittämisehdotuksena pitkäjänteisemmän verkostoitumisen toteuttaminen niin organisaation sisällä kuin ulkopuolisten sidosryhmien kanssa.


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Virantäyttöprosessin taustaa ; Viran hakijat ; Näyteluennot ; Pätevyyden mittaamisen ongelmat ; Kajanuksen ehdollepanovalitus ; Salapoliisintyötä ; Kajanuksen kunnianpalautus ; "Ketunhäntä kainalossa..." ; Mitä hävittiin, mitä voitettiin?.


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Following over 170+ pages and additional appendixes are formed based on content of Course: Fundamentals of Heat Transfer. Mainly this summarizes relevant parts on Book of Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (Incropera), but also other references introducing the same concepts are included. Student’s point of view has been consideredwith following highlights: (1) Relevant topics are presented in a nutshell to provide fast digestion of principles of heat transfer. (2) Appendixes include terminology dictionary. (3) Totally 22 illustrating examples are connecting theory to practical applications and quantifying heat transfer to understandable forms as: temperatures, heat transfer rates, heat fluxes, resistances and etc. (4) Most important Learning outcomes are presented for each topic separately. The Book, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (Incropera), is certainly recommended for those going beyond basic knowledge of heat transfer. Lecture Notes consists of four primary content-wise objectives: (1) Give understanding to physical mechanisms of heat transfer, (2)Present basic concepts and terminology relevant for conduction, convection and radiation (3) Introduce thermal performance analysis methods for steady state and transient conduction systems. (4) Provide fast-to-digest phenomenological understanding required for basic design of thermal models


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Julkaisumaa: 203 CZ CZE Tšekki


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In this positioning paper transition management (TM) and the sustainable nutrient economy are addressed. We discuss TM from its scholarly origins in the 1990’s to its implementation as a comprehensive sector-wide policy program on sustainability in The Netherlands during the first decade of the 2000´s. Although the program was innovative and provoked a new approach to environmental policy and governance, the program at large failed to set the right conditions under which sustainable transition take place. Lessons from the Netherlands, both successful and less successful, are addressed in this positioning paper to inform Finnish governmental and knowledge institutes on how (not) to implement TM on environmental issues. When looking at sustainable nutrient economy the paper takes a historical view at how problems with nutrients (especially phosphates) were dealt with in the Netherlands during the post World War II era. This transition did not occur easily. In the agricultural sector environmental policies to prevent nutrient problems were not easily accepted, as large agricultural economic interests were at stake and the sector’s main actors were generally opposed to (radical) environmental transition. Currently, sustainable nutrient economy initiatives are starting to receive attention on the political agenda once again. In 2011 a sector- and chain-wide covenant was signed, showing that sustainable nutrient transition goals get commitment from stakeholders throughout the nutrient chain. We judge that TM provides useful elements that are applicable to Finnish governance modes to support sustainable nutrient economy transition. However, the Finnish government should be careful when implementing TM to prevent making the same mistakes the Dutch government made in previous years.


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In Finland the thermal treatment of sewage sludge has been moderate in 21th century. The reason has been the high moisture content of sludge. During 2005-2008, 97-99% of sewage sludge was utilized in landscaping and agriculture. However agricultural use has been during 2005-2007 less than 3 %. The aim of national waste management plan is that by 2016 100% of sludge is used either as soil amendment or energy. The most popular utilization method for manure is spreading it on arable land. The dry manures such as poultry manure and horse manure could also be used in incineration. The ashes could be used as fertilizers and while it is not suitable as a starter fertilizer, it is suitable in maintaining P levels in the soil. One of the main drivers for more efficient nutrient management is the eutrophication in lakes and the Baltic See. ASH DEC process can be used in concentrating phosphorus rich ashes while separating the heavy metals that could be included. ASH DEC process uses thermochemical treatment to produce renewable phosphate for fertilizer production. The process includes mixing of ashes and chlorine donors and subsequent treatment in rotary kiln for 20 min in temperature of 900 – 1 050 oC. The heavy metals evaporate and P-rich product is obtained. The toxic substances are retained in air pollution control system in form of mixed metal hydroxides. The aim of conducting this study is to estimate the potential of ASH DEC process in treating phosphorus rich ashes in Finland. The masses considered in are sewage sludge, dry manure from horses, and poultry and liquid pig manure. To date the usual treatment method for sewage sludge in Finland is composting or anaerobic digestion. Part of the amount of produced sewage sludge (800 kt/a fresh mass and 160 kt/a TS) could also be incinerated and the residual ashes used in ASH DEC process. Incinerating only manure can be economically difficult to manage because the incineration of manure is in Finland considered as waste incineration. Getting a permit for waste incineration is difficult and also small scale waste incineration is too expensive. The manure could act as an additional feedstock in counties with high density of animal husbandry where the land area might not be enough for spreading of manure. Now when the manure acts as a supplementary feedstock beside sludge, the ash can’t be used directly as fertilizer. Then it could be used in ASH DEC process. The perquisite is that the manure producers could pay for the incineration, which might prove problematic.


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Enabling Change in Universities: Enhancing Education for Sustainable Development with Tools for Quality Assurance This thesis deals with enabling change in universities, more explicitly enhancing education for sustainable development with tools for quality assurance. Change management is a discipline within management that was developed in the 1980s because business changed from being predictable to unpredictable. The PEST mnemonic is a method to categorize factors enabling change; such as political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors, which all affect higher education. A classification of a change, in either hard or soft, can help understanding the type of change that an organization is facing. Hard changes are more applied to problems that have clear objectives and indicators, with a known cause of the problem. Soft changes are applied to larger problems that affect the entire organization or beyond it. The basic definition for sustainable development is: the future generations should have similar opportunities as the previous. The UN has set as a global goal an integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) at all levels of education during 2005- 2014. The goal is set also in universities, the graduates of which are future leaders for all labor markets. The objective for ESD in higher education is that graduates obtain the competence to take economic, social and environmental costs and benefits into account when making decisions. Knowledge outcomes should aim for systematic and holistic thinking, which requires cross disciplinary education. So far, the development of ESD has not achieved its goals. The UN has identified a need for more transdisclipnary research in ESD. A joint global requirement for universities is quality assurance, the aim of which is to secure and improve teaching and learning. Quality, environmental and integrated management systems are used by some universities for filling the quality assurance requirements. The goal of this thesis is to open up new ways for enhancing ESD in universities, beyond the forerunners; by exploring how management systems could be used as tools for promoting ESD. The thesis is based on five studies. In the first study, I focus on if and how tools for quality assurance could be benefitted for promoting ESD. It is written from a new perspective, the memetic, for reaching a diversity of faculty. A meme is an idea that diffuses from brain to brain. It can be applied for cultural evolution. It is a theory that is based on the evolutionary theory by Darwin, applied for social sciences. In the second Paper, I present the results from the development of the pilot process model for enhancing ESD with management systems. The development of the model is based on a study that includes earlier studies, a survey in academia and an analysis of the practice in 11 universities in the Nordic countries. In the third study, I explore if the change depends on national culture or if it is global. It is a comparative study on both policy and implementation level, between the Nordic countries and China. The fourth study is a single case study based on change management. In this study, I identify what to consider in order to enable the change: enhancing ESD with tools for quality assurance in universities. In the fifth Paper, I present the results of the process model for enhancing ESD with management systems. The model was compared with identified drivers and barriers for enhancing ESD and for implementing management systems. Finally, the process model was piloted and applied for identifying sustainability aspects in curricula. Action research was chosen as methodology because there are not already implemented approaches using quality management for promoting ESD, why the only way to study this is to make it happen. Another reason for choosing action research is since it is essential to involve students and faculty for enhancing ESD. Action based research consists of the following phases: a) diagnosing, b) planning action, c) taking action and d) evaluating action. This research was made possible by a project called Education for Sustainable Development in Academia in the Nordic countries, ESDAN, in which activities were divided into these four phases. Each phase ended with an open seminar, where the results of the study were presented. The objective for the research project was to develop a process for including knowledge in sustainable development in curricula, which could be used in the quality assurance work. Eleven universities from the Nordic countries cooperated in the project. The aim was, by applying the process, to identify and publish examples of relevant sustainability aspects in different degree programs in universities in the Nordic countries. The project was partly financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and partly by the participating pilot universities. Based on the results of my studies, I consider that quality, environmental and integrated management systems can be used for promoting ESD in universities. Relevant sustainability aspects have been identified in different fields of studies by applying the final process model. The final process model was compared with drivers and barriers for enhancing ESD and for implementing management systems in universities and with succeeding with management systems in industry. It corresponds with these, meaning that drivers are taken into account and barriers tackled. Both ESD and management systems in universities could be considered successful memes, which can reflect an effective way of communication among individuals. I have identified that management systems could be used as tools for hard changes and to support the soft change of enhancing ESD in universities with management system. Based on the change management study I have summarized recommendations on what to consider in order to enable the studied change. The main practical implications of the results are that the process model could be applied for assessment, benchmarking and communication of ESD, connected to quality assurance, when applied. This is possible because the information can be assembled in one picture, which facilitates comparison. The memetic approach can be applied for structuring. It is viable to make comparative studies between cultures, for getting insight in special characteristics of the own culture. Action based research is suitable for involving faculty. Change management can be applied for planning a change, which both enhancing ESD and developing management systems are identified to be.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014