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Deposits corresponding to multiple periods of glaciation are preserved in ice-free areas adjacent to Reedy Glacier, southern Transantarctic Mountains. Glacial geologic mapping, supported by 10Be surface-exposure dating, shows that Reedy Glacier was significantly thicker than today multiple times during the mid-to-late Cenozoic. Longitudinal-surface profiles reconstructed from the upper limits of deposits indicate greater thickening at the glacier mouth than at the head during these episodes, indicating that Reedy Glacier responded primarily to changes in the thickness of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Surface-exposure ages suggest this relationship has been in place since at least 5 Ma. The last period of thickening of Reedy Glacier occurred during Marine Isotope Stage 2, at which time the glacier surface near its confluence with the West Antarctic Ice Sheet was at least 500 m higher than today.


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The Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) has been attributed to the rapid release of ~2000 * 10**9 metric tons of carbon in the form of methane. In theory, oxidation and ocean absorption of this carbon should have lowerd deep-sea pH, thereby triggering a rapid (<10,000-year) shoaling of the calcite compensation depth (CCD), followed by gradual recovery. Here we present geochemical data from five new South Atlantic deep-sea sections that constrain the timing and extent of massive sea-floor carbonate dissolution coincident with the PETM. The sections, from between 2.7 and 4.8 kilometers water depth, are marked by a prominent clay layer, the character of which indicates that the CCD shoaled rapidly (<10,000 years) by more than 2 kilometers and recovered gradually (>100,000 years). These findings indicate that a large mass of carbon (>>2000 * 10**9 metric tons of carbon) dissolved in the ocean at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and that permanent sequestration of this carbon occurred through silicate weathering feedback.


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In order to study late Holocene changes in sediment supply into the northern Arabian Sea, a 5.3 m long gravity core was investigated by high-resolution geochemical and mineralogical techniques. The sediment core was recovered at a water depth of 956 m from the continental slope off Pakistan and covers a time span of 5 kyr. During the late Holocene source areas delivering material to the sampling site did, however, not change and were active throughout the year.


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Global warming was reported to cause growth reductions in tropical shallow water corals in both, cooler and warmer, regions of the coral species range. This suggests regional adaptation with less heat-tolerant populations in cooler and more thermo-tolerant populations in warmer regions. Here, we investigated seasonal changes in the in situ metabolic performance of the widely distributed hermatypic coral Pocillopora verrucosa along 12 degrees latitudes featuring a steep temperature gradient between the northern (28.5 degrees N, 21-27 degrees C) and southern (16.5 degrees N, 28-33 degrees C) reaches of the Red Sea. Surprisingly, we found little indication for regional adaptation, but strong indications for high phenotypic plasticity: Calcification rates in two seasons (winter, summer) were found to be highest at 28-29 degrees C throughout all populations independent of their geographic location. Mucus release increased with temperature and nutrient supply, both being highest in the south. Genetic characterization of the coral host revealed low inter-regional variation and differences in the Symbiodinium clade composition only at the most northern and most southern region. This suggests variable acclimatization potential to ocean warming of coral populations across the Red Sea: high acclimatization potential in northern populations, but limited ability to cope with ocean warming in southern populations already existing at the upper thermal margin for corals


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The Paleocene - Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) is one of the best known examples of a transient climate perturbation, associated with a brief, but intense, interval of global warming and a massive perturbation of the global carbon cycle from injection of isotopically light carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system. One key to quantifying the mass of carbon released, identifying the source(s), and understanding the ultimate fate of this carbon is to develop high-resolution age models. Two independent strategies have been employed, cycle stratigraphy and analysis of extraterrestrial Helium (HeET), both of which were first tested on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 690. Both methods are in agreement for the onset of the PETM and initial recovery, or the clay layer ("main body"), but seem to differ in the final recovery phase of the event above the clay layer, where the carbonate contents rise and carbon isotope values return toward background values. Here we present a state-of-the-art age model for the PETM derived from a new orbital chronology developed with cycle stratigraphic records from sites drilled during ODP Leg 208 (Walvis Ridge, Southeastern Atlantic) integrated with published records from Site 690 (Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, ODP Leg 113). During Leg 208, five Paleocene - Eocene (P-E) boundary sections (Sites 1262 to 1267) were recovered in multiple holes over a depth transect of more than 2200 m at the Walvis Ridge yielding the first stratigraphically complete P-E deep-sea sequence with moderate to relatively high sedimentation rates (1 to 3 cm/kyr). A detailed chronology was developed with non-destructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning records on the scale of precession cycles, with a total duration of the PETM now estimated to be ~ 170 kyr. The revised cycle stratigraphic record confirms original estimates for the duration of the onset and initial recovery, but suggests a new duration for the final recovery that is intermediate to the previous estimates by cycle stratigraphy and HeET.


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The role of microorganisms in the cycling of sedimentary organic carbon is a crucial one. To better understand relationships between molecular composition of a potentially bioavailable fraction of organic matter and microbial populations, bacterial and archaeal communities were characterized using pyrosequencing-based 16S rRNA gene analysis in surface (top 30 cm) and subsurface/deeper sediments (30-530 cm) of the Helgoland mud area, North Sea. Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was used to characterize a potentially bioavailable organic matter fraction (hot-water extractable organic matter, WE-OM). Algal polymer-associated microbial populations such as members of the Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Verrucomicrobia were dominant in surface sediments while members of the Chloroflexi (Dehalococcoidales and candidate order GIF9) and Miscellaneous Crenarchaeota Groups (MCG), both of which are linked to degradation of more recalcitrant, aromatic compounds and detrital proteins, were dominant in subsurface sediments. Microbial populations dominant in subsurface sediments (Chloroflexi, members of MCG, and Thermoplasmata) showed strong correlations to total organic carbon (TOC) content. Changes of WE-OM with sediment depth reveal molecular transformations from oxygen-rich [high oxygen to carbon (O/C), low hydrogen to carbon (H/C) ratios] aromatic compounds and highly unsaturated compounds toward compounds with lower O/C and higher H/C ratios. The observed molecular changes were most pronounced in organic compounds containing only CHO atoms. Our data thus, highlights classes of sedimentary organic compounds that may serve as microbial energy sources in methanic marine subsurface environments.


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Soil-forming processes and soil development rates are compared and contrasted on glacial deposits in two adjacent and coeval valleys of the Quartermain Mountains, which are important because they display Miocene glacial stratigraphy and some of the oldest landforms in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. More than 100 soil profiles were examined on seven drift sheets ranging from 115 000 to greater than 11.3 million years in age in Beacon Valley and Arena Valley. Although the two valleys contain drifts of similar age, they differ markedly in ice content of the substrate. Whereas Arena Valley generally has 'dry-frozen' permafrost in the upper 1 m and minimal patterned ground, Beacon Valley contains massive ice buried by glacial drift and ice-cored rock glaciers and has ice-cemented permafrost in the upper 1 m and considerable associated patterned ground. Arena Valley soils have twice the rate of profile salt accumulation than Beacon Valley soils, because of lower available soil water and minimal cryoturbation. The following soil properties increase with age in both valleys: weathering stage, morphogenetic salt stage, thickness of the salt pan, the quantity of profile salts, electrical conductivity of the horizon of maximum salt enrichment, and depth of staining. Whereas soils less than 200 000 years and older soils derived from sandstone-rich ground moraine are Typic Anhyorthels and Anhyturbels, soils of early Quaternary and older age, particularly on dolerite-rich drifts, are Petronitric Anhyorthels. Arena Valley has the highest pedodiversity recorded in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The soils of the Quartermain Mountains are the only soils in the McMurdo Dry Valleys known to contain abundant nitrates.


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The Maud Belt in Dronning Maud Land (western East Antarctic Craton) preserves a high-grade polyphase tectono-thermal history with two orogenic episodes of Mesoproterozoic (1.2-1.0 Ga) and Neoproterozoic (0.6-0.5 Ga) age. New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data from southern Gjelsvikfjella in the northeastern part of the belt make it possible to differentiate between a series of magmatic and metamorphic events. The oldest event recorded is the formation of an extensive 1140-1130 Ma volcanic arc. This was followed by 1104 ± 8 Ma granitoids that might represent, together with so far undated mafic dykes, part of a decompression melting-related bimodal suite that reflects the sub-continental Umkondo igneous event. The first high-grade metamorphism is constrained at 1070 Ma. The metamorphic age data are similar to those obtained from other parts of the Maud Belt, but also from the Namaqua-Natal Belt in South Africa, but the preceding arc formation was diachronous in the two belts. This indicates that the two belts did not form a continuous volcanic arc unit as suggested in previous models, but became connected only at the end of the Mesoproterozoic. Intense reworking during the Neoproterozoic, probably as a result of continent-continent collision between components of Gondwana, is indicated by ductile refliation, further high-grade metamorphic recrystallisation and metamorphic zircon overgrowths at approximately 530 Ma. This was followed by late- to post-tectonic magmatism, reflected by 500 Ma granite bodies and 490 Ma aplite dykes as well as a 480 Ma gabbro body.


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Chemical compositions and 1-atm. phase relations were determined for basalts drilled from Holes 501, 504A, 504B, 505, and 505B on Legs 68, 69, and 70 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Chemical, experimental, and petrographic data indicate that these basalts are moderately evolved (Mg' values from 0.60 to 0.70), with olivine plus Plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the liquidus. Chemical stratigraphy was used to infer that sequential influxes of magma into a differentiating magma chamber or separate flows from different magma chambers or both had occurred. Two major types of basalt were found to be inter layered: Group M, a rarely occurring type with major element chemistry and magmaphile element abundances within the range of the majority of ocean-floor basalts (TiO2 = 1.3%, Na2O 2.5%, Zr = 103 ppm, Nb = 2.5 ppm, and Y = 31 ppm); and Group D, a highly unusual series of basalt compositions that exhibit much lower magmaphile element abundances (TiO2 = 0.75-1.2%, Na2O = 1.7-2.3%, Zr = 34-60 ppm, Nb = 0.5-1.2 ppm, and Y = 16-27 ppm). The liquidus temperatures of the Group D basalts are high (1230- 1260°C) compared with those of other ocean-floor basalts of similar Mg' values. They have high CaO/Na2O ratios (5-8) and are calculated to be in equilibrium with unusually calcic Plagioclase (An78-84). The two basalt groups cannot be related by fractionation processes. However, constant Zr/Nb ratios (>40) for the two groups suggest a single mantle source, with differences in magmaphile element abundances and other element ratios (e.g., Zr/Ti, Zr/Y, Ce/Yb) arising through sequential melting of the same source. Magmas similar to Group D, if mixed with more typical mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) magmas in shallow magma chambers, could provide a source for the highly calcic Plagioclase phenocrysts that appear in more common (i.e., less depleted) phyric ocean-floor basalts.


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The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), central North Island, New Zealand, is the most frequently active Quaternary rhyolitic system in the world. Silicic tephras recovered from Ocean Drilling Programme Site 1123 (41°47.16'S, 171°29.94'W; 3290 m water depth) in the southwest Pacific Ocean provide a well-dated record of explosive TVZ volcanism since ~1.65 Ma. We present major, minor and trace element data for 70 Quaternary tephra layers from Site 1123 determined by electron probe microanalysis (1314 analyses) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (654 analyses). Trace element data allow for the discrimination of different tephras with similar major element chemistries and the establishment of isochronous tie-lines between three sediment cores (1123A, 1123B and 1123C) recovered from Site 1123. These tephra tie-lines are used to evaluate the stratigraphy and orbitally tuned stable isotope age model of the Site 1123 composite record. Trace element fingerprinting of tephras identifies ~4.5 m and ~7.9 m thick sections of repeated sediments in 1123A (49.0-53.5 mbsf [metres below seafloor]) and 1123C (48.1-56.0 mbsf), respectively. These previously unrecognised repeated sections have resulted in significant errors in the Site 1123 composite stratigraphy and age model for the interval 1.15-1.38 Ma and can explain the poor correspondence between d18O profiles for Site 1123 and Site 849 (equatorial Pacific) during this interval. The revised composite stratigraphy for Site 1123 shows that the 70 tephra layers, when correlated between cores, correspond to ~37-38 individual eruptive events (tephras), 7 of which can be correlated to onshore TVZ deposits. The frequency of large-volume TVZ-derived silicic eruptions, as recorded by the deposition of tephras at Site 1123, has not been uniform through time. Rather it has been typified by short periods (25-50 ka) of intense activity bracketed by longer periods (100-130 ka) of quiescence. The most active period (at least 1 event per 7 ka) occurred between ~1.53 and 1.66 Ma, corresponding to the first ~130 ka of TVZ rhyolitic magmatism. Since 1.2 Ma, ~80% of tephras preserved at Site 1123 and the more proximal Site 1124 were erupted and deposited during glacial periods. This feature may reflect either enhanced atmospheric transport of volcanic ash to these sites (up to 1000 km from source) during glacial conditions or, more speculatively, that these events are triggered by changes in crustal stress accumulation associated with large amplitude sea-level changes. Only 8 of the ~37-38 Site 1123 tephra units (~20%) can be found in all three cores, and 22 tephra units (~60%) are only present in one of the three cores. Whether a tephra is preserved in all three cores does not have any direct relationship to eruptive volume. Instead it is postulated that tephra preservation at Site 1123 is 'patchy' and influenced by the vigorous nature of their deposition to the deep ocean floor as vertical density currents. At this site, at least 5 cores would need to have been drilled within a proximity of 10's to 100's of metres of each other to yield a >99% chance of recovering all the silicic tephras deposited on the ocean surface above it in the past 1.65 Ma.


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Multiple copies of Cretaceous black shales extending from the early Cenomanian to the end of the Santonian were recovered at five sites on Demerara Rise during Leg 207 of the Ocean Drilling Program. These sediments are primarily composed of laminated organic-rich claystones interbedded with coarser, lightly laminated foraminferal-bearing packstones and wackestones. The black shales represent the local expression of widespread organic-rich sedimentation in the Atlantic during the mid-Cretaceous. However, incomplete recovery prevented construction of continuous composite sections, resulting in uncertainties concerning the correct stratigraphic placement of individual cores. By combining high-resolution measurements of bulk density collected shipboard on the multisensor track with continuous downhole measurements of formation resistivity using the Formation MicroScanner, an equivalent logging depth scale was constructed for black shales recovered from Sites 1258, 1260, and 1261. The integrated depths approach centimeter-scale resolution and are supported by comparisons of coarser resolution natural gamma ray emissions collected on cores and through downhole logging operations. The new depths highlight the extent of both intra- and intercore gaps and provide an opportunity to further constrain temporal and spatial paleoceanographic changes captured in proxy records from these sediments.


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From 0 to 277 m at Site 530 are found Holocene to Miocene diatom ooze, nannofossil ooze, marl, clay, and debrisflow deposits; from 277 to 467 m are Miocene to Oligocene mud; from 467 to 1103 m are Eocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, sandstone, and black shale in the lower portion; from 1103 to 1121 m are basalts. In the interval from 0 to 467 m, in Holocene to Oligocene pelagic oozes, marl, clay, debris flows, and mud, velocities are 1.5 to 1.8 km/s; below 200 m velocities increase irregularly with increasing depth. From 0 to 100 m, in Holocene to Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil oozes (excluding debris flows), velocities are approximately equivalent to that of the interstitial seawater, and thus acoustic reflections in the upper 100 m are primarily caused by variations in density and porosity. Below 100 or 200 m, acoustic reflections are caused by variations in both velocity and density. From 100 to 467 m, in Miocene-Oligocene nannofossil ooze, clay, marl, debris flows, and mud, acoustic anisotropy irregularly increases to 10%, with 2 to 5% being typical. From 467 to 1103 m in Paleocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and black shale in the lower portion of the hole, velocities range from 1.6 to 5.48 km/s, and acoustic anisotropies are as great as 47% (1.0 km/s) faster horizontally. Mudstone and uncemented sandstone have anisotropies which irregularly increase with increasing depth from 5 to 10% (0.2 km/s). Calcareous mudstones have the greatest anisotropies, typically 35% (0.6 km/s). Below 1103 m, basalt velocities ranged from 4.68 to 4.98 km/s. A typical value is about 4.8 km/s. In situ velocities are calculated from velocity data obtained in the laboratory. These are corrected for in situ temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and porosity rebound (expansion when the overburden pressure is released). These corrections do not include rigidity variations caused by overburden pressures. These corrections affect semiconsolidated sedimentary rocks the most (up to 0.25 km/s faster). These laboratory velocities appear to be greater than the velocities from the sonic log. Reflection coefficients derived from the laboratory data, in general, agree with the major features on the seismic profiles. These indicate more potential reflectors than indicated from the reflection coefficients derived using the Gearhart-Owen Sonic Log from 625 to 940 m, because the Sonic Log data average thin beds. Porosity-density data versus depth for mud, mudstone, and pelagic oozes agree with data for similar sediments as summarized in Hamilton (1976). At depths of about 400 m and about 850 m are zones of relatively higher porosity mudstones, which may suggest anomalously high pore pressure; however, they are more probably caused by variations in grain-size distribution and lithology. Electrical resistivity (horizontal) from 625 to 950 m ranged from about 1.0 to 4.0 ohm-m, in Maestrichtian to Santonian- Coniacian mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and sandstone. An interstitial-water resistivity curve did not indicate any unexpected lithology or unusual fluid or gas in the pores of the rock. These logs were above the black shale beds. From 0 to 100 m at Sites 530 and 532, the vane shear strength on undisturbed samples of Holocene-Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil ooze uniformly increases from about 80 g/cm**2 to about 800 g/cm**2. From 100 to 300 m, vane shear strength of Pleistocene-Miocene nannofossil ooze, clay, and marl are irregular versus depth with a range of 500 to 2300 g/cm**2; and at Site 532 the vane shear strength appears to decrease irregularly and slightly with increasing depth (gassy zone). Vane shear strength values of gassy samples may not be valid, for the samples may be disturbed as gas evolves, and the sediments may not be gassy at in situ depths.


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40Ar-39Ar dating of a high-MgO bronzite andesite from near the top of basement drilled at Site 458 shows the characteristic symptoms of artificially disturbed samples - i.e., an inverse staircase-type age spectrum, approximate linearity on an isochron plot, and concordance between total fusion age and isochron age. From conclusions based on other artificially disturbed samples (Ozima et al., 1979), we suggest that the reference isochron age (33.6 Ma) approximates the age of the sample. A basalt from deeper in Hole 458 gives an isochron age of 19.1 ± 0.2 Ma, which is slightly younger than the plateau age of 21.4 ± 1.0 Ma. Both ages are, however, considerably younger than the age of fossils in the overlying sediments (30 - 34 Ma). The age discrepancy may be explained if the 40Ar-39Ar age represents the age of secondary minerals, which formed later. No useful age data were obtained from a basalt sample recovered from Hole 459B.


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Fossil, facies, and isotope analyses of an early high-paleolatitude (55°S) section suggests a highly unstable East Antarctic Ice Sheet from 32 to 27 Myr. The waxing and waning of this ice sheet from 140% to 40% of its present volume caused sea level changes of ±25 m (ranging from -30 to +50 m) related to periodic glacial (100,000 to 200,000 years) and shorter interglacial events. The near-field Gippsland sea level (GSL) curve shares many similarities to the far-field New Jersey sea level (NJSL) estimates. However, there are possible resolution errors due to biochronology, taphonomy, and paleodepth estimates and the relative lack of lowstand deposits (in NJSL) that prevent detailed correlations with GSL. Nevertheless, the lateral variations in sea level between the GSL section and NJSL record that suggest ocean siphoning and antisiphoning may have propagated synchronous yet variable sea levels.


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The course of sea-level fluctuations during Termination II (TII; the penultimate deglaciation), which is critical for understanding ice-sheet dynamics and suborbital climate variability, has yet to be established. This is partly because most shallow-water sequences encompassing TII were eroded during sea-level lowstands of the last glacial period or were deposited below the present sea level. Here we report a new sequence recording sea-level changes during TII in the Pleistocene sequence at Hole M0005D (water depth: 59.63 m below sea level [mbsl]) off Tahiti, French Polynesia, which was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310. Lithofacies variations and stratigraphic changes in the taxonomic composition, preservation states, and intraspecific test morphology of large benthic foraminifers indicate a deepening-upward sequence in the interval from Core 310-M0005D-26R (core depth: 134 mbsl) through -16R (core depth: 106 mbsl). Reconstruction of relative sea levels, based on paleodepth estimations using large benthic foraminifers, indicated a rise in sea level of about 90 m during this interval, suggesting its correlation with one of the terminations. Assuming that this rise in sea level corresponds to that during TII, after correcting for subsidence since the time of deposition, a highstand sea-level position would be 2 ± 15 m above present sea level (masl), which is generally consistent with highstand sea-level positions in MIS 5e (4 ± 2 masl). If this rise in sea level corresponds to that during older terminations, the subsidence-corrected highstand sea-level positions (30 ± 15 masl for Termination III and 54 ± 15 masl for Termination IV) are not consistent with reported ranges of interglacial sea-level highstands (-18 to 15 masl). Therefore, the studied interval likely records the rise in sea level and associated environmental changes during TII. In particular, the intervening cored materials between the two episodes of sea-level rise found in the studied interval might record the sea-level reversal event during TII. This conclusion is consistent with U/Th ages of around 133 ka, which were obtained from slightly diagenetically altered (i.e., < 1% calcite) in situ corals in the studied interval (Core 310-M0005D-20R [core depth: 118 mbsl]). This study also suggests that our inverse approach to correlate a stratigraphic interval with an approximate time frame could be useful as an independent check on the accuracy of uranium-series dating, which has been applied extensively to fossil corals in late Quaternary sea-level studies.