957 resultados para pure tone audiometry
LHC has found hints for a Higgs particle of 125 GeV. We investigate the possibility that such a particle is a mixture of scalar and pseudoscalar states. For definiteness, we concentrate on a two-Higgs doublet model with explicit CP violation and soft Z(2) violation. Including all Higgs production mechanisms, we determine the current constraints obtained by comparing h -> yy with h -> VV*, and comment on the information which can be gained by measurements of h -> b (b) over bar. We find bounds vertical bar s(2)vertical bar less than or similar to 0.83 at one sigma, where vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 0 (vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 1) corresponds to a pure scalar (pure pseudoscalar) state.
Objectivo Pretende-se verificar a influência de um programa de intervenção em fisioterapia, dirigido para o aumento do nível de actividade do tronco, bem como a sua relação em termos funcionais com o movimento de alcançar, em indivíduos pós Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Metodologia Amostra constituída por 2 elementos pós AVE. Após avaliação inicial identificou-se como principal problema a diminuição do nível de actividade do tronco. Foi implementado um programa de intervenção baseado num processo e raciocínio clínico durante 2 meses, tendo sido aplicado antes e depois, os instrumentos Functional Reach, Escala de Ashworth e Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde. Resultados Melhoria na avaliação dos componentes de movimento durante os gestos funcionais, assim como se verificou um aumento da estabilidade anterior e uma diminuição do tónus muscular. Após a intervenção observa-se o envolvimento do membro superior em actividades funcionais. Conclusão Um programa de intervenção direccionado para o aumento do nível de actividade do tronco pode-se obter um movimento de alcance mais funcional durante as AVD´s e uma diminuição do tónus muscular do MS.
Este estudo pretende medir a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com perda auditiva (PA), definida pela perda média dos limiares aéreos tonais. Este estudo transversal quantitativo e descritivo foi conduzido entre Maio e Outubro de 2010 numa amostra de 328 indivíduos (47.0% do género masculino), com idade média ± desvio-padrão de 45.82 ± 12.93 anos, referenciados ao Gabinete de Audiologia do CHTS-UPA, EPE que foram avaliados e entrevistados. Recorreu-se à Versão Portuguesa 2 do Questionário de Estado de Saúde (SF-36v2) do CEIS-FE-UC, como instrumento para medir a qualidade de vida, complementado com um questionário de identificação e de dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos com perda auditiva que integraram a amostra do presente estudo revelaram piores percepções do Estado de Saúde do que as autopercepções dos elementos da amostra que constituiram os valores de referência, principalmente nas dimensões Saúde Geral da componente Física e nas dimensões Função Social e Saúde Mental da componente Mental da Saúde. CONCLUSÕES: a perda auditiva encontra-se negativamente associada a valores elevados de saúde, promovendo diferenças entre indivíduos com PA e indivíduos sem PA, nas dimensões do SF-36v2, Funcão Física e Social, Desempenho Físico e Emocional, Saúde Geral e Mental e Vitalidade. A avaliação da audição, a prevenção da perda auditiva e a reabilitação auditiva podem contribuir para uma melhoria do desempenho social e bemestar da população.
Um dos grandes desafios da atualidade reside em construir uma escola inclusiva para todos, respeitando as diferenças entre os alunos e procurando dar resposta a todas as suas necessidades educativas, através do acesso igualitário a uma educação de qualidade, no sentido de uma preparação para a vida social e profissional ao longo da vida. Desta forma, é necessária uma mudança não só na maneira de pensar como também nas práticas dos agentes educativos, no sentido de adequarem o currículo às necessidades educativas especiais dos alunos. O presente estudo constitui, pois, uma tentativa de conhecer não apenas as conceções dos professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico sobre a inclusão e as adaptações curriculares para alunos com NEE, mas também as práticas curriculares que desenvolvem quando têm estes alunos nas suas turmas. O trabalho desenvolveu-se através de um estudo de caso, incidindo sobre 6 professores do 1º CEB e respetivas turmas com alunos com NEE incluídos. Como metodologia de recolha de dados utilizámos as técnicas da entrevista, da análise documental e da observação naturalista em contexto de sala de aula. Articulando os resultados das entrevistas com os das observações em sala de aula, podemos concluir que, para que a escola seja efetivamente inclusiva, não basta que os professores adotem este conceito. Algumas das maiores dificuldades que se colocaram aos professores foram a gestão do tempo e a adequação de estratégias no atendimento a todos os alunos, o que decorre da forma de organização do ensino, uma vez que os professores continuam a percecionar o seu papel como transmissores de conteúdos e executores de programas, apostando num ensino unilateral e homogéneo. No entanto, foi possível também verificar algumas formas de diferenciação pedagógica, sobretudo através da adequação da estrutura dos trabalhos individuais, do apoio individualizado do professor aos alunos com mais dificuldades ou da tutoria interpares e da realização de diferentes atividades consoante as necessidades específicas de cada aluno.- ABSTRACT One of today´s main challenges lies on building an inclusive school for everyone, respecting students’ differences, giving an answer to their educational needs through equal access to qualified education, preparing them to their professional future and social life. Consequently, a change is necessary, not only in the way of thinking but also in the practices of the educational agents, to adequate the curriculum to the special educational students’ needs. The present study is an attempt to understand not only the conceptions of the elementary school teachers about the inclusion and the curricular adjustments for students with special educational needs, but also the curricular practices they develop when those students are included in their classes. This work was developed through a study case focused on six elementary school teachers and their respective classes with students with special educational needs included. The data collection methods used were interview techniques, documental analysis and context observation in classroom. Articulating the interview results with the classroom observations we can conclude that for a school to be effectively inclusive, the adoption of those conceptions are not enough. Some of the major difficulties that appear to the teachers were time management and adequate strategies on attending all students, which follows from their teaching organization, since teachers are still carrying their role as pure contents transmitters and programs implementers, investing in a unilateral and homogeneous education. However, it was also possible to ascertain some pedagogical differentiation strategies, mainly through individual work adaptation, direct and individualized teacher’s support to students with more difficulties or by peer tutoring as well as carrying out different activities depending on the specific needs of each student.
The present work concerns a new synthesis approach to prepare niobium based SAPO materials with AEL structure and the characterization ofNb species incorporated within the inorganic matrixes. The SAPO-11 materials were synthesized with or without the help of a small amine, methylamine (MA) as co-template, while Nb was added directly during the preparation of the initial gel. Structural, textural and acidic properties of the different supports were evaluated by XRD, TPR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, pyridine adsorption followed by IR spectroscopy and thermal analyses. Pure and well crystalline Nb based SAPO-11 materials were obtained, either with or without MA, using in the initial gel a low Si content of about 0.6. Increasing the Si content of the gel up to 0.9 led to an important decrease of the samples crystallinity. Niobium was found to incorporate the AEL pores support as small Nb2O5 oxide particles and also as extra framework cationic species (Nb5+), compensating the negative charges from the matrix and generating new Lewis acid sites. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The solubility of ethene in water and in the fermentation medium of Xanthobacter Py(2) was determined with a Ben-Naim-Baer type apparatus. The solubility measurements were carried out in the temperature range of (293.15 to 323.15) K and at atmospheric pressure with a precision of about +/- 0.3 %. The Ostwald coefficients, the mole fractions of the dissolved ethene, at the gas partial pressure of 101.325 kPa, and the Henry coefficients, at the water vapor pressure, were calculated using accurate thermodynamic relations. A comparison between the solubility of ethene in water and in the cultivation medium has shown that this gas is about 2.4 % more soluble in pure water. On the other hand, from the solubility temperature dependence, the Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy changes for the process of transferring the solute from the gaseous phase to the liquid solutions were also determined. Moreover, the perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory equation of state (PC-SAFT EOS) model was used for the prediction of the solubility of ethene in water. New parameters, k(ij), are proposed for this system, and it was found that using a ky temperature-dependent PC-SAFT EOS describes more accurately the behavior solubilities of ethene in water at 101.325 kPa, improving the deviations to 1 %.
In this paper we present a Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) based model, and hybrid solving method for the Scheduling of Maintenance Activities in the Power Transmission Network. The model distinguishes from others not only because of its completeness but also by the way it models and solves the Electric Constraints. Specifically we present a efficient filtering algorithm for the Electrical Constraints. Furthermore, the solving method improves the pure CLP methods efficiency by integrating a type of Local Search technique with CLP. To test the approach we compare the method results with another method using a 24 bus network, which considerers 42 tasks and 24 maintenance periods.
A absorção química de dióxido de carbono (CO2) através de soluções aquosas de aminas tem sido estudada nos últimos anos devido à preocupação ambiental face ao aquecimento global. Nestes estudos, foram tidos como principais objectivos a realização de ensaios preliminares de absorção e desabsorção de CO2 em soluções aquosas de aminas bem como a construção de uma instalação piloto para a mesma finalidade. Inicialmente, a nível laboratorial, procedeu-se à absorção de CO2 através de soluções aquosas de aminas. As aminas utilizadas nestes estudos foram a monoetanolamina (MEA), etilenodiamina (EDA), 1,6- hexanodiamina (HDA) e piperazina anidra (PZ). A absorção de CO2 através destas aminas foi realizada experimentalmente às condições normais de pressão e temperatura. A concentração das soluções aquosas foi de 20% em massa de cada amina. Foram também realizados estudos de regeneração das soluções aquosas de aminas saturadas de CO2 em banho de glicerina, para determinar as condições de regeneração. Para além disso, observou-se o estado físico das aminas no estado puro até saturação com CO2 para garantir a não ocorrência de danos a nível de entupimento numa posterior utilização na instalação piloto. Por fim, voltaram-se a repetir todos estes ensaios experimentais utilizando-se, em vez da água destilada, um solvente polar aprótico, dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO). Numa segunda fase destes estudos, a absorção de CO2 através de soluções aquosas de aminas foi investigada experimentalmente numa instalação piloto. O objectivo era utilizar nesta fase do estudo as mesmas aminas utilizadas nos ensaios preliminares mas uma vez que não se dispunha das quantidades necessárias de aminas e para a sua aquisição teria que se despender bastante tempo e dinheiro, utilizaram-se duas soluções aquosas de alcanolaminas. As alcanolaminas utilizadas no presente estudo foram a amina secundária dietanolamina (DEA) e a amina terciária N-metildietanolamina (MDEA), duas aminas amplamente utilizadas nas indústrias químicas e petroquímicas para a purificação dos gases de combustão. A absorção de CO2 através destas duas alcanolaminas foi realizada experimentalmente às condições normais de pressão e temperatura. As concentrações das soluções aquosas foram de (10, 20 e 30) % em massa de MDEA e de DEA. O processo de adição de cloreto de bário (BaCl2.2H2O) às alcanolaminas ajuda à formação de carbonato de bário, quando o CO2 passa através da solução de alcanolamina. A quantidade de carbonato de bário formado foi utilizado para determinar a solubilidade do CO2 (mol CO2/mol alcanolamina). O principal desafio na captura de CO2 dos gases de combustão é o de reduzir o consumo de energia necessária para a regeneração do solvente. Deste modo, foram também realizados estudos de regeneração das soluções de alcanolaminas saturadas, para determinar as condições de regeneração. Os resultados obtidos, a nível laboratorial, revelaram que uma amina secundária (PZ) e uma amina primária de cadeia longa (HDA) são mais favoráveis ao processo de absorção e regeneração de CO2. No entanto, e devido a essa mesma estrutura molecular, necessitam de maiores valores de temperaturas para desabsorver o CO2. Garantiu-se poder trabalhar com as quatro aminas no estado puro em estudos futuros, na instalação piloto, garantindo que não ocorrerão danos a nível de entupimento. Relativamente ao solvente utilizado concluiu-se que um solvente polar aprótico não é um solvente favorável para estes estudos. Os resultados obtidos, na instalação piloto, revelaram que a amina terciária, MDEA, consegue absorver maiores quantidades de CO2 do que a amina secundária, EDA, bem como é a mais fácil de regenerar com menor perda de capacidade de absorção do que a EDA.
In recent years ionic liquids (ILs) have been increasing the popularity and the number of applications. Ionic liquids were used mainly as solvent in organic synthesis, but in recent years they are also used in analytical chemistry, separation chemistry and material science. Additional to significant developments in their chemical properties and applications, ionic liquids are now bringing unexpected opportunities at the interface of chemistry with the life sciences. Ionic liquids (ILs) are currently defined as salts that are composed solely of cations and anions which melt below 100ºC. Our goal in this work is to explore the dual activity of the ionic liquids, due to the presence of two different ions, an anion with bacterial activity as β-lactam antibiotics and different kinds of cations. In this work the anions of ILs and salts were derived from three different antibiotics: ampicillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. The cations were derived from substituted ammonium, phosphonium pyridinium and methylimidazolium salts, such as: tetraethyl ammonium, trihexiltetradecilphosphonium, cetylpyridinium, choline (an essential nutrient), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, and 1-ethanol-3-methyl imidazolium structures. Commercial ammonium and phosponium halogen salts were first transformed into hydroxides on ionic exchange column (Amberlite IRA-400) in methanol. The prepared hydroxides were then neutralized with β-lactam antibiotics. After crystallization we obtained pure ILs and salts containing β-lactam antibiotics. This work presents a novel method for preparation of new salts of antibiotics with low melting point and their chemistry and microbiological characterization.
Ionic Liquids (ILs) are ionic compounds that possess melting temperature below 100ºC and they have been a topic of great interest since the mid-1990s due to their unique properties. The range of IL uses has been broadened, due to a significant increase in the variety of physical, chemical and biological ILs properties. They are now used as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and recent interests are focused on their application as innovative solutions in new medical treatment and delivery options.1 In this work, our principal objective was the synthesis and investigation of physicochemical and medical properties of ionic liquids (ILs) and organic salts from ampicillin. This approach is of huge interest in pharmaceutical industry as cation and anion composition of ILs and organic salts can greatly alter their desired properties, namely the melting temperature and even synergistic effects can be obtained.2,3 For the synthesis of these compounds we used a recently developed method proposed by Ohno et al.4 for the preparation of quaternary ammonium and phosphonium hydroxides, that were neutralized by ampicillin. After purification we obtained pure ILs and salts in good yields. These ILs shows good antimicrobial and antifungal activities. As it is well known that some ionic liquids containing phosphonium and ammonium cation also shows anti-cancer activity1,5 we also decided to study these compounds against some cancer cell lines.
With the increase of bacterial resistance a large number of therapeutic strategies have been used to fight different kind of infections. In recent years ionic liquids (ILs) have been increasing the popularity and the number of applications. First ionic liquids were used mainly as solvent in organic synthesis, but now they are used in analytical chemistry, separation chemistry and material science among others. Additional to significant developments in their chemical properties and applications, ionic liquids are now bringing unexpected opportunities at the interface of chemistry with the life sciences Ionic liquids (ILs) are currently defined as salts that are composed solely of cations and anions which melt below 100ºC. Our goal in this work is to explore the dual activity of the ionic liquids, due to the presence of two different ions, an ion with bacterial activity as a beta-lactam antibiotic and different kinds of cations. In this work the anions of ILs and salts were derived from three different antibiotics: ampicillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. The cations were derived from substituted ammonium, phosphonium pyridinium and methylimidazolium salts, such as: tetraethyl ammonium, trihexiltetradecilphosphonium, cetylpyridinium, choline (an essential nutrient), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, and 1-ethanol-3-methyl imidazolium structures. Commercial ammonium and phosponium halogen salts were first transformed into hydroxides. on ionic exchange column (Amberlite IRA-400) in methanol. The prepared hydroxides were then neutralized with beta-lactam antibiotics. After crystallization we obtained pure ILs and salts containing beta-lactam antibiotics. This work presents a novel method for preparation of new salts of antibiotics with low melting point and their characterization.
Imidazolidin-4-ones are commonly employed as skeletal modifications in bioactive oligopeptides, either as proline surrogates or for protection of the N-terminal amino acid against aminopeptidase-catalysed hydrolysis . We have been working on the synthesis of imidazolidin-4-ones of the antimalarial primaquine , through acylation of primaquine with an α-amino acid and subsequent reaction of the resulting α-aminoamide with a ketone or aldehyde. Thus, when using racemic primaquine, an optically pure chiral α-amino acid and an aldehyde as starting materials, four imidazolidin-4-one diastereomers are to be expected (Scheme 1). However, we have recently observed that imidazolidin-4-one synthesis was stereoselective when 2-carboxybenzaldehyde (2CBA)* was used, as only two diastereomers were produced2. Computational studies have shown that the imine formed prior to ring closure had, for structures derived from 2CBA, a quasi-cyclic rigid structure2. This rigid conformation is stabilized by an intramolecular hydrogen bond involving the C=O oxygen atom of the 2-carboxyl substituent in 2CBA and the N-H group of the α-amino amide moiety2. These findings led us to postulate that the 2-carbonyl substituent in the benzaldehyde moiety was the key for the stereoselective synthesis of the imidazolidin-4-ones2.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico, 27 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
A novel high throughput and scalable unified architecture for the computation of the transform operations in video codecs for advanced standards is presented in this paper. This structure can be used as a hardware accelerator in modern embedded systems to efficiently compute all the two-dimensional 4 x 4 and 2 x 2 transforms of the H.264/AVC standard. Moreover, its highly flexible design and hardware efficiency allows it to be easily scaled in terms of performance and hardware cost to meet the specific requirements of any given video coding application. Experimental results obtained using a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA demonstrated the superior performance and hardware efficiency levels provided by the proposed structure, which presents a throughput per unit of area relatively higher than other similar recently published designs targeting the H.264/AVC standard. Such results also showed that, when integrated in a multi-core embedded system, this architecture provides speedup factors of about 120x concerning pure software implementations of the transform algorithms, therefore allowing the computation, in real-time, of all the above mentioned transforms for Ultra High Definition Video (UHDV) sequences (4,320 x 7,680 @ 30 fps).
Solubilities of three primary amides, namely, acetanilide, propanamide, and butanamide, in supercritical carbon dioxide were measured at T = (308.2, 313.2, and 323.2) K over the pressure range (9.0 to 40.0) MPa by a flow type apparatus. The solubility behavior of the three solids shows an analogous trend with a crossover region of the respective isotherms between (12 to 14) MPa. The solubility of each amide, at the same temperature and pressure, decreases from propanamide to acetanilide. Pure compound properties required for the modeling were estimated, and the solubilities of the amides were correlated by using the Soave-Redlich-Kwong cubic equation of state with an absolute average relative deviation (AARD) from (1.3 to 6.1) %.