978 resultados para molecular approach


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We prove that, once an algorithm of perfect simulation for a stationary and ergodic random field F taking values in S(Zd), S a bounded subset of R(n), is provided, the speed of convergence in the mean ergodic theorem occurs exponentially fast for F. Applications from (non-equilibrium) statistical mechanics and interacting particle systems are presented.


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Giardia isolates from eight horses from New York State (NY), USA and two horses from Western Australia (WA) were genetically characterized at the SSU-rDNA and triose-phosphate isomerase (TPI) genes. Phylogenetic analysis of the TPI gene provided strong support for the placement of both isolates of Giardia from horses in WA and a single isolate from a horse in NY within the assemblage AI genotype of G. duodenalis. Another two isolates from horses in NY placed within the assemblage All genotype of G. duodenalis. Phylogenetic analysis of the TPI gene also provided strong bootstrap support for the placement of four G. duodenalis isolates from horses in NY into a potentially host-specific sub-assemblage of assemblage BIV. The results of this study are consistent with previous studies showing that assemblages AI and AII of G. duodenalis provide the greatest potential zoonotic risk to humans. Horses may therefore constitute a potential source for human infection of Giardia either directly or via watersheds. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The core structure of the natural sesquiterpene lactones furanoheliangolides, an 11-oxabicyclo[6.2.1]undecane system, was synthesized through a pathway involving two Diels-Alder reactions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections have been little studied in wild and/or domestic animals, which may represent an important indicator of the presence of the pathogen in nature. Road-killed wild animals have been used for surveillance of vectors of zoonotic pathogens and may offer new opportunities for eco-epidemiological studies of paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). The presence of P. brasiliensis infection was evaluated by Nested-PCR in tissue samples collected from 19 road-killed animals; 3 Cavia aperea (guinea pig), 5 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 1 Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), 1 Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo), 2 Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum), 1 Eira barbara (tayra), 2 Gallictis vittata (grison), 2 Procyon cancrivorus (raccoon) and 2 Sphiggurus spinosus (porcupine). Specific P. brasiliensis amplicons were detected in (a) several organs of the two armadillos and one guinea pig, (b) the lung and liver of the porcupine, and (c) the lungs of raccoons and grisons. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals from endemic areas might be more common than initially postulated. Molecular techniques can be used for detecting new hosts and mapping `hot spot` areas of PCM.


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In this paper we study the nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator with injected signal, both analytically and numerically. We develop a perturbation approach which allows us to find approximate analytical solutions, starting from the full equations of motion in the positive-P representation. We demonstrate the regimes of validity of our approximations via comparison with the full stochastic results. We find that, with reasonably low levels of injected signal, the system allows for demonstrations of quantum entanglement and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. In contrast to the normal optical parametric oscillator operating below threshold, these features are demonstrated with relatively intense fields.


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The combined approach of the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic theories for description of the motion of three-phase gas-liquid-solid contact lines has been examined using the Wilhelmy plate method. The whole dynamic meniscus has been divided into molecular, hydrodynamic, and static-like regions. The Young-Laplace equation and the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic dewetting theories have been applied to describe the meniscus profiles and contact angle. The dissipative forces accompanying the dynamic dewetting have also been investigated. The experiments with a Wilhelmy plate made from an acrylic polymer sheet were carried out using a computerized apparatus for contact angle analysis (OCA 20, DataPhysics, Germany). The extrapolated dynamic contact angle versus velocity of the three-phase contact line for Milli-Q water and 5 x 10(-4) M SDBS solution was experimentally obtained and compared with the combined MHD models with low and moderate Reynolds numbers. The models predict similar results for the extrapolated contact angle. SDBS decreases the equilibrium contact angle and increases the molecular jumping length but does not affect the molecular frequency significantly. The hydrodynamic deformation of the meniscus, viscous dissipation, and friction were also influenced by the SDBS surfactant. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work a new approach for designing planar gradient coils is outlined for the use in an existing MRI apparatus. A technique that allows for gradient field corrections inside the diameter-sensitive volume is deliberated. These corrections are brought about by making changes to the wire paths that constitute the coil windings, and hence, is called the path correction method. The existing well-known target held method is used to gauge the performance of a typical gradient coil. The gradient coil design methodology is demonstrated for planar openable gradient coils that can be inserted into an existing MRI apparatus. The path corrected gradient coil is compared to the coil obtained using the target field method. It is shown that using a wire path correction with optimized variables, winding patterns that can deliver high magnetic gradient field strengths and large imaging regions can be obtained.


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TNF-alpha neutralising agents such as Infliximab (Remicade(R)), Etanercept (Enbrel(R)) and the IL-1 receptor antagonist Anakinra (Kineret(R)), are currently used clinically for the treatment of many inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. These protein preparations are expensive to manufacture and administer, need to be injected and can cause allergic reactions. An alternative approach to lowering the levels of TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta in inflammatory disease, is to inhibit the enzymes that generate these cytokines using cheaper small molecules. This paper is a broad overview of the progress that has been achieved so far, with respect to small molecule inhibitor design and pharmacological studies (in animals and humans), for the metalloprotease Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha Converting Enzyme (TACE) and the cysteine protease Caspase-1 (Interieukin-1 beta Converting Enzyme, ICE). Inhibitors of these two enzymes are currently considered to be good therapeutic targets that have the potential to provide relatively inexpensive and orally bioavailable anti-inflammatory agents in the future.


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Neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is useful in diagnosing salt wasting form (SW). However, there are difficulties in interpreting positive results in asymptomatic newborns. The main objective is to analyze genotyping as a confirmatory test in children with neonatal positive results. Patients comprised 23 CAH children and 19 asymptomatic infants with persistently elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) levels. CYP21A2 gene was sequenced and genotypes were grouped according to the enzymatic activity of the less severe allele: A1 null, A2 < 2%, B 3-7%, C > 20%. Twenty-one children with neonatal symptoms and/or 17OHP levels > 80 ng/ml carried A genotypes, except two virilized girls (17OHP < 50 ng/ml) without CAH genotypes. Patients carrying SW genotypes (A1, A2) and low serum sodium levels presented with neonatal 17OHP > 200 ng/ml. Three asymptomatic boys carried simple virilizing genotypes (A2 and B): in two, the symptoms began at 18 months; another two asymptomatic boys had nonclassical genotypes (C). The remaining 14 patients did not present CAH genotypes, and their 17OHP levels were normalized by 14 months of age. Molecular analysis is useful as a confirmatory test of CAH, mainly in boys. It can predict clinical course, identify false-positives and help distinguish between clinical forms of CAH.


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We theoretically study the Hilbert space structure of two neighboring P-donor electrons in silicon-based quantum computer architectures. To use electron spins as qubits, a crucial condition is the isolation of the electron spins from their environment, including the electronic orbital degrees of freedom. We provide detailed electronic structure calculations of both the single donor electron wave function and the two-electron pair wave function. We adopted a molecular orbital method for the two-electron problem, forming a basis with the calculated single donor electron orbitals. Our two-electron basis contains many singlet and triplet orbital excited states, in addition to the two simple ground state singlet and triplet orbitals usually used in the Heitler-London approximation to describe the two-electron donor pair wave function. We determined the excitation spectrum of the two-donor system, and study its dependence on strain, lattice position, and interdonor separation. This allows us to determine how isolated the ground state singlet and triplet orbitals are from the rest of the excited state Hilbert space. In addition to calculating the energy spectrum, we are also able to evaluate the exchange coupling between the two donor electrons, and the double occupancy probability that both electrons will reside on the same P donor. These two quantities are very important for logical operations in solid-state quantum computing devices, as a large exchange coupling achieves faster gating times, while the magnitude of the double occupancy probability can affect the error rate.


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Electrical impedance tomography is a technique to estimate the impedance distribution within a domain, based on measurements on its boundary. In other words, given the mathematical model of the domain, its geometry and boundary conditions, a nonlinear inverse problem of estimating the electric impedance distribution can be solved. Several impedance estimation algorithms have been proposed to solve this problem. In this paper, we present a three-dimensional algorithm, based on the topology optimization method, as an alternative. A sequence of linear programming problems, allowing for constraints, is solved utilizing this method. In each iteration, the finite element method provides the electric potential field within the model of the domain. An electrode model is also proposed (thus, increasing the accuracy of the finite element results). The algorithm is tested using numerically simulated data and also experimental data, and absolute resistivity values are obtained. These results, corresponding to phantoms with two different conductive materials, exhibit relatively well-defined boundaries between them, and show that this is a practical and potentially useful technique to be applied to monitor lung aeration, including the possibility of imaging a pneumothorax.


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The regeneration and remodeling of the transplanted liver is the result of hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death). The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of immunosuppressants on the expression levels of genes: IL-6 (regulator of hepatocyte proliferation), pro-apoptotic (Bak and Bax) and anti-apoptotic (Bcl-Xl and Bcl-2). 36 newborn suckling rats (age 5-7 days, weight 6-10 g) were divided into four groups: hepatectomy, hepatectomy plus methylprednisolone, hepatectomy plus CsA and hepatectomy plus Tac. The same experiments were performed in 24 weaning rats (age 21-23 days, weight 30-50 g). The animals were killed one day after the hepatectomy and the remnant livers were analyzed. The livers of all animals exhibited histological changes of liver regeneration. The immunosuppressants did not promote any alteration on IL-6 gene expression levels. Methylprednisolone and CsA increased the expression levels of Bak gene in newborn rats. However, methylprednisolone and Tac promoted increased expression levels of Bcl-2 in all groups. We hypothesize that these effects explain the efficacy of these drugs on the treatment of acute and chronic liver rejection as the expression of Bcl-2 in cholangiocytes is decreased as a consequence of bile duct lesions.


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P>Background Congenital adrenal hyperplasia caused by classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is an autosomal recessive disorder with a high prevalence of asymptomatic heterozygote carriers (HTZ) in the general population, making case detection desirable by routine methodology. HTZ for classic and nonclassic (NC) forms have basal and ACTH-stimulated values of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) that fail to discriminate them from the general population. 21-Deoxycortisol (21DF), an 11-hydroxylated derivative of 17OHP, is an alternative approach to identify 21OHD HTZ. Objective To determine the discriminating value of basal and ACTH-stimulated serum levels of 21DF in comparison with 17OHP in a population of HTZ for 21OHD (n = 60), as well as in NC patients (n = 16) and in genotypically normal control subjects (CS, n = 30), using fourth generation tandem mass spectrometry after HPLC separation (LC-MS/MS). Results Basal 21DF levels were not different between HTZ and CS, but stimulated values were increased in the former and virtually nonresponsive in CS. Only 17 center dot 7% of the ACTH-stimulated 21DF levels overlapped with CS, when compared to 46 center dot 8% for 17OHP. For 100% specificity, the sensitivities achieved for ACTH-stimulated 21DF, 17OHP and the quotient [(21DF + 17OHP)/F] were 82 center dot 3%, 53 center dot 2% and 87%, using cut-offs of 40, 300 ng/dl and 46 (unitless), respectively. Similar to 17OHP, ACTH-stimulated 21DF levels did not overlap between HTZ and NC patients. A positive and highly significant correlation (r = 0 center dot 846; P < 0 center dot 001) was observed between 21DF and 17OHP pairs of values from NC and HTZ. Conclusion This study confirms the superiority of ACTH-stimulated 21DF, when compared to 17OHP, both measured by LC-MS/MS, in identifying carriers for 21OHD. Serum 21DF is a useful tool in genetic counselling to screen carriers among relatives in families with affected subjects, giving support to molecular results.