946 resultados para mediator


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Studies were performed to test the hypothesis that type I hypersensitivity underlies worm induced intestinal fluid secretion and the rapid rejection of Trichinella spiralis from immunized rats, and the two events may be related in a cause-effect manner.^ Two approaches were taken. One was to determine whether inhibition of anaphylaxis-mediated Cl$\sp{-}$ and fluid secretion accompanying a secondary infection impedes worm rejection from immune hosts. The other was to determine whether induction of intestinal fluid secretion in nonimmune hosts interfered with worm establishment. In both studies, fluid secretion was measured volumetrically 30 min after a challenge infection and worms were counted.^ In immunized rats indomethacin did not affect the worm-induced fluid secretion when used alone, despite inhibiting mucosal prostaglandin synthesis. Fluid secretion was reduced by treatment with diphenhydramine and further reduced by the combination of diphenhydramine and indomethacin. The paradoxical effects of indomethacin when used alone compared with its coadministration with diphenhydramine is explained by the enhancing effect of indomethacin on histamine release. Abolishing net fluid secretion in these studies had no effect on rapid worm rejection in immune hosts.^ Worm establishment was reduced in recipients of immune serum containing IgE antibodies. Net intestinal fluid secretion induced in normal rats by PGE$\sb2$, cholera toxin, or hypertonic mannitol solution had no effect on worm establishment compared with untreated controls.^ In a related experiment, worm-induced intestinal fluid secretion and worm rejection in immune rats were partially blocked by concurrent injection with 5-HT$\sb2$ and 5-HT$\sb3$ blockers (Ketanserin and MDL-72222), suggesting that 5-HT is involved. This possible involvement was supported in that treatment of nonimmune rats with 5-HT significantly inhibited worm establishment in the intestine.^ Results indicate that anaphylaxis is the basis for both worm-induced intestinal fluid secretion and rapid rejection of T. spiralis in immune rats, but these events are independent of one another. 5-HT is a possible mediator of worm rejection, however, its mechanism of action is related to something other than fluid secretion. ^


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The coordination of the apoptotic program necessitates the timely expression of sensor, effector, and mediator molecules. Fas/CD95, a transmembrane receptor which tethers the cell-death machinery, triggers apoptosis to maintain immune homeostasis, tolerance, and surveillance. Dysregulation in Fas-mediated apoptosis, either from disproportionate expression or disruptions in the downstream signaling pathway, manifests in autoimmune disorders and certain malignant progression. ^ In this project, the transcriptional requirements underlying two modulators of Fas expression were investigated. In T-lymphocytes, activation results in potent Fas upregulation followed by an acquisition of sensitivity towards FasL-mediated apoptosis. Human fas promoter cloning and analysis have identified a cis-element critical for inducible Fas expression. EMSA studies using this region demonstrated a constitutive association with the transcription factor Sp1 and inducible NF-κB binding in response to activation. These interactions were mutually exclusive, as the rB/Sp1 element bound with recombinant Sp1 was readily displaced by increasing amounts of NF-κB p50. Thus, Fas upregulation by T-cell activation stimuli is dependent upon NF-κB binding at the fas promoter. ^ The capacity of Sp1 to direct basal Fas expression was examined through mutagenesis of several GC-rich regions within the core fas promoter. Reporter analysis of single or combinatorial mutant GC-box constructs revealed usage of a particular GC-element in moderating over 50% of basal fas transcription. Inducible expression was Sp1-independent, however, since activated Jurkat cells containing fas Sp1-mutant constructs retained equivalent reporter induction. Overall, a dual-level of transcriptional control exists in fas, where constitutive activity is monitored through Sp1 binding, whereas T-cell activation obligates NF κB transactivation. ^ In response to genotoxic damage, p53 modulates Fas levels partly by a transcription-dependent mechanism. Reconstitution of wild-type p53 in the hepatoma cell line Hep3B readily induced Fas transcription. Furthermore, fas promoter analysis identified an undescribed p53 responsive element which, when deleted, ablated p53-mediated reporter activity. Therefore, the pro-apoptotic function mediated by p53 is driven partially through the enhancement of Fas expression. ^ Altogether, events elicting Fas transcription may invoke single or overlapping mechanisms that converge at the level of promoter activity. Agents that enhance or attenuate these pathways may be therapeutically beneficial in modulating the expression and sensitivity towards Fas-dependent apoptosis. ^


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While many studies confirm that positive emotions, including enjoyment, lead to better student achievement, less empirical evidence exists about possible mediator variables that link achievement to enjoyment. It is proposed that achievement and enjoyment form a circular dependency; enjoyment in learning leads to higher achievement but a degree of achievement is required to enjoy learning. This study provides insight into the reverse of the much studied enjoyment to achievement link and provides practical recommendations on how to use these findings. Founded in Control-value theory, which suggests that control and value cognitions are important variables that mediate the connection between enjoyment and achievement, this study explores the reciprocal achievement-cognition-enjoyment link. The reciprocal link was investigated by applying a one year longitudinal design to students of grade 6 and 7 (N = 356). This age group was chosen because early adolescence represents a critical period during which a strong decrease in positive learning emotions is observed. Part of the work involved identifying factors that might be responsible for this negative development. Results of cross-lagged path analysis identified reciprocal effects between student achievement and enjoyment with control and value cognitions functioning as partial mediators. High achievement goes with high control and value cognitions, which in turn positively affect enjoyment. However, cross-lagged correlations could only be partly confirmed. The results are discussed in terms of theoretical and practical implications.


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There is empirical evidence showing that positive emotional and motivational factors in formal learning contexts decrease at the stage of young adolescence. According to Stage-Environment-Fit Theory and Self-Determination Theory, this change should be explained by a non-fulfilment of students' needs. By combining two different methods (questionnaires and day-to-day diaries) and applying a longitudinal design, this study aimed to explore the change in and the determinants of habitual and actual learning enjoyment. The sample consisted of 356 students. Quantitative results indicated that learning enjoyment and classroom practices decreased between Grades 6 and 7. Path analyses revealed that classroom practices are the source of students' learning enjoyment, while self-efficacy functions as a partial mediator. Data from students' diaries showed that a teacher's neglect of students' needs for competence and relatedness were significant sources of impeded learning enjoyment. Practical implications suggest the relevance of adjusting learning conditions to the needs of young adolescents in order to provide a facilitating basis for learning enjoyment.


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Research has shown repeatedly that the “feeling better” effect of exercise is far more moderate than generally claimed. Examinations of subgroups in secondary analyses also indicate that numerous further variables influence this relationship. One reason for inconsistencies in this research field is the lack of adequate theoretical analyses. Well-being output variables frequently possess no construct definition, and little attention is paid to moderating and mediating variables. This article integrates the main models in an overview and analyzes how secondary analyses define well-being and which areas of the construct they focus on. It then applies a moderator and/or mediator framework to examine which person and environmental variables can be found in the existing explanatory approaches in sport science and how they specify the influence of these moderating and mediating variables. Results show that the broad understanding of well-being in many secondary analyses makes findings difficult to interpret. Moreover, physiological explanatory approaches focus more on affective changes in well-being, whereas psychological approaches also include cognitive changes. The approaches focus mostly on either physical or psychological person variables and rarely combine the two, as in, for example, the dual-mode model. Whereas environmental variables specifying the treatment more closely (e.g., its intensity) are comparatively frequent, only the social support model formulates variables such as the framework in which exercise is presented. The majority of explanatory approaches use simple moderator and/or mediator models such as the basic mediated (e.g., distraction hypothesis) or multiple mediated (e.g., monoamine hypotheses) model. The discussion draws conclusions for future research.


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BACKGROUND Histamine is an ubiquitous inflammatory mediator of numerous physiological processes. Histamine and its receptors have been implicated in multiple sclerosis (MS) disease pathogenesis. We prospectively enrolled 36 MS patients and 19 age and gender-matched healthy volunteers for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) histamine analysis. FINDINGS CSF HISTAMINE LEVELS IN MS PATIENT SAMPLES WERE SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER (MEDIAN: 35.6 pg/ml) than in controls (median: 5.5 pg/ml; Beta = 0.525, p < 0.001). In addition, histamine increased with age (Pearson's correlation, p < 0.003). CONCLUSIONS Histamine may be an important factor for both the initiation and maintenance of chronic inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. Our observation encourages a deeper investigation of the role of histamine in MS.


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Crosslinking of immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) bound at the surface of mast cells and subsequent mediator release is considered the most important trigger for allergic reactions. Therefore, the genetic control of IgE levels is studied in the context of allergic diseases, such as asthma, atopic rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis (AD). We performed genome-wide association studies in 161 Labrador Retrievers with regard to total and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. We identified a genome-wide significant association on CFA 5 with the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Acarus siro. We detected a second genome-wide significant association with respect to the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Tyrophagus putrescentiae at a different locus on chromosome 5. A. siro and T. putrescentiae both belong to the family Acaridae and represent so-called storage or forage mites. These forage mites are discussed as major allergen sources in canine AD. No obvious candidate gene for the regulation of IgE levels is located under the two association signals. Therefore our studies offer a chance of identifying a novel mechanism controlling the host's IgE response.


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Einleitung und Fragestellung In der Forschung zum Selbstgespräch im Sport dominiert die Frage nach dessen Wir-kung auf die Leistung. Der Einfluss des während der Leistungserbringung geäußerten Selbstgesprächs auf (un-)beteiligte Personen (z.B. Zuschauer, Gegenspieler oder Dop-pelpartner) wurde bislang kaum untersucht. Van Raalte, Brewer, Cornelius und Petitpas (2006) konnten immerhin zeigen, dass Zuschauer einen Tennisspieler als kompetenter einschätzen, wenn er in einem Laborexperiment mit positivem statt mit negativem Selbst-gespräch gezeigt wurde. In unserer Studie stehen Dyaden im Zentrum, in der eine Person eine andere beobach-tet, die mit sich selbst spricht. Untersucht wird, ob bei einer additiven Teamaufgabe sol-che Beobachtungen einen Effekt auf die Kompetenzeinschätzung und die Anstren-gungsbereitschaft haben. Es wird vermutet, dass die beobachtende Person dann eine höhere Anstrengungsbereitschaft (AV) zeigt, wenn sie einen Teampartner mit positivem Selbstgespräch (UV) beobachtet, da sie ihren Partner als kompetenter einschätzt und diese Einschätzung als Mediator wirkt. Methode Es wurde ein randomisierter Zweigruppen-Versuchsplan mit zwei Experimentalgruppen (je n=20) durchgeführt. Das Treatment bestand aus einem Video, das den (jeweils identi-schen) Teampartner bei der Bewältigung der zu absolvierenden visuomotorisch-koordinativen Testaufgabe zeigt (Test 2HAND des Wiener Testsystems). Das Video wur-de abhängig von der Gruppenzugehörigkeit mit negativen respektive positiven Selbstge-sprächsaussagen unterlegt. Die Mediatorvariable wahrgenommene Kompetenz wurde mittels eines Fragebogens erhoben, der in Anlehnung an Van Raalte et al. (2006) entwi-ckelt wurde. Das Vorgehen zur Erhebung der abhängigen Variable Anstrengungsbereit-schaft wurde von Ohlert (2009) übernommen: Die Probanden erhielten die Möglichkeit, sich auf die spätere Testphase vorzubereiten. Erfasst wurde dabei die Zeit, die sie für die Vorbereitung in Anspruch nahmen, und die Genauigkeit, mit der sie eine Reihe von Aufwärmaufgaben absolvierten. Ergebnisse Die Datenerhebung wurde soeben abgeschlossen. Die Ergebnisse der noch ausstehen-den regressionsanalytischen Auswertung werden auf der Tagung präsentiert. Literatur Ohlert, J. (2009). Teamleistung. Social Loafing in der Vorbereitung auf eine Gruppenaufgabe. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac. Van Raalte, J. L., Brewer, B. W., Cornelius, A. E. & Petitpas, A. J. (2006). Self-presentational effects of self-talk on perceptions of tennis players. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 134-149.


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A growing body of evidence suggests a link between early childhood trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and higher risk for dementia in old age. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between childhood trauma exposure, PTSD and neurocognitive function in a unique cohort of former indentured Swiss child laborers in their late adulthood. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study ever conducted on former indentured child laborers and the first to investigate the relationship between childhood versus adulthood trauma and cognitive function. According to PTSD symptoms and whether they experienced childhood trauma (CT) or adulthood trauma (AT), participants (n = 96) were categorized as belonging to one of four groups: CT/PTSD+, CT/PTSD-, AT/PTSD+, AT/PTSD-. Information on cognitive function was assessed using the Structured Interview for Diagnosis of Dementia of Alzheimer Type, Multi-infarct Dementia and Dementia of other Etiology according to ICD-10 and DSM-III-R, the Mini-Mental State Examination, and a vocabulary test. Depressive symptoms were investigated as a potential mediator for neurocognitive functioning. Individuals screening positively for PTSD symptoms performed worse on all cognitive tasks compared to healthy individuals, independent of whether they reported childhood or adulthood adversity. When controlling for depressive symptoms, the relationship between PTSD symptoms and poor cognitive function became stronger. Overall, results tentatively indicate that PTSD is accompanied by cognitive deficits which appear to be independent of earlier childhood adversity. Our findings suggest that cognitive deficits in old age may be partly a consequence of PTSD or at least be aggravated by it. However, several study limitations need to considered. Consideration of cognitive deficits when treating PTSD patients and victims of lifespan trauma (even without a diagnosis of a psychiatric condition) is crucial. Furthermore, early intervention may prevent long-term deficits in memory function and development of dementia in adulthood.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is a mediator involved in bone regeneration. We therefore examined the effect of the novel NO donor, S-nitroso human serum albumin (S-NO-HSA) on bone formation in a rabbit calvaria augmentation model. Circular grooves (8 mm diameter, two per animal) were created by a trephine drill in the cortical bone of 40 rabbits and titanium caps were placed on the rabbit calvaria bone filled with a collagen sponge soaked with either 100 μL S-NO-HSA (5%, 20%) or human albumin (5%, 20%). After 4 weeks the titanium hemispheres were subjected to histological and histomorphometric analysis. Bone formation and the volume of the residual collagen sponge were evaluated. S-NO-HSA treatment groups had a significantly higher volume of newly formed bone underneath the titanium hemispheres compared to the albumin control groups (5%: 15.5 ± 4.0% versus 10.6 ± 2.9%; P < 0.05; 20%: 14.0 ± 4.6% versus 6.0 ± 3.8%; P < 0.01). The volume of residual collagen sponge was also significantly lower in the S-NO-HSA groups compared to the control groups (5%: 0.4 ± 0.5% versus 2.6 ± 2.4%; P < 0.05 and 20%: 1.5 ± 2.7% versus 13.0 ± 18.7%; P < 0.01). This study demonstrates for the first time that S-NO-HSA promotes bone formation by slow NO release. Additionally, S-NO-HSA increases collagen sponge degradation.


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The X‐linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) is a potent caspase inhibitor, best known for its anti‐apoptotic function in cancer. During apoptosis, XIAP is antagonized by SMAC, which is released from the mitochondria upon caspase‐mediated activation of BID. Recent studies suggest that XIAP is involved in immune signaling. Here, we explore XIAP as an important mediator of an immune response against the enteroinvasive bacterium Shigella flexneri, both in vitro and in vivo. Our data demonstrate for the first time that Shigella evades the XIAP‐mediated immune response by inducing the BID‐dependent release of SMAC from the mitochondria. Unlike apoptotic stimuli, Shigella activates the calpain‐dependent cleavage of BID to trigger the release of SMAC, which antagonizes the inflammatory action of XIAP without inducing apoptosis. Our results demonstrate how the cellular death machinery can be subverted by an invasive pathogen to ensure bacterial colonization.


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Memo is a conserved protein that was identified as an essential mediator of tumor cell motility induced by receptor tyrosine kinase activation. Here we show that Memo null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) are impaired in PDGF-induced migration and this is due to a defect in sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) signaling. S1P is a bioactive phospholipid produced in response to multiple stimuli, which regulates many cellular processes. S1P is secreted to the extracellular milieu where it exerts its function by binding a family of G-protein coupled receptors (S1PRs), causing their activation in an autocrine or paracrine manner. The process, termed cell-autonomous S1PR signaling, plays a role in survival and migration. Indeed, PDGF uses cell-autonomous S1PR signaling to promote cell migration; we show here that this S1P pathway requires Memo. Using vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) with Memo knock-down we show that their survival in conditions of serum-starvation is impaired. Furthermore, Memo loss in HUVECs causes a reduction of junctional VE-cadherin and an increase in sprout formation. Each of these phenotypes is rescued by S1P or S1P agonist addition, showing that Memo also plays an important role in cell-autonomous S1PR signaling in endothelial cells. We also produced conventional and endothelial cell-specific conditional Memo knock-out mouse strains and show that Memo is essential for embryonic development. Starting at E13.5 embryos of both strains display bleeding and other vascular problems, some of the phenotypes that have been described in mouse strains lacking S1PRs. The essential role of Memo in embryonic vascular development may be due in part to alterations in S1P signaling. Taken together our results show that Memo has a novel role in the S1P pathway and that Memo is needed to promote cell-autonomous S1PR activation.


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BACKGROUND The activation of multiple pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators is a key feature in the pathophysiology of sepsis. Many of these mediators may directly contribute to organ dysfunction and determine disease severity. So far our ability to modulate these upregulated mediator pathways is very limited. Therefore the adsorption of such mediators via an extracorporeal circuit may be a beneficial intervention during sepsis. OBJECTIVES Recent technical innovations have made this intervention feasible. Both systems for exclusive mediator adsorption and for adsorption beside a conventional renal replacement therapy are now available. Some of the membranes can adsorb a broad range of mediators by rather unspecific binding, whereas others specifically adsorb endotoxin or mediators. DISCUSSION Whilst biochemical efficacy could be demonstrated by some of the systems, controlled and randomized studies demonstrating improved clinical endpoints are still lacking. Therefore the use of such therapies outside clinical studies cannot yet be recommended.


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BACKGROUND Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) represents a growing health burden associated with substantial mortality and morbidity. Consequently, risk prediction is of highest importance. Endothelial dysfunction has been recently shown to play an important role in the complex pathophysiology of HFpEF. We therefore aimed to assess von Willebrand factor (vWF), a marker of endothelial damage, as potential biomarker for risk assessment in patients with HFpEF. METHODS AND RESULTS Concentrations of vWF were assessed in 457 patients with HFpEF enrolled as part of the LUdwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study. All-cause mortality was observed in 40% of patients during a median follow-up time of 9.7 years. vWF significantly predicted mortality with a hazard ratio (HR) per increase of 1 SD of 1.45 (95% confidence interval, 1.26-1.68; P<0.001) and remained a significant predictor after adjustment for age, sex, body mass index, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), renal function, and frequent HFpEF-related comorbidities (adjusted HR per 1 SD, 1.22; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-1.42; P=0.001). Most notably, vWF showed additional prognostic value beyond that achievable with NT-proBNP indicated by improvements in C-Statistic (vWF×NT-proBNP: 0.65 versus NT-proBNP: 0.63; P for comparison, 0.004) and category-free net reclassification index (37.6%; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS vWF is an independent predictor of long-term outcome in patients with HFpEF, which is in line with endothelial dysfunction as potential mediator in the pathophysiology of HFpEF. In particular, combined assessment of vWF and NT-proBNP improved risk prediction in this vulnerable group of patients.


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Drugs that inhibit insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGFI) receptor IGFIR were encouraging in early trials, but predictive biomarkers were lacking and the drugs provided insufficient benefit in unselected patients. In this study, we used genetic screening and downstream validation to identify the WNT pathway element DVL3 as a mediator of resistance to IGFIR inhibition. Sensitivity to IGFIR inhibition was enhanced specifically in vitro and in vivo by genetic or pharmacologic blockade of DVL3. In breast and prostate cancer cells, sensitization tracked with enhanced MEK-ERK activation and relied upon MEK activity and DVL3 expression. Mechanistic investigations showed that DVL3 is present in an adaptor complex that links IGFIR to RAS, which includes Shc, growth factor receptor-bound-2 (Grb2), son-of-sevenless (SOS), and the tumor suppressor DAB2. Dual DVL and DAB2 blockade synergized in activating ERKs and sensitizing cells to IGFIR inhibition, suggesting a nonredundant role for DVL3 in the Shc-Grb2-SOS complex. Clinically, tumors that responded to IGFIR inhibition contained relatively lower levels of DVL3 protein than resistant tumors, and DVL3 levels in tumors correlated inversely with progression-free survival in patients treated with IGFIR antibodies. Because IGFIR does not contain activating mutations analogous to EGFR variants associated with response to EGFR inhibitors, we suggest that IGF signaling achieves an equivalent integration at the postreceptor level through adaptor protein complexes, influencing cellular dependence on the IGF axis and identifying a patient population with potential to benefit from IGFIR inhibition.