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Freshwater ecosystems vary in size and composition and contain a wide range of organisms which interact with each other and with the environment. These interactions are between organisms and the environment as nutrient cycling, biomass formation and transfer, maintenance of internal environment and interactions with the external environment. The range of organisms present in aquatic communities decides the generation and transfer function of biomass, which defines and characterises the system. These organisms have distinct roles as they occupy particular trophic levels, forming an interconnected system in a food chain. Availability of resources and competition would primarily determine the balance of individual species within the food web, which in turn influences the variety and proportions of the different organisms, with important implications for the overall functioning of the system. This dynamic and diverse relationship decides the physical, chemical and biological elements across spatial and temporal scales in the aquatic ecosystem, which can be recorded by regular inventorying and monitoring to maintain the integrity and conserve the ecosystem. Regular environmental monitoring, particularly water quality monitoring allows us to detect, assess and manage the overall impacts on the rivers. The appreciation of water quality is in constant flux. Water quality assessments derived through the biotic indices, i.e. assessments based on observations of the resident floral and faunal communities has gained importance in recent years. Biological evaluations provide a description of the water quality that is often not achievable from elemental analyses alone. A biological indicator (or bioindicator) is a taxon or taxa selected based on its sensitivity to a particular attribute, and then assessed to make inferences about that attribute. In other words, they are a substitute for directly measuring abiotic features or other biota. Bioindicators are evaluated through presence or absence, condition, relative abundance, reproductive success, community structure (i.e. composition and diversity), community function (i.e. trophic structure), or any combination thereof.Biological communities reflect the overall ecological integrity by integrating various stresses, thus providing a broad measure of their synergistic impacts. Aquatic communities, both plants and animals, integrate and reflect the effects of chemical and physical disturbances that occur over extended periods of time. Monitoring procedures based on the biota measure the health of a river and the ability of aquatic ecosystems to support life as opposed to simply characterising the chemical and physical components of a particular system. This is the central purpose of assessing the biological condition of aquatic communities of a river.Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), blue green algae (Cyanophyceae), green algae (Chlorophyceae), and red algae (Rhodphyceae) are the main groups of algae in flowing water. These organisms are widely used as biological indicators of environmental health in the aquatic ecosystem because algae occupy the most basic level in the transfer of energy through natural aquatic systems. The distribution of algae in an aquatic ecosystem is directly related to the fundamental factors such as physical, chemical and biological constituents. Soft algae (all the algal groups except diatoms) have also been used as indicators of biological integrity, but they may have less efficiency than diatoms in this respect due to their highly variable morphology. The diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) comprise a ubiquitous, highly successful and distinctive group of unicellular algae with the most obvious distinguishing characteristic feature being siliceous cell walls (frustules). The photosynthetic organisms living within its photic zone are responsible for about one-half of global primary productivity. The most successful organisms are thought to be photosynthetic prokaryotes (cyanobacteria and prochlorophytes) and a class of eukaryotic unicellular algae known as diatoms. Diatoms are likely to have arisen around 240 million years ago following an endosymbiotic event between a red eukaryotic alga and a heterotrophic flagellate related to the Oomycetes.The importance of algae to riverine ecology is easily appreciated when one considers that they are primary producers that convert inorganic nutrients into biologically active organic compounds while providing physical habitat for other organisms. As primary producers, algae transform solar energy into food from which many invertebrates obtain their energy. Algae also transform inorganic nutrients, such as atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms such as ammonia and amino acids that can be used by other organisms. Algae stabilises the substrate and creates mats that form structural habitats for fish and invertebrates. Algae are a source of organic matter and provide habitat for other organisms such as non-photosynthetic bacteria, protists, invertebrates, and fish. Algae's crucial role in stream ecosystems and their excellent indicator properties make them an important component of environmental studies to assess the effects of human activities on stream health. Diatoms are used as biological indicators for a number of reasons: 1. They occur in all types of aquatic ecosystems. 2. They collectively show a broad range of tolerance along a gradient of aquatic productivity, individual species have specific water chemistry requirements. 3. They have one of the shortest generation times of all biological indicators (~2 weeks). They reproduce and respond rapidly to environmental change and provide early measures of both pollution impacts and habitat restoration. 4. It takes two to three weeks before changes are reflected to a measurable extent in the assemblage composition.


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Groundwater constitutes a vital natural resource for sustaining India’s agricultural economy and meeting the country’s social, ecological and environmental goals. It is a unique resource, widely available, providing security against droughts and yet it is closely linked to surface-water resources and the hydrological cycle. Its availability depends on geo-hydrological conditions and characteristics of aquifers, from deep to alluvium, sediment crystalline rocks to basalt formations; and agro-climate from humid to subhumid and semi-arid to arid. Its reliable supply, uniform quality and temperature, relative turbidity, pollution-safe, minimal evaporation losses, and low cost of development are attributes making groundwater more attractive compared to other resources. It plays a key role in the provision of safe drinking water to rural populations. For example, already almost 80% of domestic water use in rural areas in India is groundwater-supplied, and much of it is being supplied to farms, villages and small towns. Inadequate control of the use of groundwater, indiscriminate application of agrochemicals and unrestrained pollution of the rural environment by other human activities make groundwater usage unsustainable, necessitating proper management in the face of the twin demand for water of good quality for domestic supply and adequate supply for irrigation, ensuring equity, efficiency and sustainability of the resource. Groundwater irrigation has overtaken surface irrigation in the early 1980s, supported by well energization. It is estimated that there are about 24 million energised wells and tube wells now and it is driven by demand rather than availability, evident through the greater occurrence of wells in districts with high population densities. Apart from aquifer characteristics, land fragmentation and landholding size are the factors that decide the density of wells. The ‘rise and fall’ of local economies dependent on groundwater can be summarized as: the green revolution of 1980s, groundwaterbased agrarian boom, early symptoms of groundwater overdraft, and decline of the groundwater socio-ecology. The social characteristics and policy interventions typical of each stage provide a fascinating insight into the human-resource dynamics. This book is a compilation of nine research papers discussing various aspects of groundwater management. It attempts to integrate knowledge about the physical system, the socio-economic system, the institutional set-up and the policy environment to come out with a more realistic analysis of the situation with regard to the nature, characteristics and intensity of resource use, the size of the economy the use generates, and the negative socioeconomic consequences. Complex variables addressed in this regard focusing on northern Gujarat are the stock of groundwater available in the region, its hydrodynamics, its net outflows against inflows, the economics of its intensive use (particularly irrigation in semi-arid and arid regions), its criticality in the regional hydroecological regime, ethical aspects and social aspects of its use. The first chapter by Dinesh Kumar and Singh, dwells on complex groundwater socio-ecology of India, while emphasizing the need for policy measures to address indiscriminate over-exploitation of dwindling resources. The chapter also explores the nature of groundwater economy and the role of electricity prices on it. The next chapter on groundwater issue in north Gujarat provides a description of groundwater resource characteristics followed by a detailed analysis of the groundwater depletion and quality deterioration problems in the region and their undesirable consequences on the economy, ecosystem health and the society. Considering water-buyers and wellowning farmers individually, a methodology for economic valuation of groundwater in regions where its primary usage is in agriculture, and as assessment of the groundwater economy based on case studies from north Gujarat is presented in the fourth chapter. The next chapter focuses on the extent of dependency of milk production on groundwater, which includes the water embedded in green and dry fodder and animal feed. The study made a realistic estimate of irrigation water productivity in terms of the physics and economics of milk production. The sixth chapter analyses the extent of reduction in water usage, increase in yield and overall increase in physical productivity of alfalfa with the use of the drip irrigation system. The chapter also provides a detailed synthesis of the costs and benefits associated with the use of drip irrigation systems. A linear programmingbased optimization model with the objective to minimize groundwater use taking into account the interaction between two distinct components – farming and dairying under the constraints of food security and income stability for different scenarios, including shift in cropping pattern, introduction of water-efficient crops, water- saving technologies in addition to the ‘business as usual’ scenario is presented in the seventh chapter. The results show that sustaining dairy production in the region with reduced groundwater draft requires crop shifts and adoption of water-saving technologies. The eighth chapter provides evidences to prove that the presence of adequate economic incentive would encourage farmers to adopt water-saving irrigation devices, based on the findings of market research with reference to the level of awareness among farmers of technologies and the factors that decide the adoption of water-saving technologies. However, now the marginal cost of using electricity for agricultural pumping is almost zero. The economic incentives are strong and visible only when the farmers are either water-buyers or have to manage irrigation with limited water from tube-well partnerships. The ninth chapter explores the socio-economic viability of increasing the power tariff and inducing groundwater rationing as a tool for managing energy and groundwater demand, considering the current estimate of the country’s annual economic loss of Rs 320 billion towards electricity subsidy in the farm sector. The tenth chapter suggests private tradable property rights and development of water markets as the institutional tool for achieving equity, efficiency and sustainability of groundwater use. It identifies the externalities for local groundwater management and emphasizes the need for managing groundwater by local user groups, supported by a thorough analysis of groundwater socio-ecology in India. An institutional framework for managing the resource based on participatory approach that is capable of internalizing the externalities, comprising implementation of institutional and technical alternatives for resource management is also presented. Major findings of the analyses and key arguments in each chapter are summarized in the concluding chapter. Case studies of the social and economic benefits of groundwater use, where that use could be described as unsustainable, are interesting. The benefits of groundwater use are outlined and described with examples of social and economic impacts of groundwater and the negative aspects of groundwater development with the compilation of environmental problems based on up-to-date research results. This publication with a well-edited compilation of case studies is informative and constitutes a useful publication for students and professionals.


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To effectively support today’s global economy, database systems need to manage data in multiple languages simultaneously. While current database systems do support the storage and management of multilingual data, they are not capable of querying across different natural languages. To address this lacuna, we have recently proposed two cross-lingual functionalities, LexEQUAL[13] and SemEQUAL[14], for matching multilingual names and concepts, respectively. In this paper, we investigate the native implementation of these multilingual functionalities as first-class operators on relational engines. Specifically, we propose a new multilingual storage datatype, and an associated algebra of the multilingual operators on this datatype. These components have been successfully implemented in the PostgreSQL database system, including integration of the algebra with the query optimizer and inclusion of a metric index in the access layer. Our experiments demonstrate that the performance of the native implementation is up to two orders-of-magnitude faster than the corresponding outsidethe- server implementation. Further, these multilingual additions do not adversely impact the existing functionality and performance. To the best of our knowledge, our prototype represents the first practical implementation of a crosslingual database query engine.


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In phase encoding optical CDMA (OCDMA) the spreading is achieved by encoding the phase of signal spectrum. In this paper we first derive a mathematical model for the output of phase encoding OCDMA systems. Based on this model we introduce a metric to design spreading sequences for asynchronous transmission. Then we connect the phase encoding sequence design problem to OFDM PMEPR (peak to mean envelope power ratio) problem. Using this connection we conclude that designing sequences with good properties for samples of timing delay guarantees that the same sequence to be good for all timing delays. Finally using generalized bent function we manage to construct a family of sequences which are good for asynchronous phase encoding OCDMA systems and using these sequences we introduce an M-ary modulation scheme for phase encoding OCDMA


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Arteries are heterogeneous, composite structures that undergo large cyclic deformations during blood transport. Presence, build-up and consequent rupture of blockages in blood vessels, called atherosclerotic plaques, lead to disruption in the blood flow that can eventually be fatal. Abnormal lipid profile and hypertension are the main risk factors for plaque progression. Treatments span from pharmacological methods, to minimally invasive balloon angioplasty and stent procedures, and finally to surgical alternatives. There is a need to understand arterial disease progression and devise methods to detect, control, treat and manage arterial disease through early intervention. Local delivery through drug eluting stents also provide an attractive option for maintaining vessel integrity and restoring blood flow while releasing controlled amount of drug to reduce and alleviate symptoms. Development of drug eluting stents is hence interesting albeit challenging because it requires an integration of knowledge of mechanical properties with material transport of drug through the arterial wall to produce a desired biochemical effect. Although experimental models are useful in studying such complex multivariate phenomena, numerical models of mass transport in the vessel have proved immensely useful to understand and delineate complex interactions between chemical species, physical parameters and biological variables. The goals of this review are to summarize literature based on studies of mass transport involving low density lipoproteins in the arterial wall. We also discuss numerical models of drug elution from stents in layered and porous arterial walls that provide a unique platform that can be exploited for the design of novel drug eluting stents.


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Expanding energy access to the rural population of India presents a critical challenge for its government. The presence of 364 million people without access to electricity and 726 million who rely on biomass for cooking indicate both the failure of past policies and programs, and the need for a radical redesign of the current system. We propose an integrated implementation framework with recommendations for adopting business principles with innovative institutional, regulatory, financing and delivery mechanisms. The framework entails establishment of rural energy access authorities and energy access funds, both at the national and regional levels, to be empowered with enabling regulatory policies, capital resources and the support of multi-stakeholder partnership. These institutions are expected to design, lead, manage and monitor the rural energy interventions. At the other end, trained entrepreneurs would be expected to establish bioenergy-based micro-enterprises that will produce and distribute energy carriers to rural households at an affordable cost. The ESCOs will function as intermediaries between these enterprises and the international carbon market both in aggregating carbon credits and in trading them under CDM. If implemented, such a program could address the challenges of rural energy empowerment by creating access to modern energy carriers and climate change mitigation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Environmental Management has become one of the most used terms in recent times. But, what exactly does the term mean and entail? Environmental management helps to investigate and manage the environment within the context of human influences, incorporating an examination of economics, culture, political structure, and social equity, as well as natural processes and systems. This book discusses in detail the various issues relating to environmental management, including the fundamentals; the various environmental policies, legislations and international treaties; the concept of environmental impact assessment; environmental auditing; life cycle assessment; various environmental management system standards; issues and techniques, and environmental design and economics has become one of the most used terms in recent times. But, what exactly does the term mean and entail? Environmental management helps to investigate and manage the environment within the context of human influences, incorporating an examination of economics, culture, political structure, and social equity, as well as natural processes and systems. This book discusses in detail the various issues relating to environmental management, including the fundamentals; the various environmental policies, legislations and international treaties; the concept of environmental impact assessment; environmental auditing; life cycle assessment; various environmental management system standards; issues and techniques, and environmental design and economics.


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The foetus is dependent on its mother for passive immunity involving receptor-mediated specific transport of antibodies. IgG antibody is present in highest concentration in serum and is the only antibody type that can cross the placenta efficiently, except for its IgG2 subclass. Most of the pathogenic manifestations affecting the foetus involve capsular antigens and polysaccharides of pathogens and it is known that immune response to these antigens is primed to the predominant production of IgG2 type of antibody. Paradoxically, the IgG2 subclass cannot cross the placenta and neutralize such antigens; therefore, infections related to these antigens may persist and can lead to serious conditions like miscarriage and stillbirth. This article describes in brief the properties of IgG subclasses, intrauterine infections seen during pregnancy and discusses possible IgG-based strategies to manage infections to afford protection to the foetus.


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Urbanisation is a dynamic complex phenomenon involving large scale changes in the land uses at local levels. Analyses of changes in land uses in urban environments provide a historical perspective of land use and give an opportunity to assess the spatial patterns, correlation, trends, rate and impacts of the change, which would help in better regional planning and good governance of the region. Main objective of this research is to quantify the urban dynamics using temporal remote sensing data with the help of well-established landscape metrics. Bangalore being one of the rapidly urbanising landscapes in India has been chosen for this investigation. Complex process of urban sprawl was modelled using spatio temporal analysis. Land use analyses show 584% growth in built-up area during the last four decades with the decline of vegetation by 66% and water bodies by 74%. Analyses of the temporal data reveals an increase in urban built up area of 342.83% (during 1973-1992), 129.56% (during 1992-1999), 106.7% (1999-2002), 114.51% (2002-2006) and 126.19% from 2006 to 2010. The Study area was divided into four zones and each zone is further divided into 17 concentric circles of 1 km incrementing radius to understand the patterns and extent of the urbanisation at local levels. The urban density gradient illustrates radial pattern of urbanisation for the period 1973-2010. Bangalore grew radially from 1973 to 2010 indicating that the urbanisation is intensifying from the central core and has reached the periphery of the Greater Bangalore. Shannon's entropy, alpha and beta population densities were computed to understand the level of urbanisation at local levels. Shannon's entropy values of recent time confirms dispersed haphazard urban growth in the city, particularly in the outskirts of the city. This also illustrates the extent of influence of drivers of urbanisation in various directions. Landscape metrics provided in depth knowledge about the sprawl. Principal component analysis helped in prioritizing the metrics for detailed analyses. The results clearly indicates that whole landscape is aggregating to a large patch in 2010 as compared to earlier years which was dominated by several small patches. The large scale conversion of small patches to large single patch can be seen from 2006 to 2010. In the year 2010 patches are maximally aggregated indicating that the city is becoming more compact and more urbanised in recent years. Bangalore was the most sought after destination for its climatic condition and the availability of various facilities (land availability, economy, political factors) compared to other cities. The growth into a single urban patch can be attributed to rapid urbanisation coupled with the industrialisation. Monitoring of growth through landscape metrics helps to maintain and manage the natural resources. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many dynamical systems, including lakes, organisms, ocean circulation patterns, or financial markets, are now thought to have tipping points where critical transitions to a contrasting state can happen. Because critical transitions can occur unexpectedly and are difficult to manage, there is a need for methods that can be used to identify when a critical transition is approaching. Recent theory shows that we can identify the proximity of a system to a critical transition using a variety of so-called `early warning signals', and successful empirical examples suggest a potential for practical applicability. However, while the range of proposed methods for predicting critical transitions is rapidly expanding, opinions on their practical use differ widely, and there is no comparative study that tests the limitations of the different methods to identify approaching critical transitions using time-series data. Here, we summarize a range of currently available early warning methods and apply them to two simulated time series that are typical of systems undergoing a critical transition. In addition to a methodological guide, our work offers a practical toolbox that may be used in a wide range of fields to help detect early warning signals of critical transitions in time series data.


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Effective sharing of the last level cache has a significant influence on the overall performance of a multicore system. We observe that existing solutions control cache occupancy at a coarser granularity, do not scale well to large core counts and in some cases lack the flexibility to support a variety of performance goals. In this paper, we propose Probabilistic Shared Cache Management (PriSM), a framework to manage the cache occupancy of different cores at cache block granularity by controlling their eviction probabilities. The proposed framework requires only simple hardware changes to implement, can scale to larger core count and is flexible enough to support a variety of performance goals. We demonstrate the flexibility of PriSM, by computing the eviction probabilities needed to achieve goals like hit-maximization, fairness and QOS. PriSM-HitMax improves performance by 18.7% over LRU and 11.8% over previously proposed schemes in a sixteen core machine. PriSM-Fairness improves fairness over existing solutions by 23.3% along with a performance improvement of 19.0%. PriSM-QOS successfully achieves the desired QOS targets.


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Muscle development is a multistep process which includes myoblast diversification, proliferation, migration, fusion, differentiation and growth. A hierarchical exhibition of myogenic factors is important for dexterous execution of progressive events in muscle formation. EWG (erect wing) is a transcription factor known to have a role in indirect flight muscle development (IFM) in Drosophila. We marked out the precise spatio-temporal expression profile of EWG in the myoblasts, and in the developing muscles. Mutant adult flies null for EWG in myoblasts show variable number of IFM, suggesting that EWG is required for patterning of the IFM. The remnant muscle found in the EWG null flies show proper assembly of the structural proteins, which implies that some myoblasts manage to fuse, develop and differentiate normally indicating that EWG is not required for differentiation program per se. However, when EWG expression is extended beyond its expression window in a wild type background, muscle thinning is observed implying EWG function in protein synthesis inhibition. Mis-expression studies in wing disc myoblasts hinted at its role in myoblast proliferation. We thus conclude that EWG is important for regulating fusion events which in turn decides the IFM pattern. Also IFM in EWG null mutants show clumps containing broken fibres and an altered mitochondrial morphology. The vertebrate homolog of EWG is nuclear respiratory factor1 (NRF1) which is known to have a function in mitochondrial biogenesis and protection against oxidative stress. Gene expression for inner mitochondrial membrane protein, Opa1-like was found to be absent in these mutants. Also, these flies were more sensitive to oxidative stress, indicating a compromised mitochondrial functioning. Our results therefore demonstrate that EWG functions in maintaining muscles’ structural integrity by ensuing proper mitochondrial activity.


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Effective network overload alleviation is very much essential in order to maintain security and integrity from the operational viewpoint of deregulated power systems. This paper aims at developing a methodology to reschedule the active power generation from the sources in order to manage the network congestion under normal/contingency conditions. An effective method has been proposed using fuzzy rule based inference system. Using virtual flows concept, which provides partial contributions/counter flows in the network elements is used as a basis in the proposed method to manage network congestions to the possible extent. The proposed method is illustrated on a sample 6 bus test system and on modified IEEE 39 bus system.


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Population growth and rapid urbanization lead to considerable stress on already depleting water resources. A great challenge for water authorities of urban cities is to supply adequate and reliable safe water to all consumers. In most of the developing countries water scarcity and high demands have led the water authorities to resort to intermittent supplies. Surface and groundwater are the major sources of supply in urban cities. The direct consequences of intermittent supplies and poor sanitation practices are several incidences of water borne diseases posing public health risk. In order to minimize the supply-demand gap and to assure good quality of water, new techniques or models can be helpful to manage the water distribution systems (WDS) in a better way. In the present paper, a review is carried out on the existing urban water supply management methodologies with a way forward for the proper management of the water supply systems.


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1. The relationship between species richness and ecosystem function, as measured by productivity or biomass, is of long-standing theoretical and practical interest in ecology. This is especially true for forests, which represent a majority of global biomass, productivity and biodiversity. 2. Here, we conduct an analysis of relationships between tree species richness, biomass and productivity in 25 forest plots of area 8-50ha from across the world. The data were collected using standardized protocols, obviating the need to correct for methodological differences that plague many studies on this topic. 3. We found that at very small spatial grains (0.04ha) species richness was generally positively related to productivity and biomass within plots, with a doubling of species richness corresponding to an average 48% increase in productivity and 53% increase in biomass. At larger spatial grains (0.25ha, 1ha), results were mixed, with negative relationships becoming more common. The results were qualitatively similar but much weaker when we controlled for stem density: at the 0.04ha spatial grain, a doubling of species richness corresponded to a 5% increase in productivity and 7% increase in biomass. Productivity and biomass were themselves almost always positively related at all spatial grains. 4. Synthesis. This is the first cross-site study of the effect of tree species richness on forest biomass and productivity that systematically varies spatial grain within a controlled methodology. The scale-dependent results are consistent with theoretical models in which sampling effects and niche complementarity dominate at small scales, while environmental gradients drive patterns at large scales. Our study shows that the relationship of tree species richness with biomass and productivity changes qualitatively when moving from scales typical of forest surveys (0.04ha) to slightly larger scales (0.25 and 1ha). This needs to be recognized in forest conservation policy and management.