998 resultados para liquid gas
A rapid HPLC analytical method was developed and validated for the determination of the N-phenylpiperazine derivative LASSBio-579in plasma rat. Analyses were performed using a C18 column and elution with 20 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate - methanol. The analyte was monitored using a photodiode array detector (257 nm). Calibration curves in spiked plasma were linear over the concentration range of 0.3-8 mg/mL with determination coefficient > 0.99. The lower limit of quantification was 0.3 mg/mL. The applicability of the HPLC method for pharmacokinetic studies was tested using plasma samples obtained after administration of LASSBio-579 to Wistar rats, showing the specificity of the method.
The presence of illicit drugs such as cocaine and marijuana in US paper currency is very well demonstrated. However, there is no published study describing the presence of cocaine and/or other illicit drugs in Brazilian paper currency. In this study, Brazilian banknotes were collected from nine cities, extracted and analyzed by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, in order to investigate the presence of cocaine. Bills were extracted with deionized water followed by ethyl acetate. Results showed that 93% of the bills presented cocaine in a concentration range of 2.38-275.10 µg/bill.
The main objective of this work is to develop an efficient procedure to determine glyphosate in soybean grains. The cleanup of the aqueous extracts was done in two steps, beginning with liquid-liquid partitioning and then solid-phase extraction with anion exchange resin. After derivatization with a mixture of trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) and trifluoroethanol (TFE), quantification was done by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The mean recovery and RSD of the spiked samples were, respectively, 80.5% and 3.1% at level 0.200 mg kg-1, 93.3% and 18.7% at level 0.500 mg kg-1 and 92% and 3.5% at level 1.000 mg kg-1. The method was linear in the working range (correlation coefficient = 0.9965).
The environmental impact of landfill is a growing concern in waste management practices. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of the solutions implemented to alter the issue is of importance. The objectives of the study were to provide an insight of landfill advantages, and to consolidate landfill gas importance among others alternative fuels. Finally, a case study examining the performances of energy production from a land disposal at Ylivieska was carried out to ascertain the viability of waste to energy project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study was conducted in two parts; the first was the review of literatures focused on landfill gas developments. Specific considerations were the conception of mechanism governing the variability of gas production and the investigation of mathematical models often used in landfill gas modeling. Furthermore, the analysis of two main distributed generation technologies used to generate energy from landfill was carried out. The review of literature revealed a high influence of waste segregation and high level of moisture content for waste stabilization process. It was found that the enhancement in accuracy for forecasting gas rate generation can be done with both mathematical modeling and field test measurements. The result of the case study mainly indicated the close dependence of the power output with the landfill gas quality and the fuel inlet pressure.
Työn tarkoituksena oli löytää kapillaarielektroforeesimenetelmä (CE), joka soveltuisi metallien neste-nesteuutossa käytettävien orgaanisten uuttofaasien koostumuksen analysointiin. Kapillaarielektroforeesissa käytetyn elektrolyyttiliuoksen analyytti-kohtaista optimointia ei tässä työssä tehty, vaan liikkeelle lähdettiin fenoleille tarkoitetulla menetelmällä. Tarkasteltavia uuttoreagenssiryhmiä olivat hydroksi-oksiimit sekä fosfiinihappo- ja fosforihappopohjaiset reagenssit. Tutkittavia kaupallisia laimentimia olivat Orfom SX 11 ja Shellsol D70. Lisäksi tutkittiin kahta modifiointiainetta, TOPOa (tri-n-oktyylifosfiinioksidi) ja TXIB:tä (2,2,4-trimetyyli-1,3-pentaanidiolidi-isobutyraatti). Työssä tavoiteltiin kapillaarielektroforeesin hyötyjä erityisesti hydrometallurgisessa teollisuudessa. Suurimpana hyötynä ennakoitiin mahdollisuus analysoida suuria molekyylejä, kuten uuttoreagenssi-metallikomplekseja, joita ei pystytä analysoimaan kaasukromatografilla (GC). Näytteet voidaan myös analysoida ilman hidasta ja usein ei-kvantitatiivista derivatisointia. Kirjallisuudesta ei löytynyt aiempia artikkeleita CE:n soveltamisesta kyseisille aiheille. Kapillaarielektroforeesianalyyseissa pystyttiin esimerkiksi havaitsemaan hydroksi-oksiimin kuparikompleksi orgaanisessa faasissa. Seulonta-ajoissa yleisenä ongelmana oli kuitenkin tulosten heikko toistettavuus. Kapillaari-elektro-foreesi-menetelmä tarjoaa selvästi mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa, mutta vielä sillä ei päästy luotettavaan toistoon sähkökentän häiriöiden ja elektrolyyttiliuoksen riittämättömän optimoinnin vuoksi. Lisäksi teollisissa olosuhteissa käytetyille autenttisille hydroksioksiimi- ja fosfiinihapponäytteille tehtiin perinteisiä kaasukromatografia-analyysejä, joiden perusteella voitiin nähdä uuttofaasin koostumuksen muuttuneen prosessissa. Hapettuminen sekä eri hydrolyysireaktiot ovat tärkeimmät syyt reagenssien ja laimentimien muuttumiselle. Näitä hajoamistuotteita ei tässä työssä onnistuttu analysoimaan kapillaarielektroforeesilla.
Ozonization of theobroma oil at different applied ozone dosages was carried out with measurement of peroxide index values, oxygen percentage content and fatty acids composition. The comparison of peroxide values with percentage content of oxygen at different applied ozone dosages showed good correlation (r=0.9923). Unsaturated fatty acids and triacylglycerols decrease with ozone applied dosage due to ozone reaction with double bonds. Small amounts of oleic acid were consumed with applied ozone dosage at 35 mg/g, which demonstrated that peroxide values and oxygen content were not principally increased by the ozone attack on the double bonds, but other mechanisms could be involved in the reaction system.
Liquid-liquid extraction is a mass transfer process for recovering the desired components from the liquid streams by contacting it to non-soluble liquid solvent. Literature part of this thesis deals with theory of the liquid-liquid extraction and the main steps of the extraction process design. The experimental part of this thesis investigates the extraction of organic acids from aqueous solution. The aim was to find the optimal solvent for recovering the organic acids from aqueous solutions. The other objective was to test the selected solvent in pilot scale with packed column and compare the effectiveness of the structured and the random packing, the effect of dispersed phase selection and the effect of packing material wettability properties. Experiments showed that selected solvent works well with dilute organic acid solutions. The random packing proved to be more efficient than the structured packing due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. Dispersing the phase that is present in larger volume proved to more efficient. With the random packing the material that was wetted by the dispersed phase was more efficient due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. According the literature, the behavior is usually opposite.
The microbiological bioassay, UV-spectrophotometry and HPLC methods for assaying gatifloxacin in tablets were compared. Validation parameters such as linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection and limit of quantitation were determined. Beer's law was obeyed in the ranges 4.0-14.0 μg/mL for HPLC and UV-spectrophotometric method, and 4.0-16.0 μg/mL for bioassay. All methods were reliable within acceptable limits for antibiotic pharmaceutical preparations being accurate, precise and reproducible. The bioassay and HPLC are more specific than UV-spectrophotometric analysis. The application of each method as a routine analysis should be investigated considering cost, simplicity, equipment, solvents, speed, and application to large or small workloads.
In this work carrier-facilitated transport of mercury(II) against its concentration gradient from aqueous 0.04 M hydrochloric acid solution across a liquid membrane containing isopropyl 2-[(isopropoxycarbothiolyl)disulfanyl]ethane thioate (IIDE) as the mobile carrier in chloroform has been investigated. Sodium thiocyanate solution (1.6 M) was the most efficient receiving phase agent among several aqueous reagents tested. Various parameters such as investigated. Under optimum conditions the transport of Hg(II) across the liquid membrane is more than 97% after 2.5 h. The carrier, IIDE, selectively and efficiently could able to transport Hg (II) ions in the presence of other associated metal ions in binary systems.
In the present work, the development of a method based on the coupling of flow analysis (FA), hydride generation (HG), and derivative molecular absorption spectrophotometry (D-EAM) in gas phase (GP), is described in order to determine total antimony in antileishmanial products. Second derivative order (D²224nm) of the absorption spectrum (190 - 300 nm) is utilized as measurement criterion. Each one of the parameters involved in the development of the proposed method was examined and optimized. The utilization of the EAM in GP as detection system in a continuous mode instead of atomic absorption spectrometry represents the great potential of the analytic proposal.
Biomass was the dominating source of energy for human activities until the middle 19th century, when coal, oil, gas and other energy sources became increasingly important but it still represents ca. 10% of the worldwide energy supply. The major part of biomass for energy is still "traditional biomass" used as wood and coal extracted from native forests and thus non-sustainable, used with low efficiency for cooking and home heating, causing pollution problems. This use is largely done in rural areas and it is usually not supported by trading activities. There is now a strong trend to the modernization of biomass use, especially making alcohol from sugar cane thus replacing gasoline, or biodiesel to replace Diesel oil, beyond the production of electricity and vegetable coal using wood from planted forests. As recently as in 2004, sustainable "modern biomass" represented 2% of worldwide energy consumption. This article discusses the perspectives of the "first" and "second" technology generations for liquid fuel production, as well as biomass gaseification to make electricity or syngas that is in turn used in the Fischer-Tropsch process.
In this work synthetic niobia was used to promote the oxidation of methylene blue dye in aqueous medium. The niobia was characterized by N2 adsorption/desorption, XRD and TG measurements. The presence of reactive species on the niobia surface strongly increased the oxidation rate of the methylene blue dye. The reaction mechanism was studied by ESI-MS suggesting that the oxidation of the organic dye involve oxidizing species generated mainly after previous treatment with H2O2. It can be observed that the catalyst is a good material in the activation of gas (atmospheric oxygen) or liquid (hydrogen peroxide) oxidant agent with a total discoloration of the dye solution after only 1 h of reaction.
An alternative methodology for analysis of acetaminophen (Ace), phenylephrine (Phe) and carbinoxamine (Car) in tablets by ion-pair reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography was validated. The pharmaceutical preparations were analyzed by using a C18 column (5 μm, 300 mm, 3.9 mm) and mobile phase consisting of 60% methanol and 40% potassium monobasic phosphate aqueous solution (62.46 mmol L-1) added with 1 mL phosphoric acid, 0.50 mL triethylamine and 0.25 g sodium lauryl sulfate. Isocratic analysis was performed under direct UV detection at 220 nm for Phe and Car and at 300 nm for Ace within 5 min.
This work aimed to quantify some organic compounds in "cachaças" (sugar cane spirit). The ethyl alcohol was quantified by densimetry, after distillation. The acetic acid, methyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol (mixture of 2-methyl-butyl and 3-methyl-butyl), ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde were determined by gas chromatography; and the furfural, 5-hydroxy-methylfurfural and acrolein by high efficiency liquid chromatography. From the 30 samples analyzed, 63.3% showed non-conformity with national legislation regarding at least one of the analyzed components.
Ozonation of sunflower oils with genetic modification High Oleic and High Oleic-Palmitic (AO and PO respectively) and without modification, High Linoleic (AL) at different applied ozone dosages was carried out with measurement of peroxide and acidity indexes values, fatty acids composition, oxygen percentage content and antimicrobial activity. The comparison of peroxides indexes and oxygen content at different applied ozone dosages in each oil showed good correlation (r = 0,99). Higher amount of oleic acid was consumed at higher applied ozone dosage in PO oil than AO oil, which can be related to the increase of acidity index. The antimicrobial activity was better for AL and PO ozonized oils.