940 resultados para limited resources


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The purpose of the project is to improve our understanding about best management practices that can be utilized on diked managed wetlands in Suisun Marsh for reducing the occurrence of low dissolved oxygen (DO) and high methylmercury (MeHg) events associated primarily with fall flood-up practices. Low DO events are of concern because they can lead to undue stress and even mortality of sensitive aquatic organisms. Elevated MeHg levels are of concern because MeHg is a neurotoxin that bio-magnifies up the food chain and can cause deleterious effects to higher trophic level consumers such as piscivorous fish, birds, and mammals (including humans). This study involved two years (2007-2008) of intensive field data collection at two managed wetland sites in northwest Suisun Marsh and their surrounding tidal sloughs, an area with prior documented low DO events. In addition, the study collected limited soils and water quality field data and mapped vegetation for three managed wetland sites in the central interior of Suisun Marsh, for the purpose of examining whether wetlands at other locations exhibit characteristics that could indicate potential for similar concerns. In Year 1 of the study, the objective was to identify the baseline conditions in the managed wetlands and determine which physical management conditions could be modified for Year 2 to reduce low DO and MeHg production issues most effectively. The objective of Year 2 was to evaluate the effectiveness of these modified management actions at reducing production of low DO and elevated MeHg conditions within the managed wetlands and to continue improving understanding of the underlying biogeochemical processes at play. This Final Evaluation Memorandum examined a total of 19 BMPs, 14 involving modified water management operations and the remaining five involving modified soil and vegetation management practices. Some of these BMPs were previously employed and others have not yet been tested. For each BMP this report assesses its efficacy in improving water quality conditions and potential conflicts with wetland management. It makes recommendations for further study (either feasibility assessments or field testing) and whether to consider for future use. Certain previously used BMPs were found to be important contributors to poor water quality conditions and their continued use is not recommended. Some BMPs that could improve water quality conditions appear difficult to implement in regards to compatibility with wetland management; these BMPs require further elaboration and feasibility assessment to determine whether they should be field tested. In practice for any given wetland, there is likely a combination of BMPs that would together have the greatest potential to address the low DO and high MeHg water quality concerns. Consequently, this report makes no sweeping recommendations applicable to large groups of wetlands but instead promotes a careful consideration of factors at each wetland or small groups of wetlands and from that assessment to apply the most effective suite of BMPs. This report also identifies a number of recommended future actions and studies. These recommendations are geared toward improving the process understanding of factors that promote low DO and high MeHg conditions, the extent of these problems in Suisun Marsh, the regulatory basis for the DO standards for a large estuarine marsh, the economics of BMPs, and alternative approaches to BMPs on diked managed wetlands that may address the water quality issues. The most important of these recommendations is that future BMP implementation should be carried out within the context of rigorous scientific evaluation so as to gain the maximum improvement in how to manage these water quality issues in the diked managed wetlands of Suisun Marsh.


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This report to the Maryland General Assembly covers: design and operation of the hydraulic clam dredge; summary of knowledge of Maryland's soft shell clam resource; development and present status; Potential value of the resource; Effects of the hydraulic clam dredge; evaluation of the effects of certain proposals concerning the soft shell clam industry; summary.


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[EN]This research had as primary objective to model different types of problems using linear programming and apply different methods so as to find an adequate solution to them. To achieve this objective, a linear programming problem and its dual were studied and compared. For that, linear programming techniques were provided and an introduction of the duality theory was given, analyzing the dual problem and the duality theorems. Then, a general economic interpretation was given and different optimal dual variables like shadow prices were studied through the next practical case: An aesthetic surgery hospital wanted to organize its monthly waiting list of four types of surgeries to maximize its daily income. To solve this practical case, we modelled the linear programming problem following the relationships between the primal problem and its dual. Additionally, we solved the dual problem graphically, and then we found the optimal solution of the practical case posed through its dual, following the different theorems of the duality theory. Moreover, how Complementary Slackness can help to solve linear programming problems was studied. To facilitate the solution Solver application of Excel and Win QSB programme were used.


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This work reflects the activities of line and trap fishing in Southern Mozambique in 2000. The catch in line fishing has been estimated at 441 mt, according to the DNAP records. The same sources indicated that 1767 days were spent at sea and the estimated catch rate was 250 Kg per boaticlay. Most of the line fishing effort shifted away from Maputo and moved to Inhambane region. The monthly analysis of fishing vessels, stricter controls over catch and effort data submission, development of long-term research programme and the continuation of the on board sampling to improve the data collection are the recommendation for line fishing. The catch of trap vessels increases from 30mt in 1997 to 172 mt in 2000, during which the total number of traps increased from 25 to 300. During this time the number of fishing days has remained relatively constant, as well the soak time. These data sets are thus not compatible with each other, reflecting an increase in daily catch from 243 Kg to 791 kg. The species composition is mainly dominated by P. coeruleopunctatus, C. puniceus, C. nufar and E. andersoni.


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This work refers to the same biological aspects of Chrysoblephus puniceus (marreco), Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) and Cheimerus nufar (robalo). It shows the progress in the biological study of the three species, pointing out at the same time the few discrepancies, which still need to be resolved.


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A doença de Alzheimer (DA) afeta mais de um milhão de habitantes no Brasil com grande impacto tanto na saúde como social e financeiro. O uso adequado de medicamentos e os programas de cuidado integrado são recomendados como as melhores práticas nesta doença. Em 2002, o Ministério da Saúde criou o Programa de Assistência Farmacêutica aos Portadores de doença de Alzheimer que garante aos portadores desta patologia acesso à avaliação por especialistas e tratamento medicamentoso de alto custo. Mas, para um melhor planejamento das ações relacionadas ao programa, é importante entender os padrões de morbi-mortalidade da população alvo, qualidade da assistência oferecida e o seu impacto. Com foco nesse cenário, esta tese teve como objetivo o estudo da adesão, mortalidade e sobrevida em uma população portadora de doença de Alzheimer assistida nesse programa de assistência farmacêutica. Para apresentação dessa pesquisa, dividiram-se os resultados em três artigos. No primeiro artigo, o objetivo foi avaliar a viabilidade de se utilizar as informações de reabastecimento de receitas coletadas por esse programa na construção de medidas de adesão, uma metodologia já explorada na literatura internacional, mas com experiência limitada no Brasil. Os dados foram acessados nos formulários de Autorização de Procedimentos de Alto Custo (APAC) armazenados na base de dados do programa de acesso de medicamentos excepcionais do Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial (SIA). Como resultado, foram criadas várias medidas de adesão com potencial aplicação no campo da farmacoepidemiologia e planejamento em saúde. No segundo artigo, o foco foi entender que fatores individuais, terapêuticos ou relacionados à assistência, poderiam estar relacionados com um aumento do risco de abandono do programa. Fatores como o sexo feminino, o número de comorbidades na APAC, o tipo de inibidor de colinesterase iniciado e a irregularidade nos reabastecimentos foram associados a um maior risco de abandono do programa. No terceiro artigo, pelas técnicas de relacionamento probabilístico de base de dados, agregaram-se os dados presentes no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) para avaliação dos padrões de mortalidade desta patologia. Cerca de 40% dos pacientes foram a óbito durante todo o período de seguimento e principal causa básica de mortalidade foi a doença de Alzheimer (19%). Idade mais avançada e sexo masculino foram as únicas variáveis associadas com uma menor sobrevida. A persistência no programa em seis meses e os diferentes níveis de adesão, medidos pela proporção de posse da medicação, não mostraram associação com a sobrevida. Conclui-se que os dados disponíveis nas bases possibilitaram a investigação do padrão de mortalidade e utilização de um programa de assistência na doença de Alzheimer. E, a possibilidade de analisar grandes populações, em caráter contínuo, com medidas objetivas e com um custo relativamente baixo suplanta o caráter limitado das informações individuais e da doença. Políticas que suportem o aumento na disponibilidade, qualidade e escopo da informação e o avanço nas metodologias de pesquisa em bases de dados devem ser uma prioridade da saúde, pois contribuem com a criação de informações relevantes para um uso racional de recursos e melhora nas práticas de cuidado.


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In the past stock assessment surveys were generally reactive in response to a particular problem e.g. a pollution incident and as such were limited in the information they provided. A programme of strategic stock assessment would be more beneficial, providing up to date information on the status and composition of the stock. On a national level this could reveal trends in population dynamics and enable comparisons to be made between key rivers and between regions. The Stock Assessment Task Group (1991) has recommended annual strategic surveys for juvenile salmonids and triennial strategic surveys for coarse fish and non- migratory salmonids. The aim of this pilot study was to gain information on species distribution and their relative abundance within the River Lune catchment, and to compare the findings with the surveys carried out between 1981-1985. This would provide valuable information on the current status of the stock and provide an indication of the resources required to conduct such strategic surveys on other river catchments in the North West Region of the National Rivers Authority.