943 resultados para lan proiektuak


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Purpose: To apply the technique of Isostretching in a group of people over age 50 years and compare the flexibility of the posterior muscular chain before and after treatment, observing whether there was improvement in quality of life after the end of the sessions. Method: Eleven healthy and sedentary people from 51 to 74 years old participated in the study, which was conducted in Brazil. To evaluate the flexibility we applied the SF-36 questionnaire and test flexion of the spine before and after the study. Eight domains were accessed with the scores ranging form zero to one hundred. Results And Discussion:The technique was effective to gain flexibility of the posterior muscle group, which results in better quality of life for the participants. The results show that the domains related to physical health obtained the highest scores (“functional capacity”, “limitation in physical aspects” and “pain”). These aspects are strongly emphasised in a physical therapy treatment.


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This article is inserted in a study aimed at the identification of the main barriers for the inclusion of visually-impaired students in Physics classes. It focuses on the understanding of the communication context which facilitates or hardens the effective participation of students with visual impairment in Mechanics activities. To do so, the research defines, from empirical - sensory and semantic structures, the language to be applied in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which the languages have been used. As a result, it identifies the rela tion between the uses of the interdependent audio-visual empirical lan guage structure in the non-interactive episodes of authority; the decrease in the use of this structure in interactive episodes; the creation of educa tional segregation environments within the classroom and the frequent use of the interdependent tactile-hearing empirical language structure in such environments.


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The purpose of this article is to assess Federico Fellini’s adaptation of an Edgar Allan Poe story for the screen. The film “Spirits of the Dead” is Fellini’s adaptation of Poe’s story “Never Bet the Devil your Head”, but it is very far from being a faithful rendering. The “infidelity” of the Italian film director to the American writer occurred in the context of the enormous prestige enjoyed by what was known as “authorism”, a phase which the film industry was going through at the end of the 1960s, whereby great value was placed on the aesthetic idiosyncrasies of individual film directors.


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Wireless LAN technology, despite the numerous advantages it has over competing technologies, has not seen widespread deployment. A primary reason for markets not adopting this technology is its failure to provide adequate security. Data that is sent over wireless links can be compromised with utmost ease. In this project, we propose a distributed agent based intrusion detection and response system for wireless LANs that can detect unauthorized wireless elements like access points, wireless clients that are in promiscuous mode etc. The system reacts to intrusions by either notifying the concerned personnel, in case of rogue access points and promiscuous nodes, or by blocking unauthorized users from accessing the network resources.


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Objective Various nonvalidated criteria for disease flare have been used in studies of gout. Our objective was to develop empirical definitions for a gout flare from patient-reported features. Methods Possible elements for flare criteria were previously reported. Data were collected from 210 gout patients at 8 international sites to evaluate potential gout flare criteria against the gold standard of an expert rheumatologist definition. Flare definitions based on the presence of the number of criteria independently associated with the flare and classification and regression tree approaches were developed. Results The mean +/- SD age of the study participants was 56.2 +/- 15 years, 207 of them (98%) were men, and 54 of them (26%) had flares of gout. The presence of any patient-reported warm joint, any patient-reported swollen joint, patient-reported pain at rest score of >3 (010 scale), and patient-reported flare were independently associated with the study gold standard. The greatest discriminating power was noted for the presence of 3 or more of the above 4 criteria (sensitivity 91% and specificity 82%). Requiring all 4 criteria provided the highest specificity (96%) and positive predictive value (85%). A classification tree identified pain at rest with a score of >3, followed by patient self-reported flare, as the rule associated with the gold standard (sensitivity 83% and specificity 90%). Conclusion We propose definitions for a disease flare based on self-reported items in patients previously diagnosed as having gout. Patient-reported flare, joint pain at rest, warm joints, and swollen joints were most strongly associated with presence of a gout flare. These provisional definitions will next be validated in clinical trials.


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Programa de Doctorado de Clínica e Investigación Terapéutica


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[EN]The Kuroshio is known to intrude onto the continental shelf in the southern East China Sea northeast of Taiwan. Two types of intrusions are observed: large and small, depending on how far the Kuroshio penetrates onto the ECS continental shelf, and on the location where it crosses the shelf break. This study demonstrates that cyclonic eddies from the western Pacific induce some of these large Kuroshio intrusions. The large intrusions are identified from more than 20 years of drifter tracks archived in the Global Drifter Program historical database and from weekly and biweekly drifter deployments carried out between April 2008 and September 2009 west of the Green Island (Taiwan). Kuroshio intrusions are observed in all seasons. Cyclonic mesoscale eddies, generated in the Subtropical Countercurrent and North Equatorial Current regions of the northwest Pacific Ocean, propagate westward into the Kuroshio and are well correlated with the observed intrusions. During the intrusions, the mean sea level anomaly computed from AVISO gridded maps shows a well defined cyclonic circulation southeast of the I-Lan ridge. The mean sea level anomaly also shows the meandering pattern of the Kuroshio when it intrudes onto the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. The high correlation between the Kuroshio volume transport in the East Taiwan Channel (observed with moorings) and the satellite sea level anomaly permits us to use sea level anomaly as a proxy for the Kuroshio volume transport. When direct transport measurements are not available, this proxy is used to verify that intrusions due to the westward propagating eddies occur when the Kuroshio transport is low. An analytical reduced gravity model of an incident baroclinic current upon a step shelf is used to explain the difference between the large and small intrusions.


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[ES] Este trabajo detalla las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de construcción del prototipo Clever Socket, abarcando desde su análisis, a su diseño e implementación.
Clever Socket es un conjunto hardware y software que facilita el control del encendido y el apagado de los aparatos electrónicos conectados a él a través de redes de comunicación LAN y WAN. Para lograr este propósito, el artefacto se apoya en la placa de desarrollo electrónico Arduino UNO y la placa Arduino WiFi Shield –que posibilita su conexión inalámbrica a la red–.
El dispositivo cuenta con cuatro bases de enchufe controladas a través de relés, que permiten la gestión de hasta cuatro dispositivos electrónicos de manera simultánea.
 En el lado del software se presentan tres componentes:
Un servicio web de bajo nivel destinado a la gestión de la placa Arduino. Permite la comunicación con la placa, la lectura y escritura de sus pines.
 Un servicio web específico del dispositivo Clever Socket. Facilita la comunicación con el prototipo hardware, permitiendo así la gestión de diferentes operaciones que se llevan a cabo sobre los aparatos conectados a sus enchufes.
 Una aplicación web. Actúa como interfaz entre el usuario y el servicio web de Clever Socket, permitiendo la gestión del dispositivo. El diseño de la aplicación es responsive, lo que posibilita su correcta visualización en todo tipo de dispositivos, tanto móviles como de escritorio.


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Understanding the interaction of sea ice with offshore structures is of primary importance for the development of technology in cold climate regions. The rheological properties of sea ice (strength, creep, viscosity) as well as the roughness of the contact surface are the main factors influencing the type of interaction with a structure. A device was developed and designed and small scale laboratory experiments were carried out to study sea ice frictional interaction with steel material by means of a uniaxial compression rig. Sea-ice was artificially grown between a stainless steel piston (of circular cross section) and a hollow cylinder of the same material, coaxial to the former and of the same surface roughness. Three different values for the roughness were tested: 1.2, 10 and 30 μm Ry (maximum asperities height), chosen as representative values for typical surface conditions, from smooth to normally corroded steel. Creep tests (0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.6 kN) were conducted at T = -10 ºC. By pushing the piston head towards the cylinder base, three different types of relative movement were observed: 1) the piston slid through the ice, 2) the piston slid through the ice and the ice slid on the surface of the outer cylinder, 3) the ice slid only on the cylinder surface. A cyclic stick-slip motion of the piston was detected with a representative frequency of 0.1 Hz. The ratio of the mean rate of axial displacement to the frequency of the stick-slip oscillations was found to be comparable to the roughness length (Sm). The roughness is the most influential parameter affecting the amplitude of the oscillations, while the load has a relevant influence on the their frequency. Guidelines for further investigations were recommended. Marco Nanetti - seloselo@virgilio.it


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Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre macro-aree. Una prima riguardante un'analisi teorica di come funzionano le intrusioni, di quali software vengono utilizzati per compierle, e di come proteggersi (usando i dispositivi che in termine generico si possono riconoscere come i firewall). Una seconda macro-area che analizza un'intrusione avvenuta dall'esterno verso dei server sensibili di una rete LAN. Questa analisi viene condotta sui file catturati dalle due interfacce di rete configurate in modalità promiscua su una sonda presente nella LAN. Le interfacce sono due per potersi interfacciare a due segmenti di LAN aventi due maschere di sotto-rete differenti. L'attacco viene analizzato mediante vari software. Si può infatti definire una terza parte del lavoro, la parte dove vengono analizzati i file catturati dalle due interfacce con i software che prima si occupano di analizzare i dati di contenuto completo, come Wireshark, poi dei software che si occupano di analizzare i dati di sessione che sono stati trattati con Argus, e infine i dati di tipo statistico che sono stati trattati con Ntop. Il penultimo capitolo, quello prima delle conclusioni, invece tratta l'installazione di Nagios, e la sua configurazione per il monitoraggio attraverso plugin dello spazio di disco rimanente su una macchina agent remota, e sui servizi MySql e DNS. Ovviamente Nagios può essere configurato per monitorare ogni tipo di servizio offerto sulla rete.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit ist motiviert durch biologische Fragestellungen bezüglich des Verhaltens von Membranpotentialen in Neuronen. Ein vielfach betrachtetes Modell für spikende Neuronen ist das Folgende. Zwischen den Spikes verhält sich das Membranpotential wie ein Diffusionsprozess X der durch die SDGL dX_t= beta(X_t) dt+ sigma(X_t) dB_t gegeben ist, wobei (B_t) eine Standard-Brown'sche Bewegung bezeichnet. Spikes erklärt man wie folgt. Sobald das Potential X eine gewisse Exzitationsschwelle S überschreitet entsteht ein Spike. Danach wird das Potential wieder auf einen bestimmten Wert x_0 zurückgesetzt. In Anwendungen ist es manchmal möglich, einen Diffusionsprozess X zwischen den Spikes zu beobachten und die Koeffizienten der SDGL beta() und sigma() zu schätzen. Dennoch ist es nötig, die Schwellen x_0 und S zu bestimmen um das Modell festzulegen. Eine Möglichkeit, dieses Problem anzugehen, ist x_0 und S als Parameter eines statistischen Modells aufzufassen und diese zu schätzen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden vier verschiedene Fälle diskutiert, in denen wir jeweils annehmen, dass das Membranpotential X zwischen den Spikes eine Brown'sche Bewegung mit Drift, eine geometrische Brown'sche Bewegung, ein Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Prozess oder ein Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Prozess ist. Darüber hinaus beobachten wir die Zeiten zwischen aufeinander folgenden Spikes, die wir als iid Treffzeiten der Schwelle S von X gestartet in x_0 auffassen. Die ersten beiden Fälle ähneln sich sehr und man kann jeweils den Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzer explizit angeben. Darüber hinaus wird, unter Verwendung der LAN-Theorie, die Optimalität dieser Schätzer gezeigt. In den Fällen OU- und CIR-Prozess wählen wir eine Minimum-Distanz-Methode, die auf dem Vergleich von empirischer und wahrer Laplace-Transformation bezüglich einer Hilbertraumnorm beruht. Wir werden beweisen, dass alle Schätzer stark konsistent und asymptotisch normalverteilt sind. Im letzten Kapitel werden wir die Effizienz der Minimum-Distanz-Schätzer anhand simulierter Daten überprüfen. Ferner, werden Anwendungen auf reale Datensätze und deren Resultate ausführlich diskutiert.


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Nata dal progetto di migrazione, in un ambiente consolidato, di una infrastruttura Wireless distribuita su territorio all'interno di una MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), si cerca di illustrare quali sono i passi fondamentali da seguire e con cosa ci si deve misurare per progettare una soluzione funzionale ed elaborare una strategia avendo a che fare con architetture complesse, dove la messa in esercizio di un servizio offerto ad un numero elevato di utenti prevede uno studio ben preciso delle attività da svolgere. Un'attenta analisi, ci consentirà di seguire e riadattare le scelte implementative in funzione delle esigenze infrastrutturali, illustrandone le difficoltà, gli imprevisti e le modifiche intraprese passo passo. Gli argomenti trattati tendono a far comprendere con quali problematiche si ha a che fare nella fase implementativa passando dalla fase di analisi a quella decisionale, quella di migrazione architetturale e di installazione, oltre che alla scelta delle componenti e delle tecnologie specifiche che, prima di essere portate a regime, devono essere sottoposte agli opportuni test per la comprensione/risoluzione di problematiche complesse; come le operazioni necessarie per operare con una efficace metodologia.


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Das Hauptziel der Arbeit ist es, die Beziehung zwischen Fontaine Modulen und F-T-Kristall zu studieren. Im ersten Kapitel wird die Definition von Fontaine Modulen, die auf die inversen Cartier Transform setzt erinnern wir von Ogus und Vologodsky errichtet. Neben der Erinnerung an die urspruengliche Konstruktion des inversen Cartier Transform, eine direktere Konstruktion, die wir auch vorstellen von G.T. Lan, M. Sheng und K. Zuo. Darueber hinaus beweisen wir diernGleichwertigkeit der beiden Konstruktion.rnrnrnIm zweiten Kapitel werden wir uns daran erinnern, den Konstruktion von inversen Cartier Transform in der Log Einstellung von D. Schepler und verallgemeinern die Lan-Sheng-Zuo Konstruktion an dieser Einstellung. Darueber hinaus geben wir eine Definition von Log FontainernModulen. Im dritten Kapitel werden wir erinnern an die Definition von F-T-Kristall und beweisen das wichtigste Ergebnis dieser Arbeit: Sei $Y$ eine glatte $S_{nu}$-Schema, wobei $S_{nu}$ ist eine flache $W_{nu+1}(k)$-Schema, $nugeq1$, und $X/S_0$ seine Reduction modulo $p$ sein. Bei einem F-T-Kristall $(E,Phi,B)$ auf $Y$ der Breite von weniger als $p$ und let $(E_Y ,B_Y ,nabla_Y)$ die entsprechende gefilterte $O_Y$-modulen mit einer integrierbar Zusammenhang ausgestattet. Anschliesend wird die Reduktion dieses Objekt modulo $p$ definiert eine Fontaine Modulen auf $X/S_0$ im dem Sinnernder Ogus und Vologodsky.