1000 resultados para incontinência urinária de urgência
The attention with safety of the patients is important in the quality of the nursing and health care. In the pre-hospital care, such care is essential on site with the purpose of avoiding possible consequences to the individual, ensuring a fast and appropriate care, with improvement of the morbidity and reduction of the mortality. This medical attention is equally associated with the significant risks of adverse events and serious mistakes, which can be reduced with the awareness of the professionals, organization and quality management. It is a descriptive, transversal research, of quantitative approach, with the objective of identifying the risks for the safety of the patient during the mobile pre-hospital care under the view of the nurses, in a city of the Brazilian Northeast. The sample was formed by 23 nurses. The inclusion criteria: to have at least two years of experience and accept to participate on the research. The data collection was done in two steps, first photo collection, through the adapted method of photographic analysis, and the second with the application of questionnaire, divide in two parts: socio-professional data and digital photo punctuation instrument of the patient s safety. The majority of the nurses had an average working time in the mobile pre-hospital care of six years and six months, in the age group of 38 to 53 years old (69,56%) and with Lato sensu specialization (73,91%), being (29,41%) emergency and (29,41%) in intensive care. The (74%) have the Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and (100%) have the Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS); (91, 30%) know the thematic safety of the patient. On the pictures it was observed a bigger variability of the categories (risks) where 44% of variance emerged on the first picture of the research. The pictures 4 and 9 with the average below 5 were classified as very insecure, while pictures 7 and 3 with an average above 7, very secure. On the results of risks observed for the patient s safety in the mobile pre-hospital care five categories emerged: organization and packaging of the equipment and materials, routines and specificities in the mobile pre-hospital care, risks on the management of medications, for traumas and infections. Starting from the analysis of these risks, it was proposed ten steps for the safety in the mobile pre-hospital care: 1- Identify the patient; 2- Safety related to prevention of infection; 3- Safety in the management of medications; 4- Safety and standardization of the packaging of equipment and materials; 5- Attention to the specificities of the mobile pre-hospital care; 6- Incentive and value the participation of the patient and family; 7- Promote the communication with the central of regulation; 8- Prevention of traumas and falls; 9- Protect the skin from additional injuries; 10- Understand the benefit of all the equipment in the ambulance. The multiple risks and their emerged combinations on the research indicate a variety of actions to be developed and stimulated, like the use of steps for the patient s safety in the mobile pre-hospital care which contributes with the aid and management of risks, reduction of mistakes, disabilities and death
O The aim of this study was to characterize the occurrence of trauma in the elderly population served by the mobile pre-hospital service, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive, transversal and quantitative approach and whose population consisted of 2,080 trauma victims. The sample, of systematic random type, consisted of 400 elderly people, aged from 60 years old, assisted by the Office of Mobile Emergency in Natal / RN, between January 2011 and December 2012. Data collection began after consent and assent of the institution of a Research Ethics Committee under No. 309 505. It was proceeded to documentary retrospective analysis of records of this service through a form of self-development, validated by expert judges considered reliable (α> 0.75) and valid (CVI = 0.97) in their clarity and relevance. Data were tabulated by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 20.0. The results show that older victims have an average age of 74.19 years old, with a prevalence of female involvement by chronic diseases, especially hypertension, average usage of 2.2 routine medications with vital signs within normal limits. The trauma prevailed during the daytime, in the residence of the victims, north of the city and on weekends. Among the mechanisms of trauma were falls, traffic accidents and physical aggression, whose most common type was brain-cerebral trauma and the main consequences were suture wounds and closed fractures. Basic Support Units were as more driven to pre-hospital care (87.8%) and the main destination place consisted of a referral hospital for emergency of the state (57.5%). Among the most commonly performed procedures by nursing staff immobilization with rigid board and neck collar and the peripheral venipuncture, and the main component used for volume replacement to saline were highlighted. There was a significant relationship between the deaths and the mechanism of injury, mechanism of injury and procedures, except medication administration procedures carried out, except immobilization and unit for service. It is highlighted the prevalence of trauma in the elderly, poor follow-up Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support protocol and the paucity of records and nursing procedures performed. There is need for a protocol of care specific to elderly trauma victims and education strategies for the prevention of such events
natural resources that still enjoy, in the certainty that if we do not, could culminate at the end of that remains. The environmental contamination by fuels in the retail service of oil and biofuels, has been a subject of growing research in Brazil, due to the large pollution potential of this activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) in fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, but also describe the current situation the same as licensing and environmental characterization; identify existing barriers to implementation of EMS on the costs, technologies, knowledge, vision, present the potential benefits for the implementation of the EMS (social, economic and environmental), to identify the existence of plans for future action to implement the EMS , as a subsidy to promote the implementation of it. The methodology was developed through analysis of documents provided by the environmental agency responsible for licensing of retail service stations and fuel pala ANP. For data collection, we used the questionnaire was applied directly to managers or managers of sub-stations. Data were collected in 12 of 30 posts in the municipality. For purposes of data treatment was performed a descriptive analysis with respect to the opinion of twelve managers (respondents). The data acquired, according to the Likert scale were tabulated and analyzed using software SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2003, it was generated tables and graphs to observe the behavior of the data. The results showed that most respondents have a schooling level higher (58.3%) of the jobs surveyed 50% work on average 6 to 10 years and 41.6% are in operation for over 11 years , 75.0% do not have a license to operate and 12 stations, 58.3% were sued for not having a license to operate and are therefore in full commercial activity, 83% of jobs have some practice environmentally responsible, 75% agree in making planning future action to implement 8 the EMS in their ventures, 70% in full agreement that the high cost is a form of impediment to implementation of EMS; 66.67% agreed that resistance to change is an impediment to implementation of EMS; 90.91% agreed that the implementation of EMS is very complex, 80% of respondents agreed in a very significant environmental legislation is also a key factor preventing the implementation of EMS is noteworthy that 100% of respondents agreed that the knowledge about the use of the EMS will help to solve environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations, the implementation of the EMS will benefit with increased efficiency of resources applied to the findings by the agreement of 91.66% of respondents, where only 8, 33% disagreed, there was also a percentage of 100%, agreed that the company's image will be a great benefit, but also a contribution to solving environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations. Thus, the importance of the implementation of EMS in the fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, with an urgent need to be deployed. And the bodies responsible for policy on state-run and supervise more tightly and action, this type of activity, in order to regulate the sustainable functioning of retail service stations of fuel, thus promoting a better quality of life for the population of the municipality of natal-RN
Violência sexual contra crianças não é um evento incomum; no entanto, há a dificuldade de denúncia, pois, além do estabelecimento da relação de dominação que o agressor exerce sobre a vítima, a maneira como tal fato é recebido pela sociedade e como é encaminhado pelas instituições judiciárias responsáveis também é determinante para as omissões. Inserida no universo dos interrogatórios, muitas vezes, a criança causa confusão ao desmentir o que havia falado antes, reforçando possíveis preconceitos em relação a si mesma. O presente trabalho traz a análise das relações entre a infância e a instituição judiciária, com principal enfoque no sistema de comunicação e de notificação dos crimes sexuais contra a criança e as consequentes intervenções profissionais que buscam a validação, ou não, de seu testemunho. Para tanto, foram pesquisados 51 processos judiciais, dos quais foram selecionados dois casos exemplares. Este trabalho evidencia a possibilidade de preservar a criança da revitimização causada pela multiplicidade de interrogatórios, sem deixar de cumprir as normas jurídicas necessárias. A fragilidade da palavra da criança está na forma como é acolhida pelos adultos, desde a revelação na família até a denúncia aos órgãos oficiais, revelando a urgência de alterações nos procedimentos judiciais relacionados a essa problemática
Diese Masterthese beschäftigt sich mit der Erforschung der Frage nach dem Begriff Leben ohne Warum basierend auf den Werken des Meisters Eckhart, genauer gesagt, auf den Deutschen Predigten , auf Das Buch der göttlichen Tröstung , Von dem edlen Menschen , Die Reden der Unterweisung und Von Abgeschiedenheit . Bei der Theorie der Abgeschiedenheit versucht man die Idee des Lebens ohne warum zu verstehen und zu zeigen, die Gott und der Mensch ent-decken kann. So wird erstmals eine Reflexion darüber beschrieben, was Abgeschiedenheit ist, und zwar mittels dreier Dimensionen: Ontik, Ontologisch und Mystik. Die Ontik der absoluten Armut fordert eine Analyse der Ontologie aller Ontik und das bedeutet nach Eckhart das Gotteswesen in seiner Gottheit, die unbegreifbar für den Menschen ist. Unterdessen bringt die Analyse des Wesens Gottes des Menschenlebens wieder die Einheit zwischen dem Ontischen und dem Ontologischen in der Welt. Die mystische Dimension begründet diese Einheit als Absolutum ohne Warum . Aber die Möglichkeit des Sprechens und des Denkens über die Abgeschiedenheit führt zum erfüllten Leben. Es gibt keine endgültige Predigt, keine wundersame Methode, keinen bekannten Weg oder keine leistungsfähige Strategie dafür nur in der Vollendung des Lebens ist es möglich, die subtile Äusserung von Gott, die uns entgeht, zu empfinden. Um diese Erfüllung zu erklären und die Lebensbedeutung als ohne Warum zu verstehen, untersucht diese Masterthese unter vier Perspektiven: arché und telos des Lebens, die Zeit unter dem Begriff des nun, das verbum und das ego sum qui sum, was das Leben als ohne Warum beweist und die Beharrlichkeit in der täglich von der Welt verstandenen Transzendenz. Es ist schwierig die Tiefe des Leben-ohne-Warum-Begriffs von Meister Eckhart auszudrücken, weil seine ganze Bemühung darin besteht, die Kräfte dieser Ent-deckung vor einer begrenzten Bestimmung zu schützen. Und in dieser Hinsicht öffnet er einen neuen Horizont für den Grund des Lebens. Es gibt keine Routine und Determination bei Meister Eckhart. Alles, was ist, spiegelt das Außerordentliche, seine dringende Absicht ist die Widerherstellung der Einheit mit dem Gegenwärtigen, mit dem Wesentlichen, mit dem Leben im Alltag ohne Warum
Due to the fact of oral health sector reestructuration within Brazilian public health politics, this work had the object of evaluating, under users point of view, the accessibility to oral health services in Santa Cruz (RN), focusing on the organizational aspect. To achieve this, questionnaires were given to users in their homes, considering the censitary sector. Nine sectors of the urban zone were evaluated, selected by chance, and one from the rural zone, selected by convenience. The sample was composed by 194 users, calculated considering the estimated prevalence of event represented by the indicator I ve never been to the dentist + I ve been to the dentist more than three years ago from the Projeto SB Brasil Report . To complement the results, interviews were made with others actors involved in the process of oral health care: professionals (dentists) and manager (Health Municipal Secretary). From the data obtained it was possible to identify that 12,9% of the population had never visited the dentist, and that the search for the service was not influenced by the users individual and socioeconomics characteristics, excepting the gender. It was verified that 36,1% of the users went to the dentist in less than one year, with the youngests (p<0,05) being among those who went to the dentist more frequently. 63,3% of the interviewed related that they found some kind of difficulty when they search for dentistry services, with the difficulties for schedule, the queues and the long wait among the most cited. It was identified that 43,2% of the users wait three weeks or more for the appointment. It is still pointed out that 71,4% of the interviewed find difficulties to get urgency appointment, the long wait to be attended by the dentist was the most found. 92,9% and 94,1% of the interviewed had never been headed to especialized appointments and complementary exams, respectively. Due to the data founded, it was possible to verify that the accessibility to oral health services in Santa Cruz (RN) is damaged by factors related to the organization of public polices developed, mainly in relation to the working process
Psychologists‟ insertion in mental healthcare ambulatory clinics occurred during the decade of 1980, in the context of the claims disseminated by sanitary and psychiatric reforms, of the formation of minimum mental healthcare teams and of the retraction of the private clinic. Historically, this migration had been accompanied by the importation of practices traditionally applied at the clinics. Furthermore, the lack of clear guidelines from the Health Ministery occasioned the opening of ambulatory clinics with diversified structures at each city. The objective of this dissertation was to study the practices of psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references at Aracaju-SE. Were interviewed psychologists of these services and managers of the municipal health secretary using a semi-structured interview guideline, in addition to the analysis of management reports. It was observed that the mental healthcare references had experienced substantial changes referred to its structures and operation, leading to a present framework of expansion and readjustment. It was realized that there is an effort by the psychologists to maintain individual and group assistance, using adjustments in the frequency of the sessions and in the focus of the activities. Besides the progresses, the relation with the psychiatrist still works basically through the medical record, blocking advances on joint discussions of the cases. Some advances toward the amplified clinic are notable, like the overcoming of the isolated usage of psychiatric diagnostic and the replacement of the line‟ criterion by the urgency one. Sheltering had become an interesting strategy on flux ordination, however the mismatch between offer and demand seems to be a matter which extrapolates the psychologists‟ sphere at the references. For this reason the narrow of the relation with family healthcare centers seems to be the major challenge to be faced by psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references
The Brazilian Constitution maintains that care for elderly people is a responsibility shared by the state, the family and the society. The politics for the elderly corroborate this understanding and treats home as a privileged place for elderly care taking. This determines the participation of the familiar as a caregiver, but highlights the lack of strategic assistance for the needs of the relative caregiver who feels helplessly and unattended in their responsibility for elderly homecare. In recent years , despite the recently pursuit for health and life quality, there is an increasing incidence of elderly patients with dementia diseases that lead to disability, the most common among then is the Alzheimer´s disease. This disease affects seriously and irreversibly cognition, memory and independence of the elderly, making it dependent on others to perform basic activities of daily life, for all his life. The present study aims to evaluate the perceptions and feelings of family caregivers of elders with Alzheimer on the role of caregiver. This is a qualitative study conducted with family caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer´s, caregivers linked to the group of the Specialized Care Center of the Elderly´s Health, located in Natal / RN. Through semi-structured interview research sought to investigate the perceptions of family caregivers on the role of caregiver, the feelings and the changes in the caregiver´s life since they assumed this role. The data were organized into categories and units of semantic analysis and analyzed using thematic content analysis by Bardin. The reports originated three categories: the perception of the role of caregiver, feelings related to the caregving and consequences of the caregiver role. Perceptions of caregivers of elderly from the requirement of dedication to the care generates losses in personal and professional life for the familiar who assumes this responsibility. The lack of family and social support, aggravates the burden of care for the dependent elderly. Public health politics for the elderly recognize the importance and needs of family caregivers, but not enough to provide support and meet the needs and assist them in supporting their limitations. The research results show the urgent need to take measures to assist the caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer, recognizing them as an action of promotion quality of life and health of the elderly and protection the health of the caregiver
This dissertation aimed to analyze the perception of students about (EPW Health) Education Program at Work for Health Training in the area of Health. It discusses the proposed theme from the perception of students graduating from the EPW- Health courses participants (dentistry, medicine, physiotherapy, nursing, nutrition, physical education) who have developed their school activities in family health units in the city of João Pessoa between 2009/2011.The program aims policies curricular changes as a potential route of contributions to training in healthcare. Attention is drawn to the new possibilities of working health training contextualized, ethically grounded, socially endorsed. It is pointed out in this process the need to adapt to the demands of professional profiles of SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde). This is an exploratory, descriptive study within a qualitative approach, conducted in the city of João Pessoa in the context of health care courses at the Federal University of Paraiba. The empirical material of this study was treated by the use of technical analysis "Categorical Content Theme" by Bardin. The results indicate prospects for promoting new practices and curricular changes, which highlights the EPW- Health, which has been presenting important experiences in teaching -community -service- with the inclusion of students in the municipal health network. We conclude that the path from collection to data analysis, corroborated with the literature to reaffirm the importance and urgency of change in educational processes with a view to greater proximity to the health needs and the SUS. The EPW- Health project is incipient and requires further investigation in terms of effective interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary character of its proposal
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The present paper analyses the social assistance management in small cities, starting from the reality of Currais Novos City. Its main objective is to analyse the management of this politic in the context of the Nacional Sistem of Social Assistance (SUAS) through the management instruments materialized in the city: Social Assistance Plan, Budget, Management Report, Information Management, Monitorizing and Evaluation. It reveals a discrepancy between the instruments purpose and their concretude, and it identifies the main challenges in order to make them real, revealing the contradictions of such politic, through which the advances relate with the retrocesses. It remarks, in this context, the debate about Public Management and some aspects of the trajetory of the Social Assistance management in the brazilian context and the configurations of (SUAS) and of the politics in Currais Novos city. Such path allows us to identify the feebleness in the city ways to adopt the (SUAS) criteria, which is much more effective in burocratic aspects than in the change of the Social Assistance conception and in the effective incorporation of the (SUAS) principles and guidelines. Thus, problems are identified in what concerns to the important aspects for its effectivation, with the human resources, financing and social control mechanisms. It makes possible to reafirm the importance of the analysed management instruments for the effectivation of one participative and democratic management, as well as the urgency of its materialization as one of the important ellements for this politic to happen as a right and to make a stop to the unconformities between the (SUAS) determinations and its materialization
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O pinçamento infra-renal da aorta abdominal pode produzir alterações renais. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do halotano, isoflurano e sevoflurano sobre a função renal, em cães submetidos a pinçamento aórtico infra-renal. MÉTODO: O estudo aleatório foi realizado em 30 cães, distribuídos em três grupos, de acordo com o anestésico halogenado utilizado durante a anestesia, em concentrações equipotentes de 0,75 CAM: GH (n = 10) - halotano a 0,67%; GI (n = 10) - isoflurano a 0,96%; e GS (n = 10) - sevoflurano a 1,8%. em todos os animais foi realizada ligadura infra-renal da aorta, por período de 30 minutos. Os atributos renais foram estudados nos momentos: C (controle), após 15 (Ao15) e 30 (Ao30) minutos de pinçamento aórtico, e após 15 (DAo15) e 30 (DAo30) minutos do despinçamento aórtico. RESULTADOS: A depuração de água livre foi menor nos grupos GI e GS, em relação ao GH, após o despinçamento aórtico (p < 0,05). Durante o pinçamento aórtico, nos três grupos, houve aumento do débito urinário, da excreção urinária de sódio e da depuração de sódio, e diminuição da osmolaridade urinária (p < 0,05). A resistência vascular renal e a fração de filtração aumentaram somente em GS (p < 0,05), enquanto a excreção fracionária de sódio aumentou em GH e GI (p < 0,05). Após o despinçamento aórtico, houve normalização dos atributos que haviam se alterado, com exceção da osmolaridade urinária, que continuou em níveis menores do que os do controle em todos os grupos (p < 0,05). A resistência vascular renal e a fração de filtração continuaram mais elevadas em GS, acompanhadas por diminuição do fluxo sangüíneo renal e da depuração de para-aminohipurato de sódio (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: No cão nas condições experimentais empregadas, a inalação de halotano e isoflurano a 0,75 CAM, mas não de sevoflurano, atenuou a principal alteração após o pinçamento infra-renal da aorta, que é o aumento da resistência vascular renal.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: É controvertido o uso da infusão de dopamina na proteção renal. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o efeito da dopamina, da solução hipertônica e da associação de ambas em cães com restrição hídrica, simulando o jejum pré-operatório. MÉTODO: Foram estudados, em 32 cães anestesiados com tiopental sódico e fentanil, os seguintes parâmetros da função renal: fluxo plasmático efetivo renal (depuração de para-aminohipurato de sódio), ritmo de filtração glomerular (depuração de creatinina) e as depurações de sódio, de potássio e osmolar, excreção fracionária de sódio e potássio, excreção de sódio e potássio e a resistência vascular renal. Os parâmetros cardiovasculares foram: pressão arterial média, freqüência cardíaca, pressão da veia cava inferior, índice cardíaco, hematócrito e índice de resistência vascular periférica. Os animais foram subdivididos, através de sorteio, em 4 grupos experimentais: Grupo 1 - G1 (n = 8) - grupo controle; Grupo 2 - G2 (n = 8) infusão de dopamina (2 µg.kg-1.min-1), Grupo 3 - G3 (n = 8) solução de cloreto de sódio a 7,5% (2 ml.kg-1) e Grupo 4 - G4 (n = 8) - associação de dopamina (2 µg.kg-1.min-1) e cloreto de sódio a 7,5% (2 ml.kg-1). Os grupos tiveram quatro fases experimentais e cada momento com duração de 30 minutos, compreendendo os momentos M1, M2, M3 e M4. RESULTADOS: O grupo da dopamina (G2) apresentou diminuição da pressão arterial média, da resistência vascular renal e da excreção de potássio. O grupo da solução hipertônica de cloreto de sódio (G3) apresentou aumento do índice cardíaco, do volume urinário, da depuração de sódio e de potássio, da excreção urinária de sódio e potássio e da excreção fracionária de sódio. No grupo da solução hipertônica de cloreto de sódio associada à dopamina (G4), ocorreu elevação da freqüência cardíaca, do índice cardíaco, do fluxo plasmático efetivo renal e da excreção urinária de sódio; ocorreu também diminuição do índice de resistência vascular sistêmica e do potássio plasmático. CONCLUSÕES: Deste estudo conclui-se que a solução hipertônica de cloreto de sódio foi capaz de melhorar as condições hemodinâmicas e, conseqüentemente, a função renal de cães sob restrição hídrica de 12 horas. O mesmo não aconteceu com a infusão de 2 µg.kg-1.min-1 de dopamina que, em situação similar, não causou aumento da diurese e da excreção de sódio.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As soluções hipertônicas de cloreto de sódio, associadas ou não a colóides hiperoncóticos, podem ser eficazes em proteger o rim em situações de hipovolemia. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar, em cães, o real benefício dessas soluções sobre a função renal, em vigência de hipovolemia e isquemia do órgão. MÉTODO: em 24 cães, anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico, submetidos à nefrectomia direita e à expansão volêmica com solução de Ringer (1 ml.kg-1.min-1), foram observadas possíveis alterações renais morfo-funcionais após hemorragia de 20 ml.kg-1 e trinta minutos de total isquemia renal esquerda, com posterior reperfusão, além da repercussão renal da administração de soluções de cloreto de sódio 7,5% (SH) e esta em dextran 70 a 6% (SHD). Atributos estudados: FC, PAM, pressão de veia cava inferior, fluxo sangüíneo renal, resistência vascular renal, hematócrito, Na+, K+, osmolaridade plasmática, PaO2, PaCO2 e pH, depuração (para-aminohipurato de sódio - PAH-1, creatinina, osmolar, água livre, Na+, K+), fração de filtração, volume e osmolaridade urinários, excreções urinárias e fracionárias de Na+ e K+ e exame histopatológico do rim. Os atributos foram estudados em três grupos (G1, G2 e G3) e em cinco momentos. RESULTADOS: Houve elevação estatisticamente significativa da pressão arterial média em G2 e G3, da resistência vascular renal em G1, do fluxo sangüíneo renal e da depuração de PAH em G3, da excreção fracionária de Na+ em G2 e G3, das depurações de creatinina, osmolar, de água livre e de Na+ e K+, da excreção urinária de Na+ e K+ e do volume urinário em G3. CONCLUSÕES: A SHD administrada 15 minutos após hemorragia moderada e 30 minutos antes de insulto isquêmico de 30 minutos foi eficiente em proteger o rim de cães das repercussões da isquemia-reperfusão. Não foi constatada alteração histopatológica renal à microscopia óptica.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)