997 resultados para hip injury


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This study investigated the injuries sustained by an Australian specialist police division. Injury records spanning four-years were analyzed. The role being performed when the injury occurred, injury cause, body part injured, and injury-related costs were quantified. The percentage of personnel injured multiple times was documented. One hundred and thirty eight personnel reported injuries, 58 of these on multiple occasions. This resulted in 229 injuries and 76 claims being raised. Half of the injuries occurred during operational policing tasks, however training activities accounted for >30% of injuries. The most common injury was strain/sprain, and upper body injuries were 2.5-times more common than lower-body or torso injuries. 1107 shifts were lost, and injuries cost the organization $487,159 (Australian Dollars) over the four-year period. The injury costs (both financial and in manpower) may prompt policy makers to review the current training and post-injury rehabilitation protocols.


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O presente trabalho investigou o programa televisivo Hip Hop Sul, veiculado pela TV Educativa do Rio Grande do Sul, e a sua relação com os músicos que dele participam, buscando entender as funções sócio-musicais e as experiências de formação e atuação musical que o programa desempenha. As técnicas utilizadas na coleta de dados foram a entrevista semi-estruturada, observações e acompanhamento da rotina de trabalho dos produtores do programa e registros em fotografias digitais e em audiovisuais da atuação dos grupos de rap e da produção do programa. A investigação foi desenvolvida na perspectiva dos estudos culturais (Wolf, 1995) e a análise dos dados foi feita com base no método de análise televisiva de Casetti e Chio (1998). O trabalho fundamenta-se na perspectiva da televisão como mediadora de conhecimentos musicais, (Fischer, 1997, 2000a, 2000b; Kraemer, 2000; Nanni, 2000 e Souza, 2000), a partir dos quais foram evidenciados os aspectos musicais formativos e atuantes presentes no Hip Hop Sul. Os aspectos abordados referem-se as experiências musicais dos grupos de rap como telespectadores e participantes do programa. Os resultados dessa pesquisa mostram que para esses grupos, ver a si mesmo ou sentir-se representados na televisão, significa existir, ter uma identidade e sair do anonimato. Estar na televisão é, portanto, uma experiência que modifica o ser e o fazer musical.


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Este é um estudo dos elementos e das atividades culturais do Movimento Hip-hop tomadas como saberes e como processos de aprendizagens trans-escolares, enquanto ações sociais potencializadoras de outras educabilidades e traços culturais. É um estudo de outros conhecimentos e modos de ser humanos que se fazem com, a partir e para além dos espaçostempos tradicionalmente conhecidos como pedagógicos e que se constituem dentro de um movimento constante dos seus sujeitos em busca de saberes. Na medida que foi possível perceber e vivenciar alguns fluxos de sentidos nesta rede de educabilidades, eu procurei compreendê-las como produções dialógicas de saberes e organizá-las, segundo sua natureza e tendências evolutivas, dentro de três campos complexos. A estes campos, construídos a partir de uma reflexão aberta, resolvi dar o nome de expressivo-identitário, ético-estético e sóciopolítico. Esta abordagem facilitou a organização dos registros desta pesquisa e vem se construindo como um instrumento flexível, não definitivo, mas bastante próprio à leitura, à análise e à compreensão de vários traços e elementos culturais que constituem o Movimento Hip-hop. Além disso, ajuda a pensar aspectos diversos de um dos principais objetivos deste estudo que é a revelação de outros sentidos destas educabilidades, elevando-as a um patamar de maior importância enquanto ações sociais formadoras e transformadoras dos jovens e das suas realidades localizadas em diferentes periferias urbanas, especialmente de Santa Cruz do Sul - RS. A realização deste trabalho vem fazendo parte da minha trajetória de educador por diferentes inserções diretas em espaços-tempos de expressão da cultura hip-hop, bem como pelo diálogo possível com diferentes grupos e sujeitos que nesta cultura descobrem, problematizam, recriam e assumem suas identidades. O desejo mais forte, a vontade mais latente nesta ação investigativa é construir referências para novos caminhos de ensinoaprendizagem no contexto social mais amplo e complexo, como é o caso do Movimento Hiphop. Em outras palavras, trato de apresentar alguns passos possíveis para uma observação educativa que não deixa de estar vinculada à busca de sentidos em torno de alguns aspectos dos elementos culturais do Movimento Hip-hop, trazendo um pouco da sua história e das suas metodologias constitutivas como caminhos possíveis e como novas perturbações e desafios para a academia. Para tanto, procuro repensar estes modos de ser e de fazer da cultura que forma e que informa o hip-hop no contexto social aberto, como instâncias e ferramentas que ampliam o nosso esforço de educadoras e educadores em reorganizar a escola – seus sujeitos, processos e estruturas do ensino-aprendizagem formais. Assim, as perspectivas e desafios decorrentes deste estudo apontam para algumas metodologias de construção e para certas características dos diferentes sujeitos e práticas culturais que integram o Movimento Hip-hop – mutabilidades, recursividades, dialogicidades, vivências, midiaticidades, autopoiesis, perturbações, transitoriedades, apropriações, territorialidades – como principais contribuições ao nosso trabalho coletivo, feliz-doloroso e inevitável de reconstruir a escola e a educação que vivemos hoje.


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To evaluate the effect of sildenafil, administered prior to renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), by scintigraphy and histopathological evaluation in rats. Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided randomly into two groups. They received 0.1 ml of 99mTechnetium-etilenodicisteine intravenous, and a baseline (initial) renal scintigraphy was performed. The rats underwent 60 minutes of ischemia by left renal artery clamping. The right kidney was not manipulated. The sildenafil group (n=12) received orally 1 mg/kg of sildenafil suspension 60 minutes before ischemia. Treatment with saline 0.9% in the control group (n=12). Half of the rats was assessed after 24 hours and half after seven days I/R, with new renal scintigraphy to study differential function. After euthanasia, kidneys were removed and subjected to histopathological examination. For statistical evaluation, Student t and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Results: In the control group rats, the left kidneys had significant functional deficit, seven days after I/R, whose scintigraphic pattern was consistent with acute tubular necrosis, compared with the initial scintigraphy (p<0.05). Sildenafil treatment resulted in better differential function of the left kidneys 24h after reperfusion, compared with controls. Histopathologically, the left kidney of control rats (24 hours after I/R) showed a higher degree of cellular necrosis when compared with the sildenafil treated rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: Sildenafil had a protective effect in rat kidneys subjected to normothermic I/R, demonstrated by scintigraphy and histomorphometry


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European corn borer (ECB) [Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner)] (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is known to infest Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) but only causes economic damage during the first generation in East Coast potato producing areas. However, in Nebraska, second generation ECB infest potato plants during the bulking period and may reduce yield and/or potato quality. Experiments were conducted in 2001, 2002, and 2003 to examine physiological and yield effects of second generation ECB injury to potato in Nebraska. Pike, Atlantic, and three Frito Lay proprietary varieties (FL1867, FL1879, and FL1833) were used. Experimental plots were infested with four ECB egg masses per plant to simulate ECB infestation by second-generation larvae; controls received no egg masses. Photosynthetic rates, tuber weights, tuber size grades, solids, and fry quality were measured. Potato plants with ECB infestation had significantly reduced photosynthetic rates on ECB-infested stems and on uninfested stems on the same plant when larvae were in the fifth instar. When insects were in the fourth instar, photosynthetic rates were reduced only on ECB-infested stems. In 2001, ECB infestation reduced the average mass of large tubers and increased the amount of small tubers in FL1867 and FL1879. In 2002, significant yield reductions were not observed. Across both years, ECB-infested plots produced fewer large (65- to 100-mm diam.) tubers than control plots. Other tuber properties and chip qualities were unaffected. This study indicates that second generation ECB infestation of approximately 30% infested plants results in economic loss for some chipping varieties and affects tuber bulking. In contrast to east coast growers, Midwest potato farmers must be concerned with second generation ECB.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The combinations of temperature and time which can cause chilling injuries in avocados 'Geada', 'Quintal' and 'Fortuna' were determined. The binomial 4 degrees C/ 28 days was selected to determine the activity of peroxidase (POD), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), polygalacturonase (PG) and methylesterase pectin (PME). The respiratory activity was also evaluated. The fruits were stored at this condition until being transferred to ambient conditions (22 degrees C and 77% RH) until maturity, when they were compared to fruits stored permanently at this environment, after being cleaned (control). In the second part of this work, different hydrothermal treatments were tested to prevent or minimize chilling injuries. Avocados 'Geada', 'Quintal' and 'Fortuna' were treated at 38 degrees C for 0, 30, 60 and 90 minutes before storage at 4 degrees C for 28 days. It was observed that the activity of enzymes associated to browning, POD and PPO, and to maturation, PG and PME, had become greater in fruits stored at 4 degrees C, or when they were transferred to environmental conditions. Fruits subjected to refrigeration, after transferred to environment, presented lower respiratory peak intensity and it occurred earlier than the others. Treatments using 38 degrees C for 60 and 90 min minimized the symptoms of chilling injury in avocados 'Geada' while for 'Quintal' the most efficient was 38 degrees C for 60 min. In 'Fortuna' these treatments did not minimize the damage by cold.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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En el barrio de Guarapes, al oeste de Natal, RN, un grupo de jóvenes se organizó para buscar de paz en su vecindario. Encontraron en la cultura hip hop una forma de contar sus historias y trabajar en el fortalecimiento de su propio lugar. Formaron la Posse de Hip Hop Lelo Melodia (PH2LM) y hace cerca de dos años, instalaron la "Bodega Digital", una especie de telecentro que ofrecía acceso a computadoras e Internet, donde pudieron producir una gran cantidad de música, además del primer video del grupo musical, que está en el aire a través de la Internet. En un suburbio, los procesos de mediatización de la sociedad pueden adquirir su propia dinámica y seguir movimientos que van más allá de las barreras impuestas por el proceso contradictorio de la globalización. En esta investigación, se buscó establecer relaciones entre la acción político-cultural de los jóvenes de la Posse y su participación en los medios de comunicación, especialmente en la Internet. Al observar al grupo y en entrevistas episódicas con sus miembros, trazamos un mapa e interpretamos los movimientos de los jóvenes hacia el ciberespacio y en sentido inverso, cómo traen a la calle lo que conquistan allí. Hemos encontrado que, a pesar de todos los obstáculos, estos jóvenes encuentran vacíos y los aprovechan para asegurar su acceso a los medios de comunicación y su participación en el ciberespacio.


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Objective: To examine the effects of treadmill inclinations on the walking of hemiparetic chronic subjects. Design: Observational descriptive study. Location: Laboratory of human movement analysis. Participants: Eighteen subjects, 10 men and 8 women were evaluated, with a mean age of 55.3 ± 9.3 years and the time since the injury of about 36 ± 22.8 months. Intervention: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: All subjects were evaluated for functional independence (Functional Independence Measure - FIM) and balance (Berg Balance Scale). Angular variations of the hips, knees and ankles in the sagittal plane were observed, as well as the speed of the movement (m/s), cadence (steps/min), stride length (m), cycle time (s), step time on the paretic leg and on the non-paretic leg (s), support phase time and balance phase time on the paretic leg (s) and the ratio of symmetry inter-limb as subjects walked on a treadmill at three conditions of inclination (0%, 5% and 10% ). Results: There were angular increases in the initial contact of the hip, knee and ankle, amplitude increase in the hip between 0% and 10% (37.83 ± 5.23 versus 41.12 ± 5.63, p < 0,001) and 5% and 10% (38.80 ± 5.96 versus 41.12 ± 5.63, p = 0,002), amplitude increases in the knee between 0% and 10% (47.51 ± 15.07 versus 50, 30 ± 12.82, p = 0,040), extension decreases in the hip, dorsiflexion increases in the balance phase and in the time of support phase from 0% to 5% (0.83 ± 0.21 versus 0.87 ± 0, 20, p = 0,011) and 0% and 10% (0.83 ± 0.21 versus 0.88 ± 0.23, p = 0,021). Conclusion: The treadmill inclination promoted angle changes as such as the increase of the angle of the hip, knee and ankle during the initial contact and the balance phase and the increase of the range of motion of the hip and knee; furthermore, it also promoted the increase of the support time of the paretic lower limb


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: During general anesthesia, nitrous oxide (N2O) diffuses rapidly into the air-filled laryngeal mask airway (LMA) cuff, increasing intracuff pressure. There is no clear correlation between LMA intracuff pressure and pressure on the pharynx. We have studied the effects of high LMA intracuff pressures secondary to N2O on the pharyngeal mucosa of dogs.Methods: Sixteen mongrel dogs were randomly allocated to two groups: G1 (intracuff volume, 30 mL; n = 8) breathed a mixture of O-2 (1 L.min(-1)) and air (1 L.min(-1)) and G2 (intracuff volume, 30 mL; n=8) a mixture of O-2 (1 L.min(-1)) and N2O (1 L.min(-1)). Anesthesia was induced and maintained with pentobarbitone. LMA cuff pressure was measured at zero (control), 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after #4 LMA insertion. The dogs were sacrificed, and biopsy specimens from seven predetermined areas of the pharynx in contact with the LMA cuff were collected for light (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination by a blinded observer.Results: LMA intracuff pressure decreased with time in G1 (P < 0.001) and increased in G2 (P < 0.001). There was a significant difference between the groups (P < 0.001). In both groups, the LM study showed a normal epithelium covering the pharyngeal mucosa and mild congestion in the subepithelial layer There were no differences between the groups (P > 0.10) or among the areas sampled (P > 0.05). In both groups, the SEM study showed a normal pharyngeal mucosa with mild superficial desquamation. Few specimens in G1 and G2 showed more intense epithelial desquamation.Conclusion: High LMA intracuff pressures produced by N2O do not increase pharyngeal mucosal injury in dogs.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da N-acetilcisteína na proteção renal contra lesão de isquemia/reperfusão, quando administrada logo após a indução anestésica, em ratos anestesiados com isoflurano. MÉTODOS: Dezoito ratos Wistar machos pesando mais que 300g foram anestesiados com isoflurano. A jugular interna direita e a carótida esquerda foram dissecadas e canuladas. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em GAcetil, recebendo N-acetilcisteína por via intravenosa, 300mg/kg, e GIsot, solução salina. Foi realizada nefrectomia direita e clampeamento da artéria renal esquerda por 45 min. Os animais foram sacrificados após 48h, sendo colhidas amostras sanguíneas após a indução anestésica e ao sacrifício dos mesmos para avaliar a creatinina sérica. Realizou-se histologia renal. RESULTADOS: A variação da creatinina foi 2,33mg/dL ± 2,21 no GAcetil e 4,38mg/dL ± 2,13 no GIsot (p=0,074). Dois animais apresentaram necrose tubular intensa no GAcetil, comparados a cinco no GIsot. Apenas GAcetil apresentou animais livres de necrose tubular (dois) e degeneração tubular (um). CONCLUSÃO: Após isquemia/reperfusão renais, os ratos aos quais se administrou N-acetilcisteína apresentaram menor variação na creatinina sérica e lesões renais mais leves que o grupo controle.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)