1000 resultados para festivales de cine
A diferencia de otros medios como la televisión o el cine, los juegos digitales se presentan como un medio único y diferente que proporcionan una nueva forma de retórica persuasiva. En este trabajo, se presentan los casos de 2 profesoras de primaria que utilizan juegos digitales en la práctica educativa. Los casos se encuentran dentro de un marco de multimodalidad que muestran la posición del docente en la educación. Se exploran los desafíos que enfrentan los docentes como instructores y la aplicación de juegos digitales en el aula moderna. Desde una perspectiva etnográfica, se han utilizado técnicas de recogida de información, como el análisis documental y la entrevista para obtener datos sobre cada uno de los casos. Los resultados obtenidos forman parte de un trabajo más amplio, pero aquí solo se muestran 2 casos, que plantean cuestiones como cuál es la posición de los profesores con respecto al uso de juegos digitales en las aulas, qué impulsa a los profesores a utilizarlos y qué tipo de apoyo o recursos necesitan los profesores. Las conclusiones de este trabajo nos llevan a entender el porque de su uso en las aulas, permiten a los estudiantes aprender y estar motivados, ante el uso de juegos en l apráctica educative, los estudiantes se encuentran con experiencias que estimulan y les provocan una conexión personal.
Las navidades pasadas se presentó en las salas de cine El Cascanueces en 3D. Se trata de una adaptación libre del cuento de hadas de Navidad El Cascanueces y el rey de los ratones,2 creado por un escritor, músico, pintor, dramaturgo y jurista alemán llamado Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann3 (1776-1822). Hoffmann, gran admirador de Mozart, cambió su tercer nombre por el del músico austriaco y durante muchos años se ganó la vida como crítico musical,compositor y director de orquesta
This article provides expert opinion on the use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in young patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) and in specific clinical situations. As peculiar challenges apply to imaging children, paediatric aspects are repeatedly discussed. The first section of the paper addresses settings and techniques, including the basic sequences used in paediatric CMR, safety, and sedation. In the second section, the indication, application, and clinical relevance of CMR in the most frequent CHD are discussed in detail. In the current era of multimodality imaging, the strengths of CMR are compared with other imaging modalities. At the end of each chapter, a brief summary with expert consensus key points is provided. The recommendations provided are strongly clinically oriented. The paper addresses not only imagers performing CMR, but also clinical cardiologists who want to know which information can be obtained by CMR and how to integrate it in clinical decision-making.
La presente investigación tiene como objeto de estudio la Alfabetización Cinematográfica (Film Literacy). El trabajo está estructurado en cuatro partes, la primera parte es aproximación al desarrollo conceptual de la Alfabetización Cinematográfica desde las teorías relacionadas la Alfabetización Mediática (Media Literacy). La segunda, presenta brevemente los usos pedagógicos del cine desde una perspectiva educomunicativa. Durante la tercera fase de la investigación, se realizó un análisis documental de las políticas públicas educativas en relación a la implementación del cine en el ámbito educativo. Por último, para conocer la realidad desde la práctica, se realizó un análisis de contenido de 72 iniciativas que fomentan la Alfabetización Cinematográfica en España.
OBJETIVO: Comparar os índices de função sistólica ventricular obtidos entre as seqüências de cine-ressonância magnética em equilíbrio estável, em tempo real e acoplada ao eletrocardiograma, em pacientes com ritmo regular ou não. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram comparados a fração de ejeção e os volumes diastólico e sistólico finais, em 31 pacientes, 11 com ritmo cardíaco irregular e 20 com ritmo cardíaco sinusal regular, utilizando-se seqüências segmentadas acopladas ao eletrocardiograma e em tempo real. O tratamento estatístico foi feito através da correlação de Pearson e a concordância de Bland-Altman, com p < 0,01. RESULTADOS: As aquisições em tempo real demonstraram borramento dos contornos endocárdicos, mas ambas as seqüências tiveram forte correlação positiva entre os valores obtidos: fração de ejeção, r = 0,94; volume diastólico final, r = 0,93; volume sistólico final, r = 0,98. A análise dos 11 pacientes com ritmo irregular não demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significativa, apesar da menor relação de contraste sangue-miocárdio. CONCLUSÃO: Seqüências em tempo real podem ser utilizadas para a análise da função cardíaca, independente do ritmo cardíaco dos pacientes.
PURPOSE: We propose the use of a retrospectively gated cine fast spin echo (FSE) sequence for characterization of carotid artery dynamics. The aim of this study was to compare cine FSE measures of carotid dynamics with measures obtained on prospectively gated FSE images. METHODS: The common carotid arteries in 10 volunteers were imaged using two temporally resolved sequences: (i) cine FSE and (ii) prospectively gated FSE. Three raters manually traced a common carotid artery area for all cardiac phases on both sequences. Measured areas and systolic-diastolic area changes were calculated and compared. Inter- and intra-rater reliability were assessed for both sequences. RESULTS: No significant difference between cine FSE and prospectively gated FSE areas were observed (P = 0.36). Both sequences produced repeatable cross-sectional area measurements: inter-rater intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.88 on cine FSE images and 0.87 on prospectively gated FSE images. Minimum detectable difference (MDD) in systolic-diastolic area was 4.9 mm(2) with cine FSE and 6.4 mm(2) with prospectively gated FSE. CONCLUSION: This cine FSE method produced repeatable dynamic carotid artery measurements with less artifact and greater temporal efficiency compared with prospectively gated FSE. Magn Reson Med 74:1103-1109, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da sequência de ressonância magnética com três excitações, para obtenção de volumes e massas ventriculares, em indivíduos com respiração livre, sem apneia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Em 32 voluntários sadios, foram comparados os volumes e massas do ventrículo esquerdo, obtidos por meio de duas sequências de ressonância magnética em modo cine. A primeira, tradicionalmente utilizada e considerada padrão, em apneia e com excitação única, e a segunda, em respiração livre e com três excitações. Três leitores, com diferentes níveis de experiência, testaram a concordância e a reprodutibilidade. Para a análise estatística foram utilizados o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, o teste t-pareado, os gráficos de Bland-Altman e o teste do sinal. RESULTADOS: Para os dois observadores mais experientes, os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse foram superiores a 0,913, assim como os níveis descritivos do teste t-pareado acima de 0,05, os gráficos de Bland-Altman com as diferenças distribuídas aleatoriamente em torno do zero e o teste do sinal com seu nível descritivo superior a 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: A sequência testada apresenta ótima concordância e reprodutibilidade em relação à sequência padrão, podendo ser aplicada em indivíduos com limitações respiratórias.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has several advantages in the evaluation of cancer patients with thoracic lesions, including involvement of the chest wall, pleura, lungs, mediastinum, esophagus and heart. It is a quite useful tool in the diagnosis, staging, surgical planning, treatment response evaluation and follow-up of these patients. In the present review, the authors contextualize the relevance of MRI in the evaluation of thoracic lesions in cancer patients. Considering that MRI is a widely available method with high contrast and spatial resolution and without the risks associated with the use of ionizing radiation, its use combined with new techniques such as cine-MRI and functional methods such as perfusion- and diffusion-weighted imaging may be useful as an alternative tool with performance comparable or complementary to conventional radiological methods such as radiography, computed tomography and PET/CT imaging in the evaluation of patients with thoracic neoplasias.
Si la technologie fait aujourd'hui pleinement partie de notre quotidien au point de prolonger nos organes des sens, l'histoire nous rappelle que son apparition à l'ère moderne n'est pas allée sans débats, controverses et résistances. Technophobes et technophiles s'affrontent régulièrement à l'avènement d'une technique ou d'un média responsable de bouleverser notre perception du monde et nos repères cognitifs. Or, les affrontements sur la nécessité du progrès social reposent systématiquement sur un socle idéologique qui confère une lecture genrée des rapports entre nature et culture. En étudiant les discours, les pratiques et les représentations qui accompagnent l'arrivée d'un artefact, on s'avise en effet que la technologie est très souvent appréhendée en termes sexués, qu'elle soit référée à la féminité ou, plus rarement, à la masculinité. Partant de ce constat, nous proposons de parcourir une série d'exemples qui cristallisent cette association implicite entre technique et genre, tels le train, le cinéma, la télévision, la haute fidélité (hi-fi) audio et le téléphone portable.
This paper stresses the importance of developing mathematical thought in young children based on everyday contexts, since these are meaningful learning situations with an interdisciplinary, globalised focus. The first part sets out the framework of reference that lays the theoretical foundations for these kinds of educational practices. The second part gives some teaching orientations for work based on everyday contexts. It concludes with the presentation of the activity 'We’re off to the cinema to learn mathematics!'
Ilmestynyt alunperin Cinéa-lehden numeroissa 12 ja 13 (1921) ja teoksessa Jean Epstein: Bonjour Cinéma. Paris : Editions de la Siréne, 1921. Käännös: Antti Pönni.
Ilmestynyt alunperin Cinéa-Cinépour-tous-lehden numerossa 19 (1924) ja myöhemmin Epsteinin teoksessa La Cinématographe vu d'Etna. Paris : Les Écrivains Réunis, 1926. Käännös: Antti Pönni.
Surface fibrils (fimbriae) have been observed on fungi from every major group. Fimbriae are thought to be involved in the following cell to cell interactions: conjugation, flocculation and adhesion. Several higher fungi exibit two other types of interactions: hyphal fusion (anastomosis) and clamp connection formation. As a prelude to examining the role of fimbriae in these processes, the fimbriae of two fungi that undergo these fusion events were examined. Electron microscopy studies revealed that Coprinus cinereus and Schizophyllum commune are fimbriated. C. cinereus fimbriae were 5 nm in diameter and 0.5 to 20 11m in length. Fimbriae of C. cinereus oidia were more numerous and longer than those of the hyphal stage. S. commune fimbriae were also 5 nm in diameter, but were only 0.5 to 2 11m in length. There was an unequal distribution of fimbriae on the hyphal surfaces of S. commune . Fimbriae were sparsely distributed over the entire hyphal surface, with higher densities of fibrils present on the side growths of the hyphae found in the older sections of the mycelium. Antiserum raised against Ustilago violacea fimbrial protein (AU) crossreacted strongly with 37 and 39 kd C. cinereus mycelial proteins. In contrast, AU bound very weakly to 89 and 92 kd S. commune mycelial proteins. Since AU cross-reacted poorly with S. commune fimbrial proteins, it was impossible to further characterize the fimbriae of this specIes. The 37 and 39 kd C. cinereus proteins, were isolated by electroelution and were shown to be able to form fibrils the same diameter as oidial fimbriae. The 37 kd protein was shown to be composed of several proteins with isoelectric points ranging from pH 6.1 to 7.63. Furthermore, the 37 kd protein was found to be multimeric, while the 39 kd protein was not. These results strongly suggested that the 37 kd protein is the structural fimbrial protein of C. cine reus . Finally, a series of experiments were designed to determine whether fimbriae are required for conjugation in U. violacea Conjugation was inhibited significantly with AU, but not with pre-immune serum or AU preincubated with purified fimbrial protein. Thus, it was concluded that fimbriae play a central role in mating in this organism.