966 resultados para email defects


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been widely investigated for their clinical use in bone repair and it is known that a suitable carrier matrix to deliver them is essential for optimal bone regeneration within a specific defect site. Fused deposited modeling (FDM) allows for the fabrication of medical grade poly 3-caprolactone/tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) scaffolds with high reproducibility and tailor designed dimensions. Here we loaded FDM fabricated mPCL–TCP/collagen scaffolds with 5 mg recombinant human (rh)BMP-2 and evaluated bone healing within a rat calvarial critical-sized defect. Using a comprehensive approach, this study assessed the newly regenerated bone employing microcomputed tomography (mCT), histology/histomorphometry, and mechanical assessments. By 15 weeks, mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2 defects exhibited complete healing of the calvarium whereas the non- BMP-2-loaded scaffolds showed significant less bone ingrowth, as confirmed by mCT. Histomorphometry revealed significantly increased bone healing amongst the rhBMP-2 groups compared to non-treated scaffolds at 4 and 15 weeks, although the % BV/TV did not indicate complete mineralisation of the entire defect site. Hence, our study confirms that it is important to combine microCt and histomorphometry to be able to study bone regeneration comprehensively in 3D. A significant up-regulation of the osteogenic proteins, type I collagen and osteocalcin, was evident at both time points in rhBMP-2 groups. Although mineral apposition rates at 15 weeks were statistically equivalent amongst treatment groups, microcompression and push-out strengths indicated superior bone quality at 15 weeks for defects treated with mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2. Consistently over all modalities, the progression of healing was from empty defect < mPCL–TCP/collagen < mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2, providing substantiating data to support the hypothesis that the release of rhBMP-2 from FDM-created mPCL–TCP/collagen scaffolds is a clinically relevant approach to repair and regenerate critically-sized craniofacial bone defects. Crown Copyright 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The composition of many professional services firms in the Urban Development area has moved away from a discipline specific ‘silo’ structure to a more multidisciplinary environment. The benefits of multidisciplinarity have been seen in industry by providing synergies across many of the related disciplines. Similarly, the Queensland University of Technology, Bachelor of Urban Development degree has sought to broaden the knowledge base of students and achieve a greater level of synergy between related urban development disciplines through the introduction of generic and multidisciplinary units. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of delivering core property units in a multidisciplinary context. A comparative analysis has been undertaken between core property units and more generic units offered in a multidisciplinary context from introductory, intermediate and advanced years within the property program. This analysis was based on data collected from course performance surveys, student performance results, a student focus group and was informed by a reflective process from the student perspective and lecturer/ tutor feedback. The study showed that there are many benefits associated with multidisciplinary unit offerings across the QUT Urban Development program particularly in the more generic units. However, these units require a greater degree of management. It is more difficult to organise, teach and coordinate multidisciplinary student cohorts due to a difference in prior knowledge and experience between each of the discipline groups. In addition, the interaction between lecturers/ tutors and the students frequently becomes more limited. A perception exists within the student body that this more limited face to face contact with academic staff is not valuable which may be exacerbated by the quality of complimentary online teaching materials. For many academics, non-attendance at lectures was coupled with an increase in email communication. From the limited data collected during the study there appears to be no clear correlation between large multidisciplinary student classes and student academic performance or satisfaction.


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The inclusion or not of chat services within Virtual Reference (VR) is an important topic for university libraries. Increasingly, email supported by a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database is suggested in the scholarly literature as the preferred, cost-effective means for providing university VR services. This paper examines these issues and identifies some best practices for university library VR services relating to chat and email service, collaborative service provision, services staffing, and staff training. Further studies are required to more completely identify best practices for the complete range of VR services.


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The high level of scholarly writing required for a doctoral thesis is a challenge for many research students. However, formal academic writing training is not a core component of many doctoral programs. Informal writing groups for doctoral students may be one method of contributing to the improvement of scholarly writing. In this paper, we report on a writing group that was initiated by an experienced writer and higher degree research supervisor to support and improve her doctoral students’ writing capabilities. Over time, this group developed a workable model to suit their varying needs and circumstances. The model comprised group sessions, an email group, and individual writing. Here, we use a narrative approach to explore the effectiveness and value of our research writing group model in improving scholarly writing. The data consisted of doctoral students’ reflections to stimulus questions about their writing progress and experiences. The stimulus questions sought to probe individual concerns about their own writing, what they had learned in the research writing group, the benefits of the group, and the disadvantages and challenges to participation. These reflections were analysed using thematic analysis. Following this analysis, the supervisor provided her perspective on the key themes that emerged. Results revealed that, through the writing group, members learned technical elements (e.g., paragraph structure), non-technical elements (e.g., working within limited timeframes), conceptual elements (e.g., constructing a cohesive arguments), collaborative writing processes, and how to edit and respond to feedback. In addition to improved writing quality, other benefits were opportunities for shared writing experiences, peer support, and increased confidence and motivation. The writing group provides a unique social learning environment with opportunities for: professional dialogue about writing, peer learning and review, and developing a supportive peer network. Thus our research writing group has proved an effective avenue for building doctoral students’ capability in scholarly writing. The proposed model for a research writing group could be applicable to any context, regardless of the type and location of the university, university faculty, doctoral program structure, or number of postgraduate students. It could also be used within a group of students with diverse research abilities, needs, topics and methodologies. However, it requires a group facilitator with sufficient expertise in scholarly writing and experience in doctoral supervision who can both engage the group in planned writing activities and also capitalise on fruitful lines of discussion related to students’ concerns as they arise. The research writing group is not intended to replace traditional supervision processes nor existing training. However it has clear benefits for improving scholarly writing in doctoral research programs particularly in an era of rapidly increasing student load.


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This paper reports findings from a study of user behaviours and intentions towards online news and information in Australia, undertaken by the Queensland University of Technology Creative Industries Faculty and the Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre. It has used a literature review, online survey, focus groups and interviews to explore attitudes and behaviours towards online news and information. The literature review on consumer user of online media highlighted emerging technical opportunities, and flagged existing barriers to access experienced by consumers in the Australian digital media sector. The literature review highlighted multiple disconnects between consumer interests in online news and their ability to fulfil them. This presents an opportunity for news entities to appraise and resolve. Doing so may enhance their service offering, attract consumers and improve loyalty. These themes were further explored by the survey. The survey results revealed three typologies of user, described as ‘convenience’, ‘loyal’ and ‘customising’. Convenience users tend to access news by default, for example when they log out of email. Loyal users seek out a trusted brand such as mainstream news mastheads. Customising users tend to tailor news to their preferences, and be the first to use leading edge media. Respondents to the survey were then invited to participate in focus groups, which aimed to test the survey results. Consumer perceptions and attitudes are important factors in progression towards an information economy, because ultimately consumers are customers. By segmenting the online news market according to customer typology, media providers may identify new opportunities to attract and retain customers.


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In Orissa state, India, the DakNet system supports asynchronous Internet communication between an urban hub and rural nodes. DakNet is noteworthy in many respects, not least in how the system leverages existing transport infrastructure. Wi-Fi transceivers mounted on local buses send and receive user data from roadside kiosks, for later transfer to/from the Internet via wireless protocols. This store-and-forward system allows DakNet to offer asynchronous communication capacity to rural users at low cost. The original ambition of the DakNet system was to provide email and SMS facilities to rural communities. Our 2008 study of the communicative ecology surrounding the DakNet system revealed that this ambition has now evolved – in response to market demand – to the extent that e-shopping (rather than email) has become the primary driver behind the DakNet offer.


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Since the industrial revolution, the development of a lifestyle lived predominantly indoors has resulted in less contact with nature. Research over the last twenty years has gradually been identifying the human health benefits attributed to re-connecting with the natural environment. The significance of feeling connected to natural environments, families and friends are described as a foundational requirement for human health and wellbeing (Maller et al., 2008). Also, the early findings of Schultz‟s (2002) work indicated that by feeling connected to the natural world a person is more likely to be committed to positively interact with and protect the natural world. Research on young people has indicated that young people are even more disconnected from the natural world. Leading some writers to call this disconnection a crisis termed “Nature Deficit Disorder.” Participants (n = 131) from 1st year university Physical Education and Human Movement Studies were asked to complete two questionnaires the Connectedness to Nature scale (CNS) (Mayer & Frantz, 2004) and the New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEP) (Dunlap, Van Liere, Mertig, & Jones, 2000). The NEP and CNS are two scales most commonly used to explore beliefs and feelings of connectedness to the natural world (Schultz, 2002). The NEP was developed over thirty years ago by Dunlap and Van Liere (1978) and originally termed the New Environmental Paradigm. The NEP is now the foremost International tool for measuring beliefs about the natural world (Dunlap, 2008). The CNS measures an individual‟s trait levels of emotional connection to the natural world. It is a relatively new tool for understanding ecological behaviour based on ecopsychology theory and employed to predict behaviour (Mayer and Frantz, 2004). Both questionnaires are based on a 1-5 scale (Strongly disagree to Strongly agree). By combing both scales the researchers aim to develop a snap shot of beliefs and emotional feelings towards the natural world and therefore an idea of intended behaviour. The two questionnaires were combined as one online survey with additional material asking for demographics and self assessments of type of leader included before the surveys. An email inviting outdoor leaders to participate was sent out to networks and interest groups. A basic descriptive statistical analysis was used to interpret data.


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Braking or traction torque is regarded as an important source of wheelset skid and a potential source of derailment risk that adversely affects the safety levels of train operations; therefore, this research examines the effect of braking/traction torque to the longitudinal and lateral dynamics of wagons. This paper reports how train operations safety could be adversely affected due to various braking strategies. Sensitivity of wagon dynamics to braking severity is illustrated through numerical examples. The influence of wheel/rail interface friction coefficient and the effects of two types of track geometry defects on wheel unloading ratio and wagon pitch are also discussed in the paper.


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This paper reports on a comparative study of students and non-students that investigates which psycho-social factors influence intended donation behaviour within a single organisation that offers multiple forms of donation activity. Additionally, the study examines which media channels are more important to encourage donation. A self-administered survey instrumentwas used and a sample of 776 respondents recruited. Logistic regressions and a Chow test were used to determine statistically significant differences between the groups. For donatingmoney, importance of charity and attitude towards charity influence students, whereas only importance of need significantly influences non-students. For donating time, no significant influences were found for non-students, however, importance of charity and attitude towards charity were significant for students. Importance of need was significant for both students and non-students for donating goods, with importance of charity also significant for students. Telephone and television channels were important for both groups. However, Internet, email and short messaging services were more important for students, providing opportunities to enhance this group’s perceptions of the importance of the charity, and the importance of the need, which ultimately impacts on their attitudes towards the charity. These differences highlight the importance of charities focussing on those motivations and attitudes that are important to a particular target segment and communicating through appropriate media channels for these segments.


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Lamb waves propagation in composite materials has been studied extensively since it was first observed in 1982. In this paper, we show a procedure to simulate the propagation of Lamb waves in composite laminates using a two-dimensional model in ANSYS. This is done by simulating the Lamb waves propagating along the plane of the structure in the form of a time dependent force excitation. In this paper, an 8-layered carbon reinforced fibre plastic (CRFP) is modelled as transversely isotropic and dissipative medium and the effect of flaws is analyzed with respect to the defects induced between various layers of the composite laminate. This effort is the basis for the future development of a 3D model for similar applications.


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The World Wide Web has become a medium for people to share information. People use Web-based collaborative tools such as question answering (QA) portals, blogs/forums, email and instant messaging to acquire information and to form online-based communities. In an online QA portal, a user asks a question and other users can provide answers based on their knowledge, with the question usually being answered by many users. It can become overwhelming and/or time/resource consuming for a user to read all of the answers provided for a given question. Thus, there exists a need for a mechanism to rank the provided answers so users can focus on only reading good quality answers. The majority of online QA systems use user feedback to rank users’ answers and the user who asked the question can decide on the best answer. Other users who didn’t participate in answering the question can also vote to determine the best answer. However, ranking the best answer via this collaborative method is time consuming and requires an ongoing continuous involvement of users to provide the needed feedback. The objective of this research is to discover a way to recommend the best answer as part of a ranked list of answers for a posted question automatically, without the need for user feedback. The proposed approach combines both a non-content-based reputation method and a content-based method to solve the problem of recommending the best answer to the user who posted the question. The non-content method assigns a score to each user which reflects the users’ reputation level in using the QA portal system. Each user is assigned two types of non-content-based reputations cores: a local reputation score and a global reputation score. The local reputation score plays an important role in deciding the reputation level of a user for the category in which the question is asked. The global reputation score indicates the prestige of a user across all of the categories in the QA system. Due to the possibility of user cheating, such as awarding the best answer to a friend regardless of the answer quality, a content-based method for determining the quality of a given answer is proposed, alongside the non-content-based reputation method. Answers for a question from different users are compared with an ideal (or expert) answer using traditional Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing techniques. Each answer provided for a question is assigned a content score according to how well it matched the ideal answer. To evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, each recommended best answer is compared with the best answer determined by one of the most popular link analysis methods, Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS). The proposed methods are able to yield high accuracy, as shown by correlation scores: Kendall correlation and Spearman correlation. The reputation method outperforms the HITS method in terms of recommending the best answer. The inclusion of the reputation score with the content score improves the overall performance, which is measured through the use of Top-n match scores.


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With the increasing growth of cultural events both in Australia and internationally, there has also been an increase in event management studies; in theory and in practice. Although a series of related knowledge and skills required specifically by event managers has already been identified by many researchers (Perry et al., 1996; Getz, 2002 & Silvers et al., 2006) and generic event management models proposed, including ‘project management’ strategies in an event context (Getz, 2007), knowledge gaps still exist in relation to identifying specific types of events, especially for not-for-profit arts events. For events of a largely voluntary nature, insufficient resources are recognised as the most challenging; including finance, human resources and infrastructure. Therefore, the concepts and principles which are adopted by large scale commercial events may not be suitable for not-for-profit arts events aiming at providing professional network opportunities for artists. Building partnerships are identified as a key strategy in developing an effective event management model for this type of event. Using the 2008 World Dance Alliance Global Summit (WDAGS) in Brisbane 13-18 July, as a case study, the level, nature and relationship of key partners are investigated. Data is triangulated from interviews with organisers of the 2008 WDAGS, on-line and email surveys of delegates, participant observation and analysis of formal and informal documents, to produce a management model suited to this kind of event.


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Conventional clinical therapies are unable to resolve osteochondral defects adequately, hence tissue engineering solutions are sought to address the challenge. A biphasic implant which was seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) and coupled with an electrospun membrane was evaluated as an alternative. This dual phase construct comprised of a Polycaprolactone (PCL) cartilage scaffold and a Polycaprolactone - Tri Calcium Phosphate (PCL - TCP) osseous matrix. Autologous MSC was seeded into the entire implant via fibrin and the construct was inserted into critically sized osteochondral defects located at the medial condyle and patellar groove of pigs. The defect was resurfaced with a PCL - collagen electrospun mesh that served as a substitute for periosteal flap in preventing cell leakage. Controls either without implanted MSC or resurfacing membrane were included. After 6 months, cartilaginous repair was observed with a low occurrence of fibrocartilage at the medial condyle. Osteochondral repair was promoted and host cartilage degeneration was arrested as shown by the superior Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) maintenance. This positive morphological outcome was supported by a higher relative Young's modulus which indicated functional cartilage restoration. Bone in growth and remodeling occurred in all groups with a higher degree of mineralization in the experimental group. Tissue repair was compromised in the absence of the implanted cells or the resurfacing membrane. Moreover healing was inferior at the patellar groove as compared to the medial condyle and this was attributed to the native biomechanical features.


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The mineral lewisite, (Ca,Fe,Na)2(Sb,Ti)2O6(O,OH)7 an antimony bearing mineral has been studied by Raman spectroscopy. A comparison is made with the Raman spectra of other minerals including bindheimite, stibiconite and roméite. The mineral lewisite is characterised by an intense sharp band at 517 cm-1 with a shoulder at 507 cm-1 assigned to SbO stretching modes. Raman bands of medium intensity for lewisite are observed at 300, 356 and 400 cm-1. These bands are attributed to OSbO bending vibrations. Raman bands in the OH stretching region are observed at 3200, 3328, 3471 cm-1 with a distinct shoulder at 3542 cm-1. The latter is assigned to the stretching vibration of OH units. The first three bands are attributed to water stretching vibrations. The observation of bands in the 3200 to 3500 cm-1 region suggests that water is involved in the lewisite structure. If this is the case then the formula may be better written as Ca, Fe2+, Na)2(Sb, Ti)2(O,OH)7 •xH2O.


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Purpose: Computer vision has been widely used in the inspection of electronic components. This paper proposes a computer vision system for the automatic detection, localisation, and segmentation of solder joints on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) under different illumination conditions. Design/methodology/approach: An illumination normalization approach is applied to an image, which can effectively and efficiently eliminate the effect of uneven illumination while keeping the properties of the processed image the same as in the corresponding image under normal lighting conditions. Consequently special lighting and instrumental setup can be reduced in order to detect solder joints. These normalised images are insensitive to illumination variations and are used for the subsequent solder joint detection stages. In the segmentation approach, the PCB image is transformed from an RGB color space to a YIQ color space for the effective detection of solder joints from the background. Findings: The segmentation results show that the proposed approach improves the performance significantly for images under varying illumination conditions. Research limitations/implications: This paper proposes a front-end system for the automatic detection, localisation, and segmentation of solder joint defects. Further research is required to complete the full system including the classification of solder joint defects. Practical implications: The methodology presented in this paper can be an effective method to reduce cost and improve quality in production of PCBs in the manufacturing industry. Originality/value: This research proposes the automatic location, identification and segmentation of solder joints under different illumination conditions.