998 resultados para electrical excitability


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The human central nervous system (CNS) has the ability to modulate its activity during the performance of different movements. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the CNS can also modulate its activity in the same movement but with increased precision during a visuomotor static task. This study aimed to extend on these findings by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to measure the CNS during the performance of two visuomotor dynamic tasks. Twelve volunteers participated in this study, performing two separate motor tasks. Study I (“Position Tracking”) involved participants to perform a visuomotor tracking task using a dial potentiometer and matching their response icon to the computer generated tracking icon whilst holding a pincer grip. Study II (“Force Tracking”) involved participants to perform a similar visuomotor tracking task by applying or releasing pressure against a fixed force transducer. Tasks were conducted at two speeds (“slow” being one tracking cycle in 10 s; and “fast” being two tracking cycles in 10 s) and compared to a visuomotor static task at a similar muscle contraction level. Results showed corticospinal changes with significant increases (p = 0.002) in excitability demonstrated during Study I (42.3 ± 16.8%) and Study II (56.3 ± 34.2%) slow speed tasks. Moreover, significant reduction in corticospinal inhibition was also observed during both tracking tasks at slow (59.3 ± 13.7%; p = 0.001) and fast speeds (31.9 ± 12.3%; p = 0.001). The findings may provide information on the underlying physiology during the early stages of motor skill acquisition.


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This paper investigates undergraduate programs in electrical and electronics engineering offered by twelve universities in Australia, Asia, Europe, and America. The investigation focuses on the structure and content of the programs, and the contact hour and assessment of the subjects involved in the programs. The investigation is carried out in four stages: selection of universities, collection of data, analysis of data, and formulation of outcomes. A list of subjects is created based on the content of the programs. The average percentage coverage of each subject in the twelve programs is calculated. The subjects are then grouped into nine program components. The average percentage coverage of each component per university is calculated. For each component, the total number of contact hours for lecture, tutorial, and practical is calculated. Also, the average percentage of four assessment methods for each component is found. Discussions on the outcome of the investigation are presented.


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Excitability at the motoneuron pool and motor cortex is specifically modulated in lengthening compared to isometric contractions. J Neurophysiol 101: 2030–2040, 2009. First published January 28, 2008; doi:10.1152/jn.91104.2008. Neural control of muscle contraction seems to be unique during muscle lengthening. The present study aimed to determine the specific sites of modulatory control for lengthening compared with isometric contractions. We used stimulation of the motor cortex and corticospinal tract to observe changes at the spinal and cortical levels. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) and cervicomedullary MEPs (CMEPs) were evoked in biceps brachii and brachioradialis during maximal and submaximal lengthening and isometric contractions at the same elbow angle. Sizes of CMEPs and MEPs were lower in lengthening contractions for both muscles (by 28 and 16%, respectively; P 0.01), but MEP-to-CMEP ratios increased (by 21%; P 0.05). These results indicate reduced excitability at the spinal level but enhanced motor cortical excitability for lengthening compared with isometric muscle contractions.


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Previously it was shown that spinal excitability during hopping and drop jumping is high in the initial phase of ground contact when the muscle is stretched but decreases toward takeoff. To further understand motor control of stretch-shortening cycle, this study aimed to compare modulation of spinal and corticospinal excitability at distinct phases following ground contact in drop jump. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and H-reflexes were elicited at the time of the short (SLR)-, medium (MLR)-, and long (LLR, LLR2)-latency responses of the soleus muscle (SOL) after jumps from 31 cm height. MEPs and H-reflexes were expressed relative to the background electromyographic (EMG) activity. H-reflexes were highly facilitated at SLR (172%) and then progressively decreased (MLR = 133%; LLR = 123%; LLR2 = 110%). TMS showed no effect at SLR, MLR, and LLR, whereas MEPs were significantly facilitated at the LLR2 (122%; P = 0.003). Background EMG was highest at LLR and lowest at LLR2. Strong H-reflex facilitation at the beginning of the stance phase indicated significant contribution of Ia-afferent input to the α-motoneurons during this phase that then progressively declined toward takeoff. Conversely, corticospinal excitability was exclusively increased at the phase of push off (LLR2, ∼120 ms). It is argued that corticomotoneurons increased their excitability at LLR2. At LLR (∼90 ms), Ia-afferent transmission as well as corticospinal excitability was low, whereas background EMG was high. Therefore it is speculated that other sources, presumably subcortical in origin, contributed to the EMG activity at LLR in drop jumps.


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The contralateral transfer of strength following unilateral strength training (ULS) is thought to be due to changes within the nervous system. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) we compared corticospinal responses following ULS of the right biceps brachii (BB) projecting to the untrained left BB. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from both BB of 23 individuals pre and post 4 weeks heavy load (80% of 1RM) ULS of right BB. TMS was delivered at intensities below active motor threshold (AMT) to saturation of the MEP (MEPmax). ULS resulted in a 28% increase in 1RM right BB strength, resulting in a 19.2% increase in contralateral strength of the left BB (p = .0001). There was a significant increase in MEP amplitude of 30.3% (p = .03), 33% (p = .05), and 26.5% (p = .01) at AMT, 20% above AMT and MEPmax respectively. No significant differences in silent period were seen at AMT, 20% above AMT or MEPmax. This study has demonstrated increased corticospinal excitability projecting to the untrained arm following heavy load ULS.


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The evidence for neural mechanisms underpinning rapid strength increases has been investigated and discussed for over 30 years using indirect methods, such as surface electromyography, with inferences made toward the nervous system. Alternatively, electrical stimulation techniques such as the Hoffman reflex, volitional wave, and maximal wave have provided evidence of central nervous system changes at the spinal level. For 25 years, the technique of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has allowed for noninvasive supraspinal measurement of the human nervous system in a number of areas such as fatigue, skill acquisition, clinical neurophysiology, and neurology. However, it has only been within the last decade that this technique has been used to assess neural changes after strength training. The aim of this brief review is to provide an overview of TMS, discuss specific strength training studies that have investigated changes, after short-term strength training in healthy populations in upper and lower limbs, and conclude with further research suggestions and the application of this knowledge for the strength and conditioning coach.


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Many policy decisions for agricultural management in the coastal region closely depend on the extent of intrusion of sea water. In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to model the spatial variation of Electrical Conductivity to determine the extent of sea water intrusion in the coastal area of Brisbane, Australia. Quarterly EC data obtained from the observation (monitoring) wells located along the coast is used for training ANN architecture. The study demonstrates that ANN is able to model the spatial variation of EC with very good accuracy (even with very less training records) when some spatial information is used as one of the inputs in the network training. The results considerable improvement when compared with the network trained without the distance information.


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The plausibility of the entropic repulsion of electrical double layers acting to stabilize an equilibrium thickness of intergranular glass films in polycrystalline ceramics is explored. Estimates of the screening length, surface potential, and surface charge required to provide a repulsive force sufficiently large to balance the attractive van der Waals and capillary forces for observable thicknesses of intergranular film are calculated and do not appear to be beyond possibility. However, it has yet to be established whether crystalline particles in a liquid-phase sintering medium possess an electrical double layer at high temperatures. If they do, such a surface charge layer may well have important consequences not only for liquid-phase sintering but also for high-frequency electrical properties and microwave sintering of ceramics containing a liquid phase.


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A model developed previously to analyze force measurements between two deformable droplets in the atomic force microscope [Langmuir 2005, 21, 2912-2922] is used to model the drainage of an aqueous film between a mica plate and a deformable mercury drop for both repulsive and attractive electrical double-layer interactions between the mica and the mercury. The predictions of the model are compared with previously published data [Faraday Discuss. 2003, 123, 193-206] on the evolution of the aqueous film whose thickness has been measured with subnanometer precision. Excellent agreement is found between theoretical results and experimental data. This supports the assumptions made in the model which include no-slip boundary conditions at both interfaces. Furthermore, the successful fit attests to the utility of the model as a tool to explore details of the drainage mechanisms of nanometer-thick films in which fluid flow, surface deformations, and colloidal forces are all involved. One interesting result is that the model can predict the time at which the aqueous film collapses when attractive mica-mercury forces are present without the need to invoke capillary waves or other local instabilities of the mercury/electrolyte interface.


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This article reports real-time observations and detailed modeling of the transient response of thin aqueous films bounded by a deformable surface to external mechanical and electrical perturbations. Such films, tens to hundreds of nanometers thick, are confined between a molecularly smooth mica plate and a deformable mercury/electrolyte interface on a protuberant drop at a sealed capillary tube. When the mercury is negatively charged, the water forms a wetting film on mica, stabilized by electrical double layer forces. Mechanical perturbations are produced by driving the mica plate toward or by retracting the mica plate from the mercury surface. Electrical perturbations are applied to change the electrical double layer interaction between the mica and the mercury by imposing a step change of the bias voltage between the mercury and the bulk electrolyte. A theoretical model has been developed that can account for these observations quantitatively. Comparison between experiments and theory indicates that a no-slip hydrodynamic boundary condition holds at the molecularly smooth mica/electrolyte surface and at the deformable mercury/electrolyte interface. An analysis of the transient response based on the model elucidates the complex interplay between disjoining pressure, hydrodynamic forces, and surface deformations. This study also provides insight into the mechanism and process of droplet coalescence and reveals a novel, counterintuitive mechanism that can lead to film instability and collapse when an attempt is made to thicken the film by pulling the bounding mercury and mica phases apart.


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Estimates of body fat based on anthropometric measurements were compared in two groups of females, one from the local community and the other from the 1984 Australian Olympic Team. Estimates of body fat based on electrical impedance measurements were also made for the community group. For estimates of total body fat based on skinfold measurements, a significant difference of approximately 1 kg fat/m2 was observed between athletes and non-athletes. In the group of non-athletes estimates of fat based on skinfold measurements were significantly higher than those based on body mass index, with estimates from electrical impedance falling between. Electrical impedance measurements may provide a means of estimating body fat which takes into account differences in fat distribution and in the ratio of fat to fat-free tissue and may thus overcome the problems associated with estimates based on measurements of subcutaneous fat (skinfolds) or body size which do not allow for these differences.


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Problem based learning (PBL) is a group learning environment that involves a radical change in the way students learn and the role that academic staff play in facilitating learning. The PBL approach claims to build extended technological and social understandings as it offers a context for development of autonomous learners. It has an emphasis on collective and individual learning motivation and decision-making behaviours.

In this paper, we present the responses of students to the heterogeneous characteristic of PBL teams in a first year electrical engineering degree course at an Australian University. The learning cultures in PBL teams that emerge as a result of the diverse characteristics of teams are also presented in this paper.

A number of PBL teams were observed and interviewed throughout their first year course with their consent. Analysis of the data collected about students’ learning and outcomes in PBL teams informed the ways in which individual students approach their learning, the ways in which they control, regulate and direct their learning individually and as a group and the extent to which they participate, engage and thereby learn in the course.

It is evident that some students have a strong influence on the behaviour of other students in their team. These students also influenced what is learnt as a team, the ways in which they interrelated, worked as a team and problem solved in changing circumstances. Therefore, when designing student teams for PBL academics should not assume that a mono-cultural group or a mixed-ability group of students will work successfully together. We think that the results of this research inform both the design of PBL courses and the facilitation of PBL groups to accomplish successful group learning outcomes.


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Titania nanotube films were produced by anodization of titanium foil. The titania nanotube films were annealed at different temperatures. Morphology evolution, phase transformation and electrical conductivity of the titania nanotubes were studied. Results showed that the nanotube walls became rough, porous and even collapsed after annealed at 400, 500 and 600°C respectively. Titania anatase phase formed after annealed at 400°C; the amount of anatase phase increased as the annealing temperature increased. The conductivity of the nanotube film annealed at 400°C was improved greatly compared with the conductivity of the as-anodized nanotube film. However, the conductivity of the nanotube films annealed at higher temperatures decreased. The effect of the morphology on the electronic conductivity of the titania nanotube films was discussed.