967 resultados para eggs sold
Poor rural consumers benefit from Egypt’s aquaculture sector through access to small and medium-sized farmed tilapia sold by informal fish retailers, many of whom are women. In fact, informal fish retail is the main, if not only, segment of the farmed fish value chain where women are found. This report aims to inform current and future strategies to improve conditions in informal fish retail by understanding in more depth the similarities and differences in employment quality and outcomes across different fish retailers. It is particularly focused on identifying whether and how gender inequality influences different dimensions of the work, and whether women and men have similar outcomes and employment conditions. This knowledge will help to design interventions to overcome gender-based constraints, as well as approaches that address shared obstacles and include both women and men in gender-responsive ways to ensure that all of those involved in the sector benefit.
The present paper deals in the maturity stages, ova diameter and spawning season, of Otolithus argenteus from Karwar waters. The seven stages of maturity were determined based on the macroscopic appearance and microscopic study of intra ovarian eggs. The average size at first maturity was found to be 160 mm. The diameter of ova varies from 0.01 to 0.82 mm. with various modes, indicating the nature and the frequency of spawning.
Heteropneustes fossilis was induced bred for the first time in the agro-climatic conditions of Maharashtra, India. The embryonic development was completed within 16-18h after fertilisation. Head and tail ends were distinguishable after 3h and 11-12 somites were visible after 6-7h. The eggs started hatching after 14h of incubation. Average hatching time was 16-18h at 26 degrees C. In first day old pro-larva, notochord was deflected upwards, eyes were darkly pigmented and alimentary canal appeared. In fourth day old post-larva intestinal coiling could be seen and yolk was absorbed. Aerial respiration started by 8th day. The 10 day old post-larva was free swimming and fed voraciously attaining a length of 20 mm in 30 days.
The rich zooplankton standing stock of Dharamtar Creek showed a variation of 8 to 5261 (av. 1032) mg C/100 m super(3)/d which led to a turnover of 29 tonnes C/km super(2)/y. The estimated fishery potential from zooplankton production was 0.079 tonnes C/km super(2) or 29.00 tonnes/km/y. The worked out yield in terms of wet weight of fish was 0.059 tonnes/km2u2/d. Experimental trawling within the creek showed a potential of 0.19 tonnes/km super(2)/d suggesting a transfer coefficient of only 31.4% form secondary to tertiary level. Fish eggs and larvae were very common in the area but contributed collectively only 1% to the total zooplankton population. On an average the outer zone sustained relatively higher population of fish eggs and larvae than the interior zone. The mean population density of larvae (334/100 m super(3)) was 3.5 times higher than fish eggs (93/100 m super(3)) suggesting the good survival rate and a congenial environment for larvae to thrive.
Intergeneric catla-rohu hybrids were bred through hypophysation and about 5.25 lakh spawn of F2 generations were produced. The rate of survival from fertilized eggs to spawn ranged from 62.5 to 96.4% at 26-30 degree C.
A semi-arid environment is a major constraint for production of carp seed through hypophysation. At a water temperature above 31 degree C fishes often fail to respond to induced breeding or produce partial or full eggs with fairly less fertilization, leading to their mortality during embryonic development. Field trials with Labee rohita and Cyprinus carpio communis prove that hypophysation followed by stripping and hatching in a water medium with reduced temperature (below 31 degree C) through controlled use of ice-water and water showers can result in 50-60% fertilization of eggs and 50-72% hatching for L. rohita, and 40-90% fertilization and 49-77% hatching for C. carpio communis. Simultaneous breeding experiments of the species in normal water temperature (>31 degree C) showed negative results.
Mahseers (Tor khudree), at one time considered to be of single species, are now represented by 6 valid species distributed all over India. Studies on their food habits, ecology of spawning grounds, eggs, larval development and especially methods of artificial propagation have advanced in recent years. Transport of eggs of Tor khudree by air in moist cotton has been possible for easy distribution. Breeding of T. khudree not only by hypophysation, but even without it in small ponds by manipulation of flow of water, exercise and feed has also been possible. Fry and fingerlings of T. khudree are being distributed to many of the states in the country to help conserve the species.
Absolute fecundity of Schizothorax plagiostomus varied from 3474 in a fish measuring 345 mm (T.L.) and weighing 315 g to 13916 in a fish measuring 540 mm (T.L.) and weighing 1370 g. The weight of the fish ovaries accounted for 7.02 to 17.78% of the total weight of the fish. The average number of eggs per kg weight of fish and per gram of ovary weight was found to be 10820 and 81 respectively. The fecundity per kg of body weight was found to be 11539. The relationships between fecundity and other parameters (fish length/fish weight/ovary weight/ovary volume/ovary length) and fish length-ovary weight and fish weight-ovary weight were also determined.
Available of carp breeders in their prim state of maturity is a major constraint in hypophysation. Experiments conducted in a fish farm at Naihati, West Bengal, for two consecutive years, 1983-84 and 1984-85, clearly prove that by manipulation of environmental parameters such as metabolites, dissolved oxygen, running water conditions, as also of stock densities and quality and quantity of feed. Catla catla, Hypophythalmichthys molitrix, Labeo rohita, Cirrhina mrigala and Ctenopharyngodon idella can be made to attain better maturity and spawning stage much earlier than normal i.e. even in summer months and the entire stock spawned during the period from March to September. Percentage of successful breeding, quantities of eggs released and fertilised in relation to the body weight of all the species, were also found to be more in comparison to the brood stock raised through the conventional methods.
Five specimens of sessile barnacle, Chelonibia testudinaria (Linnaeus) were collected, in February 1993, from the back of a green turtle, Chelonea mydas, which was going back to the sea after laying eggs on Sandspit beach (24 degree 49'N; 66 degree 56'E). Chelonibia testudinaria is widely distributed throughout tropical and temperate seas and has only been reported to be found attached to turtles (Newman and Ross, 1976). In spite of its wide distribution it has not been reported from Northern Arabian Sea bordering Pakistan. The only species of genus Chelonibia known to occur in coastal waters of Pakistan is C. patula (Ranzani) recently reported by Javed and Mustaquim (1992). A brief description of C. testudinaria based on the present material is given below. All the specimens are housed in the Centre of Excellence in Marine Biology.
Reproduction of Hydatina physis was studied in a population from Karachi, Pakistan, including mating and egg laying behavior, spawn characteristics and development.Individuals first appear in the field in October and remain until March. The spawning occurs from mid-November till mid-February with a peak in December. During this period the individuals were also observed pairing. In captivity, mating lasts for 30 minutes, second mating occurs two days later. Oviposition occurs in a very interesting and unusual manner. The mother turns "up-side-down" with its food fully expanded and the shell completely hidden underneath, the expanded foot serves as protective cover to the eggs. Eggs are deposited in a complexly folded mass with a short stem and an adhesive disc. Capsules, arranged in a single layer, contain 4-6 eggs each of wich is 70 um in diameter. Development is planktotrophic and veligers hatch after 14 days at a temperature of 26-28 degrees Celsius.
No work has been done on the reproduction of Melongena bucephala from northern Arabian Sea (Karachi coast). This paper presents a description of spawning, egg capsule and macromophology of eggs of M. bucephala collected from the rocky shore of Buleji on May 28, 1986 at a tidal height of 0.5m. The individual was found in the act of spawning. The egg mass and development of M. bucephala from Karachi coast are also compared with the Hemifusus ternatanus from the Pacific Ocean (Amio, 1963).
Biochemical composition of the spent ovaries of 23 different species of freshwater fishes showed a much lower value for protein and fat with higher moisture content than those of the ripe eggs, suggesting an inverse relationship between fat and moisture. Ovaries during the recovering phase showed fairly high values of phosphorus, but lower than those for the ripe eggs. Higher values of calcium and iron in spent ovaries than those in ripe eggs probably suggest that there is a greater requirement of calcium and iron during the spent phase of the gonads.
Two species of mammal dolphin are found in waters adjacent to Ceylon, namely the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the bottled-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truricatus). Both these species are predators and cause damage to finishing nets by attacking fish trapped in them. This menace to nets is particularly pronounced when fish populations in a particular area become somewhat depleted. Dolphin can be successfully captured from a motor boat by use of a simple hand harpoon with a detachable dart and bladder buoy. Fresh dolphin meat when placed on the market sold readily despite some local prejudice against the naturally dark colored meat. The flesh of the dolphin is nutritious and can be used successfully in both western and eastern types of cookery.
The length-weight relationship of T. thalassinus differed in the sexes and, therefore separate equations were obtained; for males log W = -5.1728 4- 3.0495 log L; and for females log W = -5.7456 + 3.2798 log L. The spawning period of this species appears to be restricted to a short period from October to November. Fecundity has been found to range from 33 to 55 mature eggs in specimens of the size range 421-564mm. The sex ratio of males to females was 1.8:1. T. thalassinus is a bottom carnivore, crustaceans ranking first in food followed by fishes, mollusc and polychaetes.