989 resultados para credible commitments.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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With the expansion and increased availability of Higher Education the progression to study for an undergraduate degree has been viewed as a simple stepping stone with examination success a straight - forward border pass. Changes in the funding of degree courses has established a series of more challenging boundaries to entry which demand a rigorous assessment of the benefits of Higher Education. The Widening Participation Unit at The University of Worcester has sought to ease this border crossing for pupils whose parents have not been to university. Their experience from previous projects was that school pupils more easily relate to undergraduate students whose experience of Higher Education is recent and relevant. With this in mind they commissioned the Drama and Performance Department to create a Theatre in Education programme that introduced an awareness of post sixteen options and future choices to challenge Higher Education stereotypes. As a result of this collaboration Why Bother? was created, directed by myself and devised and researched with four students who were studying drama. Their own experiences were used to inform the character development and dealt with worrying as a mature student about integration into full – time education, loss of income after working, the pressures of emotional commitments to partners and being away from home. The programme toured to two thousand year 9 – 11 pupils in Worcestershire and Herefordshire schools in January and May 2011. Devising and touring Why Bother provided students with an opportunity to work as a professional paid TIE team that it is not possible for them to do as part of their undergraduate degree course. My initial research looks at the effectiveness and limitations of this project based on pupil questionnaires and the experiences of the team which are explored within the broader context of TIE and its potential for affecting attitudinal change. This has given rise to a number of questions that need consideration in the development of a new TIE programme aimed at raising the awareness of sixth form students who are about to make the decision whether to apply to university or not. Collaboration with university students in exploring the value of an education that they have subscribed to raises issues of bias and whether their powers of persuasion actually prevent pupils from making their own individual decision. The ethics of promoting a “free” university education seem much less complex than the decision required now which involves balancing the real value against the high financial cost suggested in the working title of Is it Worth it? This paper will present my first attempts to develop research methods and methodologies that will enable me to evaluate the success of this and future TIE.


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El interés de este trabajo, es tener la oportunidad de conocer como las organizaciones desarrollan sus programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial con sus empleados como grupo de interés, donde se pudo concluir que las acciones y estrategias encaminadas al desarrollo del talento humano en su vida personal, familiar y social siguen siendo actividades de cumplimiento de tipo legal que luego son presentadas como resultados de una supuesta Responsabilidad Social. Con el fin de Identificar cuál es el impacto de los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en los empleados como grupo de interés, se aplicará, el método deductivo con enfoque aplicativo de las fuentes secundarias disponibles con las que se aclararán los conceptos básicos y necesarios para familiarizarnos con el tema de estudio, además de conocer los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de tres empresas con reconocimiento y trayectoria en su gestión de la responsabilidad social empresarial: dos del sector alimentos y una del sector financiero, de esta forma se podrán identificar las actividades, procesos y aspectos prioritarios para el desarrollo y cumplimiento del objetivo general del proyecto que es determinar el impacto de los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en la calidad de vida laboral de los empleados. Encontramos en las empresas objeto de estudio que tienen un alto compromiso con la sostenibilidad de sus organizaciones y que para definir el direccionamiento estratégico han tenido en cuenta estándares internacionales en materia de sostenibilidad como son los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Mileno (ODM), donde en éste puntualmente desarrollan a través de la innovación acciones específicas a uno de los objetivos del milenio que es garantizar la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente, los compromisos del Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas, los cuales aplican a través de los principios de conducta y acción en materia de derechos humanos, trabajo, medio ambiente y lucha contra la corrupción, los compromisos de la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Desarrollo Sostenible (Río+20), la Guía ISO 26000 quien da los lineamientos para la responsabilidad social, el estándar del Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), que orienta frente a los 54 indicadores centrales y están organizadas en tres dimensiones: ambiental, financiera y social, con esta información son empresas que trabajan para ser socialmente responsables con sus grupos de interés, pero con el grupo específico de empleados que es el impacto que se pretendía identificar, encontramos que hacen actividades y estrategias con un nivel superior en la gestión que dan cumplimiento a los emitidos por la GRI. Es importante reconocer la participación que estas empresas dan a los empleados en la construcción de las acciones de bienestar laboral, familiar y social que impactan directamente en el logro de los objetivos organizacionales al tener personal motivado en trabajo que aportan desde su acción a la sostenibilidad y permanencia de la organización.


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Public Lightning is an important part of municipality’s nighttime landscape. Lighting can be used to enhance public safety and security while improving the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding properties but with the current global financial crisis, such lighting systems must also be sustainable. Most climate policy efforts focus on the state and international level, however national governments won’t be able to meet their international commitments without local action. In Portugal, the Public Lighting is responsible for 3% of energy consumption. The problem is that the trend is to increase (about 4-5% per year) which represents very high costs for the municipal authorities. In terms of numbers are analyzed in this thesis 45 of 278 existent in Continental Portugal what represents only 16,2 % of the counties. This where the local authorities in Portugal that had a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) that had been accepted and made available in the Covenant of Mayors website until the end of year 2013. It is important that the Covenant of Mayors will increase the local authorities awareness for energy efficiency and especially to public lighting because there is still a long way to go in terms of energy consumption reduction. In future works it would be interesting to see the payback of the EolGreen post in a real scenario due to lack of energy consumption from the grid it would allow to have a pretty high initial investment even with the maintenance that those technologies need.


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Le processus de planification forestière hiérarchique présentement en place sur les terres publiques risque d’échouer à deux niveaux. Au niveau supérieur, le processus en place ne fournit pas une preuve suffisante de la durabilité du niveau de récolte actuel. À un niveau inférieur, le processus en place n’appuie pas la réalisation du plein potentiel de création de valeur de la ressource forestière, contraignant parfois inutilement la planification à court terme de la récolte. Ces échecs sont attribuables à certaines hypothèses implicites au modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière, ce qui pourrait expliquer pourquoi ce problème n’est pas bien documenté dans la littérature. Nous utilisons la théorie de l’agence pour modéliser le processus de planification forestière hiérarchique sur les terres publiques. Nous développons un cadre de simulation itératif en deux étapes pour estimer l’effet à long terme de l’interaction entre l’État et le consommateur de fibre, nous permettant ainsi d’établir certaines conditions pouvant mener à des ruptures de stock. Nous proposons ensuite une formulation améliorée du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière. La formulation classique du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière (c.-à-d., maximisation du rendement soutenu en fibre) ne considère pas que le consommateur de fibre industriel souhaite maximiser son profit, mais suppose plutôt la consommation totale de l’offre de fibre à chaque période, peu importe le potentiel de création de valeur de celle-ci. Nous étendons la formulation classique du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière afin de permettre l’anticipation du comportement du consommateur de fibre, augmentant ainsi la probabilité que l’offre de fibre soit entièrement consommée, rétablissant ainsi la validité de l’hypothèse de consommation totale de l’offre de fibre implicite au modèle d’optimisation. Nous modélisons la relation principal-agent entre le gouvernement et l’industrie à l’aide d’une formulation biniveau du modèle optimisation, où le niveau supérieur représente le processus de détermination de la possibilité forestière (responsabilité du gouvernement), et le niveau inférieur représente le processus de consommation de la fibre (responsabilité de l’industrie). Nous montrons que la formulation biniveau peux atténuer le risque de ruptures de stock, améliorant ainsi la crédibilité du processus de planification forestière hiérarchique. Ensemble, le modèle biniveau d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière et la méthodologie que nous avons développée pour résoudre celui-ci à l’optimalité, représentent une alternative aux méthodes actuellement utilisées. Notre modèle biniveau et le cadre de simulation itérative représentent un pas vers l’avant en matière de technologie de planification forestière axée sur la création de valeur. L’intégration explicite d’objectifs et de contraintes industrielles au processus de planification forestière, dès la détermination de la possibilité forestière, devrait favoriser une collaboration accrue entre les instances gouvernementales et industrielles, permettant ainsi d’exploiter le plein potentiel de création de valeur de la ressource forestière.


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This paper considers the recent focus on citizenship within education by taking curricular reform within Scottish secondary schooling as a case study. In Scotland the Curriculum for Excellence reform places citizenship as one of four main capacities that pupils must work towards as part of their education. A central theme in this reform is the need for students to take a global perspective and work across different disciplines. In this model of citizenship education learners are enabled to develop their sense of citizenship identity in response to a fast-paced world of innovation and change. Citizenship is therefore linked to a futurist agenda, where the learner-citizen is positioned as an ongoing project, as something to be worked at or perhaps worked on. However, this kind of notion of agency is an expression of an ideological construction of the citizen as a flexible resource for society. Such citizens are active in the sense of being adaptive to change through utilizing intellectual skills but without a sense of identity grounded in one's commitments or reflexive engagement with different forms of understanding. The paper offers a critical assessment of this learner-citizen discourse as focusing on ratiocination rather than relational identity.


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This paper considers the recent focus on citizenship within education by taking curricular reform within Scottish secondary schooling and its linkage with higher education as a case study. In Scotland the Curriculum for Excellence reform places citizenship as one of four main capacities that pupils must work towards as part of their education. Likewise, there has been a move in within the Scottish higher education Enhancement Themes framework to include citizenship as part of graduate attributes that students work towards as they progress through their courses. A unifying theme in these reforms is the need for students to take a global perspective and work across different disciplines by, for example, considering how knowledge relates to wider issues such as in relation to sustainable development, e-democracy or human rights. One feature that unites these disparate areas is that, above all, students must learn to be active through the acquisition of appropriate knowledge and skills. In this model of citizenship education, learners are enabled to develop their sense of citizenship identity in response to a fast-paced world of innovation and change. Citizenship is therefore linked to a futurist agenda, where the learner-citizen is positioned as an ongoing project, as something to be worked at or perhaps worked on. However, this kind of notion of agency is an expression of an ideological construction of the citizen as a flexible resource for society. Such citizens are active in the sense of being adaptive to change through utilizing intellectual skills but without a sense of identity grounded in one’s commitments or reflexive engagement with different forms of understanding. The paper offers a critical assessment of this learner-citizen discourse as focusing on ratiocination rather than relational identity.


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This thesis looks at how ‘community archaeology’ ideals may influence an inclusive approach to Indigenous heritage management, ensuring Indigenous community power over processes to identify both past and present values of Country. Community archaeology was acclaimed by research archaeologists over a decade ago as a distinctive approach with its own set of practices to incorporate the local community’s perspectives of its past and current associations with place. A core feature of this approach in Australia is the major role the Indigenous community has in decisions about its heritage. Concurrently, considerable concern was being expressed that Indigenous heritage was not sufficiently addressed in environmental impact assessment processes ahead of development. Seen as absent from the process was the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge about both the pre- and post-contact story as well as any scientific advance in understanding an area’s Indigenous history. This research examines these contrasting perspectives seeking to understand the ideals of community archaeology and its potential to value all aspects of Indigenous heritage and so benefit the relevant community. The ideals of community archaeology build on past community collaborations in Australia and also respond to more recent societal recognition of Indigenous rights, reflected in more ethically inclusive planning and heritage statutes. Indigenous communities expressed the view that current systems are still not meeting these policy commitments to give them control over their heritage. This research has examined the on-the-ground reality of heritage work on the outskirts of Canberra and Melbourne. The case studies compare Victorian and ACT heritage management processes across community partnerships with public land managers, and examine how pre-development surveys operate. I conclude that considerable potential for achieving community archaeology ideals exists, and that they are occasionally partially realised, however barriers continue. In essence, the archaeological model persists despite a community archaeology approach requiring a wider set of skills to ensure a comprehensive engagement with an Indigenous community. Other obstacles in the current Indigenous heritage management system include a lack of knowledge and communication about national standards for heritage processes in government agencies and heritage consultants; the administrative framework that can result in inertia or silos between relevant agencies; and funding timeframes that limit possibilities for long-term strategic programs for early identification and management planning for Indigenous heritage. Also, Indigenous communities have varying levels of authority to speak for how their heritage should be managed, yet may not have the resources to do so. This thesis suggests ways to breach these barriers to achieve more inclusive Indigenous heritage management based on community archaeology principles. Policies for a greater acknowledgement of the Indigenous community’s authority to speak for Country; processes that enable and early and comprehensive ‘mapping’ of Country, and long-term resourcing of communities, may have been promised before. In this research I suggest ways to realise such goals.


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El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la cooperación internacional para la seguridad alimentaria en Suroeste y Oriente antioqueños, a través de la revisión del Convenio FAO-Gobernación de Antioquia, sus componentes y sus actividades, con el propósito de visualizar la cooperación internacional a nivel local. Estudio descriptivo cuali-cuantitativo con fuentes secundarias y primarias (entrevistas). La investigación fue autorizada por los gerentes de MANÁ y FAO, delegando en los coordinadores del convenio la entrega de la información. El investigador se desplazó a las oficinas de Medellín para su recolección. Una vez depurados los datos se procedió a elaborar las tablas para las dos subregiones estudiadas, analizar la información y presentarla en gráficos y tablas, complementando con las entrevistas semiestructuradas de los actores claves del convenio. Resultados: el convenio de cooperación internacional para la seguridad alimentaria se viene ejecutando de manera satisfactoria según los compromisos desarrollados en los componentes: emprendimiento de agricultura familiar se organizaron 16 asociaciones entre fincas; se establecieron 7.000 huertas de las oportunidades mediante procesos de capacitación y asesoría realizando para ello, 10.972 visitas y 1.483 talleres. Para el componente de plan de abastecimiento de alimentos lograron identificar los rubros pecuarios y de alimentos según la oferta y demanda local. Con el fortalecimiento institucional motivaron a las autoridades locales, familias y otras instituciones y utilizaron medios diferentes para informar los avances a 1.800 personas. Se concluye que la cooperación internacional ayuda a mejorar la seguridad alimentaria en Antioquia.


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In economics of information theory, credence products are those whose quality is difficult or impossible for consumers to assess, even after they have consumed the product (Darby & Karni, 1973). This dissertation is focused on the content, consumer perception, and power of online reviews for credence services. Economics of information theory has long assumed, without empirical confirmation, that consumers will discount the credibility of claims about credence quality attributes. The same theories predict that because credence services are by definition obscure to the consumer, reviews of credence services are incapable of signaling quality. Our research aims to question these assumptions. In the first essay we examine how the content and structure of online reviews of credence services systematically differ from the content and structure of reviews of experience services and how consumers judge these differences. We have found that online reviews of credence services have either less important or less credible content than reviews of experience services and that consumers do discount the credibility of credence claims. However, while consumers rationally discount the credibility of simple credence claims in a review, more complex argument structure and the inclusion of evidence attenuate this effect. In the second essay we ask, “Can online reviews predict the worst doctors?” We examine the power of online reviews to detect low quality, as measured by state medical board sanctions. We find that online reviews are somewhat predictive of a doctor’s suitability to practice medicine; however, not all the data are useful. Numerical or star ratings provide the strongest quality signal; user-submitted text provides some signal but is subsumed almost completely by ratings. Of the ratings variables in our dataset, we find that punctuality, rather than knowledge, is the strongest predictor of medical board sanctions. These results challenge the definition of credence products, which is a long-standing construct in economics of information theory. Our results also have implications for online review users, review platforms, and for the use of predictive modeling in the context of information systems research.


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Suomi luopui puolueettomuuspolitiikasta turvallisuuspoliittisena linjanaan kun se liittyi Euroopan unioniin ennen kaikkea turvallisuussyistä. Vaikka Suomi on EU-jäsenyyden myötä poliittisesti liittoutunut ja vaikka se on jatkuvasti laajentanut ja syventänyt yhteistyötään NATOn kanssa, Suomi on yhä sotilaallisesti liittoutumaton valtio. Suomen turvallisuuspoliittinen toimintaympäristö on ollut poikkeuksellisen vakaa kylmän sodan jälkeen ennen kaikkea siksi, että maailman voimakkain suurvalta Yhdysvallat on yhä sotilaallisesti läsnä Euroopassa ja Euroopan integraatio on jatkunut ja syventynyt. Suomi on sitonut nykyisen turvallisuuspoliittisen linjansa turvallisuusympäristönsä pysyvyyteen. Viime vuosina NATOn laajentuminen entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelle on voimistanut läntisten suurvaltojen ja Venäjän välistä valtakamppailua ja turvallisuuskilpailua Suomen lähialueella. Viimeistään Ukrainan konflikti on tehnyt ajankohtaiseksi myös kysymyksen Suomen sotilaallisesta liittoutumisesta. Tässä artikkeliteoksessa turvallisuuspolitiikan asiantuntijat analysoivat keskeisimpien ulkoisten toimijoiden – EU:n, Ruotsin, Viron, Venäjän, Yhdysvaltojen ja NATOn – merkitystä Suomen turvallisuuspoliittisen toimintaympäristön vakaudelle ja Suomen turvallisuudelle sekä pohtivat, onko Suomen syytä muuttaa nykyistä turvallisuuspoliittista linjaansa turvallisuusympäristössä tapahtuneiden muutosten vuoksi. Kirjoittajat myös arvioivat Suomen mahdolliseen sotilaalliseen liittoutumiseen liittyviä etuja ja haittoja verrattuna nykyiseen turvallisuuspoliittiseen ratkaisuun. Teoksen kirjoittajien toisistaan poikkeavat näkemykset Suomen turvallisuuspoliittisen toimintaympäristön vakaudesta, NATOn laajentumisen vaikutuksista Itämeren alueella, Venäjän valtapolitiikasta ja sen Suomelle muodostaman sotilaallisen uhan voimakkuudesta, NATOn pelotteen uskottavuudesta ja Yhdysvaltojen sitoutumisesta liittolaistensa puolustamiseen sekä Suomen NATO-jäsenyyden eduista ja haitoista valaisevat laajasti kysymystä Suomen turvallisuudesta ja turvallisuuspoliittisesta ratkaisusta. Suomelle sen geopoliittinen asema Venäjälle strategisesti elintärkeiden Kuolan alueen ja Pietari–Moskova-ydinalueen välittömässä läheisyydessä on ongelmallinen maan turvallisuuden kannalta. Suurvalta Venäjä onkin edelleen keskeisin Suomen turvallisuuteen ja turvallisuuspoliittiseen ratkaisuun vaikuttava ulkoinen toimija. Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen Suomella on ollut ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus liittoutua Yhdysvaltojen kanssa NATO-jäsenyyden myötä Venäjän potentiaalista sotilaallista uhkaa vastaan. Toisaalta Suomella ei kuitenkaan ole ollut pakottavaa tarvetta siihen, koska se on välillisesti hyötynyt Yhdysvaltojen suurstrategiasta Euroopassa ja koska Venäjän valtapolitiikka on kohdistunut ennen kaikkea entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelle. Vaikka Ukrainan konflikti onkin lisännyt poliittista ja sotilaallista jännitettä Itämeren alueella, tämän teoksen perusteella on kuitenkin mahdotonta antaa yksiselitteistä vastausta siihen, pitäisikö Suomen sen turvallisuuspoliittisessa toimintaympäristössä tapahtuneen muutoksen seurauksena liittyä NATOn jäseneksi vai ei. Halutessaan Suomi voi siis edelleen jatkaa nykyisellä turvallisuuspoliittisella linjallaan sotilaallisesti liittoutumattomana valtiona, mutta samalla sen täytyy kuitenkin pitää myös sotilaallinen liittoutuminen avoimena turvallisuuspoliittisena vaihtoehtona tulevaisuudessa.


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This thesis defends the position that the Eastern Orthodoxy has the potential to develop, on the basis of its core concepts and doctrines, a new political theology that is participatory, personalist and universalist. This participatory political theology, as I name it, endorses modern democracy and the values of civic engagement. It enhances the process of democracy-building and consolidation in the SEE countries through cultivating the ethos of participation and concern with the common good among and the recognition of the dignity and freedom of the person. This political-theological model is developed while analyzing critically the traditional models of church-state relations (the symphonia model corresponding to the medieval empire and the Christian nation model corresponding to the nation-state) as being instrumentalized to serve the political goals of non-democratic regimes. The participatory political-theological model is seen as corresponding to the conditions of the constitutional democratic state. The research is justified by the fact the Eastern Orthodoxy has been a dominant religiouscultural force in the European South East for centuries, thus playing a significant role in the process of creation of the medieval and modern statehood of the SEE countries. The analysis employs comparative constitutional perspectives on democratic transition and consolidation in the SEE region with the theoretical approaches of political theology and Eastern Orthodox theology. The conceptual basis for the political-theological synthesis is found in the concept and doctrines of the Eastern Orthodoxy (theosis and synergy, ecclesia and Eucharist, conciliarity and catholicity, economy and eschatology) which emphasize the participatory, personalist and communal dimensions of the Orthodox faith and practice. The paradigms of revealing the political-theological potential of these concepts are the Eucharistic ecclesiology and the concept of divine-human communion as defining the body of Orthodox theology. The thesis argues that with its ethos of openness and engagement the participatory political theology presupposes political systems that are democratic, inclusive, and participatory, respecting the rights and the dignity of the person. The political theology developed here calls for a transformation and change of democratic systems towards better realization of their personalist and participatory commitments. In the context of the SEE countries the participatory political theology addresses the challenges posed by alternative authoritarian political theologies practiced in neighboring regions.


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I examine the implications of nondisclosure in a setting where there is a credible signal as to the proprietary nature of the undisclosed information. Specifically, I investigate the market and analysts' response to firms’ application to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a confidential treatment order (CTO), which allows firms to redact required disclosures from SEC filings when the redacted information is proprietary. I find that the market and analysts react favorably to the voluntary nondisclosure of proprietary information using the SEC confidential treatment process. Market and analysts reactions are more favorable to the redaction of information that is more likely to have proprietary value, such as information related to research and development. In addition, I show that the redacting firms experience superior accounting performance compared to their peers in the years following the redaction, consistent with the market and analysts’ response to the redaction. However, I find that analysts engage in more intense private information search in response to a CTO redaction. This finding suggests that, although a CTO redaction can signal the nature of undisclosed information, analysts believe that the signal is not fully revealing of the economic magnitude of the undisclosed information. Overall, this study’s findings indicate that a firm's willingness to submit to the CTO approval process serves as a credible signal of the proprietary nature of the withheld information. The results of this study suggest a possible role for a credible signaling channel to facilitate communication between insiders and outsiders regarding the nature of withheld information.


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This dissertation examines how mainstream U.S. journalism consistently serves white racial interests and the racial status quo, or what I call white incumbency, despite its push for diversity and its stated aims to improve coverage of nonwhite communities. It is based on an in-depth ethnographic study of two daily newspapers and extensive one-on-one interviews with 61 journalists. I found that although journalists strongly identify with the need for more diverse coverage in newspapers, they emphasize individual and personal stories that avoid recognition of historical racial power imbalances, exhibiting what Ruth Frankenberg calls power-evasive race cognizance. Journalists also demonstrate a number of often contradictory identifications and self-understandings about themselves and their work, such as commitments to diversity and not taking sides, but these conflicts are almost always resolved in favor of white incumbency. Journalistic conventions and practices, such as the watchdog function and its emphasis on public institutions, routinely produce stories that replay and reinforce racial hegemony by portraying nonwhites as problems or people seeking “special privileges.” Also, journalistic repertoires about those conventions and practices avoid interrogations of journalists’ ongoing complicity in the maintenance of white incumbency.