980 resultados para bacterial proteins


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Islet-brain 1 (IB1), a regulator of the pancreatic beta-cell function in the rat, is homologous to JIP-1, a murine inhibitor of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK). Whether IB1 and JIP-1 are present in humans was not known. We report the sequence of the 2133-bp human IB1 cDNA, the expression, structure, and fine-mapping of the human IB1 gene, and the characterization of an IB1 pseudogene. Human IB1 is 94% identical to rat IB1. The tissue-specific expression of IB1 in human is similar to that observed in rodent. The IB1 gene contains 12 exons and maps to chromosome 11 (11p11.2-p12), a region that is deleted in DEFECT-11 syndrome. Apart from an IB1 pseudogene on chromosome 17 (17q21), no additional IB1-related gene was found in the human genome. Our data indicate that the sequence and expression pattern of IB1 are highly conserved between rodent and human and provide the necessary tools to investigate whether IB1 is involved in human diseases.


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A luminescent bacterial biosensor was used to quantify bioavailable arsenic in artificial groundwater. Its light production above the background emission was proportional to the arsenite concentration in the toxicologically relevant range of 0 to 0.5 mu M. Effects of the inorganic solutes phosphate, Fe(II) and silicate on the biosensor signal were studied. Phosphate at a concentration of 0.25 g L-1 phosphate slightly stimulated the light emission, but much less than toxicologically relevant concentrations of the much stronger inducer arsenite. No effect of phosphate was oberved in the presence of arsenite. Freshly prepared sodium silicate solution at a concentration of 10 g L-1 Si reduced the arsenite-induced light production by roughly 37%, which can be explained by transient polymerization leading to sequestration of some arsenic. After three days of incubation, silicate did not have this effect anymore, probably because depolymerization occurred. In the presence of 0.4 g L-1 Fe(II), the arsenite-induced light emission was reduced by up to 90%, probably due to iron oxidation followed by arsenite adsorption on the less soluble Fe(III) possibly along with some oxidation to the stronger adsorbing As(V). Addition of 100 mu M EDTA was capable of releasing all arsenic from the precipitate and to transform it into the biologically measurable, dissolved state. The biosensor also proved valuable for monitoring the effectiveness of an arsenic removal procedure based on water filtration through a mixture of sand and iron granules.


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More than one hundred years ago the "protein hypothesis" of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and its association with cardiovascular disease was put forward on the basis of animal experiments; however, it has so far never been verified in humans. This theory was soon replaced by the "lipid hypothesis", which was confirmed in humans as of 1994. Epidemiological ecological studies in the 1960 s showed significant associations between dietary animal protein and mortality from cardiovascular disease. However, animal protein intake was also significantly correlated with saturated fatty acid and cholesterol intake. In the last decades two prospective cohort studies demonstrated a decreased cardiovascular risk in women during high- versus low-protein intake when adjusting for other dietary factors (e. g., saturated fats) and other cardiovascular risk factors. A direct cholesterol lowering effect of proteins has not been shown. Despite earlier research indicating that soy protein has cardioprotective effects as compared to other proteins, these observations have not been confirmed by randomized placebo-controlled trials. However, most experts recommend the consumption of foods rich in plant proteins as alternatives to meat and dairy products rich in saturated fat and containing cholesterol. There are no scientific arguments to increase the daily protein intake to more than 20 % of total energy intake as recommended by the guidelines, in order to improve cardiovascular health.


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Most patients with acute suppurative meningitis are otherwise healthy individuals with regard to immune mechanisms against invasive bacterial disease. This medical emergency is among the most dramatic and potentially ravaging diseases that affect humans, particularly young children. The illness often strikes suddenly, and can either result in death or leave the survivors with significant neurological dysfunctions. The demonstration of a bacterial aetiology is necessary for decisions regarding treatment and prophylaxis. Conventional bacteriological methods frequently fail to identify an agent, as a result of administration of antibiotics or delayed lumbar punctures. We investigated the major aetiologic sources of unspecified bacterial meningitis cases (G00.9, ISCD-10) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based identification of Neisseria meningitidis (crgA), Streptococcus pneumoniae (ply) and Haemophilus influenzae (bexA) in cerebrospinal fluid samples. The multiplex PCR detected N. meningitidis in 92%, S. pneumoniae in 4% and H. influenzae in 1% of the 192 clinical samples assayed; 3% were negative for all three DNA targets. Bacterial DNA detection was found to be a valuable adjunct to enhance bacterial meningitis surveillance when the yield of specimens by culture is reduced. The implementation of PCR assays as a diagnostic procedure in Public Health Laboratories is perceived to be a significant advance in the investigation of bacterial meningitis.


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Anaplasma marginale is an important vector-borne rickettsia of ruminants in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Immunization with purified outer membranes of this organism induces protection against acute anaplasmosis. Previous studies, with proteomic and genomic approach identified 21 proteins within the outer membrane immunogen in addition to previously characterized major surface protein1a-5 (MSP1a-5). Among the newly described proteins were VirB9, VirB10, and elongation factor-Tu (EF-Tu). VirB9, VirB10 are considered part of the type IV secretion system (TFSS), which mediates secretion or cell-to-cell transfer of macromolecules, proteins, or DNA-protein complexes in Gram-negative bacteria. EF-Tu can be located in the bacterial surface, mediating bacterial attachment to host cells, or in the bacterial cytoplasm for protein synthesis. However, the roles of VirB9, VirB10, and TFSS in A. marginale have not been defined. VirB9, VirB10, and EF-Tu have not been explored as vaccine antigens. In this study, we demonstrate that sera of cattle infected with A. marginale, with homologous or heterologous isolates recognize recombinant VirB9, VirB10, and EF-Tu. IgG2 from naturally infected cattle also reacts with these proteins. Recognition of epitopes by total IgG and by IgG2 from infected cattle with A. marginale support the inclusion of these proteins in recombinant vaccines against this rickettsia.


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Genetically engineered bioreporters are an excellent complement to traditional methods of chemical analysis. The application of fluorescence flow cytometry to detection of bioreporter response enables rapid and efficient characterization of bacterial bioreporter population response on a single-cell basis. In the present study, intrapopulation response variability was used to obtain higher analytical sensitivity and precision. We have analyzed flow cytometric data for an arsenic-sensitive bacterial bioreporter using an artificial neural network-based adaptive clustering approach (a single-layer perceptron model). Results for this approach are far superior to other methods that we have applied to this fluorescent bioreporter (e.g., the arsenic detection limit is 0.01 microM, substantially lower than for other detection methods/algorithms). The approach is highly efficient computationally and can be implemented on a real-time basis, thus having potential for future development of high-throughput screening applications.


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Résumé Etant une importante source d'énergie, les plantes sont constamment attaquées par des pathogènes. Ne pouvant se mouvoir, elles ont développé des systèmes de défense sophistiqués afin de lutter contre ces prédateurs. Parmi ces systèmes, les voies de signalisation mettant en jeu des éliciteurs endog8nes tels que les jasmonates permettent d'induire la production de protéines de défense telles que les protéines dites "liées à la pathogénèse". Les gènes codant pour ces protéines appartiennent à des familles multigéniques. Le premier but de cette thèse est d'évaluer le nombre de ces gènes dans le génome d'Arabidopsis thaliana et d'estimer la part de ce système de défense, dépendant de la voie de signalisation des jasmonates. Nous avons défini un cluster de seulement 1S gènes sur 266, "liés à la pathogénèse", exclusivement régulés par les jasmonates. De multiples membres des familles des lectines de type jacaline et des inhibiteurs de trypsines semblent dépendre du jasmonate. Présente dans tous les systèmes immunitaires des eucaryotes, la famille des défensines est une famille très intéressante. Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, 317 protéines similaires aux défensines ont été définies, cependant seulement 15 défensines (PDF) sont bien annotées. Ces 15 défensines sont séparées en deux groupes dont un semble avoir évolué plus récemment. Le second but de cette thèse est d'étudier ce groupe de défensines à l'aide de la bioinformatique et des techniques de biologie moléculaire (gêne rapporteur, PCR en temps réel). Nous avons montré que ce groupe contenait une défensine acide intéressante, PDF1.5, qui semblait avoir subi une sélection positive. Cette protéine n'avait encore jamais été étudiée. Contrairement à ce que nous pensions, nous avons établi que cette protéine pouvait avoir une activité biologique liée à la défense. Ce travail de thèse a permis de préciser le nombre de gènes "liées à la pathogénèse" induits par la voie des jasmonates et d'apporter des éléments de réponse sur la question de la redondance des gènes de défense. En conclusion, même si de nombreuses familles de gènes intervenant dans la défense sont bien définies chez Arabidopsis, il reste encore de nombreuses études à faire sur chacun de ces membres. Abstract Being an important source of energy, plants are constantly attacked by herbivores and pathogens. As sessile organisms, they have developed sophisticated defense responses to cope with attack. Among these responses, signalling pathways, using endogenous elicitors including jasmonates (JA), allow the plant to induce the production of defense proteins such as pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. The genes encoding these proteins belong to multigenic families. The first goal of this thesis was to evaluate the number of PR genes in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana and estimate how much of this plant defense system was dependent on the jasmonate signaling pathway in leaves. Surprisingly a cluster of only 1S genes out of 2ó6 PR genes was exclusively regulated by JA. Multiple members of the jacalin lectin and trypsin inhibitor gene families were shown to be regulated by JA. Present in all eukaryotic immune systems, defensins are an attractive PR family to study. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 317 defensin-related proteins have been found but just 1S defensins (i.e. PDF family) are well annotated. These defensins are split into 2 groups. One of these groups may have appeared and diversified recently. The second goal of this thesis was to study this defensin gene group combining bioinformatic, reporter gene and quantitative PCR techniques. We have shown that this group contains an interesting acidic defensin, PDF1.S, which seems to have undergone positive selection. No information was known on this protein. We have established that this protein may have a biological activity in plant defense. This thesis allowed us to define the number of PR genes induced by the jasmonate pathway and gave initial leads to explain the redundancy of the PR genes in the genome of Arabidopsis. In conclusion, even if many defense gene families are already defined in the Arabidopsis genome, much work remains to be done on individual members.


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Background: Sulfate and phosphate are both vital macronutrients required for plant growth and development. Despite evidence for interaction between sulfate and phosphate homeostasis, no transcriptional factor has yet been identified in higher plants that affects, at the gene expression and physiological levels, the response to both elements. This work was aimed at examining whether PHR1, a transcription factor previously shown to participate in the regulation of genes involved in phosphate homeostasis, also contributed to the regulation and activity of genes involved in sulfate inter-organ transport. Results: Among the genes implicated in sulfate transport in Arabidopsis thaliana, SULTR1;3 and SULTR3;4 showed up-regulation of transcripts in plants grown under phosphate-deficient conditions. The promoter of SULTR1;3 contains a motif that is potentially recognizable by PHR1. Using the phr1 mutant, we showed that SULTR1;3 up regulation following phosphate deficiency was dependent on PHR1. Furthermore, transcript up regulation was found in phosphate-deficient shoots of the phr1 mutant for SULTR2;1 and SULTR3;4, indicating that PHR1 played both a positive and negative role on the expression of genes encoding sulfate transporters. Importantly, both phr1 and sultr1;3 mutants displayed a reduction in their sulfate shoot-to-root transfer capacity compared to wild-type plants under phosphate-deficient conditions. Conclusions: This study reveals that PHR1 plays an important role in sulfate inter-organ transport, in particular on the regulation of the SULTR1;3 gene and its impact on shoot-to-root sulfate transport in phosphate-deficient plants. PHR1 thus contributes to the homeostasis of both sulfate and phosphate in plants under phosphate deficiency. Such a function is also conserved in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via the PHR1 ortholog PSR1.


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Abstract: Traditionally, pollution risk assessment is based on the measurement of a pollutant's total concentration in a sample. The toxicity of a given pollutant in the environment, however, is tightly linked to its bioavailability, which may differ significantly from the total amount. Physico-chemical and biological parameters strongly influence pollutant fate in terms of leaching, sequestration and biodegradation. Bacterial sensorreporters, which consist of living micro-organisms genetically engineered to produce specific output in response to target chemicals, offer an interesting alternative to monitoring approaches. Bacterial sensor-reporters detect bioavailable and/or bioaccessible compound fractions in samples. Currently, a variety of environmental pollutants can be targeted by specific biosensor-reporters. Although most of such strains are still confined to the lab, several recent reports have demonstrated utility of bacterial sensing-reporting in the field, with method detection limits in the nanomolar range. This review illustrates the general design principles for bacterial sensor-reporters, presents an overview of the existing biosensor-reporter strains with emphasis on organic compound detection. A specific focus throughout is on the concepts of bioavailability and bioaccessibility, and how bacteria-based sensing-reporting systems can help to improve our basic understanding of the different processes at work.


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INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between HLA-DRB1 alleles with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and production of antibodies against citrullinated proteins (ACPA) and rheumatoid factor (RF). METHODS We studied 408 patients (235 with RA, 173 non-RA) and 269 controls. ACPA, RF and HLA-DR typing were determined. RESULTS We found an increased frequency of HLA DRB1 alleles with the shared epitope (SE) in ACPA-positive RA. Inversely, HLA DRB1 alleles encoding DERAA sequences were more frequent in controls than in ACPA-positive RA, and a similar trend was found for HLA DR3. However, these results could not be confirmed after stratification for the presence of the SE, probably due to the relatively low number of patients. These data may suggest that the presence of these alleles may confer a protective role for ACPA-positive RA. In RA patients we observed association between SE alleles and ACPA titers in a dose-dependent effect. The presence of HLA DR3 or DERAA-encoding alleles was associated with markedly reduced ACPA levels. No association between RF titers and HLA DR3 or DERAA-encoding alleles was found. CONCLUSIONS HLA DRB1 alleles with the SE are associated with production of ACPA. DERAA-encoding HLA-DR alleles and HLA DR3 may be protective for ACPA-positive RA.


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The intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of two probiotics isolated from breast milk, Lactobacillus reuteri and L. fermentum, were evaluated and compared in the trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) model of rat colitis. Colitis was induced in rats by intracolonic administration of 10 mg TNBS dissolved in 50% ethanol (0.25 ml). Either L. reuteri or L. fermentum was daily administered orally (5 x 10(8) colony-forming units suspended in 0.5 ml skimmed milk) to each group of rats (n 10) for 3 weeks, starting 2 weeks before colitis induction. Colonic damage was evaluated histologically and biochemically, and the colonic luminal contents were used for bacterial studies and for SCFA production. Both probiotics showed intestinal anti-inflammatory effects in this model of experimental colitis, as evidenced histologically and by a significant reduction of colonic myeloperoxidase activity (P<0.05). L. fermentum significantly counteracted the colonic glutathione depletion induced by the inflammatory process. In addition, both probiotics lowered colonic TNFalpha levels (P<0.01) and inducible NO synthase expression when compared with non-treated rats; however, the decrease in colonic cyclo-oxygenase-2 expression was only achieved with L.fermentum administration. Finally, the two probiotics induced the growth of Lactobacilli species in comparison with control colitic rats, but the production of SCFA in colonic contents was only increased when L. fermentum was given. In conclusion, L. fermentum can exert beneficial immunomodulatory properties in inflammatory bowel disease, being more effective than L. reuteri, a probiotic with reputed efficacy in promoting beneficial effects on human health.


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Members of the high temperature requirement A (HtrA) family of chaperone proteases have been shown to play a role in bacterial pathogenesis. In a recent report, we demonstrated that the gene ML0176, which codes for a predicted HtrA-like protease, a gene conserved in other species of mycobacteria, is transcribed by Mycobacterium leprae in human leprosy lesions. In the present study, the recombinant ML0176 protein was produced and its enzymatic properties investigated. M. lepraerecombinant ML0176 was able to hydrolyse a variety of synthetic and natural peptides. Similar to other HtrA proteins, this enzyme displayed maximum proteolytic activity at temperatures above 40°C and was completely inactivated by aprotinin, a protease inhibitor with high selectivity for serine proteases. Finally, analysis of M. leprae ML0176 specificity suggested a broader cleavage preference than that of previously described HtrAs homologues. In summary, we have identified an HtrA-like protease in M. lepraethat may constitute a potential new target for the development of novel prophylactic and/or therapeutic strategies against mycobacterial infections.


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Clonally complex infections by Mycobacterium tuberculosis are progressively more accepted. Studies of their dimension in epidemiological scenarios where the infective pressure is not high are scarce. Our study systematically searched for clonally complex infections (mixed infections by more than one strain and simultaneous presence of clonal variants) by applying mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit (MIRU)-variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis to M. tuberculosis isolates from two population-based samples of respiratory (703 cases) and respiratory-extrapulmonary (R+E) tuberculosis (TB) cases (71 cases) in a context of moderate TB incidence. Clonally complex infections were found in 11 (1.6%) of the respiratory TB cases and in 10 (14.1%) of those with R+E TB. Among the 21 cases with clonally complex TB, 9 were infected by 2 independent strains and the remaining 12 showed the simultaneous presence of 2 to 3 clonal variants. For the 10 R+E TB cases with clonally complex infections, compartmentalization (different compositions of strains/clonal variants in independent infected sites) was found in 9 of them. All the strains/clonal variants were also genotyped by IS6110-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, which split two MIRU-defined clonal variants, although in general, it showed a lower discriminatory power to identify the clonal heterogeneity revealed by MIRU-VNTR analysis. The comparative analysis of IS6110 insertion sites between coinfecting clonal variants showed differences in the genes coding for a cutinase, a PPE family protein, and two conserved hypothetical proteins. Diagnostic delay, existence of previous TB, risk for overexposure, and clustered/orphan status of the involved strains were analyzed to propose possible explanations for the cases with clonally complex infections. Our study characterizes in detail all the clonally complex infections by M. tuberculosis found in a systematic survey and contributes to the characterization that these phenomena can be found to an extent higher than expected, even in an unselected population-based sample lacking high infective pressure.


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INTRODUCTION Refractory septic shock has dismal prognosis despite aggressive therapy. The purpose of the present study is to report the effects of terlipressin (TP) as a rescue treatment in children with catecholamine refractory hypotensive septic shock. METHODS We prospectively registered the children with severe septic shock and hypotension resistant to standard intensive care, including a high dose of catecholamines, who received compassionate therapy with TP in nine pediatric intensive care units in Spain, over a 12-month period. The TP dose was 0.02 mg/kg every four hours. RESULTS Sixteen children (age range, 1 month-13 years) were included. The cause of sepsis was meningococcal in eight cases, Staphylococcus aureus in two cases, and unknown in six cases. At inclusion the median (range) Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction score was 23.5 (12-52) and the median (range) Pediatric Risk of Mortality score was 24.5 (16-43). All children had been treated with a combination of at least two catecholamines at high dose rates. TP treatment induced a rapid and sustained improvement in the mean arterial blood pressure that allowed reduction of the catecholamine infusion rate after one hour in 14 out of 16 patients. The mean (range) arterial blood pressure 30 minutes after TP administration increased from 50.5 (37-93) to 77 (42-100) mmHg (P < 0.05). The noradrenaline infusion rate 24 hours after TP treatment decreased from 2 (1-4) to 1 (0-2.5) microg/kg/min (P < 0.05). Seven patients survived to the sepsis episode. The causes of death were refractory shock in three cases, withdrawal of therapy in two cases, refractory arrhythmia in three cases, and multiorgan failure in one case. Four of the survivors had sequelae: major amputations (lower limbs and hands) in one case, minor amputations (finger) in two cases, and minor neurological deficit in one case. CONCLUSION TP is an effective vasopressor agent that could be an alternative or complementary therapy in children with refractory vasodilatory septic shock. The addition of TP to high doses of catecholamines, however, can induce excessive vasoconstriction. Additional studies are needed to define the safety profile and the clinical effectiveness of TP in children with septic shock.


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Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) and Shigellaspp cause bacillary dysentery in humans by invading and multiplying within epithelial cells of the colonic mucosa. Although EIEC and Shigellashare many genetic and biochemical similarities, the illness caused by Shigellais more severe. Thus, genomic and structure-function molecular studies on the biological interactions of these invasive enterobacteria with eukaryotic cells have focused on Shigella rather than EIEC. Here we comparatively studied the interactions of EIEC and of Shigella flexneriwith cultured J774 macrophage-like cells. We evaluated several phenotypes: (i) bacterial escape from macrophages after phagocytosis, (ii) macrophage death induced by EIEC and S. flexneri, (iii) macrophage cytokine expression in response to infection and (iv) expression of plasmidial (pINV) virulence genes. The results showed thatS. flexneri caused macrophage killing earlier and more intensely than EIEC. Both pathogens induced significant macrophage production of TNF, IL-1 and IL-10 after 7 h of infection. Transcription levels of the gene invasion plasmid antigen-C were lower in EIEC than in S. flexneri throughout the course of the infection; this could explain the diminished virulence of EIEC compared to S. flexneri.