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tThis work is devoted to the investigation of zirconium oxynitride (ZrOxNy) films with varied opticalresponses prompted by the variations in their compositional and structural properties. The films wereprepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering of Zr, using Ar and a reactive gas mixture of N2+ O2(17:3).The colour of the films changed from metallic-like, very bright yellow-pale and golden yellow, for low gasflows to red-brownish for intermediate gas flows. Associated to this colour change there was a significantdecrease of brightness. With further increase of the reactive gas flow, the colour of the samples changedfrom red-brownish to dark blue or even to interference colourations. The variations in composition dis-closed the existence of four different zones, which were found to be closely related with the variationsin the crystalline structure. XRD analysis revealed the change from a B1 NaCl face-centred cubic zirco-nium nitride-type phase for films prepared with low reactive gas flows, towards a poorly crystallizedover-stoichiometric nitride phase, which may be similar to that of Zr3N4with some probable oxygeninclusions within nitrogen positions, for films prepared with intermediate reactive gas flows. For highreactive gas flows, the films developed an oxynitride-type phase, similar to that of -Zr2ON2with someoxygen atoms occupying some of the nitrogen positions, evolving to a ZrO2monoclinic type structurewithin the zone where films were prepared with relatively high reactive gas flows. The analysis carriedout by reflected electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) revealed a continuous depopulation of thed-band and an opening of an energy gap between the valence band (2p) and the Fermi level close to 5 eV.The ZrN-based coatings (zone I and II) presented intrinsic colourations, with a decrease in brightness anda colour change from bright yellow to golden yellow, red brownish and dark blue. Associated to thesechanges, there was also a shift of the reflectivity minimum to lower energies, with the increase of thenon-metallic content. The samples lying in the two last zones (zone III, oxynitride and zone IV, oxide films)revealed a typical semi-transparent-optical behaviour showing interference-like colourations only dueto the complete depopulation of the d band at the Fermi level. The samples lying in these zones presentedalso an increase of the optical bandgap from 2 to 3.6 eV.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Dissertação de mestrado em Administração da Justiça
We sought to verify the prevalence of lymphocytic thyroiditis (LT) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) in autopsy materials. Cases examined between 2003 and 2007 at the Department of Pathology of Faculty of Medicine of São Paulo University were studied. Immunohistochemical analyses were conducted in selected cases to characterize the type of infiltrating mononuclear cells; in addition, we evaluated the frequency of apoptosis by TUNEL assay technique and caspase-3 immunostaining. Significant increase in overall thyroiditis frequency was observed in the present series when compared with the previous report (2.2978% vs. 0.0392%). Thyroiditis was more prevalent among older people. Selected cases of LT and HT (5 cases each) had their infiltrating lymphocytes characterized by immunohistochemical analyses. Both LT and HT showed similar immunostaining patterns for CD4, CD8, CD68, thus supporting a common pathophysiology mechanism and indicating that LT and HT should be considered different presentations of a same condition, that is, autoimmune thyroiditis. Moreover, apoptosis markers strongly evidenced that apoptosis was present in all studied cases. Our results demonstrated an impressive increase in the prevalence of thyroiditis during recent years and our data support that the terminology of autoimmune thyroiditis should be used to designate both LT and HT. This classification would facilitate comparison of prevalence data from different series and studies.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Dissertação de mestrado em Comunicação, Arte e Cultura
Dissertação de mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Audiovisuais e Multimédia)
Relatório da atividade profissional de mestrado em Ciências - Formação Contínua de Professores (área de especialização em Física e Química)
Aromatic amines resulted from azo dyes biotransformation under anaerobic conditions are generally recalcitrant to further anaerobic degradation. The catalytic effect of carbon materials (CM) on the reduction of azo dyes is known and has been confirmed in this work by increasing 3-fold the biological reduction rate of Mordant Yellow 1 (MY1). The resulting m-nitroaniline (m-NoA) was further degraded to m-phenylenediamine (m-Phe) only in the presence of CM. The use of CM to degraded anaerobically aromatic amines resulted from azo dye reduction was never reported before. In the sequence, we studied the effect of different CM on the bioreduction of o-, m- and p-NoA. Three microporous activated carbons with different surface chemistry, original (AC0), chemical oxidized with HNO3 (ACHNO3) and thermal treated (ACH2), and three mesoporous carbons, xerogels (CXA and CXB) and nanotubes (CNT) were assessed. In the absence of CM, NoA were only partially reduced to the corresponding Phe, whereas in the presence of CM, more than 90% was converted to the corresponding Phe. ACH2 and AC0 were the best electron shuttles, increasing the rates up to 8-fold. In 24h, the biological treatment of NoA and MY1 with AC0, decreased up to 88% the toxicity towards a methanogenic consortium, as compared to the non-treated solutions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Filosofia no Ensino Secundário
Prenatally depressed women (N=47) were randomly assigned to a group that received massage twice weekly from their partners from 20 weeks gestation until the end of pregnancy or a control group. Self-reported leg pain, back pain, depression, anxiety and anger decreased more for the massaged pregnant women than for the control group women. In addition, the partners who massaged the pregnant women versus the control group partners reported less depressed mood, anxiety and anger across the course of the massage therapy period. Finally, scores on a relationship questionnaire improved more for both the women and the partners in the massage group. These data suggest that not only mood states but also relationships improve mutually when depressed pregnant women are massaged by their partners.
Dissertação de mestrado em Média Interativos