978 resultados para Wavelet domain features


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/TNF receptor (TNFR) superfamily members play essential roles in the development of the different phases of the immune response. Mouse LIGHT (TNFSF14) is a type II transmembrane protein with a C-terminus extracellular TNF homology domain (THD) that assembles in homotrimers and regulates the course of the immune responses by signaling through 2 receptors, the herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM, TNFSFR14) and the lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR, TNFSFR3). LIGHT is a membrane-bound protein transiently expressed on activated T cells, natural killer (NK) cells and immature dendritic cells that can be proteolytically cleaved by a metalloprotease and released to the extracellular milieu. The immunotherapeutic potential of LIGHT blockade was evaluated in vivo. Administration of an antagonist of LIGHT interaction with its receptors attenuated the course of graft-versus-host reaction and recapitulated the reduced cytotoxic activity of LIGHT-deficient T cells adoptively transferred into non-irradiated semiallogeneic recipients. The lack of LIGHT expression on donor T cells or blockade of LIGHT interaction with its receptors slowed down the rate of T cell proliferation and decreased the frequency of precursor alloreactive T cells, retarding T cell differentiation toward effector T cells. The blockade of LIGHT/LTβR/HVEM pathway was associated with delayed downregulation of interleukin-7Rα and delayed upregulation of inducible costimulatory molecule expression on donor alloreactive CD8 T cells that are typical features of impaired T cell differentiation. These results expose the relevance of LIGHT/LTβR/HVEM interaction for the potential therapeutic control of the allogeneic immune responses mediated by alloreactive CD8 T cells that can contribute to prolong allograft survival.


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In this paper, we reflect about the broadening of the field of application of CRM from the business domain to a wider context of relationships in which the inclusion of non-profit making organizations seems natural. In particular, we focus on analyzing the suitability of adopting CRM processes by universities and higher educational institutions dedicated to e-learning. This is an issue that, in our opinion, has much potential but has received little attention in research so far.


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Automation or semi-automation of learning scenariospecifications is one of the least exploredsubjects in the e-learning research area. There isa need for a catalogue of learning scenarios and atechnique to facilitate automated retrieval of stored specifications. This requires constructing anontology with this goal and is justified inthis paper. This ontology must mainlysupport a specification technique for learning scenarios. This ontology should also be useful in the creation and validation of new scenarios as well as in the personalization of learning scenarios or their monitoring. Thus, after justifying the need for this ontology, a first approach of a possible knowledge domain is presented. An example of a concrete learning scenario illustrates some relevant concepts supported by this ontology in order to define the scenario in such a way that it could be easy to automate.


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A Monte Carlo simulation study of the vacancy-assisted domain growth in asymmetric binary alloys is presented. The system is modeled using a three-state ABV Hamiltonian which includes an asymmetry term. Our simulated system is a stoichiometric two-dimensional binary alloy with a single vacancy which evolves according to the vacancy-atom exchange mechanism. We obtain that, compared to the symmetric case, the ordering process slows down dramatically. Concerning the asymptotic behavior it is algebraic and characterized by the Allen-Cahn growth exponent x51/2. The late stages of the evolution are preceded by a transient regime strongly affected by both the temperature and the degree of asymmetry of the alloy. The results are discussed and compared to those obtained for the symmetric case.


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In this paper the authors propose a new closed contour descriptor that could be seen as a Feature Extractor of closed contours based on the Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT), its main characteristic is that uses only half of the coefficients required by Elliptical Fourier Descriptors (EFD) to obtain a contour approximation with similar error measure. The proposed closed contour descriptor provides an excellent capability of information compression useful for a great number of AI applications. Moreover it can provide scale, position and rotation invariance, and last but not least it has the advantage that both the parameterization and the reconstructed shape from the compressed set can be computed very efficiently by the fast Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) algorithm. This Feature Extractor could be useful when the application claims for reversible features and when the user needs and easy measure of the quality for a given level of compression, scalable from low to very high quality.


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Sales configurators are essential tools for companies that offer complicated case specifically crafted products for customers. Most sophisticated of them are able to design an entire end product on the fly according to given constraints, calculate price for the offer and move the order into production. This thesis covers a sales configurator acquisition project in a large industrial company that offers cranes for its customers. The study spans the preliminary stages of a large-scale software purchase project starting from the specification of problem domain and ending up presenting the most viable software solution that fulfils the requirements for the new system. The project consists of mapping usage environment, use cases, and collecting requirements that are expected from the new system. The collected requirements involve fitting the new sales system into enterprise application infrastructure, mitigating the risks involved in the project and specifying new features to the application whilst preserving all of the admired features of the old sales system currently used in the company. The collected requirements were presented to a number of different sales software vendors who were asked to provide solution suggestions that would fulfil all the demands. All of the received solution proposals were exposed to an evaluation to determine the most feasible solutions, and the construction of evaluation criteria itself was a part of the study. The final outcome of this study is a short-list of the most feasible sales configurator solutions together with a description of how software purchase process in large enterprises work, and which aspects should be paid attention in large projects of similar kind.


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Objectives: To describe the clinical features of patients diagnosed with oral lichen planus (OLP) and to establish the prevalence of its malignant transformation in our setting. Study design: A retrospective study was made of 65 patients clinically and histologically diagnosed with OLP in the Service of Oral Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain) in the period 1990-2005. A descriptive and bivariate statistical analysis was made. Results: The mean patient age was 59 years (SD ± 14.9). Most of the patients (61%) were women, and the most frequent location of the lesions was the buccal mucosa (90.8%). White forms of OLP were noted in 66% of the cases, and 46.2% of the patients reported symptoms of some kind. The patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (20%) showed a larger proportion of red lesions (p=0.088). No statistically significant association was observed between chronic liver disease and the OLP lesion types or symptoms. Two cases of squamous cell carcinoma were identified in two patients previously or simultaneously diagnosed with OLP. A statistically significant correlation was observed between dysplastic changes / malignization of the lesions and smoking habit (p=0.019). An association to alcohol abuse was also noted, though in this case statistical significance was not reached (p=0.085). Conclusions: The clinical features of our study population were similar to those described in other studies. Diabetic patients with OLP were seen to be more susceptible to the development of atrophic-erosive lesions. Smokers and/or patients with alcohol abuse in turn showed a greater tendency to develop dysplastic changes / malignization in the histopathological study of the lesions


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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and clinical symptoms associated with sharp mandibular bone irregularities (SMBI) after lower third molar extraction and to identify possible risk factors for this complication. Study Design: A mixed study design was used. A retrospective cohort study of 1432 lower third molar extractions was done to determine the incidence of SMBI and a retrospective case-control study was done to determine potential demographic and etiologic factors by comparing those patients with postoperative SMBI with controls. Results: Twelve SMBI were found (0.84%). Age was the most important risk factor for this complication. The operated side and the presence of an associated radiolucent image were also significantly related to the development of mandibular bone irregularities. The depth of impaction of the tooth might also be an important factor since erupted or nearly erupted third molars were more frequent in the SMBI group. Conclusions: SMBI are a rare postoperative complication after lower third molar removal. Older patients having left side lower third molars removed are more likely to develop this problem. The treatment should be the removal of the irregularity when the patient is symptomatic


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A comparative study of the Fourier (FT) and the wavelet transforms (WT) for instrumental signal denoising is presented. The basic principles of wavelet theory are described in a succinct and simplified manner. For illustration, FT and WT are used to filter UV-VIS and plasma emission spectra using MATLAB software for computation. Results show that FT and WT filters are comparable when the signal does not display sharp peaks (UV-VIS spectra), but the WT yields a better filtering when the filling factor of the signal is small (plasma spectra), since it causes low peak distortion.


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Efficient drug delivery systems are as important as drug themselves. A powerful drug unable to reach the target cell is useless in practice. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet was the first carrier system to be proposed. The evolution in this domain has been quite slow as the natural mechanisms of mammals against foreign products are hard to overcome. However, lipid-based systems (liposomes and related vesicles) have attained reasonable success. The basic preparations and structural features of liposomes and related vesicles as well as their applications are addressed from the chemist's and biochemist's point of view.


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Pro-gradu –tutkielmani aiheena ovat 1700-luvun ”karanneet orjat” – sanomalehtiilmoitusten genrelle ominaiset piirteet. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 190 ilmoituksesta, jotka ovat alkuperäisesti ilmestyneet virginialaisissa, pennsylvanialaisissa ja newyorkilaisissa sanomalehdissä 1730-luvulta 1770-luvulle. Tutkimuksen kohteeksi on rajattu ilmoitukset, joissa yksityishenkilöt ilmoittavat orjan/orjien karanneet ja lupaavat kiinniottajalle palkkion. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella, millaisia ovat tyypilliset kielelliset piirteet näissä teksteissä ja millainen on prototyyppinen genren edustaja. Genreteorian lisäksi teoriaosuudessa käsittelen jonkin verran 1700- luvun englannin kielen yleisiä piirteitä sekä orjuuden ja sanomalehtien syntyhistoriaa Amerikassa taustoittaakseni tutkimusta. Analyysissa hyödynnän mm. Swalesin ja Bhatian käyttämää käsitettä siirroista (moves). Tutkin ilmoituksien tyypillistä rakennetta jakamalla ne yhdeksään siirtoon, joilla kaikilla on oma tehtävänsä ilmoituksessa. Jotkut siirrot, kuten karkulaisen kuvailu ja palkkion lupaaminen, esiintyvät kaikissa ilmoituksissa, kun taas toiset siirrot ovat läsnä harvemmin. Muita tälle genrelle tyypillisiä ominaisuuksia ovat esim. ilmoituksissa toistuvat kiinteät fraasit ja tietyt sanastolliset erikoisuudet. Lisäksi tutkin ilmoituksissa käytettäviä tapoja viitata asiaan liittyviin henkilöihin, sekä erilaisia toimia, joita ilmoitusten jättäjät ilmoituksien avulla suorittavat. Genressä on havaittavissa pieniä reilun neljänkymmenen vuoden kuluessa tapahtuneita muutoksia, mutta myös eroavaisuuksia eri siirtokuntien ilmoitusten välillä. Yleisesti voidaan todeta, että vaikka ”karanneet orjat” –ilmoitukset voivat vaihdella rakenteeltaan ja sanavalinnoiltaan, suuri osa ilmoituksista seuraa kuitenkin melko prototyyppistä muottia.


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Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is rapidly developing into a unique microscopic tool in biophysics, biology and the material sciences. The nonlinear nature of CARS spectroscopy complicates the analysis of the received spectra. There were developed mathematical methods for signal processing and for calculations spectra. Fourier self-deconvolution is a special high pass FFT filter which synthetically narrows the effective trace bandwidth features. As Fourier self-deconvolution can effectively reduce the noise, which may be at a higher spatial frequency than the peaks, without losing peak resolution. The idea of the work is to experiment the possibility of using wavelet decomposition in spectroscopic for background and noise removal, and Fourier transformation for linenarrowing.