948 resultados para Voltage swells
In this work, zinc indium tin oxide layers with different compositions are used as the active layer of thin film transistors. This multicomponent transparent conductive oxide is gaining great interest due to its reduced content of the scarce indium element. Experimental data indicate that the incorporation of zinc promotes the creation of oxygen vacancies. In thin-film transistors this effect leads to a higher threshold voltage values. The field-effect mobility is also strongly degraded, probably due to coulomb scattering by ionized defects. A post deposition annealing in air reduces the density of oxygen vacancies and improves the fieldeffect mobility by orders of magnitude. Finally, the electrical characteristics of the fabricated thin-film transistors have been analyzed to estimate the density of states in the gap of the active layers. These measurements reveal a clear peak located at 0.3 eV from the conduction band edge that could be attributed to oxygen vacancies.
In the rat utricle, synaptic contacts between hair cells and the nerve fibers arising from the vestibular primary neurons form during the first week after birth. During that period, the sodium-based excitability that characterizes neonate utricle sensory cells is switched off. To investigate whether the establishment of synaptic contacts was responsible for the modulation of the hair cell excitability, we used an organotypic culture of rat utricle in which the setting of synapses was prevented. Under this condition, the voltage-gated sodium current and the underlying action potentials persisted in a large proportion of nonafferented hair cells. We then studied whether impairment of nerve terminals in the utricle of adult rats may also affect hair cell excitability. We induced selective and transient damages of afferent terminals using glutamate excitotoxicity in vivo. The efficiency of the excitotoxic injury was attested by selective swellings of the terminals and underlying altered vestibular behavior. Under this condition, the sodium-based excitability transiently recovered in hair cells. These results indicate that the modulation of hair cell excitability depends on the state of the afferent terminals. In adult utricle hair cells, this property may be essential to set the conditions required for restoration of the sensory network after damage. This is achieved via re-expression of a biological process that occurs during synaptogenesis.
This work analyses the medium voltage network in central built-up area of Savonlinna city, evaluates the future standards of the electricity distribution network and presents methods for the network renovation. Main challenge is to find a working topology and network solutions for the transitional phase of the renovation progress. The network renovation methods are verified with an example solution for an existing suburban area of Savonlinna City, wherein the medium voltage and small voltage distribution networks are renovated.
INTRODUCTION: Mitral isthmus (MI) ablation is an effective option in patients undergoing ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). Achieving bidirectional conduction block across the MI is challenging, and predictors of MI ablation success remain incompletely understood. We sought to determine the impact of anatomical location of the ablation line on the efficacy of MI ablation. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 40 consecutive patients (87% male; 54 ± 10 years) undergoing stepwise AF ablation were included. MI ablation was performed in sinus rhythm. MI ablation was performed from the left inferior PV to either the posterior (group 1) or the anterolateral (group 2) mitral annulus depending on randomization. The length of the MI line (measured with the 3D mapping system) and the amplitude of the EGMs at 3 positions on the MI were measured in each patient. MI block was achieved in 14/19 (74%) patients in group 1 and 15/21 (71%) patients in group 2 (P = NS). Total MI radiofrequency time (18 ± 7 min vs. 17 ± 8 min; P = NS) was similar between groups. Patients with incomplete MI block had a longer MI length (34 ± 6 mm vs. 24 ± 5 mm; P < 0.001), a higher bipolar voltage along the MI (1.75 ± 0.74 mV vs. 1.05 ± 0.69 mV; P < 0.01), and a longer history of continuous AF (19 ± 17 months vs. 10 ± 10 months; P < 0.05). In multivariate analysis, decreased length of the MI was an independent predictor of successful MI block (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.1-2.1; P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Increased length but not anatomical location of the MI predicts failure to achieve bidirectional MI block during ablation of persistent AF.
Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon films obtained at low temperature (150-280°C) by hot wire chemical vapour deposition at two different process pressures were measured by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). A crystalline fraction >90% with a subgap optical absortion 10 cm -1 at 0.8 eV were obtained in films deposited at growth rates >0.8 nm/s. These films were incorporated in n-channel thin film transistors and their electrical properties were measured. The saturation mobility was 0.72 ± 0.05 cm 2/ V s and the threshold voltage around 0.2 eV. The dependence of their conductance activation energies on gate voltages were related to the properties of the material.
N-type as well P-type top-gate microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) are fabricated on glass substrates at a maximum temperature of 200 °C. The active layer is an undoped μc-Si film, 200 nm thick, deposited by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor. The drain and source regions are highly phosphorus (N-type TFTs) or boron (P-type TFTs)-doped μc-films deposited by HW-CVD. The gate insulator is a silicon dioxide film deposited by RF sputtering. Al-SiO 2-N type c-Si structures using this insulator present low flat-band voltage,-0.2 V, and low density of states at the interface D it=6.4×10 10 eV -1 cm -2. High field effect mobility, 25 cm 2/V s for electrons and 1.1 cm 2/V s for holes, is obtained. These values are very high, particularly the hole mobility that was never reached previously.
There is currently a lack of guidance on methodology and special considerations for transitioning patients from oxcarbazepine (OXC) or carbamazepine (CBZ) to eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL), if deemed clinically necessary. An advisory panel of epilepsy experts was convened to share their experience on the use of adjunctive ESL in clinical practice and to provide practical recommendations to help address this gap. When changing over from OXC to ESL, an OXC:ESL dose ratio of 1:1 should be employed to calculate the ESL target dose, and the changeover can take place overnight. No changes to comedication are required. Since CBZ has a different mechanism of action to ESL and is a stronger inducer of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, the transitioning of patients from CBZ to ESL requires careful consideration on a patient-by-patient basis. In general, a CBZ:ESL dose ratio of 1:1.3 should be employed to calculate the ESL target dose, and patients should be transitioned over a minimum period of 1-2weeks. Special considerations include adjustment of titration schedule and target dose in elderly patients and those with hepatic or renal impairment and potential adjustment of comedications metabolized by CYP enzymes. In summary, due to structural distinctions between ESL, OXC, and CBZ, which affect mechanism of action and tolerability, there are clinical situations in which it may be appropriate to consider transitioning patients from OXC or CBZ to ESL. Changing patients over from OXC to ESL is generally more straightforward than transitioning patients from CBZ to ESL, which requires careful consideration.
To-date, there has been no effective chiral capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) method reported for the simultaneous enantioseparation of the antidepressant drug, venlafaxine (VX) and its structurally-similar major metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine (O-DVX). This is mainly due to the difficulty of identifying MS compatible chiral selector, which could provide both high enantioselectivity and sensitive MS detection. In this work, poly-sodium N-undecenoyl-L,L-leucylalaninate (poly-L,L-SULA) was employed as a chiral selector after screening several dipeptide polymeric chiral surfactants. Baseline separation of both O-DVX and VX enantiomers was achieved in 15min after optimizing the buffer pH, poly-L,L-SULA concentration, nebulizer pressure and separation voltage. Calibration curves in spiked plasma (recoveries higher than 80%) were linear over the concentration range 150-5000ng/mL for both VX and O-DVX. The limit of detection (LOD) was found to be as low as 30ng/mL and 21ng/mL for O-DVX and VX, respectively. This method was successfully applied to measure the plasma concentrations of human volunteers receiving VX or O-DVX orally when co-administered without and with indinivar therapy. The results suggest that micellar electrokinetic chromatography electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (MEKC-ESI-MS/MS) is an effective low cost alternative technique for the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies of both O-DVX and VX enantiomers. The technique has potential to identify drug-drug interaction involving VX and O-DVX enantiomers while administering indinivar therapy.
Microdoping compensation of microcrystalline silicon obtained by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapour Deposition
Undoped hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon was obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition at different silane-to-hydrogen ratios and low temperature (<300 °C). As well as technological aspects of the deposition process, we report structural, optical and electrical characterizations of the samples that were used as the active layer for preliminary p-i-n solar cells. Raman spectroscopy indicates that changing the hydrogen dilution can vary the crystalline fraction. From electrical measurements an unwanted n-type character is deduced for this undoped material. This effect could be due to a contaminant, probably oxygen, which is also observed in capacitance-voltage measurements on Schottky structures. The negative effect of contaminants on the device was dramatic and a compensated p-i-n structure was also deposited to enhance the cell performance.
Diplomityössä perehdyttiin taajuusmuuttajien toimintaan ja ohjaukseen. Lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin vaihtosuuntaajan nopeiden transienttitilojen aiheuttamaa moottorin ylijännitettä. Moottorikaapelin heijastuksia käsiteltiin vertaamalla moottorikaapelia siirtolinjaan ja todennettiin ylijännitteen syyt. Ylijännitteen vähentämiseksi on kehitetty useita suodatusmenetelmiä. Työssä vertailtiin näitä menetelmiä ja kartoitettiin kaupallisia vaihtoehtoja. Taajuusmuuttajan ohjaus on tähän päivään asti tehty yleensä käyttäen mikroprosessoria sekä logiikkapiiriä. Tulevaisuudessa ohjaukseen käytetään todennäköisesti uudelleenohjelmoitavia FPGA-piirejä (Field Programmable Gate Array). FPGA-piirin etuihin kuuluu uudelleenohjelmoitavuus sekä ohjauksen keskittäminen yhdelle piirille.
MIG/MAG-hitsaukselle tyypillinen ominaispiirre, valokaaren itsesäätyvyys, saavutetaan vakiojännitelähdettä käyttämällä. Valokaaren sisäisen säätömekanismin ansiosta kaarenpituus pysyy vakiona, vaikka hitsauspolttimen ja työkappaleen välinen etäisyys vaihtelisi hitsauksen aikana. Vakiojännitelähteen käyttäminen aiheuttaa kuitenkin kaaritehon vaihtelua vapaalankapituuden muuttuessa. Vapaalangan kasvaessa liian pitkäksi kaariteho laskee niin alas, ettei se enää riitä sulattamaan tarpeeksi perusainetta railon kyljissä. Tämän seurauksena hitsausliitokseen syntyy erilaisia liittymävirheitä. Käsinhitsauksessa vapaalangan pituus saattaa polttimen epävakaasta kuljetuksesta johtuen vaihdella erityisesti kokemattomilla hitsaajilla. Mekanisoidussa ja automatisoidussa hitsauksessa railojen mitta- ja muotopoikkeamat aiheuttavat vapaalankapituuden vaihtelua. Poikkeamia syntyy kaikissa hitsausrailojen esivalmistusvaiheissa. Lisäksi lämmöntuonnin aiheuttamat muodonmuutokset kappaleissa lisäävät poikkeamia railonsovituksessa hitsauksen aikana. Ongelma on useimmiten ratkaistavissa railonseurantaa käyttämällä. Railonseurantajärjestelmät ovat kuitenkin kalliita, eivätkä ne toimi luotettavasti kaikissa olosuhteissa. Diplomityössä tutkittiin uutta MIG/MAG-hitsauksen reaaliaikaiseen tunkeuman hallintaan kehitettyä säätöjärjestelmää. Työn tavoitteina olivat säätöjärjestelmän luotettavan toiminnan takaavien reunaehtojen ja kosketussuutinetäisyyden suositusrajojen määrittäminen. Tavoitteiden täyttämiseksi työn kokeellisessa osiossa suoritettiin laaja hitsauskokeiden sarja, jossa hitsattavina materiaaleina käytettiin seostamatonta ja runsasseosteista terästä.
Työn tavoitteena on ollut laatia Keravan Energia Oy:n ja Etelä-Suomen Energia Oy:n keskijänniteverkkoja koskeva yleissuunnitelma. Tutkimustyön painopiste on ollut verkkojen nykytilan selvityksen ohella ajankohtaisissa verkkojärjestelykysymyksissä. Kuormitusennusteiden laadinnan pohjana on ollut kunnista saatavat väestö- ja työpaikkaennusteet. Verkkojen vahvistusta koskevat toimenpide-ehdotukset sijoittuvat vahvoille kasvualueille Etelä-Sipooseen ja Alikeravalle. Eräs keskeisimmistä tehtävistä on ollut Etelä-Suomen Energia Oy:n verkkoon sijoittuvan Östersundomin alueen sähkönjakelun kehittäminen. Työssä on tarkasteltu ja vertailtu uuden sähköaseman rakentamista keskijänniteverkon saneeraamisvaihtoehtoon. Alueen kuormituksen nopea kasvu edellyttää verkoston kehittämissuunnitelmien pikaista toimeenpanoa jo seuraavien 1-2 vuoden kuluessa. Toinen merkittävistä verkostohankkeista sijoittuu Keravan Energia Oy:n sähköverkkoon. Työssä on selvitetty 110 kV:n verkon uudelleenjärjestelyjen vaikutuksia nykyisen keskijänniteverkon rakenteeseen. Savion ja Alikeravan asemien korvaaminen uudella asemalla aiheuttaisi asemainvestoinnin lisäksi noin kahden miljoonan markan lisäinvestoinnin kaapeliyhteyksien rakentamista varten sekä lähes miljoonan markan lisähäviökustannukset tarkasteluajalta.
The semiconductor particle detectors used at CERN experiments are exposed to radiation. Under radiation, the formation of lattice defects is unavoidable. The defects affect the depletion voltage and leakage current of the detectors, and hence affect on the signal-to-noise ratio of the detectors. This shortens the operational lifetime of the detectors. For this reason, the understanding of the formation and the effects of radiation induced defects is crucial for the development of radiation hard detectors. In this work, I have studied the effects of radiation induced defects-mostly vacancy related defects-with a simulation package, Silvaco. Thus, this work essentially concerns the effects of radiation induced defects, and native defects, on leakage currents in particle detectors. Impurity donor atom-vacancy complexes have been proved to cause insignificant increase of leakage current compared with the trivacancy and divacancy-oxygen centres. Native defects and divacancies have proven to cause some of the leakage current, which is relatively small compared with trivacancy and divacancy-oxygen.
β-Adrenergic modulation of skeletal muscle contraction: key role of excitation-contraction coupling.
Our aim is to describe the acute effects of catecholamines/β-adrenergic agonists on contraction of non-fatigued skeletal muscle in animals and humans, and explain the mechanisms involved. Adrenaline/β-agonists (0.1-30 μm) generally augment peak force across animal species (positive inotropic effect) and abbreviate relaxation of slow-twitch muscles (positive lusitropic effect). A peak force reduction also occurs in slow-twitch muscles in some conditions. β2 -Adrenoceptor stimulation activates distinct cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases to phosphorylate multiple target proteins. β-Agonists modulate sarcolemmal processes (increased resting membrane potential and action potential amplitude) via enhanced Na(+) -K(+) pump and Na(+) -K(+) -2Cl(-) cotransporter function, but this does not increase force. Myofibrillar Ca(2+) sensitivity and maximum Ca(2+) -activated force are unchanged. All force potentiation involves amplified myoplasmic Ca(2+) transients consequent to increased Ca(2+) release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). This unequivocally requires phosphorylation of SR Ca(2+) release channels/ryanodine receptors (RyR1) which sensitize the Ca(2+) -induced Ca(2+) release mechanism. Enhanced trans-sarcolemmal Ca(2+) influx through phosphorylated voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels contributes to force potentiation in diaphragm and amphibian muscle, but not mammalian limb muscle. Phosphorylation of phospholamban increases SR Ca(2+) pump activity in slow-twitch fibres but does not augment force; this process accelerates relaxation and may depress force. Greater Ca(2+) loading of SR may assist force potentiation in fast-twitch muscle. Some human studies show no significant force potentiation which appears to be related to the β-agonist concentration used. Indeed high-dose β-agonists (∼0.1 μm) enhance SR Ca(2+) -release rates, maximum voluntary contraction strength and peak Wingate power in trained humans. The combined findings can explain how adrenaline/β-agonists influence muscle performance during exercise/stress in humans.
This work describes different possibilities of protection and control system improvement of primary distribution substation. The status of condition and main problems of power networks from reliability point of view in Russia are described. This work studies technologies used today in Russia for protection of distribution networks with their disadvantages. Majority of medium voltage networks (6-35 kV) has isolated network point. There is still no any protection available on the market which allows to estimate distance to fault in case of earth fault. The thesis analyses methods of earth fault distance calculation. On the basis of computer simulation the influence of various factors on calculation accuracy is studied. The practical implementation of the method presupposes usage of digital relay. Application of digital relay is accompanied by numerous opportunities which are described in this work. Also advantages of system implemented on the basis of IEC 61850 standard are examined. Finally, suitability of modern digital relays from GOST standard point of view is analyzed.