937 resultados para Thermocapillary instability
The constitutive flow behaviour in hot working of as cast magnesium has been studied with the help of a processing map developed in the temperature range 300-550°C and strain rate range 0·001-100 s−1. The map, interpreted using the dynamic materials model, revealed that the material undergoes dynamic recrystallisation at 425°C and 0·3 s−1, which are the optimum parameters for hot working. Ai temperatures higher than 450°C and strain rates lower than about 0·1 s−1, wedge cracking occurs in as cast magnesium. The wedge cracking domain has a high efficiency of power dissipation (60%), whereas the dynamic recrystallisation domain has a value of 34%. At temperatures below 450°C and strain rates above 10 s−1, the material exhibits flow instability in the form of mechanical twinning. At higher temperatures and strain rates, instability is manifested by flow localisation.
Processing and instability maps using a dynamic materials model have been developed for stainless steel type AISI 316L in the temperature range 600-1250-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.001-100 s-1 with a view to optimising its hot workability. Stainless steel type AISI 316L undergoes dynamic recrystallisation, with a peak efficiency of 35% at 1250-degrees-C and 0.05 s-1, which are the optimum parameters for hot working this material. The material undergoes dynamic recovery at 900-degrees-C and 0.001 s-1. The increase in the dynamic recrystallisation and dynamic recovery temperatures in comparison with stainless steel type AISI 304L is attributed to the presence of a backstress caused by the molybdenum additions. These results are in general agreement with those reported elsewhere on stainless steel type 316 deformed in hot extrusion and hot torsion. At temperatures < 850-degrees-C and strain rates > 10 s-1, the material exhibits flow localisation owing to adiabatic shear band formation, whereas at higher temperatures (> 850-degrees-C) and strain rates (> 10 s-1) mechanical twinning and wavy slip bands are observed. (C) 1993 The Institute of Materials.
Pro gradu-tutkielma tutkii demokratian ja turvallisuuden paradoksia Pakistanissa esitellen kuusi tekijää, jotka vaikuttavat kyseiseen paradoksiin. Näitä tekijöitä ovat historiallinen kehitys; eliittihallinto; taloudellinen kehitys; Pakistanin poliittisten tekijöiden demokratian eri määritelmät; opetuksen puuttuminen; ja valtataistelu hallituksen, armeijan, tiedustelupalvelun, oikeusjärjestelmän, poliittisten puolueiden sekä eri heimojen, uskonnollisten ja etnisten ryhmien välillä. Tutkimus tarkastelee myös sitä miten nämä tekijät vaikuttavat demokratian kehitykseen Pakistanissa. Keskeinen argumentti on, että länsimainen demokratia ei esiinny eikä toimi Pakistanissa vallitsevissa oloissa, etenkin historiallisen kehityksen ja ulkoisen turvallisuuden takia. Pro gradu-tutkielma käyttää sekundäärisiä lähteitä, kuten kirjoja, artikkeleita, maaraportteja, kommentaareja sekä omiin kokemuksiin perustuvia havaintoja Pakistanin matkalta 2010-2011. Keskeiset teoriat gradussa ovat Guillermo O’ Donnelin delegaattidemokratia sekä Duncan McCargon eliittihallintoteoria, jotka yhdessä selittävät historiallista kehitystä ja eliittihallinnon dynamiikkaa, mitkä johtavat paradoksiin. Kautta historian armeija on hallinnut Pakistania, ja siviilihallinto on ainoastaan neljä kertaa onnistunut olemaan vallassa, mutta silloinkin siviilihallinto päättyi korruptioväitteisiin tai armeijan vallankaappaukseen. Armeijahallinnoille on luonteenomaista hyvät suhteet USA:n, positiivinen taloudellinen kehitys ja vakaus, kun taas siviilihallinnot ovat epävakaita ja korruptoituneita. Tämä kehitys on paradoksin tausta, joka rakentuu turvallisuuspoliittisen tilanteen pohjalle eli hallitusten ja muiden tekijöiden yritykseen löytää vastapaino Intian uhalle. Tämä on ollut keskeinen huoli kelle tahansa poliittiselle päättäjälle itsenäisyydestä lähtien. Loputon valtataistelu eri poliittisten tekijöiden kesken sekä eliittihallinto pitävät yllä paradoksia, koska eliitit ovat kiinnostuneempia oman valtansa säilyttämisestä kuin kansan tahdon huomioonottamisesta. Koska valtaosa ihmisistä ei ole koulutettuja, he ovat paljolti kiinnostuneita omasta selviytymisestään, ja tämän takia sekä kansa että eliitit suosivat armeijahallintoa, koska se tuo vakautta ja taloudellista kehitystä. Sen vuoksi vallitsevissa oloissa demokratian tulevaisuus Pakistanissa näyttää huonolta, koska liberaalidemokratian vaatimukset eivät täyty puoliksi vapaan oikeussysteemin, puoliksi vapaan lehdistön, valtavan korruption ja monien ihmisoikeusloukkauksien takia unohtamatta armeijan ja tiedustelupalvelun sekaantumista siviilihallintoon.
The modulational instability of a large-amplitude, linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in an electron-positron plasma is considered, including the combined effect of relativistic mass variation of the plasma particles, harmonic generation, and the non-resonant, finite-frequency electrostatic density perturbations, all caused by the large-amplitude radiation field. The radiation from many strong sources, such as AGN and pulsars, has been observed to vary over a host of time-scales. It is possible that the extremely rapid variations in the non-thermal continuum of AGN, as well as in the non-thermal radio radiation from pulsars, can be accounted for by the modulational instabilities to which radiation may be subjected during its propagation out of the emission region.
The origin of hydrodynamic turbulence in rotating shear flow is a long standing puzzle. Resolving it is especially important in astrophysics when the flow's angular momentum profile is Keplerian which forms an accretion disk having negligible molecular viscosity. Hence, any viscosity in such systems must be due to turbulence, arguably governed by magnetorotational instability, especially when temperature T greater than or similar to 10(5). However, such disks around quiescent cataclysmic variables, protoplanetary and star-forming disks, and the outer regions of disks in active galactic nuclei are practically neutral in charge because of their low temperature, and thus are not expected to be coupled with magnetic fields enough to generate any transport due to the magnetorotational instability. This flow is similar to plane Couette flow including the Coriolis force, at least locally. What drives their turbulence and then transport, when such flows do not exhibit any unstable mode under linear hydrodynamic perturbation? We demonstrate that the three-dimensional secondary disturbance to the primarily perturbed flow that triggers elliptical instability may generate significant turbulent viscosity in the range 0.0001 less than or similar to nu(t) less than or similar to 0.1, which can explain transport in accretion flows.
Rotating shear flows, when angular momentum increases and angular velocity decreases as functions of radiation coordinate, are hydrodynamically stable under linear perturbation. The Keplerian flow is an example of such a system, which appears in an astrophysical context. Although decaying eigenmodes exhibit large transient energy growth of perturbation which could govern nonlinearity in the system, the feedback of inherent instability to generate turbulence seems questionable. We show that such systems exhibiting growing pseudo-eigenmodes easily reach an upper bound of growth rate in terms of the logarithmic norm of the involved non-normal operators, thus exhibiting feedback of inherent instability. This supports the existence of turbulence of hydrodynamic origin in the Keplerian accretion disc in astrophysics. Hence, this answers the question of the mismatch between the linear theory and experimental/observed data and helps in resolving the outstanding question of the origin of turbulence therein.
The processing map for hot working of Al alloy 2014-20vol.%Al2O3 particulate-reinforced cast-plus-extruded composite material has been generated covering the temperature range 300-500 degrees C and the strain rate range 0.001-10 s(-1) based on the dynamic materials model. The efficiency eta of power dissipation given by 2m/(m + 1), where m is the strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. A domain of superplasticity has been identified, with a peak efficiency of 62% occurring at 500 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1). The characteristics of this domain have been studied with the help of microstructural evaluation and hot-ductility measurements. Microstructural instability is predicted at higher strain rates above (ls(-1)) and lower temperatures (less than 350 degrees C).