943 resultados para Textile fashion


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Valpha14 invariant (Valpha14i) NKT cells are a subset of regulatory T cells that utilize a semi-invariant TCR to recognize glycolipids associated with monomorphic CD1d molecules. During development in the thymus, CD4(+)CD8(+) Valpha14i NKT precursors recognizing endogenous CD1d-associated glycolipids on other CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes are selected to undergo a maturation program involving sequential expression of CD44 and NK-related markers such as NK1.1. The molecular requirements for Valpha14i NKT cell maturation, particularly at early developmental stages, remain poorly understood. In this study, we show that CD4-Cre-mediated T cell-specific inactivation of c-Myc, a broadly expressed transcription factor with a wide range of biological activities, selectively impairs Valpha14i NKT cell development without perturbing the development of conventional T cells. In the absence of c-Myc, Valpha14i NKT cell precursors are blocked at an immature CD44(low)NK1.1(-) stage in a cell autonomous fashion. Residual c-Myc-deficient immature Valpha14i NKT cells appear to proliferate normally, cannot be rescued by transgenic expression of BCL-2, and exhibit characteristic features of immature Valpha14i NKT cells such as high levels of preformed IL-4 mRNA and the transcription factor promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger. Collectively our data identify c-Myc as a critical transcription factor that selectively acts early in Valpha14i NKT cell development to promote progression beyond the CD44(low)NK1.1(-) precursor stage.


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Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEACAM5) is commonly overexpressed in human colon cancer. Several antigenic peptides recognized by cytolytic CD8+ T-cells have been identified and used in colon cancer phase-I vaccination clinical trials. The HLA-A*0201-binding CEA(694-702) peptide was recently isolated from acid eluted MHC-I associated peptides from a human colon tumor cell line. However, the immunogenicity of this peptide in humans remains unknown. We found that the peptide CEA(694-702) binds weakly to HLA-A*0201 molecules and is ineffective at inducing specific CD8+ T-cell responses in healthy donors. Immunogenic-altered peptide ligands with increased affinity for HLA-A*0201 were identified. Importantly, the elicited cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) lines and clones cross-reacted with the wild-type CEA(694-702) peptide. Tumor cells expressing CEA were recognized in a peptide and HLA-A*0201 restricted fashion, but high-CEA expression levels appear to be required for CTL recognition. Finally, CEA-specific T-cell precursors could be readily expanded by in vitro stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) from colon cancer patients with altered CEA peptide. However, the CEA-specific CD8+ T-cell clones derived from cancer patients revealed low-functional avidity and impaired tumor-cell recognition. Together, using T-cells to demonstrate the processing and presentation of the peptide CEA694-702, we were able to corroborate its presentation by tumor cells. However, the low avidity of the specific CTLs generated from cancer patients as well as the high-antigen expression levels required for CTL recognition pose serious concerns for the use of CEA694-702 in cancer immunotherapy.


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SUMMARY Inflammation has evolved as a mechanism to defend the body against invading microorganisms and to respond to injury. It requires the coordinated response of a large number of cell types from the whole organism in a time- and space-dependent fashion. This coordination involves several cell-cell communication mechanisms. Exchange of humoral mediators such as cytokines is a major one. Moreover, direct contact between cells happens and plays a primordial role, for example when macrophages present antigens to lymphocytes. Contact between endothelial cells and leucocytes occurs when the latter cross the blood vessel barrier and transmigrate to the inflammatory site. A particular way by which cells communicate with each other in the course of inflammation, which at this time starts to gain attention, is the intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions. Gap junctions are channels providing a direct pathway (i.e. without transit through the extracellular space) for the diffusion of small molecules between adjacent cells. This process is known as gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). The general aim of this thesis was to study a possible involvement of GJIC in the pathophysiology of inflammation. A first part of the work was dedicated to study the implication of GJIC in the modification of vascular endothelial function by inflammation. In a second part, we were interested in the possible role of GJIC in the transmigration of neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes through the endothelium. The main positive finding of this work is that acute inflammation preferentially modulates the expression of connexin 40 (Cx40), a gap junction protein specifically expressed in vascular endothelium. The modulation could be towards overexpression (aortic endothelium of septic rats) or towards downregulation (acutely inflamed mouse lung). We put a lot of efforts in search of possible functions of these modulations, in two directions: a potential protective role of Cx40 increased expression against sepsis-induced endothelial dysfunction, and a facilitating role of Cx40 decreased expression in neutrophil transmigration. To pursue both directions, it seemed logical to study the impact of Cx40 deletion using knock-out mice. Concerning the potential protective role of Cx40 overexpression we encountered a roadblock as we observed, in the aorta, a Cx40 downregulation in wild type mouse whereas Cx40 was upregulated in the rat. Regarding the second direction and using an in vivo approach, we observed that pulmonary neutrophil transmigration was not affected by the genetic deletion of Cx40. In spite of their negative nature, these results are the very first ones regarding the potential implication of GJIC concerning leucocyte transmigration in vivo. Because this process involves such tight cell-cell physical contacts, the hypothesis for a role of GJIC remains attractive.


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It has been suggested that pathological gamblers develop illusory perceptions of control regarding the outcome of the games and should express higher Internal and Chance locus of control. A sample of 48 outpatients diagnosed with pathological gambling disorder who participated in this ex post facto study, completed the Internality, Powerful Others, and Chance scale, the South Oaks Gambling Screen questionnaire, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results for the locus of control measure were compared with a reference group. Pathological gamblers scored higher than the reference group on the Chance locus of control, which increased with the severity of cases. Moreover, Internal locus of control did show a curvilinear relationship with the severity of cases. Pathological gamblers have specific locus of control scores that vary in function of the severity, in a linear fashion or a non-linear fashion according to the scale. This effect might be caused by competition between "illusion of control" and the tendency to attribute adverse consequence of gambling to external causes.


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BACKGROUND: This study was undertaken to determine whether use of the direct renin inhibitor aliskiren would reduce cardiovascular and renal events in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, or both. METHODS: In a double-blind fashion, we randomly assigned 8561 patients to aliskiren (300 mg daily) or placebo as an adjunct to an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin-receptor blocker. The primary end point was a composite of the time to cardiovascular death or a first occurrence of cardiac arrest with resuscitation; nonfatal myocardial infarction; nonfatal stroke; unplanned hospitalization for heart failure; end-stage renal disease, death attributable to kidney failure, or the need for renal-replacement therapy with no dialysis or transplantation available or initiated; or doubling of the baseline serum creatinine level. RESULTS: The trial was stopped prematurely after the second interim efficacy analysis. After a median follow-up of 32.9 months, the primary end point had occurred in 783 patients (18.3%) assigned to aliskiren as compared with 732 (17.1%) assigned to placebo (hazard ratio, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.98 to 1.20; P=0.12). Effects on secondary renal end points were similar. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were lower with aliskiren (between-group differences, 1.3 and 0.6 mm Hg, respectively) and the mean reduction in the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio was greater (between-group difference, 14 percentage points; 95% CI, 11 to 17). The proportion of patients with hyperkalemia (serum potassium level, ≥6 mmol per liter) was significantly higher in the aliskiren group than in the placebo group (11.2% vs. 7.2%), as was the proportion with reported hypotension (12.1% vs. 8.3%) (P<0.001 for both comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: The addition of aliskiren to standard therapy with renin-angiotensin system blockade in patients with type 2 diabetes who are at high risk for cardiovascular and renal events is not supported by these data and may even be harmful. (Funded by Novartis; ALTITUDE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00549757.).


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Objective: Impaired blood flow of the gastric tube represents a major cause of anastomotic leakage after esophageal resection. In order to improve local vascularisation, preoperative embolization (PE) of the left gastric artery has recently been proposed. The aimof this study was to assess our initial experience of this novel approach with a particular focus on anastomotic leakage.Methods: A consecutive series of 102 patients (81 male, 21 female, median age 64 years) underwent resection (82 Ivor-Lewis procedures, 9 transhiatal resections, 11 triple incisions) for esophageal malignancies at our institution from 2000 to 2009. Since 2004, PE was used selectively in 19 patients 21 days prior to elective esophagectomy. Selection criteria were normal gastric vascular anatomy, no pre-existing vascular disease, i.e. atheromatosis of the celiac trunk or superior mesenteric artery, and resectability of the tumor. PE was performed under local anesthesia on a dedicated system in a standard fashion. Following percutaneous transfemoral visceral angiography to identify gastric vascular anatomy, embolization was performed either with 5-F or with coaxial 3-F catheters and fibered metal coils. We analyzed retrospectively patient's data, operative data, and outcome from a prospective database.Results: The overall anastomotic leakage rate was 18・6% (19/102 patients); cervical anastomosis had a leak rate of 25% compared to intrathoracic anastomosis leak rate of 18・2%. While 17 of 83 patients without PE developed anastomotic leakage (20・5%), there were only 2 of 19 patients after PE revealing an anastomotic leakage (10・5%). Otherwise, patients with PE had no more other complications. There was only one PE-related complication (i.e. partial splenic necrosis).Mean hospital stay was 25 days versus 27 days for patients with PE and without PE, respectively. The mortality rate was 7・8% (8/102 patients), whereby four deaths were related to anastomotic leakage (1 and 3 patients with PE and without PE, respectively).Conclusion: PE is an interesting novel approach to improve gastric blood flow in order to minimize anastomotic leakage. Its application is safe and technically easy. Our preliminary experience revealed a decrease of the anastomotic leakage rate of almost 50%.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the normal ligamentous and tendinous anatomy of the intermetacarpal (IMC) and common carpometacarpal (CCMC) joints with MRI and MR arthrography. METHOD: MR images of 22 wrists derived from fresh human cadavers were obtained before and after arthrography. The MR imaging features of the ligaments and tendons about the CCMC and IMC joints and the joints themselves were analyzed in a randomized fashion and correlated with those seen on anatomic sections. RESULTS: Six CCMC ligaments were visualized. The dorsal and palmar CCMC ligaments and the pisometacarpal ligament were best visualized in the sagittal plane. The radial and ulnar CCMC collateral ligaments and the capito-third metacarpal ligament were best visualized in the coronal plane. Three main IMC ligaments were observed: a dorsal and a palmar ligament and an interosseous ligament complex. All three ligaments were best visualized in the axial plane. Four tendinous insertions to the metacarpal bases were evident. CONCLUSION: The anatomy of the ligaments and tendinous insertions about the second to fifth IMC and the CCMC joints is well demonstrated by MR imaging and MR arthrography. MR arthrography does not significantly improve the visualization of these complex structures.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és presentar la reconstrucció de la sèrie dels ingressos obtinguts per la Generalitat de Catalunya a través de la recaptació de l'impost de bolla durant l'edat moderna -és a dir, des de la primeria del segle XVI fins a la seva desaparició en el darrer terç del segle XVIII (1770)-, i valorar-ne la validesa com a indicador de la producció i/o el consum de teixits a Catalunya en tota aquesta etapa.


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Synthetic atrial natriuretic peptide, containing 26 amino acids in the rat sequence, L-364, 343 (Ileu-ANP), was infused intravenously at increasing rates (1-40 micrograms/min) into four normal volunteers. Mean intraarterial blood pressure decreased and heart rate increased in cumulative-dose-dependent fashion. Skin blood flow as measured with a laser Doppler device rose already with a cumulative dose of 55 micrograms Ileu-ANP and further rises were directly related to dose. The only side effects observed were those accompanying symptomatic hypotension at higher doses. These findings provide strong evidence that Ileu-ANP acts as a vasodilator in normal volunteers.


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New technologies in prostate cancer are attempting to change the current prostate cancer pathway by aiming to reduce harms while maintaining the benefits associated with screening, diagnosis, and treatment. In this article, we discuss the optimal evaluation that new technologies should undergo to provide level 1 evidence typically required to change the practice. With this in mind, we focus on feasible and pragmatic trials that could be delivered in a timely fashion by many centers while retaining primary outcomes that focus on clinically meaningful outcomes.


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Introduction ICM+ software encapsulates our 20 years' experience in brain monitoring. It collects data from a variety of bedside monitors and produces time trends of parameters defi ned using confi gurable mathematical formulae. To date it is being used in nearly 40 clinical research centres worldwide. We present its application for continuous monitoring of cerebral autoregulation using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Methods Data from multiple bedside monitors are processed by ICM+ in real time using a large selection of signal processing methods. These include various time and frequency domain analysis functions as well as fully customisable digital fi lters. The fi nal results are displayed in a variety of ways including simple time trends, as well as time window based histograms, cross histograms, correlations, and so forth. All this allows complex information from bedside monitors to be summarized in a concise fashion and presented to medical and nursing staff in a simple way that alerts them to the development of various pathological processes. Results One hundred and fi fty patients monitored continuously with NIRS, arterial blood pressure (ABP) and intracranial pressure (ICP), where available, were included in this study. There were 40 severely headinjured adult patients, 27 SAH patients (NCCU, Cambridge); 60 patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore) and 23 patients with sepsis (University Hospital, Basel). In addition, MCA fl ow velocity (FV) was monitored intermittently using transcranial Doppler. FV-derived and ICP-derived pressure reactivity indices (PRx, Mx), as well as NIRS-derived reactivity indices (Cox, Tox, Thx) were calculated and showed signifi cant correlation with each other in all cohorts. Errorbar charts showing reactivity index PRx versus CPP (optimal CPP chart) as well as similar curves for NIRS indices versus CPP and ABP were also demonstrated. Conclusions ICM+ software is proving to be a very useful tool for enhancing the battery of available means for monitoring cerebral vasoreactivity and potentially facilitating autoregulation guided therapy. Complexity of data analysis is also hidden inside loadable profi les, thus allowing investigators to take full advantage of validated protocols including advanced processing formulas.


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The clinical pharmacology of a synthetic rat atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP) was evaluated in normal volunteers. During a dose-ranging study at 1-40 micrograms/min we observed a dose-dependent decrease in mean intra-arterial blood pressure, an acceleration of the heart rate and a transient increase in blood flow to the skin. During a 4-h constant-dose infusion at 0.5 and 5.0 micrograms/min, inulin clearance remained unchanged but there was a dose-related fall in paraaminohippurate (PAH) clearance and an increase in the filtration fraction. Urinary excretion of sodium, chloride and calcium increased in a dose-related fashion, but with the high dose the excretion curve had a bell-shape. No change in plasma renin activity, angiotensin II and aldosterone was observed during the rANP infusion despite the excretion of large amounts of sodium and a blood pressure reduction with the high dose. Indocyanine green clearance, a measure of hepatic blood flow, was significantly decreased by a 2-h rANP infusion at 1.0 microgram/min. In normal volunteers, therefore, rANP induced vasodilation and blood pressure reduction, a decrease in renal and hepatic blood flow and a natriuretic and transient diuretic effect without activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.


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BACKGROUND: Interleukin-1 is pivotal in the pathogenesis of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We assessed the efficacy and safety of canakinumab, a selective, fully human, anti-interleukin-1β monoclonal antibody, in two trials. METHODS: In trial 1, we randomly assigned patients, 2 to 19 years of age, with systemic JIA and active systemic features (fever; ≥2 active joints; C-reactive protein, >30 mg per liter; and glucocorticoid dose, ≤1.0 mg per kilogram of body weight per day), in a double-blind fashion, to a single subcutaneous dose of canakinumab (4 mg per kilogram) or placebo. The primary outcome, termed adapted JIA ACR 30 response, was defined as improvement of 30% or more in at least three of the six core criteria for JIA, worsening of more than 30% in no more than one of the criteria, and resolution of fever. In trial 2, after 32 weeks of open-label treatment with canakinumab, patients who had a response and underwent glucocorticoid tapering were randomly assigned to continued treatment with canakinumab or to placebo. The primary outcome was time to flare of systemic JIA. RESULTS: At day 15 in trial 1, more patients in the canakinumab group had an adapted JIA ACR 30 response (36 of 43 [84%], vs. 4 of 41 [10%] in the placebo group; P<0.001). In trial 2, among the 100 patients (of 177 in the open-label phase) who underwent randomization in the withdrawal phase, the risk of flare was lower among patients who continued to receive canakinumab than among those who were switched to placebo (74% of patients in the canakinumab group had no flare, vs. 25% in the placebo group, according to Kaplan-Meier estimates; hazard ratio, 0.36; P=0.003). The average glucocorticoid dose was reduced from 0.34 to 0.05 mg per kilogram per day, and glucocorticoids were discontinued in 42 of 128 patients (33%). The macrophage activation syndrome occurred in 7 patients; infections were more frequent with canakinumab than with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: These two phase 3 studies show the efficacy of canakinumab in systemic JIA with active systemic features. (Funded by Novartis Pharma; ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00889863 and NCT00886769.).