955 resultados para Swine.
PigBal is a mass balance model that uses pig diet, digestibility and production data to predict the manure solids and nutrients produced by pig herds. It has been widely used for designing piggery effluent treatment systems and sustainable reuse areas at Australian piggeries. More recently, PigBal has also been used to estimate piggery volatile solids production for assessing greenhouse gas emissions for statutory reporting purposes by government, and for evaluating the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of pig effluent. This paper has compared PigBal predictions of manure total, volatile, and fixed solids, and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), with manure production data generated in a replicated trial, which involved collecting manure from pigs housed in metabolic pens. Predictions of total, volatile, and fixed solids and K in the excreted manure were relatively good (combined diet R2 ≥ 0.79, modelling efficiency (EF) ≥ 0.70) whereas predictions of N and P, were generally less accurate (combined diet R2 0.56 and 0.66, EF 0.19 and –0.22, respectively). PigBal generally under-predicted lower N values while over-predicting higher values, and generally over-predicted manure P production for all diets. The most likely causes for this less accurate performance were ammonium-N volatilisation losses between manure excretion and sample analysis, and the inability of PigBal to account for higher rates of P uptake by pigs fed diets containing phytase. The outcomes of this research suggest that there is a need for further investigation and model development to enhance PigBal’s capabilities for more accurately assessing nutrient loads. However, PigBal’s satisfactory performance in predicting solids excretion demonstrates that it is suitable for assessing the methane component of greenhouse gas emission and the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of volatile solids in piggery effluent. The apparent overestimation of N and P excretion may result in conservative nutrient application rates to land and the over-prediction of the nitrous oxide component of greenhouse gas emissions.
The fungus Rhizoctonia solani is a soil borne pathogen that causes damage to various crops. The chemical control, when managed incorrectly, can be harmful to the environment, which makes the study of alternative control important. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of different doses of Liquid swine manure (LSM), with and without the retention of gases, at different soil pH levels, to control R. solani in beet. An inoculum of the fungus R. solani was on rice grains, which had been previously sterilised. The experiments were set up in a greenhouse in a completely randomised block design, arranged in a three-factor 2 x 2 x 5 scheme, comprising of soil pH levels (4.8 and 7.2) x with and without gas retention x LSM dose (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%), with four replications per treatment. To setup the experiments, 4 kg of soil of each pH level were packed separately into plastic bags. Subsequently, the soil of each bag was infested with 15 g of fungus inoculum/kg of soil, and moistened as necessary. After seven days of infestation of the soil with the pathogen the different doses of LSM were incorporated separately into the bags, the bags designated as the gas retention treatment were closed, while those designated as the gas release treatment were left open. After seven days, part of the soil from each bag was packed separately into 16 cells of 128 cell Styrofoam trays, which were then seeded with two beet seeds per cell. The other part of the soil was placed in 2 litre pots, to conduct the quantification of microbial activity, through the method of CO2 release, 21 days after the experiment was setup. Seedling emergence and damping-off evaluations were performed daily for 21 days consecutively. The data was submitted to analysis of variance, and when significant were submitted to regression analysis or Tukey at 5% probability of error. The experiments were repeated twice. According to the results obtained, there was a suppressive effect of LSM on R. solani. For the variable emergence, the 10% dose of LSM resulted in the largest number of emerging plants in the two soil pH levels studied, whether or not gas was retained. Seedling dampingoff decreased with increasing volumes of LSM incorporated into the soil. The soil with the pH level of 7.2 presented less seedling damping-off than the soil with a pH level of 4.8. The retention of gases provided greater control of R. solani in the higher LSM doses and in soil with a pH level of 7.2. Also noted in this study that there was a significant increase in microbial activity with increasing doses of LSM when applied to soil with pH levels of 4.8 and 7.2. Based on these results, it was concluded that the 10% dose of LSM provided the best control of R. solani without harming seedling emergence.
Sampling the total air concentration of particulate matter (PM) only provides a basic estimate of exposure that normally not allows correlating with the observed health effects. Therefore is of extreme importance to know the particles size distribution and, in more detail, the exposure to fine particles (≤ 2.5 µm). This particles dimension corresponds to the respirable fraction. This particle fraction can result, besides local effects, in systemic effects due to particle deposition and clearance from the lungs and transport within the organism. This study intended to describe occupational exposure to PM2.5 in three different units located near Lisbon and related with occupational exposure to organic dust, namely: swine and poultry feed production and waste management.
PigBal is a mass balance model that uses pig diet, digestibility and production data to predict the manure solids and nutrients produced by pig herds. It has been widely used for designing piggery effluent treatment systems and sustainable reuse areas at Australian piggeries. More recently, PigBal has also been used to estimate piggery volatile solids production for assessing greenhouse gas emissions for statutory reporting purposes by government, and for evaluating the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of pig effluent. This paper has compared PigBal predictions of manure total, volatile, and fixed solids, and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), with manure production data generated in a replicated trial, which involved collecting manure from pigs housed in metabolic pens. Predictions of total, volatile, and fixed solids and K in the excreted manure were relatively good (combined diet R2 ≥ 0.79, modelling efficiency (EF) ≥ 0.70) whereas predictions of N and P, were generally less accurate (combined diet R2 0.56 and 0.66, EF 0.19 and -0.22, respectively). PigBal generally under-predicted lower N values while over-predicting higher values, and generally over-predicted manure P production for all diets. The most likely causes for this less accurate performance were ammonium-N volatilisation losses between manure excretion and sample analysis, and the inability of PigBal to account for higher rates of P uptake by pigs fed diets containing phytase. The outcomes of this research suggest that there is a need for further investigation and model development to enhance PigBal's capabilities for more accurately assessing nutrient loads. However, PigBal's satisfactory performance in predicting solids excretion demonstrates that it is suitable for assessing the methane component of greenhouse gas emission and the energy potential from anaerobic digestion of volatile solids in piggery effluent. The apparent overestimation of N and P excretion may result in conservative nutrient application rates to land and the over-prediction of the nitrous oxide component of greenhouse gas emissions. © CSIRO 2016.
A espécie suína (Sus scropha domesticus) possui relevância nos âmbitos da pesquisa, da xenotransplantação e da produção de carnes. O resfriamento de sêmen é capaz de reduzir o metabolismo celular e possibilitar o armazenamento dos gametas, sendo auxiliar durante práticas de reprodução assistida. Contudo, os espermatozoides suínos são sensíveis ao estresse oxidativo gerado durante o processo de resfriamento. O 2,4 dinitrofenol (DNP) poderia gerar o desacoplamento mitocondrial reduzindo o estresse oxidativo e prolongando indiretamente a viabilidade e capacidade fertilizante de espermatozoides suínos resfriados pela diminuição de espécies reativas de oxigênio. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do desacoplamento mitocondrial induzido pelo DNP e os efeitos desse desacoplamento sobre as de fluidez e integridade de membrana plasmática, funcionalidade de mitocôndria, motilidade espermática, além dos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo de lipoperoxidação e produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, durante o resfriamento a 17 °C de 24 até 96 horas. Utilizou-se 22 ejaculados expostos ao diluente Betsville Thawing Solution (BTS) (controle) e ao mesmo diluente acrescido das concentrações de 0,01 µM (T1); 0,1 µM (T2); 1,0 µM (T3) e 10 µM (T4) de DNP. Através do teste de Shapiro-Wilk as variáveis que não apresentaram normalidade, tiveram suas médias comparadas pelo teste de KruskalWallis. As análises estatísticas demonstraram que o DNP não se diferiu do controle independente do tempo de armazenamento, para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas. Possivelmente, a falta de ação sobre as mitocôndrias, ou seja, a não promoção do desacoplamento mitocondrial foi o motivo principal para a falta dos efeitos do DNP. Acredita-se que a utilização do DNP em temperaturas mais elevadas por estas promoverem aumento da fluidez de membrana e/ou o aumento das concentrações de DNP poderiam gerar efeitos significativos sobre as mitocôndrias e demais variáveis analisadas. Finalmente, o DNP nas concentrações testadas não se diferiu do controle em todas as variáveis analisadas independente do tempo de armazenamento.
The Brazilian agricultural research agency has, over the years, contributed to solve social problems and to promote new knowledge, incorporating new advances and seeking technological independence of the country, through the transfer of knowledge and technology generated. However, the process of transfering of knowledge and technology has represented a big challenge for public institutions. The Embrapa is the largest and main brazilian agricultural research company, with a staff of 9.790 employees, being 2.440 researchers and an annual budget of R$ 2.52 billion. Operates through 46 decentralized research units, and coordinate of the National Agricultural Research System - SNPA. Considering that technology transfer is the consecration of effort and resources spent for the generation of knowledge and the validity of the research, this work aims to conduct an assessment of the performance of Embrapa Swine and Poultry along the production chain of broilers and propose a technology transfer model for this chain, which can be used by the Public Institutions Research – IPPs. This study is justified by the importance of agricultural research for the country, and the importance of the institution addressed. The methodology used was the case study with a qualitative approach, documentary and bibliographic research and interviews with use of semi-structured questionnaires. The survey was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, there was a diagnosis of the Technology Transfer Process (TT), the contribution of the Embrapa Swine and poultry for the supply chain for broiler. At this stage it was used bibliographical and documentary research and semi- structured interviews with agroindustrial broiler agents, researchers at Embrapa Swine and Poultry, professionals of technology transfer, from the Embrapa and Embrapa Swine and Poultry, managers of technology transfer and researchers from the Agricultural Research Service - ARS. In the second step, a model was developed for the technology transferring poultry process of Embrapa. In this phase, there were made documentary and bibliographic research and analysis of information obtained in the interviews. The third phase was to validate the proposed model in the various sectors of the broilers productive chain. The data show that, although the Embrapa Swine and Poultry develops technologies for broiler production chain, the rate of adoption of these technologies by the chain is very low. It was also diagnosed that there is a gap between the institution and the various links of the chain. It was proposed an observatory mechanism to approximate Embrapa Swine and Poultry and the agents of the broiler chain for identifying and discussing research priorities. The proposed model seeks to improve the interaction between the institution and the chain, in order to identify the chain real research demands and the search and the joint development of solutions for these demands. The proposed TT model was approved by a large majority (96.77%) of the interviewed agents who work in the various links in the chain, as well as by representatives (92%) of the entities linked to this chain. The acceptance of the proposed model demonstrates the willingness of the chain to approach Embrapa Swine and Poultry, and to seek joint solutions to existing problems.
O espermatozoide é um dos constituintes seminal, sendo essencial para a fertilidade dos indivíduos, uma vez que nele está contido o material genético do progenitor masculino, o qual é transportado através do trato reprodutivo feminino até o encontro com o oócito. No que tange a célula espermática suína, existem poucos relatos acerca de suas as particularidades morfofuncionais, principalmente elencando os fatores relacionados e capazes de interferir na fertilidade desses animais. Devido à crescente relevância da espécie como modelo biológico e sua importância na produção comercial, torna-se necessário compreender a célula espermática, no que diz respeito às características estruturais e funcionais, relacionadas ao processo de fertilização. Assim, o presente trabalho avaliou a morfofisiologia da célula espermática, no que tange a motilidade espermática, integridade e fluidez de membrana plasmática, funcionalidade de mitocôndria, reação acrossomal, espécies reativas de oxigênio, peroxidação lipídica, oxidação de proteínas carbonil, integridade de DNA, capacidade antioxidante total, balanço iônico intracelular e teste de penetração em oócitos homólogos e relacionou essas características com a fertilidade in vivo (taxa de parição). Foi encontrada um diferença significativa na fertilização in vivo, podendo distinguir os animais em animais de alta fertilidade (fertilidade ≥ 70%) e animais de baixa fertilidade (fertilidade < 70%). Animais de alta fertilidade apresentam uma maior funcionalidade mitocondrial (p<0,05), menor fluidez de membrana plasmática (p<0,01) e maior capacidade antioxidante total (p<0,01). Sendo essas últimas correlacionadas de forma positiva à fertilidade in vivo, r= 0,77; p= 0,0003 e r= 0,63; p= 0,0049, respectivamente. Dentre as demais características não foi encontrada nenhuma diferença entre os grupos. Desta forma, este trabalho mostrou algumas características da célula espermática suína e fatores capazes de interferir na fertilidade dos animais. Possivelmente animais de alta fertilidade possuem um maior metabolismo celular, devido a um maior funcionalidade de mitocôndria, sendo capazes de balancear a produção excessiva de espécies reativas de oxigênio devido a uma maior capacidade antioxidante, além disso, 5 essas células, provavelmente também possuam uma metabolismo celular mais estável e compatível com os eventos reprodutivos, o que é indicado pela menor fluidez de membrana plasmática. Assim, avaliações como a fluidez de membrana plasmática, capacidade antioxidante total e funcionalidade mitocondrial das células espermáticas destacam-se como marcadores bioquímicos promissores para predizer a fertilidade in vivo em suínos.
O número diminuto de estudos sobre a técnica dos n-alcanos para porcos Alentejanos motivou o interesse em realizar um ensaio que simulasse as ingestões reais dos animais em Montanheira, no sentido de se compreender melhor o comportamento alimentar destes animais em condições extensivas. Para validar a técnica dos n-alcanos com altos níveis de ingestão em porcos Alentejanos, realizou-se um ensaio in vivo, em caixas metabólicas, com nove machos castrados da raça suína Alentejana com peso médio de 97,64 kg. O delineamento do ensaio experimental foi efectuado segundo o quadrado latino e os suínos foram alimentados três vezes por dia com bolota e luzerna desidratada foi também fornecido a cada animal diariamente, dois bolinhos contendo alcanos sintéticos (C32 e C36). No período experimental foram realizadas colheitas de fezes, refugos e alimento, para se estimar pelo método in vivo a digestibilidade e a ingestão. Calcularam-se as taxas de recuperação fecal para os n-alcanos e para os álcoois de cadeia longa, com o intuito de se identificar aqueles que apresentaram valores mais elevados e semelhantes entre si. O alcano que mostrou apresentar uma taxa de recuperação mais elevada e semelhante aos alcanos sintéticos foi o C29. Em relação aos álcoois de cadeia longa o que mostrou a taxa de recuperação fecal mais alta foi o C280H. Os n-alcanos naturais que melhor forneceram uma estimativa da digestibilidade foram o C25 e o C27. Na estimativa da ingestão os pares de alcanos que mais se aproximaram do valor real foram o C 29: C32 e o C29:C36· ABSTRACT; The miniature number of studies of the n-alkanes for Alentejano pigs motivated the interest in carrying 1hrough an essay that it simulated the real intake of the animal in "Montanheira”, the direction of to better understand the alimentary behavior of these animals in extensive conditions. To validate the technique of the n-alkanes with high levels of intake in Alentejano pigs, an in vivo essay was become fulfilled, in metabolic cages, with nine castred males of Alentejana swine race with average weight of97,64 kg. The delineation of the experimental essay was effected according to latin square and the swines had been fed 1hree times per day with acorn and deshydrated lucerne (Medicago sativa). Also it was supplied to each animal daily, two cookies contend synthetic alkanes (C32 e C36). ln experimental period had been carried through harvests of faeces, rubbishes and foods, to estimate digestibility and intake. The fecal recoveries for the n-alkanes and the long chain alcohols had been calculated, with the intention to identifying those that had presented higher and similar values. The alkane that showed to present a tax of higher and similar fecal recovery to synthetic alkanes was the C29. The long chain alcohol that it showed the higher fecal recovery was the C28OH. The natural alkanes that had better supplied an estimate of digestibility had been the C25 and C27. ln the estimate of intake the pairs of alkanes that been more come close to the real value had been the pair C29:C32 and the C29:C36.
A pressing challenge for the study of animal ethics in early modern literature is the very breadth of the category “animal,” which occludes the distinct ecological and economic roles of different species. Understanding the significance of deer to a hunter as distinct from the meaning of swine for a London pork vendor requires a historical investigation into humans’ ecological and cultural relationships with individual animals. For the constituents of England’s agricultural networks – shepherds, butchers, fishwives, eaters at tables high and low – animals matter differently. While recent scholarship on food and animal ethics often emphasizes ecological reciprocation, I insist that this mutualism is always out of balance, both across and within species lines. Focusing on drama by William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and the anonymous authors of late medieval biblical plays, my research investigates how sixteenth-century theaters use food animals to mediate and negotiate the complexities of a changing meat economy. On the English stage, playwrights use food animals to impress the ethico-political implications of land enclosure, forest emparkment, the search for new fisheries, and air and water pollution from urban slaughterhouses and markets. Concurrent developments in animal husbandry and theatrical production in the period thus led to new ideas about emplacement, embodiment, and the ethics of interspecies interdependence.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2016.
Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et humain, causant méningites et septicémies. Des études suggèrent que S. suis dispose de facteurs de virulence, notamment sa capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), qui lui permettent de moduler les fonctions des cellules dendritiques (DCs), situées à l’interface entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les difficultés à développer un vaccin efficace suggèrent aussi une altération de la voie T dépendante. L’objectif général du projet était d’évaluer l’effet de S. suis sur l’activation des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que sur la capacité de présentation antigénique des DCs. Nous avons étudié dans un modèle murin in vivo la réponse T CD4+ mémoire lors d’infections primaire et secondaire. Une faible réponse mémoire centrale a été obtenue, suggérant que la réponse adaptative générée contre S. suis est limitée. Étant donné l’importance du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (MHC) de classe II dans la présentation antigénique, nous avons évalué in vitro et in vivo l’expression de ces molécules chez les DCs. Une modulation de l’expression du MHC-II par S. suis a été observée. L’analyse de la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle du MHC-II nous permet de suggérer que S. suis régule à la baisse la synthèse de nouvelles molécules et favorise leur dégradation lysosomale. Cette stratégie, dans laquelle la CPS ne jouerait qu’un rôle partiel, permettrait à S. suis d’échapper à la réponse adaptative T dépendante. Les résultats de cette étude fourniront de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la réponse adaptative lors de l’infection par S. suis.
We studied the presence of the mobile colistin resistance gene mcr-1 in human, animal, and environmental Enterobacteriaceae samples from Cumana, Venezuela, that were collected in 2015. The mcr-1 gene was detected in 2/93 Escherichia coli isolates from swine (novel ST452) and human (ST19) samples that were resistant to colistin. Whole-genome sequencing and transformation experiments identified mcr-1 on an IncI2 plasmid. One of the isolates also bore the widely spread carbapenemase NDM-1. A One Health approach is necessary to further elucidate the flux of these high-risk genes.
Pandemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clonal complex 97 (CC97) lineages originated from livestock-to-human host jumps. In recent years, CC97 has become one of the major MRSA lineages detected in Italian farmed animals. The aim of this study was to characterize and analyze differences in MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) mainly of swine and bovine origins. Forty-seven CC97 isolates, 35 MRSA isolates, and 6 MSSA isolates from different Italian pig and cattle holdings; 5 pig MRSA isolates from Germany; and 1 human MSSA isolate from Spain were characterized by macrorestriction pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing, and antimicrobial resistance pattern analysis. Virulence and resistance genes were investigated by PCR and microarray analysis. Most of the isolates were of SCCmec type V (SCCmec V), except for two German MRSA isolates (SCCmec III). Five main clusters were identified by PFGE, with the German isolates (clusters I and II) showing 60.5% similarity with the Italian isolates, most of which (68.1%) grouped into cluster V. All CC97 isolates were Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) negative, and a few (n = 7) tested positive for sak or scn. All MRSA isolates were multidrug resistant (MDR), and the main features were erm(B)- or erm(C)-mediated (n = 18) macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance, vga(A)-mediated (n = 37) pleuromutilin resistance, fluoroquinolone resistance (n = 33), tet(K) in 32/37 tet(M)-positive isolates, and blaZ in almost all MRSA isolates. Few host-associated differences were detected among CC97 MRSA isolates: their extensive MDR nature in both pigs and dairy cattle may be a consequence of a spillback from pigs of a MRSA lineage that originated in cattle as MSSA and needs further investigation. Measures should be implemented at the farm level to prevent spillover to humans in intensive farming areas.
Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et humain, causant méningites et septicémies. Des études suggèrent que S. suis dispose de facteurs de virulence, notamment sa capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), qui lui permettent de moduler les fonctions des cellules dendritiques (DCs), situées à l’interface entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les difficultés à développer un vaccin efficace suggèrent aussi une altération de la voie T dépendante. L’objectif général du projet était d’évaluer l’effet de S. suis sur l’activation des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que sur la capacité de présentation antigénique des DCs. Nous avons étudié dans un modèle murin in vivo la réponse T CD4+ mémoire lors d’infections primaire et secondaire. Une faible réponse mémoire centrale a été obtenue, suggérant que la réponse adaptative générée contre S. suis est limitée. Étant donné l’importance du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (MHC) de classe II dans la présentation antigénique, nous avons évalué in vitro et in vivo l’expression de ces molécules chez les DCs. Une modulation de l’expression du MHC-II par S. suis a été observée. L’analyse de la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle du MHC-II nous permet de suggérer que S. suis régule à la baisse la synthèse de nouvelles molécules et favorise leur dégradation lysosomale. Cette stratégie, dans laquelle la CPS ne jouerait qu’un rôle partiel, permettrait à S. suis d’échapper à la réponse adaptative T dépendante. Les résultats de cette étude fourniront de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la réponse adaptative lors de l’infection par S. suis.