957 resultados para Sublattice symmetry breaking


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In the age of computerisation, entrepreneurs around the world aim to revolutionise their field with ground-breaking ICTs. GuestU is one of those offering mobile application development to small and medium-sized tourism enterprises. To assure the young start-ups steady growth this paper aims to identify reasons for the high customer churn risk. Primary data is used to analyse end-user behaviour and particularly the success of acquisition and activation. Results show troubling download quantities as well as retention rates leading to the recommendations for GuestU to incentivise and guide their customers in increasing promotion for the applications.


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No último ano da primeira década do século XXI, quase a entrar na era da televisão digital, importa saber que modelo de TV existe em Portugal. A análise da programação informativa destinada a acompanhar o Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol 2010 ajudará, decerto, a encontrar respostas. Neste artigo, apresentamos um estudo que incidiu em formatos informativos sobre este grande evento mediático, emitidos nos canais generalistas e temáticos entre os dias 11 de Junho e 11 de Julho de 2010 (datas de arranque e fecho do Mundial de Futebol da África do Sul). Essa análise, que incidiu em 604 emissões, procurou conhecer as formas de integração do telespectador nas emissões televisivas e quem foi chamado aos estúdios televisivos para participar nos debates aí promovidos. Os dados apurados demonstram claramente que esta TV do Mundial continua pouco aberta à participação do público e circunscrita a um grupo restrito de convidados, a maior parte dos quais oriundos da classe jornalística. Não é possível falar-se numa terceira fase do audiovisual. A hiper-televisão pode esperar.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia da Justiça).


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Preprint submitted to International Journal of Solids and Structures. ISSN 0020-7683


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É meu propósito, neste texto, discutir a Lusofonia através de um conjunto de conceitos ligados aos média digitais interativos, rompendo os limites da ligação entre produtores e recetores de conteúdos nas relações multi, inter e transculturais. Vou insistir na ideia de que os média digitais interativos significam novas práticas nas relações interculturais: por um lado, formas digitais interativas de comunicação intercultural e, por outro, textualidades multimodais (“hipertextualidades”) na produção do sentido lusófono. O percurso que proponho tem um cariz preponderantemente epistemológico. Tomando a Lusofonia como figura de interesse geoestratégico e cultural e os média digitais como objeto de análise, é minha preocupação fundamental interrogar a inovação, a hibridez e a interatividade digitais e verificar de que modo se articulam com as relações multi, inter e transculturais. Palavras-chave: Lusofonia, comunicação intercultural, média digitais interativos, comunicação multimodal, tecnologia da comunicação, Museu da Língua Portuguesa em São Paulo, Museu Virtual da Lusofonia.


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The currently available clinical imaging methods do not provide highly detailed information about location and severity of axonal injury or the expected recovery time of patients with traumatic brain injury [1]. High-Definition Fiber Tractography (HDFT) is a novel imaging modality that allows visualizing and quantifying, directly, the degree of axons damage, predicting functional deficits due to traumatic axonal injury and loss of cortical projections. This imaging modality is based on diffusion technology [2]. The inexistence of a phantom able to mimic properly the human brain hinders the possibility of testing, calibrating and validating these medical imaging techniques. Most research done in this area fails in key points, such as the size limit reproduced of the brain fibers and the quick and easy reproducibility of phantoms [3]. For that reason, it is necessary to develop similar structures matching the micron scale of axon tubes. Flexible textiles can play an important role since they allow producing controlled packing densities and crossing structures that match closely the human crossing patterns of the brain. To build a brain phantom, several parameters must be taken into account in what concerns to the materials selection, like hydrophobicity, density and fiber diameter, since these factors influence directly the values of fractional anisotropy. Fiber cross-section shape is other important parameter. Earlier studies showed that synthetic fibrous materials are a good choice for building a brain phantom [4]. The present work is integrated in a broader project that aims to develop a brain phantom made by fibrous materials to validate and calibrate HDFT. Due to the similarity between thousands of hollow multifilaments in a fibrous arrangement, like a yarn, and the axons, low twist polypropylene multifilament yarns were selected for this development. In this sense, extruded hollow filaments were analysed in scanning electron microscope to characterize their main dimensions and shape. In order to approximate the dimensional scale to human axons, five types of polypropylene yarns with different linear density (denier) were used, aiming to understand the effect of linear density on the filament inner and outer areas. Moreover, in order to achieve the required dimensions, the polypropylene filaments cross-section was diminished in a drawing stage of a filament extrusion line. Subsequently, tensile tests were performed to characterize the mechanical behaviour of hollow filaments and to evaluate the differences between stretched and non-stretched filaments. In general, an increase of the linear density causes the increase in the size of the filament cross section. With the increase of structure orientation of filaments, induced by stretching, breaking tenacity increases and elongation at break decreases. The production of hollow fibers, with the required characteristics, is one of the key steps to create a brain phantom that properly mimics the human brain that may be used for the validation and calibration of HDFT, an imaging approach that is expected to contribute significantly to the areas of brain related research.


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We survey results about exact cylindrically symmetric models of gravitational collapse in General Relativity. We focus on models which result from the matching of two spacetimes having collapsing interiors which develop trapped surfaces and vacuum exteriors containing gravitational waves. We collect some theorems from the literature which help to decide a priori about eventual spacetime matchings. We revise, in more detail, some toy models which include some of the main mathematical and physical issues that arise in this context, and compute the gravitational energy flux through the matching boundary of a particular collapsing region. Along the way, we point out several interesting open problems.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Contabilidade


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Dissertação de mestrado em Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Bioentrepreneurship


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A summary is presented of ATLAS searches for gluinos and first- and second-generation squarks in final states containing jets and missing transverse momentum, with or without leptons or b-jets, in the s√=8 TeV data set collected at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012. This paper reports the results of new interpretations and statistical combinations of previously published analyses, as well as a new analysis. Since no significant excess of events over the Standard Model expectation is observed, the data are used to set limits in a variety of models. In all the considered simplified models that assume R-parity conservation, the limit on the gluino mass exceeds 1150 GeV at 95% confidence level, for an LSP mass smaller than 100 GeV. Furthermore, exclusion limits are set for left-handed squarks in a phenomenological MSSM model, a minimal Supergravity/Constrained MSSM model, R-parity-violation scenarios, a minimal gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking model, a natural gauge mediation model, a non-universal Higgs mass model with gaugino mediation and a minimal model of universal extra dimensions.


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A search is presented for photonic signatures motivated by generalised models of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. This search makes use of 20.3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at s√=8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC, and explores models dominated by both strong and electroweak production of supersymmetric partner states. Four experimental signatures incorporating an isolated photon and significant missing transverse momentum are explored. These signatures include events with an additional photon, lepton, b-quark jet, or jet activity not associated with any specific underlying quark flavor. No significant excess of events is observed above the Standard Model prediction and model-dependent 95% confidence-level exclusion limits are set.


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In this paper we consider the approximate computation of isospectral flows based on finite integration methods( FIM) with radial basis functions( RBF) interpolation,a new algorithm is developed. Our method ensures the symmetry of the solutions. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the solutions have higher accuracy by our algorithm than by the second order Runge- Kutta( RK2) method.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação de mestrado em Comunicação, Arte e Cultura


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Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos de Gestão