1000 resultados para Science.


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The inter-disciplinarity of information systems, applied discipline and activity of design, and the study from different paradigms perspectives explains the diversity of problems addressed. The context is broad and includes important issues beyond technology, as the application, use, effectiveness, efficiency and their organizational and social impacts. In design science, the research interest is in contributing to the improvement of the processes of the design activity itself. The relevance of research in design science is associated with the result obtained for the improvement of living conditions in organizational, inter-organizational and Society contexts. In the research whose results are artifacts, the adoption of design research as a process of research is crucial to ensure discipline, rigor and transparency. Based on a literature review, this paper clarifies the terms of design science and design research. This is the main motivation for presenting this paper, determinant for the phase in research in technologies and information systems which are the three research projects presented. As a result the three projects are discussed in relation to the concepts of design science and design research.


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O Azoto (N): da ciência para a sociedade é um projecto de comunicação de ciência que tem por objecNvo consciencializar os jovens para as ameaças que o azoto (N) em excesso traz para a humanidade. Pode ser dividido em duas partes. Uma, de invesNgação, sobre a análise de resultados de uma consulta pública realizada entre professores, usando o método qualitaNvo do focus group, para compreender a sua sensibilidade e propostas de solução para minimizar o excesso de N no ambiente. Os resultados obNdos foram instrumentais para o desenvolvimento da segunda parte. Esta segunda parte é uma proposta de projecto a submeter ao Horizon 2020, no âm-­‐ bito da “Science with and for Society “. Nela se propõe uma abordagem educaNva trans-­‐disciplinar, conseguida através da interacção entre docentes do secundário, e do ensino superior, associação de pais e organizações cívicas não governamentais, com vista à consciencialização dos jovens para as ameaças do N em excesso no meio ambiente, fazendo o enquadramento cien@fico e fornecendo abordagens tecnológi-­‐ cas. A inovação desta proposta baseia-­‐se: (i) no acompanhamento e desenvolvimen-­‐ to profissional dos docentes do secundário, (ii) na moNvação dos estudantes a de-­‐ senvolver o seu próprio estudo e pesquisa com a tutoria dos docentes, da escola e do ensino superior, e (iii) no desenvolvimento de capacidades de comunicação dos jo-­‐ vens para exercer uma cidadania acNva em prol da minimização das ameaças do N.


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O estágio que aqui se relata enquadra-se no âmbito do mestrado em Comunicação de Ciência, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Humanas (FCSH) da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) e do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB). Foi realizado no projeto STOL – Science Through Our Lives, do Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (CBMA) da Escola de Ciências da Universidade do Minho (ECUM), e teve a duração de três meses. Esta componente prática do mestrado permitiu desenvolver um trabalho in loco, com o objetivo de servir, sobretudo, a comunicação de ciência informal. As principais atividades desenvolvidas foram exposições (Homo numericus; “Ponto a Ponto Enche a Ciência o Espaço), produção de materiais educativos (Objetos Educativos para a Casa das Ciências), campanhas de sensibilização (Comemoração do Dia Mundial da Água), auscultação do público (Vox Pop), crónicas de jornal (coluna “Aqui há Ciência”) e estabelecimento de parcerias estratégicas entre o STOL e outras forças vivas da região (AVianense e “Diário do Minho”). Ao integrar as atividades a decorrer no projeto STOL, foi possível contribuir com sugestões e novos materiais, e implementar projetos cujo principal objetivo foi o contacto direto com o público. De todo o trabalho se obteve um feedback positivo, conforme se documenta neste relatório e respetivos anexos. Se alguns constrangimentos podem ser enunciados (falta de recursos económicos e humanos, fraca tradição de envolvimento da população com a ciência e vice-versa, e a considerável falta de apoio institucional a atividades de divulgação de ciência), também devem ser evidenciados aspetos muito positivos como a dinâmica do grupo STOL, a capacidade de envolver diferentes públicos nas suas atividades, diferenciar estratégias para esses grupos, e finalmente, avaliar, sempre que possível, o seu desempenho, incluindo os resultados nas atividades seguintes. Neste contexto foram aplicados os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o primeiro ano curricular do mestrado, permitindo o ganho de experiência na área de trabalho onde a autora se sente realizada e pretende permanecer.


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The evolution of grasses using C4 photosynthesis and their sudden rise to ecological dominance 3 to 8 million years ago is among the most dramatic examples of biome assembly in the geological record. A growing body of work suggests that the patterns and drivers of C4 grassland expansion were considerably more complex than originally assumed. Previous research has benefited substantially from dialog between geologists and ecologists, but current research must now integrate fully with phylogenetics. A synthesis of grass evolutionary biology with grassland ecosystem science will further our knowledge of the evolution of traits that promote dominance in grassland systems and will provide a new context in which to evaluate the relative importance of C4 photosynthesis in transforming ecosystems across large regions of Earth.


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The level of information provided by ink evidence to the criminal and civil justice system is limited. The limitations arise from the weakness of the interpretative framework currently used, as proposed in the ASTM 1422-05 and 1789-04 on ink analysis. It is proposed to use the likelihood ratio from the Bayes theorem to interpret ink evidence. Unfortunately, when considering the analytical practices, as defined in the ASTM standards on ink analysis, it appears that current ink analytical practices do not allow for the level of reproducibility and accuracy required by a probabilistic framework. Such framework relies on the evaluation of the statistics of the ink characteristics using an ink reference database and the objective measurement of similarities between ink samples. A complete research programme was designed to (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples in a more reproducible way, (b) comparing automatically and objectively ink samples and (c) evaluate the proposed methodology in a forensic context. This report focuses on the first of the three stages. A calibration process, based on a standard dye ladder, is proposed to improve the reproducibility of ink analysis by HPTLC, when these inks are analysed at different times and/or by different examiners. The impact of this process on the variability between the repetitive analyses of ink samples in various conditions is studied. The results show significant improvements in the reproducibility of ink analysis compared to traditional calibration methods.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The assumption that fructose may be toxic and involved in the pathogenesis of noncommunicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and even cancer has resulted in the call for public health action, such as introducing taxes on sweetened beverages. This review evaluates the scientific basis for such action. RECENT FINDINGS: Although some studies hint towards some potential adverse effects of excessive fructose consumption especially when combined with excess energy intake, the results from clinical trials do not support a significant detrimental effect of fructose on metabolic health when consumed as part of a weight-maintaining diet in amounts consistent with the average-estimated fructose consumption in Western countries. However, definitive studies are missing. SUMMARY: Public health policies to eliminate or limit fructose in the diet should be considered premature. Instead, efforts should be made to promote a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity and nutritious foods while avoiding intake of excess calories until solid evidence to support action against fructose is available. Public health is almost certainly to benefit more from policies that are aimed at promoting what is known to be good than from policies that are prohibiting what is not (yet) known to be bad.


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Most universities and higher education systems have formally taken up a third mission, which involves various public outreach and engagement activities. Little is known regarding how higher education institutions' organisations interact with academic's level of public outreach. This article examines to which extent the perceptions academics have of their institutions' culture and management style, as well as some of their own individual and statutory characteristics interact with their level of public outreach. Using the Academic Profession in Europe comparative and quantitative research database, this article focuses on two countries on the extremities of the spectrum - Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


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Many people regard the concept of hypothesis testing as fundamental to inferential statistics. Various schools of thought, in particular frequentist and Bayesian, have promoted radically different solutions for taking a decision about the plausibility of competing hypotheses. Comprehensive philosophical comparisons about their advantages and drawbacks are widely available and continue to span over large debates in the literature. More recently, controversial discussion was initiated by an editorial decision of a scientific journal [1] to refuse any paper submitted for publication containing null hypothesis testing procedures. Since the large majority of papers published in forensic journals propose the evaluation of statistical evidence based on the so called p-values, it is of interest to expose the discussion of this journal's decision within the forensic science community. This paper aims to provide forensic science researchers with a primer on the main concepts and their implications for making informed methodological choices.