996 resultados para SS-CBPs


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The disintegration of recovered paper is the first operation in the preparation of recycled pulp. It is known that the defibering process follows a first order kinetics from which it is possible to obtain the disintegration kinetic constant (KD) by means of different ways. The disintegration constant can be obtained from the Somerville index results (%lsv and from the dissipated energy per volume unit (Ss). The %slv is related to the quantity of non-defibrated paper, as a measure of the non-disintegrated fiber residual (percentage of flakes), which is expressed in disintegration time units. In this work, disintegration kinetics from recycled coated paper has been evaluated, working at 20 revise rotor speed and for different fiber consistency (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14%). The results showed that the values of experimental disintegration kinetic constant, Ko, through the analysis of Somerville index, as function of time. Increased, the disintegration time was drastically reduced. The calculation of the disintegration kinetic constant (modelled Ko), extracted from the Rayleigh’s dissipation function, showed a good correlation with the experimental values using the evolution of the Somerville index or with the dissipated energy


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The goal of this thesis was to research what TransPromo is, why companies want to implement TransPromo communication, and what the elements of effective Transpromo communication are. Furthermore, the goal was to develop a TransPromo communication strategy and a normative model for TeliaSonera Finland, which depicts the elements of effective TransPromo communication when the electronic bill is a medium. Abductive reasoning was utilized in this thesis, which means that empirical and theoretical worlds are alternating in researcher’s reasoning process. This thesis didn’t rely on any specific theory nor did it utilize any previous theoretical model. However, certain theoretical connections existed so this thesis cannot be considered purely inductive. The empirical part of this thesis was conducted by examining secondary industry data and by conducting specialist interviews at TeliaSonera Finland and Strålfors. Grounded Theory approach was utilized in the analysis of the interview data and content analysis was used in the analysis of secondary industry data. This thesis increases knowledge in the area of TransPromo communication, and provides one definition of TransPromo communication. As a result of this thesis, a TransPromo communication strategy and a normative model for TeliaSonera Finland was built. The model depicts the elements of the effective TransPromo communication when the e-bill is a medium. The TranPromo communication objective is to utilize transaction documents, such as bills, in order to deliver targeted and personalized marketing messages to current customers. The aim is to strengthen the customer relationship, and to enforce up-sell and cross-sell opportunities and cost savings.


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L’aplicació de tècniques respiromètriques és de recent innovació dins l’estudi dels tractaments d’aigües residuals. Aquest conjunt de tècniques ens permeten analitzar dos processos importants dins una planta de tractament biològic: el creixement de la biomassa i el consum del substrat. Això fa que siguin una eina amb gran potencial en l’avaluació dels sistemes de tractament biològic d’aigües residuals. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball es la realització d’una aplicació capaç de controlar el funcionament de 6 respiròmetres, gestionant el procés del mostreig de les respirometries i l’anàlisi de les dades obtingudes, per obtenir el substrat ràpidament biodegradable (Ss) per a mostres d’aigua residual, i la taxa màxima de creixement específic per a mostres de compost. L’aplicació s’ha desenvolupat sobre l’entorn Microsoft Access, on s’integren la base de dades amb les mostres i els resultats de les respirometries, i els formularis de control que ens permeten gestionar i controlar els processos de mostreig i anàlisi. L’aplicació es comunica amb els sensors i actuadors dels respiròmetres a través del control ActiveX, ADS-OCX, subministrat per TwinCAT, que ens permet capturar les lectures dels sensors i controlar el funcionament dels actuadors. Aquests elements estan connectats a mòduls descentralitzats d’entrades i sortides, comunicats mitjançant el bus Ethernet amb el PC-Industrial, on s’executa l’aplicació. Un cop finalitzada l’aplicació, aquesta controla correctament el mostreig de les respirometries, registrant les lectures de les sondes a la base de dades i controlant l’activació de les vàlvules del respiròmetre. Partint de les mostres obtingudes, o de respirometries externes, importades des de Microsoft Excel, s’ha comprovat el correcte funcionament en el càlcul del substrat ràpidament biodegradable (Ss) i la taxa màxima de creixement específic. Amb l’aplicació desenvolupada, s’ha comprovat el funcionament i les possibilitats que ens ofereix TwinCAT alhora de controlar mòduls d’entrades i sortides, així com la seva comunicació amb aplicacions com Microsoft Access. Això pot afavorir a la utilització d’aquest tipus de tecnologia, per aplicacions futures.


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The alteration of soil chemicals and its influence on availability (DTPA extractant method) and phytoavailability (63Ni L-value, isotopic method) of Ni was studied in sewage sludge-amended soil at different pHs. The soil pHs were 4.3, 5.3 and 5.9 and the rates of sewage sludge (SS) 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 Mg ha-1. The chemical and physicochemical soil characteristics were altered by the SS rate and increased the Ni availability and phytoavailability. The isotopic method (63Ni L-value) was more efficient in predicting the Ni phytoavailability that the Ni-DTPA extractant in soil pHs 5.3 and 5.9.


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The Cd phytoavailability in sewage sludge-amended soils of different pHs using the 109Cd L-value isotopic method and Cd extracted by DTPA has been determined. Maize plants (Zea mais L.) were grown under greenhouse conditions in a xanthic ferralsol at different pHs amended with five sewage sludge (SS) rates, and labeled with 74 kBq kg-1 of 109Cd. The SS rates altered the properties of the soil chemicals and these influenced the isotopic parameter (L-value) and percent of Cd uptake by plants from soil (%Cdpdfs) and SS (%CdpdfSS). L-values and Cd extracted by DTPA correlate significantly with SS rates and Cd uptake by plants and are efficient for predicting the Cd phytoavailability in the sewage sludge-amended soil.


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Elmercat de jocs i de pel•lícules d'entreteniment demana constantment entornsmés realistes i efectes que sorprenguin a l'espectador.Els gràfics 3D interactius (per exemple, dels jocs) han vist una evoluciósorprenent en les dues últimes dècades. Hem passat de representacions moltesquemàtiques i simplificades dels entorns, a una qualitat visual que aviatserà indistingible de la realitat. El projecte tracta de desenvolupar un motor 3D des de zero. Es podria haver utilitzatun motor 3D ja disponible com a base, com per exemple el popular Unity,però s’ha decidit crear-lo ja que això dóna l’ oportunitat de conèixer com funcionen els motoscomercials i provar noves idees. En resum, és un treball difícil, però moltenriquidor, la qual cosa comporta una gran motivacio.S’han utilitzat noves tecnologies. No només s’ha volgut desenvoluparun motor 3D des de zero, si no que s’han volgut provar noves llibreries gràfiques i nous formats de dades 3d. El mercat té força oferta de les duess, per la qualcosa s’ha aprofitat l’ oportunitat per aprendre duess tecnologies noves.El procés de desenvolupar un projecte utilitzant tecnologies desconegudes permetrà aprendre els seus punts forts i febles, podent fer-neuna anàlisi crítica, que d'altra manera no es tindria.Finalment, s’ha implementat i comparat quatre algorismes de shading.La selecció dels quatre algorismes ha estat en base a les diferentsnecessitats que intenten cobrir. El primer, el Forward Shading, és l'algorismeclàssic, utilitzat des de fa dècades, però que teòricament escala malament respecte a la quantitat de llums. El segon, el Deferred Shading, teòricament,escala molt bé amb moltes llums, però té un cost base elevat, i un consum altde memòria. El tercer, el Deferred Lighting, és una variació de l'anterior queintenta reduir el cost base i l'úss de memòria. L'últim, el Inferred Lighting,intenta explotar la baixa freqüència de la il•luminació dels entorns 3D, persuportar una gran quantitat de llums amb un molt bon rendiment.Un cop implementats aquests quatre algorismes, s’han pogut compararrespecte el seu ús de la GPU, i el seu comportament en diferents tipusd'escenes, per tal de tenir una visió global de quin algorisme és adequat encada situació


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Painovuosi nimekkeestä.


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Painovuosi nimekkeestä.


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Viscosity of some polysaccharide solutions supports that these molecules can be applied in food sectors. Four exopolysaccharides (R1, R2, R3, R4) produced by different Rhizobium strains were selected. Sugar composition and differences in the uronic acid contents suggests that chemical structure of these molecules can vary when different culture conditions and strains are analyzed. The Power Law was the rheological model used to represent the experimental data of shear stress versus shear rate. All exopolysaccharides showed non-Newtonian behavior, with pseudoplastic characteristics. R1, R2 and R4 showed a slight increase in viscosity in the presence of 0,2 M NaCl.


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This work aimed to access the contents and chemical forms and to estimate mobility and availability of cooper and zinc in samples from two soils (Haplortox and Paleudult) previously treated with doses of sewage sludge (SS) and municipal solid waste compost (MSWC), besides a control treatment. Largest percentages of Cu and Zn were determined in the organic matter fraction. Zn showed higher percentages of soluble and exchangeable fractions than Cu. Treatments with SS showed higher potential of Cu and Zn availability. Modifications in soil attributes due to residue application affected metal mobility and availability indexes.


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Zn availability in Red Latossol (Rhodic Ferralsol) of different pH amended with different rates of sewage sludge was studied by the isotopic 65Zn L value method. Soil chemical properties were found to be altered by SS addition. Zn concentration and Zn derived from SS (ZnpfSS) in plant, and Zn phytoavailability (L value), were increased with increasing SS rates. The linear correlation coefficient of plant Zn with SS rates and with L value was significant at 1% probability. The L value proved an efficient method for predicting Zn phytoavailability in sewage sludge-amended soil with different pH under the soil conditions studied.


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Diplomityö on osa Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun YTI:ssä vuosina 2005 - 2008 toteutettua ”Yritysten ympäristöriskit” EU-osarahoitteista hanketta. Työn tarkoituksena oli tunnistaa, arvioida ja luokittaa Etelä-Savossa, Juvalla toimivan yhdyskuntajätevedenpuhdistamon ympäristöriskit sekä antaa neuvoja löytyneiden riskien hallintaan. Jätevedenpuhdistamon toiminnasta syntyvät mahdolliset ympäristöriskitekijät tunnistettiin kirjallisuusselvitysten sekä haastattelujen avulla. Riskien tunnistamisen jälkeen riskien kartoittamiseen, arviointiin ja luokittamiseen käytettiin osia eri riskianalyysimenetelmistä. Riskit jaettiin viiteen eri riskiluokkaan; vakavasta riskistä merkityksettömään riskiin. Juvan kunnan jätevedenpuhdistamolla esiintyi neljän pienimmän riskiluokan riskejä, ja vakavia riskejä ei kartoituksessa tullut esille lainkaan. Riskejä arvioitiin niin sanotuissa normaalioloissa. Merkittävin yksittäinen riskitekijä jätevedenpuhdistamolla oli haitallisen tai poikkeavan aineen kulkeutuminen jäteveden mukana puhdistamolle. Tämä voisi heikentää puhdistamon puhdistustulosta merkittävästi. Kun laitosta ajetaan ympäristöluvassa asetettujen vaatimusten mukaisesti ja alueella sijaitsevat teollisuuslaitokset noudattavat heille annettuja määräyksiä, ei Juvan jätevedenpuhdistamolta aiheudu merkittäviä päästöjä maa-perään tai pohjavesiin.


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Verkostokeskeisessä sodankäynnissä tietojärjestelmien suurimpana haasteena on oikean tiedon hajauttaminen oikeaan paikkaan ja aikaan. Tietojärjestelmissä esitettävän ilmatilannekuvan tulee vastata reaalimaailman tilannetta parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Ilmatorjunnassa reaaliaikaisuus nousee erityisen suureen rooliin nopeasti liikkuvien kohteiden takia. Tämä diplomityö on tehty Insta DefSec Oy:ssä liittyen johtamisjärjestelmän uudistamishankkeeseen. Työn vaatimuksina olivat standardeihin perustuvat ratkaisut, joista keskeisimmäksi nousi Data Distribution Service -standardi (DDS) ja sen hyödyntäminen osana johtamisjärjestelmän tiedon hajautusta. Työssä esitellään johtamisjärjestelmien tiedon hajautukseen liittyviä haasteita sekä paikallisessa että maantieteellisesti hajautetussa toimintaympäristössä. Työssä toteutettiin liityntäohjelmisto nykyisen ja uuden johtamisjärjestelmän välille. Liityntäohjelmiston tehtävänä on tuottaa reaaliaikaista ilmatilannekuvaa nykyisestä johtamisjärjestelmästä uuteen johtamisjärjestelmään. DDS-standardin toteuttavana välikerrosarkkitehtuurina käytettiin OpenSplice DDS -tuotetta. Valittu teknologia tarjoaa edistykselliset julkaisija–tilaaja-mallin mukaiset menetelmät tiedon reaaliaikaiseen hajauttamiseen. DDS:n arkkitehtuuri ja palvelun laadun mekanismit mahdollistavat tiedon hajautuksen sodanajan johtamisjärjestelmille.