989 resultados para Rose, Mitch
The maintenance of adequate dissolved oxygen level is very important in the economy of any aquaculture system. An easy to construct aerating device was created using 0.5 hp water-pump, shower rose, Styrofoam, and rubber hose. The aerator works by drawing water from below and discharging it into the atmosphere as a spray. The spray is aerated as it splashes into the water surface. The aerating device has an average spray of 1.2 unit and doubles the dissolved oxygen content of 37.8 m super(3) tank in one hour
Microbes have profoundly influenced the Earth’s environments through time. Records of these interactions come primarily from the development and implementation of proxies that relate known modern processes to chemical signatures in the sedimentary record. This thesis is presented in two parts, focusing first on novel proxy development in the modern and second on interpretation of past environments using well-established methods. Part 1, presented in two chapters, builds on previous observations that different microbial metabolisms produce vastly different lipid hydrogen isotopic compositions. Chapter 1 evaluates the potential environmental expression of metabolism-based fractionation differences by exploiting the natural microbial community gradients in hydrothermal springs. We find a very large range in isotopic composition that can be demonstrably linked to the microbial source(s) of the fatty acids at each sample site. In Chapter 2, anaerobic culturing techniques are used to evaluate the hydrogen isotopic fractionations produced by anaerobic microbial metabolisms. Although the observed fractionation patterns are similar to those reported for aerobic cultures for some organisms, others show large differences. Part 2 changes focus from the modern to the ancient and uses classical stratigraphic methods combined with isotope stratigraphy to interpret microbial and environmental changes during the latest Precambrian Era. Chapter 3 presents a detailed characterization of the facies, parasequence development, and stratigraphic architecture of the Ediacaran Khufai Formation. Chapter 4 presents measurements of carbon, oxygen, and sulfur isotopic ratios in stratigraphic context. Large oscillations in the isotopic composition of sulfate constrain the size of the marine sulfate reservoir and suggest incorporation of an enriched isotopic source. Because this data was measured in stratigraphic context, we can assert with confidence that these isotopic shifts are not related to stratigraphic surfaces or facies type but instead reflect the evolution of the ocean through time. This data integrates into the chemostratigraphic global record and contributes to the emerging picture of changing marine chemistry during the latest Precambrian Era.
Management of coastal development in Hawaii is based on the location of the certified shoreline, which is representative of the upper limit of marine inundation within the last several years. Though the certified shoreline location is significantly more variable than long-term erosion indicators, its migration will still follow the coastline's general trend. The long-term migration of Hawaii’s coasts will be significantly controlled by rising sea level. However, land use decisions adjacent to the shoreline and the shape and nature of the nearshore environment are also important controls to coastal migration. Though each of the islands has experienced local sea-level rise over the course of the last century, there are still locations across the islands of Kauai, Oahu, and Maui, which show long- term accretion or anomalously high erosion rates relative to their regions. As a result, engineering rules of thumb such as the Brunn rule do not always predict coastal migration and beach profile equilibrium in Hawaii. With coastlines facing all points of the compass rose, anthropogenic alteration of the coasts, complex coastal environments such as coral reefs, and the limited capacity to predict coastal change, Hawaii will require a more robust suite of proactive coastal management policies to weather future changes to its coastline. Continuing to use the current certified shoreline, adopting more stringent coastal setback rules similar to Kauai County, adding realistic sea-level rise components for all types of coastal planning, and developing regional beach management plans are some of the recommended adaptation strategies for Hawaii. (PDF contains 4 pages)
The dissertation presents a political and economic history of the federal government's program to commercialize photovoltaic energy for terrestrial use. Chapter 1 is a detailed history of the program. Chapter 2 is a brief review of the Congressional roll call voting literature. Chapter 3 develops PV benefit measures at the state and Congressional district level necessary for an econometric analysis of PV roll call voting. Chapter 4 presents the econometric analysis.
Because PV power was considerably more expensive than conventional power, the program was designed to make PV a significant power source in the long term, emphasizing research and development, although sizeable amounts have been spent for procurement (direct government purchases and indirectly through tax credits). The decentralized R and D program pursued alternative approaches in parallel, with subsequent funding dependent on earlier progress. Funding rose rapidly in the 1970s before shrinking in the 1980s. Tax credits were introduced in 1978, with the last of the credits due to expire this year.
Major issues in the program have been the appropriate magnitude of demonstrations and government procurement, whether decentralized, residential use or centralized utility generation would first be economic, the role of storage in PV, and the role of PV in a utility's generation mix.
Roll call voting on solar energy (all votes analyzed occurred from 1975-1980) was influenced in a cross-sectional sense by all the influences predicted: party and ideology, local economic benefits of the technology, local PV federal spending and manufacturing, and appropriations committee membership. The cross-sectional results for ideology are consistent with the strongly ideological character of solar energy politics and the timing of funding increases and decreases discussed in Chapter 1. Local PV spending and manufacturing was less significant than ideology or the economic benefits of the technology. Because time series analysis of the votes was not possible, it is not possible to test the role of economic benefits to the nation as a whole.
The dry powders of four local species namely Piper guineense Schum and Thonn, Aframomum melegueta Schum, Zingiber officinale Rose; Capsicum annum Miller at three concentrations of 15g, 20g and 25g.kg were evaluated for their insecticidal effects against the larval of the dried fish weevil Demestes maculates Degeer. All the four species showed some effectiveness with P. guineense given a 100% mortality at the end of 72 hours at the three concentrations. The other species though gave less mortality were able to slow down the rate of development of the larvae to the adult size
O presente trabalho académico aborda a situação e a relação da mulher no mercado de trabalho. Propomo-nos perceber como funciona a dinâmica do mundo do trabalho e que impacto traz nas relações sociais do indivíduo e na identidade de um país. A questão fundamental deste estudo, é se a desigualdade de oportunidades afecta diferentemente em relação ao género e como é vivida essa situação em cada um dos países estudados: Portugal e Brasil. Centramo-nos especificamente, nos seguintes objectivos: identificar os agentes que determinam a existência da discriminação sexual no mercado de trabalho, reforçar a importância de combater situações discriminatórias para o desenvolvimento de sociedades benéficas, justas e equitativas e finalmente promover o intercâmbio de conhecimentos entre Portugal e Brasil. Com este trabalho de pesquisa teórico-histórica e empírica, concluímos que a desigualdade de oportunidades existe em ambos os países participantes. Deriva primordialmente, de factores económicos, históricos e culturais ainda enraizados nas sociedades actuais. Nitidamente a mulher, ainda hoje, é vítima de uma entrada e presença no mercado de trabalho mais difícil e precária comparativamente ao homem.
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In this paper, some observations are made following a flash-flood that occurred in Stake Clough, a small tributary of the River Goyt, during the evening of 6 August 1996. The site was visited eight times between 8 August - 30 October 1996 to take samples and make observations on the stream. The flood scoured the bed of Stake Clough but more significantly, caused it to change course along the middle part of the floodplain. Initially after the flood, the numbers of insects in all stretches of the stream channel were low (100-200 m super(2)), but then gradually rose to population densities approaching ten times this figure. The benthos was dominated by the Chironomidae and also leuctrid stoneflies (Leuctra nigra, L. hippopus and L. inermis). On 8th August 1996, 12 mesh bags, each containing oak leaves, were placed in the stream and collected after 24 hours. These were also dominated by chironomids, and contained relatively high numbers of the caddis, Potamophylax cingulatus.
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentameric, ligand-gated, cation channels found throughout the central and peripheral nervous system, whose endogenous ligand is acetylcholine, but which can also be acted upon by nicotine. The subunit compositions of nAChR determine their physiological and pharmacological properties, with different subunits expressed in different combinations or areas throughout the brain. The behavioral and physiological effects of nicotine are elicited by its agonistic and desensitizing actions selectively on neuronal nAChRs. The midbrain is of particular interest due to its population of nAChRs expressed on dopaminergic neurons, which are important for reward and reinforcement, and possibly contribute to nicotine dependence. The α6-subunit is found on dopaminergic neurons but very few other regions of the brain, making it an interesting drug target. We assayed a novel nicotinic agonist, called TI-299423 or TC299, for its possible selectivity for α6-containing nAChRs. Our goal was to isolate the role of α6-containing nAChRs in nicotine reward and reinforcement, and provide insight into the search for more effective smoking cessation compounds. This was done using a variety of in vitro and behavioral assays, aimed dually at understanding TI-299423’s exact mechanism of action and its downstream effects. Additionally, we looked at the effects of another compound, menthol, on nicotine reward. Understanding how reward is generated in the cholinergic system and how that is modulated by other compounds contributes to a better understand of our complex neural circuitry and provides insight for the future development of therapeutics.
Nos últimos anos, o consumo de energia vem crescendo mundialmente nos grandes centros urbanos, e esforços na área de eficiência energética estão sendo implantados, a fim de reduzir o consumo no horário da ponta e interrupções da rede. O aproveitamento das fontes renováveis, como o fotovoltaico em uma edificação se torna um atrativo a mais para a matriz energética num momento em que o país prima pela universalização dos serviços de energia e a classificação de edifícios comerciais, de serviço e públicos, além dos residenciais quanto à eficiência energética através do Procel Edifica (RTQ-C e RTQ-R). Os sistemas fotovoltaicos podem configurar perfis de uso nas edificações de modo a gerar energia para consumo próprio ou ligado à rede e ainda ter influência na arquitetura do prédio com revestimento: os perfis podem está em telhados, fachadas ou janelas, amenizando em alguns casos a carga térmica no prédio com sombreamento arquitetônico. Hoje, com o avanço da tecnologia no setor de armazenagem é possível, o atendimento com segurança e eficiência a uma edificação ou direcionar esta armazenagem a uma demanda específica como o atendimento à demanda de ciclo profundo, tais como, iluminação externa e recarga de veículos elétricos. Partindo da premissa de sistemas interruptos de energia, UPS, uso de fonte secundária como FV, baterias e Flywheel é apresentado uma forma de melhor gerenciar a energia armazenada, podendo estender a vida útil da bateria e conseqüentemente de todo o sistema fotovoltaico na edificação. Esta forma de armazenar energia proporciona um serviço de uso contínuo sem percepção das interrupções da rede com garantia de 20 anos, tal qual o módulo fotovoltaico, com esta proposta as perdas de energia elétrica na edificação serão atenuadas, pois a eletricidade será utilizada de forma eficiente e inteligente. O ponto de partida do estudo de caso no prédio do IBAM são os sistemas fotovoltaicos com geração distribuída (mini-redes) conectados à rede que são instalados para fornecer energia ao consumidor, complementando a quantidade de energia demandada, caso haja algum aumento do consumo de energia na edificação, ou ainda utilizar o sistema fotovoltaico na hora da ponta e interrupções do sistema da rede no período fora da ponta. A estocagem inercial por meio do Flywheel tem um papel fundamental nesta mini-rede (Flywheel, bateria VRLA, UPS, inversor e STS), pois a sua utilização pode ser apontada como uma inovação tecnológica quanto à regulação de tensão no sistema de energia elétrica, além de preparar a edificação para o smart-grid. Esta configuração de acumulação de energia permitiu a analise do deslocamento desta energia armazenada para o consumo no horário de ponta, mudando o conceito de sistemas fotovoltaicos autônomos no meio urbano e rural no país. Este conceito de armazenagem se confirma então como um aporte na eficiência de energia na edificação, podendo carrear economia de energia substancial, além de proporcionar uma confiabilidade no serviço de energia, com um baixo retorno do investimento e com uma garantia de funcionamento com pequena ou nenhuma manutenção durante o período de vida de 20 anos.
Este estudo buscou identificar a inserção do Serviço Social na intervenção profissional junto à dependência de álcool e outras drogas na década de 1980, no Rio de Janeiro, a partir do debate conceitual acerca dessa temática e da análise das políticas públicas formuladas pelo Estado brasileiro para o seu enfrentamento. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória face à parca existência de produções científicas no Serviço Social sobre tal questão. Assim, constituindo-se como uma contribuição em termos de subsídios à ação profissional dos assistentes sociais. Os dados coletados junto aos representantes e assistentes sociais de instituições em funcionamento na década de 1980 permitiram delinear um perfil sobre a implantação do Serviço Social na intervenção profissional junto a essa problemática. Inicialmente, as entidades sem fins lucrativos e os programas de dependência química de empresa foram os principais espaços ocupados pelos profissionais de Serviço Social, havendo uma inexpressiva presença nos órgãos estatais. A partir dos anos noventa, com as políticas públicas de atenção ao consumo de drogas, amplia-se o número de assistentes sociais com atuação nessa área, cabendo, portanto, ao Serviço Social contribuir mais intensamente com estudos científicos, visando melhor instrumentalizá-los de forma teórico-metodológica e técnico-operativa.
Experimental studies of nuclear effects in internal conversion in Ta181 and Lu175 have been performed. Nuclear structure effects (“penetration” effects), in internal conversion are described in general. Calculation of theoretical conversion coefficients are outlined. Comparisons with the theoretical conversion coefficient tables of Rose and Sliv and Band are made. Discrepancies between our results and those of Rose and Sliv are noted. The theoretical conversion coefficients of Sliv and Band are in substantially better agreement with our results than are those of Rose. The ratio of the M1 penetration matrix element to the M1 gamma-ray matrix element, called λ, is equal to + 175 ± 25 for the 482 keV transition in Ta181 . The results for the 343 keV transition in Lu175 indicate that λ may be as large as – 8 ± 5. These transitions are discussed in terms of the unified collective model. Precision L subshell measurements in Tm169 (130keV), W182 (100 keV), and Ta181 (133 keV) show definite systematic deviations from the theoretical conversion coefficients. The possibility of explaining these deviations by penetration effects is investigated and is shown to be excluded. Other explanations of these anomalies are discussed.
This dissertation is divided into three parts.
The first section is concerned with protein synthesis in cellfree systems from reticulocytes. The sub-cellular reticulocyte fractions, reagents, etc. have been examined for the presence of traces of ribonuclease, using. an assay based upon the loss of infectivity of RNA fran bacteriophage MS2. This assay is sensitive to 5 x 10-7 γ RNase/ml. In addition, the loss of synthetic capacity of an 80S ribosome on dissociation has been studied, and can be attributed to loss of messenger RNA when the monomer is separated into subunits. The presence of ribonuclease has been shown to be a major cause of polyribosome disintegration during cell-free protein synthesis.
The second section concerns the changes in ribosomes and polyribosomes which occur during the maturation of a reticulocyte into an erythrocyte. With increasing age, the cells lose a large proportion of the ribonucleoprotein, but the percentage of ribosomes present as polyribosomes is only slightly altered. The loss of hemoglobin synthesis on maturation is probably due to both the loss of total ribosomes and to the lessened specific activity of the polyribosomes.
The third section contains analytical ultracentrifugation data on 80S ribosomes, polyribosomes, and ribosomal RNA from reticulocytes. The 60s and 40s subunits, obtained by dissociation of the 80s particle with inorganic pyrophosphate, were also studied. The RNA from reticulocyte ribosomes has been examined under a variety of denaturing conditions, including dimethyl sulfoxide treatment, formaldehyde reaction and thermal denaturation. From these studies we can conclude that the 28S and 16S RNA's are single polynucleotide chains and are not made up of smaller RNA subunits hydrogen-bonded together.
Surface mass loads come in many different varieties, including the oceans, atmosphere, rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice caps, and snow fields. The loads migrate over Earth's surface on time scales that range from less than a day to many thousand years. The weights of the shifting loads exert normal forces on Earth's surface. Since the Earth is not perfectly rigid, the applied pressure deforms the shape of the solid Earth in a manner controlled by the material properties of Earth's interior. One of the most prominent types of surface mass loading, ocean tidal loading (OTL), comes from the periodic rise and fall in sea-surface height due to the gravitational influence of celestial objects, such as the moon and sun. Depending on geographic location, the surface displacements induced by OTL typically range from millimeters to several centimeters in amplitude, which may be inferred from Global Navigation and Satellite System (GNSS) measurements with sub-millimeter precision. Spatiotemporal characteristics of observed OTL-induced surface displacements may therefore be exploited to probe Earth structure. In this thesis, I present descriptions of contemporary observational and modeling techniques used to explore Earth's deformation response to OTL and other varieties of surface mass loading. With the aim to extract information about Earth's density and elastic structure from observations of the response to OTL, I investigate the sensitivity of OTL-induced surface displacements to perturbations in the material structure. As a case study, I compute and compare the observed and predicted OTL-induced surface displacements for a network of GNSS receivers across South America. The residuals in three distinct and dominant tidal bands are sub-millimeter in amplitude, indicating that modern ocean-tide and elastic-Earth models well predict the observed displacement response in that region. Nevertheless, the sub-millimeter residuals exhibit regional spatial coherency that cannot be explained entirely by random observational uncertainties and that suggests deficiencies in the forward-model assumptions. In particular, the discrepancies may reveal sensitivities to deviations from spherically symmetric, non-rotating, elastic, and isotropic (SNREI) Earth structure due to the presence of the South American craton.