987 resultados para Puna Plateau


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树木年轮的生长与气候因子、立地环境条件以及树木自身生长节律等密切相关。一方面,干旱半干旱区的树木年轮宽窄能够比较真实地记录过去的气候变化,据此,可以利用树木年轮资料重建干旱半干旱区过去几百年甚至上千年的气候变化。另一方面,立地环境条件也可能改变年轮生长与气候因子之间的响应关系。 有“世界屋脊”之称的青藏高原地区的气候变化与亚洲季风及全球气候系统密切相关。青藏高原也是世界上地形最复杂的高原,具有极其复杂的地形、地貌。因此,在青藏高原尤其是其东北部的干旱半干旱区开展树木年轮气候学及生态学研究具有极其重要的意义。本研究的目标就是利用树木年轮生态学方法研究树龄、立地条件等对青藏高原东北部祁连圆柏树木年轮宽度生长的可能影响。 为实现以上目标,本研究拟订了以下主要研究内容:探究祁连圆柏树种的年轮宽度生长对气候的响应关系中的年龄问题;比较每个样方内的个体径向生长变化以及三个样方内祁连圆柏个体径向生长规律;探讨导致个体径向生长差异的可能原因。 本文的研究材料为青藏高原常见的长寿树种祁连圆柏,研究方法是国际上通用的树木年轮学研究方法和手段。主要结果归纳如下: 1)依据国际树木年轮库的标准,建立了青藏高原东北部包括德令哈、乌兰、香日德、油葫芦、青羊沟、芒扎、东沟七个采样点的树木年轮年表。 2)运用响应函数、相关函数及单因素方差分析等方法分析了年龄因素对树木年轮生长与气候关系的可能影响。结果为:年龄在200-500年之间的祁连圆柏径向生长对气候变化的响应关系比较好。幼树对气候变化的响应相对差。而当树龄大于500年时,尽管由于树木内部生理变化,对气候变化的响应相对减弱,但是单因素方差分析结果显示这种减弱未能达到显著水平。因此,总体而言,我们认为长寿的祁连圆柏树种是重建古气候的理想材料。 3)通过设立样方,分析了样方内个体径向生长之间的相关性和差异性,以及生长释放与抑制事件发生的规律。同时还探讨了树间距离、立地微环境、限制性气候因子等对树木年轮生长的可能影响。主要研究结果:青藏高原东北部祁连圆柏年轮宽度序列中生长抑制事件发生的频率相对生长释放事件低很多,且存在个体间的差异;不同样方内个体径向生长之间的相关性有差别,乌兰样方内单棵树年轮宽度指数序列之间的相关性比香日德样方以及德令哈样方内单棵树年轮宽度指数序列之间的相关性差;乌兰样方内树木年轮生长受立地微环境的影响比较大。 本论文中年龄相关的树木年轮生长与气候因子响应关系的研究进一步证实了祁连圆柏在重建古气候方面的应用价值;通过设立样方进行祁连圆柏种群内个体差异及立地条件对比方面的研究结果对重建青藏高原地区的气候变化、了解采样地的干扰历史以及树木年轮采样工作等也同样具有重要的参考意义。


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随着青藏高原气候变暖进程及放牧压力与开垦面积的逐年加大,非常有必要评价青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统温室气体通量对气候变暖、放牧(包括粪尿斑)和开垦的响应和反馈。与此同时,我们进行了粪尿斑及开垦对土壤理化性质影响研究。本研究对于青藏高原高寒草甸C、N循环关键过程对全球变化响应的认识具有重要意义。 本文通过2年(2006-2007)增温(白天+1.2℃,晚上+1.7℃)与放牧耦合试验,在生长季观测了增温与放牧对高寒草甸生态系统温室气体通量的影响。研究初步表明,增温试验显著增加10 cm土壤温度1℃左右;在放牧频度相对较高的2007年,放牧也显著增加了土壤温度1℃左右。总体上,增温对土壤湿度的影响不显著。 增温可以促进土壤对CH4的吸收,而放牧对CH4通量影响不大或起到一定程度抑制作用。在较低放牧频度的2006年,放牧显著降低了植物-土壤系统CO2总释放量,增温促进了CO2的释放。而在放牧频度相对较高的2007年生长季,没有发现增温及放牧对土壤-植被系统CO2释放显著的影响。2006年放牧后,增温促进了高寒草甸土壤N2O的释放;2007年,增温不放牧小区N2O总通量较对照增加了24.6%,同时放牧处理也促进了N2O释放。基于土壤温度和土壤湿度的线性回归模型可以解释55%-89%的CH4通量变异,而土壤湿度较土壤温度对CH4通量影响更大。土壤温度是影响CO2和N2O通量的主要因子,通过拟合的指数型曲线,土壤温度可以分别解释43%-63%CO2通量变异与65%-81%N2O通量变异。 在2005年与2006年夏季放牧期间,对牦牛粪尿斑处理对高寒草甸CH4、CO2和N2O通量进行了观测。牛粪小区2年观测期内CH4平均通量为687 μg m-2 h-1,而尿斑和对照土壤吸收CH4(平均通量分别为-34 μg m-2 h-1和-39 μg m-2 h-1)。牛粪小区CO2在2005年和2006年观测期内累积释放量较对照分别增加了35.8%和49.7%,而牛尿小区与对照累积释放量差异不显著。牛尿与牛粪小区N2O累积释放量显著高于对照,在2005年牛尿与牛粪小区N2O累积释放量较对照分别增加了3.7和3.5倍,而在2006年分别增加了2.1和1.8倍。因此,在估算放牧高寒草甸生态系统N2O释放时,来自牛粪斑释放量是不能被忽略的。但在中等放牧强度下(1.45头ha-1 y-1),有粪尿斑覆盖的高寒草甸在观测期内全球变暖潜势较相同面积没有粪尿斑覆盖的草甸仅增加了1%。土壤水分孔隙度(WFPS)可以解释牛尿小区35%和对照小区36%CH4通量变异。土壤温度是控制CO2释放的主要因子之一,它可以解释所有处理40-75% CO2的变异。牛尿处理(34%)、牛粪处理(48%)及对照(56%)N2O时间变异则同时受土壤温度和WFPS的驱动。在观测期内,牛尿可以显著提高土壤的pH值。粪尿斑对土壤微生物量碳氮没有产生显著性影响,但在一定时段内能显著增加土壤无机氮含量。 通过在青藏高原高寒草甸开展的人工草地试验,初步探讨了不同土地利用方式(种植燕麦、开垦后闲置及自然恢复)对CO2、CH4和N2O通量,以及土壤无机氮和微生物量氮的影响。燕麦地、自然恢复草地及开垦闲置地与天然草地相比,吸收CH4的能力均表现为增强(CH4的吸收总量分别增加了31.9%、57.2%和71.0%)。由于燕麦地生物量低于天然草地与恢复草地,造成了燕麦地土壤-植被CO2释放量低于天然草地和恢复草地。而闲置地几乎没有植被覆盖,其CO2释放量显著低于天然草地。草地恢复8年后,CO2释放基本恢复到天然草地的水平。闲置地N2O总通量显著高于天然草地,较天然草地增加了60.5%。观测期内燕麦地与天然草地相比,N2O总通量增加了24.3%,但没有达到显著性水平。开垦及种植燕麦,增加了土壤硝态氮的含量,而自然恢复地、燕麦地、天然草地和闲置地在观测期内土壤铵态氮平均含量没有观察到显著性差异。燕麦地土壤微生物量氮平均含量最低(119.7 mg N kg-1),而自然恢复草地、天然草地和闲置地土壤微生物量氮差异不大。


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近年来,种群空间分布格局日益为生态学家所重视,已成为生态学发展最快的领域和生态学理论发展的核心之一,群落的植被盖度和生物多样性是生态学研究的常用指标。植物种群分布格局及群落特征是种群和群落对环境条件长期适应和选择的结果,一方面决定于植物自身的生物学特性,另一方面与种群和群落分布的生境密切相关,对于揭示植被对环境的适应规律及它们之间的相互关系具有十分重要的意义。 本文以油蒿种群为研究对象,沿着鄂尔多斯高原从东至西的降水梯度(336~249mm),应用传统的分布格局检验法以及点格局方法进行油蒿种群分布格局的研究;采用Gleason 指数、Shannon-Wiener 指数、Pielou 指数和Simpson 指数分析比较油蒿群落的生物多样性。从格局分析的尺度问题、严密性以及聚集程度变化趋势等几个方面,对本文采用的种群分布格局分析方法进行比较,为种群分布格局分析方法的选择提供参考。 种群分布格局分析结果表明沿着降水递减的梯度,在小尺度上油蒿种群分布格局表现为由均匀分布向随机分布转变的趋势;在大尺度上则表现为由随机分布向聚集分布转变的趋势。沿降水逐渐减弱的梯度上,油蒿种群的聚集程度逐渐增强。降水梯度对油蒿种群分布格局的影响一方面由油蒿本身的生物学特性决定,在降雨量小的地区,油蒿母株周围幼苗的存活率高,呈现聚集分布格局,而降雨量大的地区,油蒿幼苗存活概率比较平均,形成随机分布格局;其次,降雨量较大的地区,土壤水分资源较充足,油蒿个体较大,个体之间以竞争关系为主,聚集程度较低,降雨量少的地区,油蒿个体较矮小,个体之间为共同抵御恶劣生境,呈现聚集分布的格局。 群落FPC 和生物多样性指数与年平均降水量的回归分析结果显示,降水量越大,植被盖度越高,物种丰富度越大,群落物种分布均匀程度和优势度越低。充足的降雨促进油蒿群落的发育,草本层植物长势更好,生物量增加,群落的结构趋于复杂。 传统的分布格局检验方法和点格局方法在油蒿种群分布格局分析应用中得到的结果具有高度一致性,然而在实际工作中,这些方法之间具有各自的优劣和适应性。 建议在选取种群分布格局的分析方法时,要充分考虑研究目的,根据具体的物种和实验环境确定采用的方法。需在各细微尺度上做种群分布格局分析时,点格局方法优于传统的分析方法;在大范围取样及对工作效率要求较高时,方差均值比率法和聚集强度指数法更适合。由于聚集强度指数法在进行结果判定时比较模糊,建议优先选择方差均值比率法,将聚集强度指数法作为参考。降雨的减少显著改变了植物种群的空间分布格局和群落结构及物种组成,在进行生态恢复时可以参照本文的分析结果进行恢复植被的合理配置。


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The continental shelf between the three and twelve fathom lines, off the Ceylon coast in the Gulf of Mannar is popularly known as the Pearl Banks. Though the area of this plateau is extensive the pearl oysters are concentrated on restricted areas known as "paars". The more productive of these are the Cheval Group of paars and the Moderagam Paar. The Peria Paar and Twynam's Paar though covering larger areas are not dependable as oyster beds. The True Vankalai, Peria Paar Karai and Muthuvarathu Paars are small in extent, but have yielded oysters on a commercial scale. Although the Ceylon Pearl Banks has been commercially fished for centuries, the first scientific investigation of its pearl oysters on an intensive scale was started by Herdman in 1902 (1902-06) and later continued by Hornell (1905-41), Shipley (1904-06), Pearson (1911-33), Jameson (1912-13), Southwell (1910-14) and Malpas (1922-39).


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通过气体交换、荧光猝灭动力学以及反射光谱等技术研究了两个青稞(Hordeum vulgare L.)品种的光合特性及激发能分配。结果表明,青稞的光饱和点1000 μmol m-2 s-1左右。在0~500 μmol m-2 s-1的光强范围里,青稞叶片的光呼吸(Pr)随着光强升高而增加;光强超过500 μmol m-2 s-1以后,光呼吸变化不明显。光呼吸占总光合的比例(Pr/Pm)随光强增强下降。随着光强增强,PSⅡ有效光化学量子效率(Fv′/Fm′),PSⅡ反应中心的实际光化学量子效率(ΦPSⅡ),光化学猝灭系数(qP)不断降低而青稞叶片的非光化学猝灭(NPQ)不断升高,说明越来越多的光能以热耗散的形式耗散掉。光谱分析表明△PRI 随着青稞叶片暴露于光下的时间迅速增大。因此,我们认为光呼吸不是青稞主要的光破坏防御机制,依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散可能是田间青稞耗散过剩光能的主要途径。 通过气体交换、荧光猝灭动力学等技术研究了四种乔木在拉萨和那曲的光合特性及激发能分配。结果表明,四种乔木藏川杨(Populus szechuanica var. tibetica schneid.),银白杨(Populus alba L.),左旋柳(Salix paraplesia var. subintegra C. Wang et P. Y. Pu),墨竹柳(Salix maizhokunggarensis N. Chao)在拉萨市的光合速率(Pn),叶片气孔导度(Gs),蒸腾速率(Tr)均显著高于那曲。藏川杨和墨竹柳的光下实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)在拉萨显著高于那曲,银白杨和左旋柳的光下实际光化学效率在拉萨和那曲没有显著差异。四种乔木开放反应中心激发能捕获效率(Fv′/Fm′)和天线热耗散(1-Fv′/Fm′)在拉萨和那曲的差异不显著。测量光合时的气温(Tair)拉萨显著高于那曲,除墨竹柳外叶温(Tleaf)也显著高于那曲,墨竹柳的上述两参数在两地间无显著差异。除藏川杨外其余三种乔木在拉萨的胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)显著高于那曲,气孔限制值(Ls)显著低于那曲,藏川杨的上述两指标在两地间无显著差异。除墨竹柳外,其余三种乔木在两地的光合(Pn)与叶温(Tleaf)成显著正相关。对银白杨和左旋柳来说,低叶温通过降低气孔导度(Gs)从而降低胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)是造成那曲光合低的主要因素之一。对于墨竹柳来说,可能有其他非温度的环境条件影响其气孔导度进而造成气孔限制。此外,叶温可能主要通过非气孔限制来影响藏川杨的光合速率。因此,我们认为在西藏地区不同乔木对海拔高度的响应机制可能不同,但具体机制还需要进一步研究。


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The effect of varying both the aspect ratio and the coefficient of friction of contacts with elliptical geometry on their elastic shakedown performance has been examined theoretically for surfaces with two types of subsurface hardness or strength profiles. In stepwise hardening the hard layer is of uniform strength while in linear hardening its strength reduces from a maximum at the surface to that of the core at the base of the hardened layer. The shakedown load is expressed as the ratio of the maximum Hertzian pressure to the strength of the core material. As the depth of hardening, expressed as a multiple of the elliptical semi-axis, is increased so the potential shakedown load increases from a level that is appropriate to a uniform half-space of unhardened material to a value reflecting the hardness of the surface and near-surface material. In a step-hardened material, the shakedown limit for a surface 'pummelled' by the passage of a sequence of such loads reaches a cut-off or plateau value, which cannot be exceeded by further increases in hardening depth irrespective of the value of the friction coefficient. For a linear-hardened material the corresponding plateau is approached asymptotically. The work confirms earlier results on the upper bounds on shakedown of both point and line contacts and provides numerical values of shakedown loads for intermediate geometries. In general, the case depth required to achieve a given shakedown limit reduces in moving from a transversely moving nominal line load to an axisymmetric point load.


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Hybridization between yak Poephagus grunniens and taurine Bos taurus or indicine B. indicus cattle has been widely practiced throughout the yak geographical range, and gene flow is expected to have occurred between these species. To assess the impact of cattle admixture on domestic yak, we examined 1076 domestic yak from 29 populations collected in China, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Russia using mitochondrial DNA and 17 autosomal microsatellite loci. A cattle diagnostic marker-based analysis reveals cattle-specific mtDNA and/or autosomal microsatellite allele introgression in 127 yak individuals from 22 populations. The mean level of cattle admixture across the populations, calculated using allelic information at 17 autosomal microsatellite loci, remains relatively low (mY(cattle) = 2.66 +/- 0.53% and Q(cattle) = 0.69 +/- 2.58%), although it varies a lot across populations as well as among individuals within population. Although the level of cattle admixture shows a clear geographical structure, with higher levels of admixture in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Mongolian and Russian regions, and lower levels in the Himalayan and Pamir Plateau region, our results indicate that the level of cattle admixture is not significantly correlated with the altitude across geographical regions as well as within geographical region. Although yak-cattle hybridization is primarily driven to produce F-1 hybrids, our results show that the subsequent gene flow between yak and cattle took place and has affected contemporary genetic make-up of domestic yak. To protect yak genetic integrity, hybridization between yak and cattle should be tightly controlled.


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As an endangered animal group, musk deer (genus Moschus) are not only a great concern of wildlife conservation, but also of special interest to evolutionary studies due to long-standing arguments on the taxonomic and phylogenetic associations in this group. Using museum samples, we sequenced complete mitochondrial cytochrome b genes (1140 bp) of all suggested species of musk deer in order to reconstruct their phylogenetic history through molecular information. Our results showed that the cytochrome b gene tree is rather robust and concurred for all the algorithms employed (parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance methods). Further, the relative rate test indicated a constant sequence substitution rate among all the species, permitting the dating of divergence events by molecular clock. According to the molecular topology, M. moschiferus branched off the earliest from a common ancestor of musk deer (about 700,000 years ago); then followed the bifurcation forming the M. berezouskii lineage and the lineage clustering M. fuscus, M. chrysogaster, and M. leucogaster (around 370,000 years before present), interestingly the most recent speciation event in musk deer happened rather recently (140,000 years ago), which might have resulted from the diversified habitats and geographic barriers in southwest China caused by gigantic movements of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in history. Combining the data of current distributions, fossil records, and molecular data of this study, we suggest that the historical dispersion of musk deer might be from north to south in China. Additionally, in our further analyses involving other pecora species, musk deer was strongly supported as a monophyletic group and a valid family in Artiodactyla, closely related to Cervidae. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Dalai-lamae (Ovis ammon dalai-lamae), Gobi (O. a. darwini), Kara Tau (O. a. nigrimontana) and Tibetan (O. a. hodgsoni) argali share a 2n = 56 diploid chromosome number and a karyotype consisting of 2 pairs of biarmed and 25 pairs of acrocentric autosomes, a large acrocentric X and a minute Y chromosome. The Giemsa-banding patterns of the largest pair of biarmed chromosomes were identical to those of the largest biarmed chromosomes in all wild sheep and domestic sheep of the genus Ovis. The banding patterns of the second pair of biarmed chromosomes (metacentric) were identical to the third pair of biarmed chromosomes in Ovis with 2n = 54 and to the third largest pair of chromosomes in the 2n = 52 karyotype of Siberian snow sheep (O. nivicola). The G-banded karyotypes of dalai-lamae, darwini, hodgsoni and nigrimontana are consistent with all subspecies of argali (O. ammon), except that the Y chromosome is acrocentric instead of metacentric as typical of the argaliform wild sheep and Ovis. The Dalai-lamae and Tibetan argali specimens exhibit the light-colored, long-haired ruffs and body coloration typical of argalis from the Tibetan Plateau. The Gobi argali, from the extreme western Gobi, is similar to the dark phase argali.


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The phylogenetic relationships among worldwide species of genus Ochotona were investigated by sequencing mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND4 genes. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses of the sequence data yielded congruent results that strongly indicated three major clusters: the shrub-steppe group, the northern group, and the mountain group. The subgeneric classification of Ochotona species needs to be revised because each of the two subgenera in the present classification contains species from the mountain group. To solve this taxonomic problem so that each taxon is monophyletic, i.e., represents a natural clade, Ochotona could be divided into three subgenera, one for the shrub-steppe species, a second for the northern species, and a third for the mountain species. The inferred tree suggests that the differentiation of this genus in the Palearctic Region was closely related to the gradual uplifting of the Tibet (Qinghai-Xizang) Plateau, as hypothesized previously, and that vicariance might have played a major role in the differentiation of this genus on the Plateau, On the other hand, the North American species, O. princeps, is most likely a dispersal event, which might have happened during the Pliocene through the opening of the Bering Strait. The phylogenetic relationships within the shrub-steppe group are worth noting in that instead of a monophyletic shrub-dwelling group, shrub dwellers and steppe dwellers are intermingled with each other. Moreover, the sequence divergence within the sister tars of one steppe? dweller and one shrub dweller is very low. These findings support the hypothesis that pikes have entered the steppe environment several times and that morphological similarities within steppe dwellers were due to convergent evolution. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers are used to investigate genetic variation and evolutionary relationships of 29 samples of Cordyceps sinensis from different geographical populations on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Out of 137 RAPD bands scored, 100 are polymorphic. A correlation is revealed between geographical distance and genetic distance. The molecular phylogenetic tree suggests that the 29 samples are divided into three notable clusters, corresponding to the geographical populations, i.e., the north population (NP), middle population (MP), and south population (SP). The NP consists of 7 northern samples from Menyuan, Maqu, and Luqu, the MP consists of 8 samples from Yushu and Chengduo, and the SP consists of 14 samples from Byma Snow Mountain, Renzhi Snow Moutain, Chongcaoxiwa, and Dacaodi. It is demonstrated that extensive genetic diversity is found among different geographical populations of C. sinensis. The genetic diversity pattern of C. sinensis may be caused by the founder effects. The taxonomic status of NP, MP, and SP populations should be that they are different subspecies rather than different species.


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Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (1140 bp) and nuclear IRBP (1152 bp) genes were used to assess the evolutionary history of Apodemus, using the complete set of Asian species. Our results indicate that speciation in Asia involved three radiations, which supports an earlier study. The initial radiation yielded A. argenteus (Japanese endemic), A. gurkha (Nepalese endemic), and the ancestral lineage of the remaining Asian species. This lineage subsequently diverged into four groups: agrarius-chevrieri (agrarius group), draco-latronum-semotus (draco group), A. peninsulae, and A. speciosus (Japanese endemic). The final step consisted of divergence within two species groups as a consequence of the geography of the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau and Taiwan. The ecological ability of two Apodemus-species to inhabit one locality via niche partitioning likely drove the second radiation and shaped the basic geographical pattern seen today: A. argenteus and A. speciosus in Japan, A. agrarius and A. peninsulae in northern China, and the A. agrarius and A. draco groups in southern China. The three radiations are estimated to have occurred 7.5, 6.6, and 1.8-0.8 Mya respectively, using the IRBP clock, based on rat-mouse divergence 12 Mya. (C) 2003 The Linnean Society of London.


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Oriental voles of the genus Eothenomys are predominantly distributed along the Southeastern shoulder of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Based on phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1143 bp) obtained from 23 specimens (eight species)


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More than 10 species within the freshwater fish genus Sinoncyclocbeilus adapt to caves and show different degrees of degeneration of eyes and pigmentation. Therefore, this genus can be useful for studying evolutionary developmental mechanisms, role of natural selection and adaptation in cave animals. To better understand these processes, it is indispensable to have background knowledge about phylogenetic relationships of surface and cave species within this genus. To investigate phylogenetic relationships among species within this genus, we determined nucleotide sequences of complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) and partial ND4 gene (1032 bp) of 31 recognized ingroup species and one outgroup species Barbodes laticeps. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using maximum parsimony. Bayesian, and maximum likelihood analyses. Our phylogenetic results showed that all species except for two surface species S. jii and S. macrolepis clustered as five major monophyletic clades (I, II, III, IV, and V) with strong supports. S. jii was the most basal species in all analyses, but the position of S. macrolepis was not resolved. The cave species were polyphyletic and occurred in these five major clades. Our results indicate that adaptation to cave environments has occurred multiple times during the evolutionary history of Sinocyclocheilus. The branching orders among the clades I, II, III, and IV were not resolved, and this might be due to early rapid radiation in Sinocyclocheilus. All species distributed in Yunnan except for S. rhinocerous and S. hyalinus formed a strongly supported monophyletic group (clade V), probably reflecting their common origins. This result suggested that the diversification of Sinocyclocheilus in Yunnan may correlate with the uplifting of Yunnan Plateau. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Chinese species of the genus Niviventer, predominantly distributed in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and in Taiwan, are a diverse group and have not yet received a thorough molecular phylogenetic analysis. Here, we reconstructed the phylogenetic relatio