994 resultados para Pulp washer


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This thesis work describes the creation of a pipework data structure for design system integration. Work is completed in pulp and paper plant delivery company with global engineering network operations in mind. User case of process design to 3D pipework design is introduced with influence of subcontracting engineering offices. Company data element list is gathered by using key person interviews and results are processed into a pipework data element list. Inter-company co-operation is completed in standardization association and common standard for pipework data elements is found. As result inter-company created pipework data element list is introduced. Further list usage, development and relations to design software vendors are evaluated.


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Puumuovikomposiittien valmistuksessa yhdistetään kaksi toisistaan eroavaa materiaalia jolloin saadaan aikaan materiaalien ominaisuuksien ainutlaatuinen yhdistelmä. Polymeerimateriaaleina käytetään pääasiassa erilaisia kestomuoveja. Kuitumateriaaleina voidaan käyttää puujauhetta, sahanpurua, paperin- ja kartongin valmistuksessa käytettävää sellua, nanoselluloosaa tai muita puukuitumateriaaleja. Polaarisen puukuidun ja polaarittoman muovimateriaalin välinen materiaalien rajapinnan adheesio on yleensä riittämätöntä, mikä vaikuttaa lopputuotteen ominaisuuksien heikkenemiseen. Kyseinen ongelma on pyritty ratkaisemaan käyttämällä erilaisia kytkentäaineita. Tässä työssä keskitytään käsittelemään erilaisia puumuovikomposiittien kytkentäaineita, niiden toimintaa sekä vaikutuksia lopputuotteeseen. Lisäksi työssä esitellään myös puumuovikomposiittien valmistusmateriaaleja ja valmistusprosesseja.


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Rasvankestävyydellä tarkoitetaan sitä, että materiaali hylkii tai kestää rasvaa tietyn ajan läpäisemättä sen pintaa. Rasvankestäviä papereita ja kartonkeja löytyy kaikkialta. Erilaiset ruuanvalmistuspaperit, kuten esimerkiksi leivinpaperi ja voipaperi, ovat rasvankestäviä. Myös pakkauksissa käytetään paljon rasvankestäviä papereita ja kartonkeja. Rasvankestäviltä tuotteilta vaaditaan erilaisia ominaisuuksia riippuen niiden käyttötarkoituksesta. Pakkausmateriaaleilta vaaditaan esimerkiksi lujuutta ja kestävyyttä fyysistä rasitusta, valoa, hajuja ja mikrobeja vastaan. Ruuanvalmistusmateriaaleilta vaaditaan puolestaan lujuutta ja kestävyyttä lämpöä, kosteutta ja fyysistä rasitusta vastaan. Rasvankestäviltä papereilta vaaditaan rasvankestävyyden lisäksi hyvää vetolujuutta, märkälujuutta ja hyviä optisia ominaisuuksia. Neliömassan tulee asettua 20─80 g/m2 välille ja metallipitoisuudet eivät saa olla liian korkeat. Myös tuotteiden kierrätettävyys on nostanut asemaansa viimeaikoina. Tuotteen tuotannon ja itse tuotteen ympäristöystävällisyys ovat todella arvostettuja kuluttajan, tuottajan, Suomen, EU:n ja koko maailman näkökulmista. Jotta tuotteesta saadaan rasvankestävää, vaaditaan siltä erilaisia barrier-ominaisuuksia. Rasvankestävällä paperilla vaaditaan hyviä barrier-ominaisuuksia esimerkiksi rasvan, ilman, veden, vesihöyryn sekä hapen läpäisevyyksissä. Rasvankestäviä papereita ja kartonkeja voidaan valmistaa kemiallisilla ja mekaanisilla tavoilla. Happokäsittely ja fluorokemikaalien lisääminen ovat kemiallisia tapoja, kun taas sellun jauhaminen pitkään matalassa lämpötilassa on mekaaninen tapa valmistaa rasvankestävää paperia. Näiden tapojen lisäksi rasvankestäviä papereita voidaan tehdä erilaisten pinnoitusten avulla. Erilaiset muovit ovat yleisemmin käytettyjä pinnoitemateriaaleja. Esimerkiksi PE- ja PET-päällysteet ovat käytettyjä rasvankestävissä tuotteissa. Viime aikoina on kehitetty paljon erilaisia biomateriaaleja, joista voidaan tehdä rasvankestävä pinnoite. Lipideistä, hydrokolloideista ja erilaisista komposiiteista voidaan luoda uusien tekniikoiden avulla rasvankestäviä pinnoitteita. Rasvankestävyydestä voidaan saada jonkinlainen käsitys WVTR-asteen, Cobb-arvon ja kontaktikulman mittausten avulla. Rasvankestävyyttä voidaan myös mitata erilaisten standarditestien avulla. TAPPI:lla, ISO:lla ja ASTM:llä on useita erilaisia standardeja. Lähes kaikissa rasvankestävyysstandardeissa tuloksen saaminen perustuu visuaaliseen havaintoon, mikä aiheuttaa välillä hankaluuksia tulosten luotettavuuteen, koska tuloksen määrittää ihmissilmä, ja kaikilla testin tekijöillä on erilainen silmä, joka aistii eri tavalla.


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It is known already from 1970´s that laser beam is suitable for processing paper materials. In this thesis, term paper materials mean all wood-fibre based materials, like dried pulp, copy paper, newspaper, cardboard, corrugated board, tissue paper etc. Accordingly, laser processing in this thesis means all laser treatments resulting material removal, like cutting, partial cutting, marking, creasing, perforation etc. that can be used to process paper materials. Laser technology provides many advantages for processing of paper materials: non-contact method, freedom of processing geometry, reliable technology for non-stop production etc. Especially packaging industry is very promising area for laser processing applications. However, there are only few industrial laser processing applications worldwide even in beginning of 2010´s. One reason for small-scale use of lasers in paper material manufacturing is that there is a shortage of published research and scientific articles. Another problem, restraining the use of laser for processing of paper materials, is colouration of paper material i.e. the yellowish and/or greyish colour of cut edge appearing during cutting or after cutting. These are the main reasons for selecting the topic of this thesis to concern characterization of interaction of laser beam and paper materials. This study was carried out in Laboratory of Laser Processing at Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland). Laser equipment used in this study was TRUMPF TLF 2700 carbon dioxide laser that produces a beam with wavelength of 10.6 μm with power range of 190-2500 W (laser power on work piece). Study of laser beam and paper material interaction was carried out by treating dried kraft pulp (grammage of 67 g m-2) with different laser power levels, focal plane postion settings and interaction times. Interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp was detected with different monitoring devices, i.e. spectrometer, pyrometer and active illumination imaging system. This way it was possible to create an input and output parameter diagram and to study the effects of input and output parameters in this thesis. When interaction phenomena are understood also process development can be carried out and even new innovations developed. Fulfilling the lack of information on interaction phenomena can assist in the way of lasers for wider use of technology in paper making and converting industry. It was concluded in this thesis that interaction of laser beam and paper material has two mechanisms that are dependent on focal plane position range. Assumed interaction mechanism B appears in range of average focal plane position of 3.4 mm and 2.4 mm and assumed interaction mechanism A in range of average focal plane position of 0.4 mm and -0.6 mm both in used experimental set up. Focal plane position 1.4 mm represents midzone of these two mechanisms. Holes during laser beam and paper material interaction are formed gradually: first small hole is formed to interaction area in the centre of laser beam cross-section and after that, as function of interaction time, hole expands, until interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp is ended. By the image analysis it can be seen that in beginning of laser beam and dried kraft pulp material interaction small holes off very good quality are formed. It is obvious that black colour and heat affected zone appear as function of interaction time. This reveals that there still are different interaction phases within interaction mechanisms A and B. These interaction phases appear as function of time and also as function of peak intensity of laser beam. Limit peak intensity is the value that divides interaction mechanism A and B from one-phase interaction into dual-phase interaction. So all peak intensity values under limit peak intensity belong to MAOM (interaction mechanism A one-phase mode) or to MBOM (interaction mechanism B onephase mode) and values over that belong to MADM (interaction mechanism A dual-phase mode) or to MBDM (interaction mechanism B dual-phase mode). Decomposition process of cellulose is evolution of hydrocarbons when temperature is between 380- 500°C. This means that long cellulose molecule is split into smaller volatile hydrocarbons in this temperature range. As temperature increases, decomposition process of cellulose molecule changes. In range of 700-900°C, cellulose molecule is mainly decomposed into H2 gas; this is why this range is called evolution of hydrogen. Interaction in this range starts (as in range of MAOM and MBOM), when a small good quality hole is formed. This is due to “direct evaporation” of pulp via decomposition process of evolution of hydrogen. And this can be seen can be seen in spectrometer as high intensity peak of yellow light (in range of 588-589 nm) which refers to temperature of ~1750ºC. Pyrometer does not detect this high intensity peak since it is not able to detect physical phase change from solid kraft pulp to gaseous compounds. As interaction time between laser beam and dried kraft pulp continues, hypothesis is that three auto ignition processes occurs. Auto ignition of substance is the lowest temperature in which it will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark. Three auto ignition processes appears in range of MADM and MBDM, namely: 1. temperature of auto ignition of hydrogen atom (H2) is 500ºC, 2. temperature of auto ignition of carbon monoxide molecule (CO) is 609ºC and 3. temperature of auto ignition of carbon atom (C) is 700ºC. These three auto ignition processes leads to formation of plasma plume which has strong emission of radiation in range of visible light. Formation of this plasma plume can be seen as increase of intensity in wavelength range of ~475-652 nm. Pyrometer shows maximum temperature just after this ignition. This plasma plume is assumed to scatter laser beam so that it interacts with larger area of dried kraft pulp than what is actual area of beam cross-section. This assumed scattering reduces also peak intensity. So result shows that assumably scattered light with low peak intensity is interacting with large area of hole edges and due to low peak intensity this interaction happens in low temperature. So interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp turns from evolution of hydrogen to evolution of hydrocarbons. This leads to black colour of hole edges.


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Working capital is an investment which is tied up into the inventories and accounts receivable and which is released with accounts payable. Due to the current business landscape with tightened financial conditions and finance markets, organizations emphasize efficient working capital management. With efficient working capital management, a company can reduce the need of finance, free up cash, increase profitability, improve liquidity, increase the efficiency of operations, and decrease (financing) costs. From the perspective of an individual company, efficient working capital management means decreasing inventory levels by shortening the cycle time of inventories, decreasing accounts receivable by shortening the trade credit terms and effective collection procedures, and increasing the level of accounts payable by paying the suppliers later. From an inter-organizational perspective, however, working capital should not be sub-optimized by a single company but holistic view to working capital management through the supply chain should be adopted to create value and improve performance together. The purpose of this research is to take academic research as well as practical management towards inter-organizational working capital management. The thesis discusses the benefits as well as mechanisms of working capital management in the inter-organizational context and has two main objectives: (1) to examine the effect of inter-organizational working capital management on performance in the value chain context and (2) to develop models of working capital management for internal as well as inter-organizational value chains. The results of the archival research conducted in the value chain of the pulp and paper industry and the value chain of the automotive industry indicate that companies can increase relative profitability by managing working capital comprehensively by taking into account all three components, and holistically though the value chain. Companies in the value chain benefit from different strategies in working capital management depending on the position of the company in the value chain. This can be taken into account in inter-organizational working capital management. The effects of inter-organizational working capital management actions on the financing costs of working capital were studied via simulations. Simulations also show that the value chain and individual companies benefit from an inter-organizational view to working capital management. Inter-organizational working capital management actions include for example: shortening the cycle time of inventories, reducing product costs, shifting inventories, shortening payment terms, and considering the cost of capital. The thesis also provides solutions for the practical requirements for tools to control working capital. The design science part of the research introduces the adjusted cash conversion cycle (ACCC) model for internal value chains, as well as models for working capital management in the inter-organizational value chain context: the working capital management model (WCMM) and the financial cycle time model (FCTM) designed in corporation and product levels respectively. This research contributes to literature on working capital management and interorganizational accounting. The research gives a holistic, inter-organizational view to the management of working capital. It advances the knowledge in working capital management on operational level, increases knowledge in the recently risen theme of supply chainoriented, collaborative working capital management, combines management accounting research with supply chain management research, and contributes to the demand of practical inter-organizational accounting methods. In addition, the research has strong practical focus as new managerial methods are introduced.


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Sixteen outbreaks of Senna occidentalis (coffee senna) that occurred in cattle in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were reviewed. The great majority (75%) of the outbreaks occurred in adult cattle at pasture during the autumn and winter months with 50% in May, evidencing a striking seasonality. Mortality rates varied from 4.2% to 55.2% and cattle died 2 days up to 2 weeks after showing clinical signs that included dry feces (occasionally diarrhea), muscle weakness, reluctance to move, tachypnea, instability of the hind limbs with dragging of the toes, tremors in muscles of the thighs, neck, and head, ear dropping, sternal recumbency, lateral recumbency and death. Myoglobinuria characterized by a dark red or black discolored urine was a consistent finding in cattle affected at pasture but not in those poisoned by ration contaminated with coffee senna beans. Creatine phosphokinase serum activity was marked ly elevated. Main gross changes observed in 23 necropsies involved skeletal muscles of the hind limbs. These changes consisted of varying degrees of paleness of muscle groups. Subepicardial and subendocardial hemorrhages were present in the hearts of all affected cattle. Histologically a segmental degenerative myopathy of striated muscles was present in every case and had a multifocal polyphasic or monophasic character. Myocardial (3/23), hepatic (3/13), renal (3/10), and splenic (1/6) microscopic lesions were observed occasionally. Myocardial lesions were mild and consisted of vacuolation of cardiomyocytes or focal fibrosis. Hepatic changes consisted of diffuse hepatocelular vacuolation, cytosegrosomes within hepatocytes, and individual hepatocellular necrosis. Kidneys had vacuolar degeneration of tubular epithelium associated with acidophilic casts (proteinosis) within tubular lumina. In the spleen there was marked necrosis of lymphocytes of the white pulp. No histological changes were found in the brains of 13 affected cattle. The data of this study suggest that coffee senna poisoning is an important cause of death in cattle in southern Brazil.


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The teeth of Azara's agouti (Dasyprocta azarae) were described macroscopically in order to provide biological data on one of the largest wild rodents of the Americas. Radiography was taken on six heads and the teeth were described. Enamel surrounds the coronal dentin, projects to the roots and is present as parallel inner laminae in buccolingual direction. The dentin is located among the enamel laminae and surrounds the pulp horns. The cementum is located internally to the enamel laminae. On the lingual surface, the cementum and dentin are the outer elements.


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Kuppikartongin yksi tärkeimmistä ominaisuuksista on reunaimeytymän vastustuskyky, joka tulee olla riittävällä tasolla laadun takaamiseksi. Koska yksinkertainen juomakuppi on bulkki¬tuote, ei sen raakareunaa kannata taloudellisuuden vuoksi suojata tätä varten kehitellyillä menetelmillä vaan itse kartongin tulee vastustaa nesteitä riittävässä määrin. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää hydrofobointiin käytettävän massaliiman (hartsi) sekä pintaliiman joukkoon annosteltavan lisäaineen välinen optimaalinen suhde parhaan vastustuskyvyn saavuttamiseksi. Lisäksi selvitettiin joidenkin liimapuristimen ajo-olosuhteiden vaikutusta pintaliiman pick-upiin sekä koneen pH-tason oikeellisuus. Jauhatuksen vaikutusta tutkittiin lähinnä historiatietojen avulla. Tutkimus koostui viidestä tehdasmittakaavaisesta koeajosta, joiden avulla selvitettiin muuttujien vaikutus sisäisellä reunaimeytymän määritysmenetelmällä sekä määrittä¬mällä koepisteistä kulloinkin mielenkiinnon kohteena olleet kemikaalipitoisuudet. Viimeisen koeajon koepisteet jalostettiin lisäksi valmiiksi kupeiksi. Käytetty reunaimeytymän määritysmenetelmä osoittautui virhealttiiksi eivätkä raakakartongista tehtyjen määritysten tulokset korreloineet kovinkaan voimakkaasti PE-päällystettyjen näytteiden kanssa. Menetelmän kehitystä on viety eteenpäin tämän työn rinnalla ja työ jatkuu edelleen. Lisäksi kartongin hartsipitoisuusmääritysten tuloksista paljastui ristiriitaisuuksia, joiden vuoksi menetelmää uusittiin voimakkaasti. Reunaimeytymän vastustuksen riittävyydeksi koneella käytettävien massaliima-annosten tulee olla vähintään valitulla nollatasolla kaikissa kerroksissa ja pintaliiman lisäaine tulee pitää käytössä. Mikäli lisäaine jätetään pois käytöstä, tulee massaliima-annokset olla hyvin korkeita, eikä tämäkään takaa täysin reunaimeytymätöntä lopputuotetta. Lisäaineen ollessa käytössä ei suuremmalla massaliima-annoksella ole puolestaan merkittävää vaikutusta. Konetta ajetaan nykyisin hyvin alhaisella pH-tasolla, mutta tason nostaminen aiheuttaa selvän liimauksen heikkenemisen. Liimapuristimelle tulevan radan kosteudella ja pintaliiman kuiva-aineella ei näyttäisi olevan vaikutusta kartongin reunaimeytymän vastustuskykyyn. Myöskään taustakerroksen koivun jauhatusasteella ei ole merkitystä alueella, jolla koneella operoidaan. CTMP-massan jauhatuksen tulee sen sijaan olla riittävä, jotta keskikerrokseen ei synny yksittäisiä, pitkiä imeytymiä.


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Paperiteollisuus on energiaintensiivistä teollisuutta, jossa on tehty pitkään työtä tuotantoprosessien energiatehokkuuden parantamiseksi. Paperitehtaan energiakustannuksiin voidaan kuitenkin vaikuttaa myös sähkötaseen hallinnalla ja sähkön kysyntäjouston avulla. Tehtaan seuraavan vuorokauden sähkön kulutus pyritään ennustamaan mahdollisimman tarkasti, mutta esimerkiksi paperitehtaan häiriötilanteissa sähkötase poikkeaa ennustetusta. Tällöin sähkötasetta voidaan korjata ensisijaisesti sähkön jälkimarkkinoiden eli Elbas- kaupankäynnin avulla. Ellei tasetta saada korjattua sähkön jälkimarkkinoilla tase-ero korjataan tasesähköllä, jonka hinta muodostuu säätösähkömarkkinoilla. Tasesähkön hinta saattaa poiketa Elspot- markkinahinnasta voimakkaasti, jolloin tase-erosta joko hyödytään tai hävitään kustannusmielessä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on selvittää sähkötasehallinnan parantamisen ja sähkön kysyntäjouston vaikutukset paperitehtaan energiakustannuksiin. Työssä tutkittiin tehtaan sähkö-tasehallinnan nykytilannetta ja selvitettiin tase-erojen kustannusvaikuttavuutta. Lisäksi työssä luotiin ajomalleja sähkön kysyntäjouston toteuttamiselle massatehtaan eri tuotantoprosesseille, sekä määritettiin rajahintoja seuraavan vuorokauden energiaennusteeseen. Onnistunut energiaennuste perustuu paperitehtaan käynnin tarkkoihin ja ajankohtaisiin lähtötietoihin. Sähkötaseen poikkeamiin voidaan puolestaan varautua paremmin, kun informaatio tehtaan prosessien alasajosta tulee voimalaitoksen tietoon mahdollisimman aikaisin. Sähkötaseen poikkeamien hallinta voidaan tehdä, joko Elbas- kaupan tai tasesähkön avulla. Ajankohdasta ja tasepoikkeaman volyymista riippuen täytyy tehdä valinta, kumpi vaihtoehdoista on kustannusmielessä kannattavampi. Paperitehtaan eri prosesseille luoduilla ajomalleilla saatiin esiin huomattava säästöpotentiaali. Ajomallien noudattaminen vaatii suunnitelmallista tuotannon hallintaa ja sähkön Elspot- hinnan käyttäytymisen säännöllistä seurantaa. Seuraavan vuorokauden rajahintatietojen määrittämisen pohjalta voidaan arvioida, millä Elspot- hinnalla sähkön myynti muuttuu paperin tuotantoa kannattavammaksi.


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The major type of non-cellulosic polysaccharides (hemicelluloses) in softwoods, the partly acetylated galactoglucomannans (GGMs), which comprise about 15% of spruce wood, have attracted growing interest because of their potential to become high-value products with applications in many areas. The main objective of this work was to explore the possibilities to extract galactoglucomannans in native, polymeric form in high yield from spruce wood with pressurised hot-water, and to obtain a deeper understanding of the process chemistry involved. Spruce (Picea abies) chips and ground wood particles were extracted using an accelerated solvent extractor (ASE) in the temperature range 160 – 180°C. Detailed chemical analyses were done on both the water extracts and the wood residues. As much as 80 – 90% of the GGMs in spruce wood, i.e. about 13% based on the original wood, could be extracted from ground spruce wood with pure water at 170 – 180°C with an extraction time of 60 min. GGMs comprised about 75% of the extracted carbohydrates and about 60% of the total dissolved solids. Other substances in the water extracts were xylans, arabinogalactans, pectins, lignin and acetic acid. The yields from chips were only about 60% of that from ground wood. Both the GGMs and other non-cellulosic polysaccharides were extensively hydrolysed at severe extraction conditions when pH dropped to the level of 3.5. Addition of sodium bicarbonate increased the yields of polymeric GGMs at low additions, 2.5 – 5 mM, where the end pH remained around 3.9. However, at higher addition levels the yields decreased, mainly because the acetyl groups in GGMs were split off, leading to a low solubility of GGMs. Extraction with buffered water in the pH range 3.8 – 4.4 gave similar yields as with plain water, but gave a higher yield of polymeric GGMs. Moreover, at these pH levels the hydrolysis of acetyl groups in GGMs was significantly inhibited. It was concluded that hot-water extraction of polymeric GGMs in good yields (up to 8% of wood) demands appropriate control of pH, in a narrow range about 4. These results were supported by a study of hydrolysis of GGM at constant pH in the range of 3.8 – 4.2 where a kinetic model for degradation of GGM was developed. The influence of wood particle size on hot-water extraction was studied with particles in the range of 0.1 – 2 mm. The smallest particles (< 0.1 mm) gave 20 – 40% higher total yield than the coarsest particles (1.25 – 2 mm). The difference was greatest at short extraction times. The results indicated that extraction of GGMs and other polysaccharides is limited mainly by the mass transfer in the fibre wall, and for coarse wood particles also in the wood matrix. Spruce sapwood, heartwood and thermomechnical pulp were also compared, but only small differences in yields and composition of extracts were found. Two methods for isolation and purification of polymeric GGMs, i.e. membrane filtration and precipitation in ethanol-water, were compared. Filtration through a series of membranes with different pore sizes separated GGMs of different molar masses, from polymers to oligomers. Polysaccharides with molar mass higher than 4 kDa were precipitated in ethanol-water. GGMs comprised about 80% of the precipitated polysaccharides. Other polysaccharides were mainly arabinoglucuronoxylans and pectins. The ethanol-precipitated GGMs were by 13C NMR spectroscopy verified to be very similar to GGMs extracted from spruce wood in low yield at a much lower temperature, 90°C. The obtained large body of experimental data could be utilised for further kinetic and economic calculations to optimise technical hot-water extractionof softwoods.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli luoda UPM Kaukaan sellutehtaan kaustisointi- ja meesauunialueelle kunnossapito-ohjelma, RCM eli luotettavuuskeskeinen kunnossapitomenetelmää käyttäen. Tavoitteena oli luoda ennakkohuolto-ohjelma, joka pohjautuu laitekriittisyyksiin sekä optimoida kohdealueen laitteiden varaosien varastointia. Perustaksi työlle luotiin uusi kriittisyysluokittelumalli, joka perustuu PSK 6800 standardiin. Tarvittavien ennakkohuoltotoimenpiteiden määrittämisen apuna käytettiin toimenpiteiden määritysmatriisia. Varaosavaraston optimointia varten luotiin varaosien varastointitarpeen määritysmatriisi. Prosessin suorittamisessa korostui laaja ja osaava projektiryhmä, jonka avulla asioiden läpikäynnissä oli tarvittavat tiedot saatavilla. Projektiryhmässä oli mukana sekä kunnossapidon että käytön henkilöitä. Kunnossapito-ohjelmasta muodostui erittäin kattava. Seisokkia vaativat toimenpiteet ovat aikataulutettu siten, että niitä suoritetaan tasaisesti vuoden aikana. Uusien huoltorivien ansiosta alueen kunnossapito selkeytyy paljon.


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Biorefining is defined as sustainable conversion of biomass into marketable products and energy. Forests cover almost one third of earth’s land area, and account for approximately 40% of the total annual biomass production. In forest biorefining, the wood components are, in addition to the traditional paper and board products, converted into chemicals and biofuels. The major components in wood are cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. The main hemicellulose in softwoods, which are of interest especially for the Nordic forest industry, is O-acetyl galactoglucomannan (GGM). GGM can be isolated in industrial scale from the waste waters of the mechanical pulping process, but is not yet today industrially utilized. In order to attain desired properties of GGM for specific end-uses, chemical and enzymatic modifications can be performed. Regioselective modifications of GGM, and other galactose-containing polysaccharides were done by oxidations, and by combining oxidations with subsequent derivatizations of the formed carbonyl or carboxyl groups. Two different pathways were investigated: activation of the C-6 positions in different sugar units by TEMPO-mediated oxidation, and activation of C-6 position in only galactose-units by oxidation catalyzed by the enzyme galactose oxidase. The activated sites were further selectively derivatized; TEMPO-oxidized GGM by a carbodiimide-mediated reaction forming amides, and GO-oxidized GGM by indium-mediated allylation introducing double or triple bonds to the molecule. In order to better understand the reaction, and to develop a MALDI-TOF-MS method for characterization of regioselectively allylated GGM, α-D-galactopyranoside and raffinose were used as model compounds. All reactions were done in aqueous media. To investigate the applicability of the modified polysaccharides for, e.g., cellulose surface functionalization, their sorption onto pulp fibres was studied. Carboxylation affects the sorption tendency significantly; a higher degree of oxidation leads to lower sorption. By controlling the degree of oxidation of the polysaccharides and the ionic strength of the sorption media, high degrees of sorption of carboxylated polysaccharides onto cellulose could, however, be obtained. Anionic polysaccharides were used as templates during laccase-catalyzed polymerization of aniline, offering a green, chemo-enzymatic route for synthesis of conducting polyaniline (PANI) composite materials. Different polysaccharide templates, such as, native GGM, TEMPO-oxidized GGM, naturally anionic κ-carrageenan, and nanofibrillated cellulose produced by TEMPO-oxidation, were assessed. The conductivity of the synthesized polysaccharide/PANI biocomposites varies depending on the polysaccharide template; κ-CGN, the anionic polysaccharide with the lowest pKa value, produces the polysaccharide/PANI biocomposites with the highest conductivity. The presented derivatization, sorption, and polymerization procedures open new application windows for polysaccharides, such as spruce GGM. The modified polysaccharides and the conducting biocomposites produced provide potential applications in biosensors, electronic devices, and tissue engineering.


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Wood contains only a very small amount of lipophilic extractives, commonly known as wood pitch. The pitch is known to cause severe problems in papermaking processes. The amount of pitch in process waters can be decreased by seasoning of the raw material prior to pulping, pulp washing, removal of pitch by flotation, adsorption of pitch onto various mineral surfaces, and retention of pitch to the fibre material by cationic polymers. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of pH on some of the methods used for pitch control. Experiments were performed using laboratory-made wood pitch emulsions with varying pH, salt concentration, hemicellulose concentration and pitch composition. These emulsions were used to study the phase distribution of resin and fatty acids, the colloidal stability of pitch with and without steric stabilisation by galactoglucomannans, and the interactions between wood pitch and mineral particles. Purification of unbleached and peroxidebleached mill process water was performed by froth flotation in combination with a foaming agent. The distribution of resin and fatty acids (RFAs) between colloidal pitch droplets and the water phase was very dependent on pH. At pH 3, almost all of the RFAs were attached to the pitch droplets, while increasing the pH led to increasing concentration of dissolved RFAs in the water phase. The presence of salt shifted the release of RFAs towards higher pH, while lower ratio of neutral pitch in the emulsion resulted in release of RFAs at lower pH. It was also seen that the dissolution and adsorption of RFAs at sudden pHchanges takes place very quickly. Colloidal pitch was more stable against electrolyte-induced aggregation at higher pH, due to its higher anionic charge. The concentration of cationic polymers needed to aggregate colloidal pitch also increased with increasing pH. The surface characteristics of solid particles, such as amount of charged groups, were very important for understanding their interactions with colloidal wood pitch. Water-soluble galactoglucomannans stabilised the colloidal pitch sterically against aggregation, but could not completely prevent interactions between wood pitch and hydrophilic particles. Froth flotation of unbleached and peroxidebleached process water showed that the pitch could be removed more effectively and selectively at low pH, compared to at neutral pH. The pitch was removed more effectively, using lower concentrations of foaming agent, from peroxide-bleached water than from unbleached water. The results show that pH has a major impact on various pulping and papermaking processes. It determines the anionic charge of the colloidal pitch and the solubility of certain pitch components. Because of this, the pH influences the effectiveness of pitch retention and removal of pitch. The results indicate that pitch problems could be diminished by acknowledging the importance of pH in various papermaking processes.


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The papermaking industry has been continuously developing intelligent solutions to characterize the raw materials it uses, to control the manufacturing process in a robust way, and to guarantee the desired quality of the end product. Based on the much improved imaging techniques and image-based analysis methods, it has become possible to look inside the manufacturing pipeline and propose more effective alternatives to human expertise. This study is focused on the development of image analyses methods for the pulping process of papermaking. Pulping starts with wood disintegration and forming the fiber suspension that is subsequently bleached, mixed with additives and chemicals, and finally dried and shipped to the papermaking mills. At each stage of the process it is important to analyze the properties of the raw material to guarantee the product quality. In order to evaluate properties of fibers, the main component of the pulp suspension, a framework for fiber characterization based on microscopic images is proposed in this thesis as the first contribution. The framework allows computation of fiber length and curl index correlating well with the ground truth values. The bubble detection method, the second contribution, was developed in order to estimate the gas volume at the delignification stage of the pulping process based on high-resolution in-line imaging. The gas volume was estimated accurately and the solution enabled just-in-time process termination whereas the accurate estimation of bubble size categories still remained challenging. As the third contribution of the study, optical flow computation was studied and the methods were successfully applied to pulp flow velocity estimation based on double-exposed images. Finally, a framework for classifying dirt particles in dried pulp sheets, including the semisynthetic ground truth generation, feature selection, and performance comparison of the state-of-the-art classification techniques, was proposed as the fourth contribution. The framework was successfully tested on the semisynthetic and real-world pulp sheet images. These four contributions assist in developing an integrated factory-level vision-based process control.


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A high final brightness is desired in most paper and board products. This requires bleaching processes that are able to produce high-brightness pulps. Mechanical pulps are widely bleached for high brightness using alkaline hydrogen peroxide with traditional sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate as additives. With high doses however, peroxide bleaching causes high organic loads in the mill effluent and anionic trash carry-over to papermaking. To alleviate the problems that arise from the use of sodium-based additives in peroxide bleaching, interest in the use of alternative magnesium-based chemicals has increased. In this study, a new, technical high-purity magnesium hydroxide-based bleaching additive was evaluated on laboratory-scale, pilot-scale and mill-scale experiments and trials for its ability to produce a high brightness in peroxide bleaching without the known problems of sodium-based chemicals. The key findings of this study include: a high brightening potential of peroxide bleaching using the Mg(OH)2-based additive, significant reductions (40-70%) in all categories of environmental load, and cationic demand lowered by 60-70% in bleached pulp with no loss in strength properties or in sheet bulk. When used in TMP refiner bleaching, the Mg(OH)2-based additive resulted in savings in specific energy consumption and provided a good bleaching response.