986 resultados para Psychologie morale


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Resuts of a study to determine the levels of moral and motivation among pharmacists about their careers, current job and future within the profession.


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We study a family of models of tax evasion, where a flat-rate tax finances only the provision of public goods, neglecting audits and wage differences. We focus on the comparison of two modeling approaches. The first is based on optimizing agents, who are endowed with social preferences, their utility being the sum of private consumption and moral utility. The second approach involves agents acting according to simple heuristics. We find that while we encounter the traditionally shaped Laffer-curve in the optimizing model, the heuristics models exhibit (linearly) increasing Laffercurves. This difference is related to a peculiar type of behavior emerging within the heuristics based approach: a number of agents lurk in a moral state of limbo, alternating between altruism and selfishness.


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Az adócsalásnak egy olyan modellcsaládját vizsgáljuk, ahol az egykulcsos adó kizárólag a közjavakat finanszírozza. Két megközelítés összehasonlítására összpontosítunk. Az elsőben minden dolgozó jövedelme azonos, és ebből minden évben annyit vall be, amennyi maximalizálja a nála maradó jövedelemből fedezhető fogyasztás nyújtotta hasznosság és a jövedelembevallásból fakadó hasznosság összegét. A második hasznosság három tényező szorzata: a dolgozó exogén adómorálja, a környezetében előző évben megfigyelt átlagos jövedelembevallás és saját bevallásából fakadó endogén hasznossága. A második megközelítésben az ágensek egyszerű heurisztikus szabályok szerint cselekszenek. Míg az optimalizáló modellben hagyományos Laffer-görbékkel találkozunk, addig a heurisztikán alapuló modellekben (lineárisan) növekvő Laffer-görbék jönnek létre. E különbség oka, hogy a heurisztikán alapuló modellben egy sajátos viselkedésfajta jelentkezik: számos ágens ingatag helyzetbe kerül, amelyben altruizmus és önzés között ingadozik. ________ The authors study a family of models of tax evasion, where a flat-rate tax only finances the provision of public goods and audits and wage differences are ne-glected. The paper focuses on comparing two modelling approaches. The first is based on optimizing agents, endowed with social preferences, their utility being the sum of private consumption and moral utility. The second approach involves agents acting according to simple heuristics. While the traditionally shaped Laffer curves are encountered in the optimizing model, the heuristics models exhibit (linearly) increasing Laffer curves. This difference is related to a peculiar type of behaviour: within the agent-based approach lurk a number of agents in a moral state of limbo, alternating between altruism and selfishness.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Am Beispiel des Verhältnisses von Pädagogik und Psychologie wird auf Probleme in der Beziehung der Pädagogik zu ihren Nachbardisziplinen eingegangen. Von Seiten der Psychologie bildet die Pädagogische Psychologie das Verbindungsstück. Da sie im wesentlichen als Anwendung psychologischer Methoden auf Probleme der pädagogischen Praxis entstanden war, blieben ihre Erfolge in pädagogischer Hinsicht bescheiden. Die Krise, in die sie geriet, rief nach einer stärkeren Orientierung an pädagogischer Theorie. Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Pädagogik und Psychologie, das sich dadurch eröffnete, wurde jedoch nie ausgeräumt. Statt dessen wurde von Seiten der Pädagogik eine Menschenkunde entwickelt, die antiwissenschaftlich auftrat und als Psychologieersatz diente. Pädagogik und Psychologie konnten auf diese Weise nicht wirklich zusammenfinden. Ein wesentlicher Grund für dieses Manko wird in einem beiderseits naiven, phänomenalistischen Gegenstandsverständnis gesehen. Als Lösung wird vorgeschlagen, das Verhältnis von Pädagogik und Psychologie auf eine konstruktivistische Basis zu stellen. Dadurch ließe sich die Pädagogische Psychologie als interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft begründen, was eine fruchtbare Dynamik zwischen den beiden Disziplinen ermöglichen würde. (DIPF/Orig.)


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L'éducation morale peut-elle répondre au défi et au besoin d'une éthique personnelle et sociale? Comment l'école peut-elle mettre en branle un processus de socialisation chez les jeunes? Permet-elle d'éclairer, d'élargir et d'approfondir le contenu social des enjeux éthiques chez l'enfant quand celui-ci est aux prises constamment avec le devoir du rendement et des notes? La pédagogie de l'enseignement moral telle que vécue dans nos écoles ouvre-telle les portes à la socialisation ou au narcissisme et à l'individualisme? Y a-t-il, en fait, entre l'organisation scolaire et l'organisation sociale, une continuité grâce à laquelle la formation morale à l'école permet au jeune de s'engager dans le processus social tout en développant des connaissances et des aptitudes nécessaires pour comprendre les enjeux éthiques collectifs et proposer des pistes de solutions? Pour favoriser cette continuité, l'organisation scolaire ne devrait-elle pas être à l'image de l'organisation sociale? Ultimement, quel lien existe-t-il entre l'école québécoise et notre société? Ce rapide survol de la problématique de l'éducation morale nous permet de distinguer actuellement trois niveaux d'interrogation: la conception de l'être humain sous-jacente aux programmes, la finalité de l'enseignement dans les écoles du Québec, ainsi que son enjeu social. Soulever ainsi cette problématique nous aide à mieux réfléchir sur la situation et à proposer des pistes de solutions pour faire de l'éducation morale une théorie et une pratique toujours plus conformes aux expériences individuelles et sociales de chez nous. C'est à partir de ce questionnement global que le philosophe et pédagogue américain John Dewey (1859-1952) nous semble très pertinent. Face à la problématique de l'éducation morale au Québec, la référence spécifique à John Dewey nous semble crédible pour plusieurs raisons. […]


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At head of title: Union Catholique.


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This study explored how schools’ focus – the collective perception among teachers of clarity and consistency regarding school goals, expectations, and priorities – related to schoolwide morale and school turnover rates. I examined the hypothesis that focus attenuates the deleterious effects of student misconduct on teacher morale and the contributory role of student misconduct leading to teacher turnover. In addition, I examined climate strength regarding perceptions school focus as an indicator of focus itself, as well a potential moderating effect of climate strength on the magnitude of school focus-school morale and school focus-turnover relationships. Data from a national sample of middle and high schools (N schools = 348, N teachers = 11,376) were analyzed using school-level multiple regression models. Schools with higher focus had significantly higher morale, independent of related perceptions of administrative leadership. No significant relationship was found between school focus and school turnover rates. The hypothesized moderating effect of focus on student misconduct and morale was not supported, though there was a significant indication that focus attenuated the positive relationship between student misconduct and turnover. Climate strength of school focus ratings significantly correlated with focus scores, but did not moderate relationships between focus and predicted outcomes. Findings suggest that school-level focus does represent a characteristic of schools that has a meaningful positive relationship with teacher morale but do not necessarily clarify how that relationship manifests in schools or if that relationship presents an avenue for intervention.


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Comentário e análise do livro "Fondements de psychologie politique" do autor francês A. Dorna.


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Resumo: Neste texto trato da ideia de representação, discutindo como essa se traslada para a da representação linguística e em que esse movimento contribui para a compreensão do objeto língua como um território de saber atravessado por uma perene reformulação e ressignificação de sentidos. Para tanto, revisito o próprio conceito de representação (Far, 2011; Jodelet, 2000, 2001; Moscovici, 1976, 1978, 2009; Sá, 1996; Zarate, 2010) e passo a problematizar o seu deslocamento para o de representação linguística (Arnoux e Del Valle, 2010; Boyer, 1996, 2003; Calvet,1998; Houdebine-Gravaud,2002; Petitjean, 2009), articulando  conceitos como o de imaginário (Pesavento,1995;) e atitudes linguísticas (Dominique Lafontaine,1997; Fasold, 1984; Saville-Troike,1989). Interessa-me, ao longo deste texto, levantar algumas questões de natureza teórica e conceitual com o fim de promover um debate em torno da dimensão simbólica e, mais notadamente, de como essa pode ser relevante para a redefinição das práticas dos sujeitos, no caso de professores de línguas, situando-as no âmbito da educação linguística de professores.Palavras-chaves: Representação; educação linguística; língua


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Objectives. Considerable evidence suggests that enforcement efforts cannot fully explain the high degree of tax compliance. To resolve this puzzle of tax compliance, several researchers have argued that citizens' attitudes toward paying taxes, defined as tax morale, helps to explain the high degree of tax compliance. However, most studies have treated tax morale as a black box, without discussing which factors shape it. Additionally, the tax compliance literature provides little empirical research that investigates attitudes toward paying taxes in Europe. Methods. Thus, this article is unique in its examination of citizen tax morale within three multicultural European countries, Switzerland, Belgium, and Spain, a choice that allows far more detailed examination of the impact of culture and institutions using data sets from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey. Results. The results indicate the tendency that cultural and regional differences affect tax morale. Conclusion. The findings suggest that higher legitimacy for political institutions leads to higher tax morale.


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This study examined whether supervision characteristics impacted on mental health practice and morale, and developed a new Supervision Attitude Scale (SAS). Telephone surveys were conducted with a representative sample of 272 staff from public mental health services across Queensland. Although supervision was widely received and positively rated, it had low average intensity, and assessment and training of skills was rarely incorporated. Perceived impact on practice was associated with acquisition of skills and positive attitudes to supervisors, but extent of supervision was related to impact only if it was from within the profession. Intention to resign was unrelated to extent of supervision, but was associated with positive attitudes to supervisors, accessibility, high impact, and empathy or praise in supervision sessions. The SAS had high internal consistency, and its intercorrelations were consistent with it being a measure of relationship positivity. The study supported the role of supervision in retention and in improving practice. It also highlighted supervision characteristics that might be targeted in training, and provided preliminary data on a new measure.


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