975 resultados para Programa Luz para Todos
Indice dos nomes de todos os santos, que se contèm no Martyrologio Romano, pela ordem do alfabeto.
La paridad del poder adquisitivo (PPA) es un indicador económico que permite efectuar comparaciones de manera realista sobre el nivel de vida entre países, atendiendo al producto interno bruto (PIB) de cada país. Este indicador elimina la ilusión monetaria ligada a la variación de los tipos de cambio, de tal manera que una apreciación o depreciación de una moneda no cambiará la paridad del poder adquisitivo de un país, puesto que los habitantes de ese país reciben sus salarios y hacen sus compras en la misma moneda. El PIB a paridad de poder adquisitivo (PPA) en dólares será por tanto el conjunto de bienes y servicios finales producidos en un país durante un año, pero en vez de poner los precios de ese país se toman los precios de EEUU, que servirá de base para el cálculo en todos los países. Para abordar los retos emanados de este proyecto, la CEPAL asumió el rol de coordinador para los países de América Latina y El Caribe. Durante este proceso llevó a cabo la labor de nexo entre la Oficina Global (Banco Mundial) y los países adoptando los requerimientos de la primera y adaptándolos a las características existentes en la región. Este documento detalla los lineamientos adoptados en la región para dar cumplimiento a las solicitudes efectuadas a nivel global con miras a estimar las paridades de poder adquisitivos de cada uno de los países participantes en la Ronda 2011.
Este artigo apresenta estudo exploratório realizado acerca do Programa Município VerdeAzul, estabelecido em 2007 pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo para incentivar os municípios a atuar a favor da melhoria das condições ambientais. A pesquisa teve como recorte os sete municípios do Grande ABC no estado de São Paulo. A análise priorizou três diretivas do programa: Esgoto Tratado, Resíduos Sólidos e Educação Ambiental, por possuírem o maior peso atribuído. Ribeirão Pires e São Caetano do Sul obtiveram as melhores notas, seguidas por Santo André. Os resultados evidenciam que, na diretiva Esgoto Tratado, São Caetano do Sul tem melhor posição; na diretiva Resíduos Sólidos, o destaque é para Santo André, que agora possui aterro sanitário; e, no quesito Educação Ambiental, todos descrevem e comprovam ações de educação ambiental.
O termo luz se inscreve no encontro das tradições veterotestamentária e grego-romana como uma alternativa a certas necessidades da comunidade joanina: as culturas diferentes dos povos que receberam o evangelho; a diversidade dos problemas que pediam respostas diferentes; a diferença de classes dentro da comunidade; as tomadas de posição discordantes diante da política do império e o conflito entre judeus e cristãos. E é neste ínterim de conflito, tanto interno como externo, um momento doloroso para os dissidentes, porque os prejuízos não eram apenas religiosos, mas provocavam mudanças em todos os âmbitos da vida, que a comunidade joanina procurará alternativa. Por isso, a Narrativa da Cura do Cego de Nascença (Jo 9,1-41) é um espelho para a comunidade. Ela buscará em Jesus a luz de que precisa para continuar. O cego representa a comunidade antes de conhecer a Luz do Mundo. A solidariedade, a fraternidade e o amor mútuos são forças que ajudaram na resistência.(AU)
O trabalho de pesquisa, situado na área de Práxis Religiosa e Sociedade analisa criticamente o Credo Social da Igreja Metodista, documento que completou o seu primeiro centenário no ano de 2008, cujo teor é apresentar a responsabilidade social da Igreja Metodista como norteador das ações pastorais frente às questões sociais. Tendo-o como referencial busco fundamentar uma práxis pastoral direcionada a prevenção e ao acompanhamento dos portadores da síndrome da dependência do álcool, problema que atinge um sem número de pessoas, independente da idade e sexo ou cultura. A pesquisa traz a conotação da dependência do álcool vinculada à saúde, interpretando-a como doença que necessita de acompanhamento e cuidado, desvinculando-a do desvio moral. Para tal, busca respaldo entre diversas fontes como os Alcoólicos Anônimos que desenvolvem respeitado trabalho neste âmbito, relacionando seus preceitos às fundamentações do Credo Social. A relevância da pesquisa está em demonstrar a posição da Igreja Metodista em combater veementemente o vício do álcool, evitando-o, bem como preconizando que todos sejam abstêmios, possibilitando a construção de novas práxis pastorais para este novo século iniciado pelo Credo Social. O trabalho é desenvolvido em três capítulos que respectivamente trazem a história do Credo Social desde sua criação, as diferentes edições pelas quais passou, sua importância em relação ao combate aos vícios, dentre outras relevâncias na vida da igreja e da comunidade. Trata do álcool como bebida e sua trajetória histórica, suas conceituações conforme a Organização Mundial de saúde, culminando nas consequências da dependência. Finalizando, o erceiro capítulo traz a correlação dos dois anteriores, undamentando a práxis pstoral, ressaltando ações e posturas pertinentes adotadas pela Igreja Metodista ao longo dos anos em relação ao uso de bebidas alcoolicas, bem como contextualiza o Credo Social na postura e práxis pastoral.
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo da Revista O Cruzeiro tendo como f oco principal os gêneros jornalísticos praticados por essa publicação ao longo dos 47 anos em que pertenceu a Assis Chateaubriand/ Diários Associados. Com dois objetivos principais, procurou-se identificar, primeiramente, os gêneros, formatos e tipos de textos jornalísticos presentes na revista entre 1928 e 1975, além de definir as peculiaridades do jornalismo informativo do periódico. Por outro lado, procurou-se descobrir quais as principais temáticas abordadas pela mesma. Ambos os esforços foram realizados com o intuito de definir o perfil de O Cruzeiro. O trabalho foi pautado em duas metodologias, a primeira, Análise Formal que foi utilizada, sobretudo, na identificação dos gêneros a partir da Teoria dos Gêneros Jornalísticos. A segunda metodologia foi a Análise de Conteúdo por Construção Iterativa utilizada no momento da identificação das temáticas. Ao final conclui-se que O Cruzeiro era predominantemente uma revista Opinativa e que seu jornalismo Informativo diverge do praticado hoje, quanto ao modelo de construção da notícia. No que concerne aos assuntos jornalísticos tratados, vemos que os temas relacionados ao ambiente social predominavam inicialmente, tendo a política ganho destaque ao longo dos anos. Por outro lado, sua marca registrada, as grandes reportagens fotográficas realizadas com temas inéditos como candomblé e manicômios, dentre outros, dão a essa publicação um destaque no cenário brasileiro, contribuindo para que a mesma permaneça até os dias atuais como uma das melhores revistas de todos os tempos.
BARBOSA, Sílvia Maria C. Etnometodologia e ulterreferencialidade: a formação do professor dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental sob duas perspectivas. São Bernardo do Campo: UMESP, p. 122, 2006. O estudo discute o Curso de Pedagogia do Programa Especial de Formação Profissional para Professores de Educação Básica PROFORMAÇÃO, da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte/UERN. Assumo a hipótese de que, ao ser pensado e vivido, este não leva em conta a vida dos professores, com seus: conceitos, normas, conhecimentos e concepções de mundo, e precisa ser pensado de forma complexa. À luz da etnometodologia de Coulon (1995) e da abordagem multirreferencial de Ardoino, Barbosa, Macedo (1998, 2000), pretendo contribuir para a compreensão da formação do professor dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental a partir da leitura da realidade do professor e de sua formação, com a perspectiva de contribuir com as discussões referidas ao curso, para que esse se torne mais adequado à realidade dos professores de Ensino Fundamental. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza etnometodológica, com aspectos da pesquisa-ação (Barbier, 1977), tendo como coadjuvantes três alunas-professoras que estudaram no curso durante o período de 2001 a 2004. A leitura minuciosa dos dados fez com que eu percebesse que a hipótese formulada não condiz com o momento atual da pesquisa, claro que o estudo ora realizado não tem como objetivo comprovar ou não a hipótese. Até porque numa pesquisa edificada a partir da etnometodologiamulterreferencialidade, a hipótese perde totalmente o sentido, já que busco compreender e demonstrar o que se passa no curso em estudo. Vários fatores ocasionaram o diferencial da turma, como: todos os professores-formadores eram dos quadros efetivos da UERN; professores-formadores com experiência em pesquisa; três professoras-formadoras estiveram do início ao fim do curso.
Although photodynamic therapy have been used as a useful tool over the past 30 years in oncology, few clinical trials have been conducted in dentistry. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses non - toxic photosensitizers and selective which are administered in target cells followed by local application of visible light, producing reactive oxygen species capable of causing cell death by apoptosis or necrosis, injured the local vasculature, and exert important effects on the im mune system. New generations of photosensitizing agents, such as nanoparticulate phthalocyanines, has shown excellent results in antitumor and antibacterial activity . In this context, the present work constitutes the first clinical protocol of local appli cation of nanoemulsion chloro - aluminum phthalocyanine (AlClFc) followed by irradiation in human gingiva, and analyzed descriptively and comparatively , by means of immunohistochemistry , the expression of RANK , RANKL , OPG and VEGF in a split - mouth model . Eight healthy volunteers with clinical indication for extraction were included in the study . Seven days before the extraction, was injected in the gingiva of participants, 5 μ M of nanoemulsion AlClFc followed by irra diation with diode laser (660nm , 7 J/cm2 ), the contralateral side was used as control. Tissue specimens were removed seven days after the TFD is performed. Tissues sample were divided into two groups (test and con trol groups) for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Patients were monitored at days, 0, 7, 14 and 30 to assess adverse effects of the therapy. Vascular alterations were seen in gingival samples that received PDT. Areas of edema and vascular con gestion, and intense vascularization were viewed . Additionally, dystrophic calcification in subepithelial region were observed in the test group. The results showed a similar pattern of immunostaining scores of RANK, RANKL and VEGF between the test and co ntrol groups, with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.317, p = 0.777, p = 0 .814, respectively). RANK and RANKL exhibited weak or absent immunostaining in most specimens analyzed. There was n o immunostaining for OPG. VEGF showed moderate to stro ng immunostaining in specimens from the test group. In addition, the clinical study showed that therapy was well tolerated by all patients. Adverse effects were short - time and completely reversible. Taken together, the results presented in this study showe d that PDT mediated by nanoemulsion containing AlClPc is safe for clinical application in gingival tissue and suggests that a strong immunostaining for VEGF after therapy .
This work analyses the effects of form over the emergence of new patterns of use and occupation in public spaces of housing estates designed in the 1980s and 1990s in Natal’s municipality (Brazil). We start from the premise that form acts on social process (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), and verify how much the original spatial configuration of Parque Serrambi housing states contributed to the creation of new spatial patterns following the interventions of the people living there. The Serrambi states were built in Natal’s south based on an urbanization model following modernist’s principals and aimed to supply demands for popular dwellings. They were one of the last estates financed by the former National Dwelling Bank (BNH) and supervised by the Dwelling Cooperatives Orientation Institute (INOCOOP), materialized a spatial form different from the highrise dwelling experiences from the same period. The results were obtained through configurational analysis based on Space Syntax conceptual and methodological framework, in which space and society are viewed as interrelated. The analyses was based on represanting and quantifying spatial properties and identificatying social patterns related to the interventions. We identified that the original spatial configurations, associated to subtle changes in the states social patterns, analysed independently of non-morphological categories, gave way to the occupation patterns verrified in both Serrambi cases.
The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world (AHMEDCHEKKAT et al. 2011), generating wastewater with high organic loading. Among the pollutants present in these effluents are dyes, substances with complex structures, toxic and carcinogenic characteristics, besides having a strong staining. Improper disposal of these substances to the environment, without performing a pre-treatment can cause major environmental impacts. The objective this thesis to use a technique of electrochemical oxidation of boron doped diamond anode, BDD, for the treatment of a synthetic dye and a textile real effluent. In addition to studying the behavior of different electrolytes (HClO4, H3PO4, NaCl and Na2SO4) and current densities (15, 60, 90 and 120 mA.cm-2 ), and compare the methods with Rhodamine B (RhB) photolysis, electrolysis and photoelectrocatalytic using H3PO4 and Na2SO4. Electrochemical oxidation studies were performed in different ratio sp3 /sp2 of BDD with solution of RhB. To achieve these objectives, analysis of pH, conductivity, UV-visible, TOC, HPLC and GC-MS were developed. Based on the results with the Rhodamine B, it was observed that in all cases occurred at mineralization, independent of electrolyte and current density, but these parameters affect the speed and efficiency of mineralization. The radiation of light was favorable during the electrolysis of RhB with phosphate and sulfate. Regarding the oxidation in BDD anode with different ratio sp3 /sp2 (165, 176, 206, 220, 262 e 329), with lower carbon-sp3 had a longer favoring the electrochemical conversion of RhB, instead of combustion. The greater the carbon content on the anodes BDD took the biggest favor of direct electrochemical oxidation
Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) nanoparticles were prepared using chitosan and sodium polymethacrylate. The complex formation was investigated using turbidimetry, conductometry, viscometry, and dynamic light scattering. The presence of excess positive charges was evidenced by zeta potential measurements. The particle diameter was characterized by dynamic light scattering and the morphology by atomic force microscopy. In all experiments an abrupt change in behavior was observed at a carboxyl:amino molar ratio around 0.7−0.8. Those changes in behavior were related to a proposed mechanism of complex formation based on the decrease of macromolecular dimensions of soluble polyelectrolyte complex clusters, followed by phase segregation
This study aimed to analyze the perception of home caregivers of children from zero to five years-old on child domestic accidents and their influence in preventing these events. Exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 20 caregivers attended at the Family Health Unit of Cidade Nova in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The participants should have age less than 18 years-old, being a caregiver of at least a five year-old child and living in the area ascribed of Family Health Unit in the neighborhood Cidade Nova. Data collection occurred between March and April 2013 and a semistructured interview script was used. This stage was preceded by the acquiescence of the director of health institution where the research was developed, the Health Department of the Municipality of Natal as well as the Ethics Committee in Research of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte under Opinion nº 219 872 and CAAE nº 12236013.7.0000.5537. It is noted that respondents were asked to formal authorization by the Term of Consent. The data were treated according to the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse and analyzed based on three dimensions of the Health Belief Model, relating to perceptions of susceptibility to infant domestic accidents, self-efficacy to prevent infant and indicia domestic accidents for action of preventing domestic accidents in childhood. The results revealed that all the respondents were women, who, in their majority, they are mothers of the children they care, and predominantly they are aged between 18 and 30 years-old, full high school education and unemployed. Concerning the perception of susceptibility, it was unveiled understanding of deponents on various types of accidents, which are considered preventable. For this purpose, it was highlighted that the constant surveillance of the children is essential, keeping in view their high degree of curiosity and immaturity. On the perceived selfefficacy, the participants reported adopting preventive measures; however, they reported experiencing falls, burns, electric shocks and dog bites. In regard to the meaning attributed to experienced accidents they highlighted their feelings of guilt and despair, particularly about the cases understood as serious. Regarding the last dimension analyzed, related to indications for action, family, friends and television were the main source of information about household accidents and their prevention methods; however, health professionals were rarely cited as issuers of such knowledge. It is concluded that there is a widespread perception of women about prevention of domestic accidents and the weakness in the view of health professionals, including nurses, as disseminators of this information. This suggests the need to strengthen the dialogue on the issue and encouraging the participation of caregivers actively in the prevention of child domestic accidents
The field of experience and reflection in this dissertation is the Pau and Lata: Artisticpedagogical project and its activities in the field of music education It was created in 1996, by the Community School Sementes da Luz, located on Tabuleiro do Martins district, Maceió / AL. The work extended to the Rio Grande do Norte and later returned to Alagoas, keeping their activities in both states, involving approximately 280 people. The issues that moved us front the experience of Pau e Lata were: What are the main references and theoretical-methodological elements that constitute the formation of the musician in Pau e Lata? How members perceive this project and include themselves in the educational process of music formation? How it works and what is the meaning of the use of instruments and the learning of musical writing and reading? These questions lead us to undertake this dissertation, in order to deepen reflection on the processes of musical training on Pau e Lata, relating the experiences of its members in the process and the theoretical references governing their educational practice. In this sense, we outline the research objectives, which are: describe the Pau e Lata project, focusing on their context of action and their methodological processes; investigate the relationship between the effective participation of its members in the process of composition of the artistic and pedagogical repertoire and its performance in the field of cultural militancy in the environment where it operates. The writing process of this research is based on the phenomenological perspective. Therefore constitute our methodological research path two roads that communicate: 1) the organization and description of historical record of Pau e Lata (supporting documents, certificates, posters, etc.) and memories of the researcher and from other members of the group. 2) the formation of focal groups and writing and sending, via online, testimonials the participants of Pau and Lata relating to issues scrap and onomatopoeia, respectively. Participated in this process 11 components, adding the presence of the researcher, with the age between 21-45 years, all members of Pau e Lata, Core UFRN. The results of this research are focused on the discussion of three axes that describe and guide the work of the Pau e Lata: collective work, the use of the scrap as instrument and the onomatopoeia as base of a methodological process of musical training. This score was composed of three parts. The first part is presented from a collection of references from Pau e Lata, composed of printed and videographic records. The second part refers to the instrument used by Pau e Lata, and the perception of group members on these instruments, which occurs so that they are integrated in the training of the musician.The third axis tells how and what it means learning of music writing and reading, that occurs in two related aspects: the teaching-learning process and the body as a musical element in this process, associated with other actions characterized as studies and theoretical deepening
Student’s mistakes as viewed in a didactic and pedagogical perspective are a phenomenon inevitably observed in any context in which formal teaching-andlearning processes are taking place. Researchers have shown that such mistakes are viewed most of the times as undesirable and often as a consequence of lack of attention or poor commitment on the part of the student and rarely considered didactically useful. The object of our reflections in this work is exactly those mistakes, which are born in the entrails of the teaching-and-learning processes. It is our understanding that a mistake constitutes a tool which mediates knowledge and may therefore become a strong ally of the instructor’s actions in her/his teaching tasks and thus should be taken into the teacher’s best consideration. Understanding a mistake as so, we postulate that the teacher must face it as a possibility to be exploited rather than as a negative occurrence. Such an attitude on the part of the teacher would undoubtedly render profitable didactic situations. To deepen the understanding of our aim, we took a case study on the perception of senior college students in the program of Mathematics at UFRN in the year 2009, 2nd term. The reason of this choice is the fact that Mathematics is the field presenting traditionally the poorest records in terms of school grades. In this work we put forth data associated to ENEM1 , to the UFRN Vestibular2 and the undergraduate courses on Mathematics. The theoretical matrixes supporting our reflections in this thesis follow the ideas proposed by Castorina (1988); Davis e Espósito (1990); Aquino (1997); Luckesi (2006); Cury (1994; 2008); Pinto (2000); Torre (2007). To carry out the study, we applied a semi-structured questionnaire containing 14 questions, out of which 10 were open questions. The questions were methodologically based on the Thematic Analysis – One of the techniques for Content Analysis schemed by Bardin (1977) – and it was also used the computer program Modalisa 6.0 (A software designed by faculties the University of Paris VIII). The results indicate that most of the teachers training instructors in their pedagogical practice view the mistakes made by their students only as a guide for grading and, in this procedure, the student is frequently labeled as guilty. Conclusive analyses, therefore, signal to the necessity of orienting the teachers training instructors in the sense of building a new theoretical contemplation of the students’ mistakes and their pedagogical potentialities and so making those professionals perceive the importance of such mistakes, since they reveal gaps in the process of learning and provide valuable avenues for the teaching procedures.
La présente recherche a pour objectif analyser la reconfiguration d'un personnage dans deux romans et dans un texte dramatique de l’écrivaine française Marguerite Duras, qui font partie du Cicle indien. Ils sont : Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964), Le vice-consul (1965) e India Song (1975). Adoptant la perspective de la Comparaison Différentielle comme approche littéraire, proposée par Ute Heidmann (2008, 2010, 2012), professeur-docteur de l'Université de Lausanne (Suisse), ce travail cherche étudier le personnage Anne-Marie Stretter présent dans ces trois œuvres. On cherche comprendre de quelle manière se produit la réécriture du personnage à partir de trois axes d'analyse : les modalités de l'énonciation, en considérant l'analyse et la comparaison de l'œuvre littéraire comme un événement énonciatif, partant du concept de la scène d'énonciation, proposé par Dominique Maingueneau (2010) ; les modalités d'inscription générique, étroitement liées aux modalités énonciatives, avec un fondement théorique en Todorov (1980) et Heidmann (2012) ; et les modalités de dialogisme intertextuel et interdiscursif, considérant dans la relation dialogique des nouveaux et différentes propositions de sens. Para la compréhension de cela nous partons de Bakhtine (2010), Kristeva (1974), Todorov (1981) et de l'idée de dialogisme et intertextualité, pour arriver à l'idée d'interdiscours proposée par Heidmann (2010, 2012). À partir de cette étude, nous pouvons observer dans l'œuvre d'un même auteur différentes manières de construction d'un personnage, chacun avec ses spécificités et complexités, variant dans le genre et espaces discursifs. L'intérêt de la comparaison différentielle dans cette étude, partant d'un trait commun entre les trois œuvres, est de rendre visible les différences épistémologiques et les nouvelles propositions de sens.