968 resultados para Percentile norms


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A informação inerente aos medicamentos no processo de medicação e prescrição tem revelado insuficiências relativamente às necessidades do utilizador. Este projecto aborda essas dificuldades e procura contribuir, através do design e avaliação de pictogramas farmacêuticos, para um melhor acesso das pessoas à informação, oral e escrita, prestada por médicos, farmacêuticos e pela literatura inclusa dos medicamentos. Verificámos que, nos últimos 40 anos, se desenvolveram quase mil representações gráficas, provenientes de 20 países, sobre mensagens relativas a perigos, precauções e informações de como tomar o medicamento. Com base nesse conjunto mundial colectado, tão alargado e diversificado, procedeu-se à analise, agrupamento e comparação dessas representações com vista a apurar a diversidade gráfica e escrita das 75 mensagens farmacêuticas identificadas nesta investigação. Foi seguidamente consultada uma centena de profissionais de saúde dentro da área farmacêutica para selecção e definição da informação a ser projectada em pictogramas. Algumas das mensagens seleccionadas foram, por ordem de importância: “Não aplicar nos olhos”, “Não beber álcool enquanto estiver a tomar o medicamento” e “Guardar no frigorífico”. Foi concebido um sistema PictoPharma, bilingue (Português e Inglês), composto por 32 pictogramas farmacêuticos, com várias possibilidades cromáticas de acordo com as diversas aplicações para suportes de impressão e ecrã (Registo de Propriedade Industrial – marca e design). Embora o sistema projectado possa aumentar a capacidade de recordar as informações importantes pelas pessoas em geral, os públicos-alvo que mais beneficiarão com o sistema são: pessoas que apresentam especiais dificuldades de leitura - analfabetos, pessoas com nenhum conhecimento ou um conhecimento limitado da língua; pessoas com dificuldades para relembrar e / ou compreender o tratamento - população envelhecida, sob múltiplos tratamentos ou com menores capacidades intelectuais; pessoas que não falam a língua local ou são de uma cultura diferente - estrangeiros, turistas, imigrantes. Foram feitos testes de usabilidade com os públicos-alvo específicos, de forma a verificar a percentagem de compreensão dos pictogramas, sem a respectiva legenda e de acordo com as normas internacionais de normalização. Os resultados dos testes indicaram que metade do sistema atingiu os 100% de compreensão e a outra metade atingiu mais de 88%. O sistema PictoPharma criado caracteriza-se: pelo design gráfico no seu contraste visual e na possibilidade de leitura numa escala reduzida; pelo conceito de familiaridade gráfica representada no seu conjunto, de forma a tornar os pictogramas mais facilmente memorizáveis; pelo estudo feito para minimizar especificidades culturais visuais; pelas diversas aplicações possíveis na indústria; pelas direcções que aponta para futuras investigações sobre as escolhas visuais culturais inerentes a um projecto de design com este.


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Dissertação de mest., Natural Language Processing & Human Language Technology, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Mit der Hannoverschen Korruptionsskala (HKS 38) kann die Einstellung gegenüber Korruption gemessen werden. Die HKS 38 besteht aus 38 Items, die den Subskalen kognitiv, affektiv und konativ zugeordnet werden können. Die 38 Items der Endversion wurden anhand studentischer Stichproben (n=709) per Itemanalyse nach den Regeln der klassischen Testtheorie aus 130 Items selektiert. Für die Gesamtskala sowie die drei Subskalen stehen einheitliche Normen zur Verfügung. Die Daten für die Normierung wurden in einer repräsentativen Telefonumfrage innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Wohnbevölkerung erhoben (n=1.391). Der Einsatzbereich der Skala ist ab 18 Jahre.


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Loin de la réduction pressentie du temps de travail et de l’émergence d’une société des loisirs, est plutôt observé, depuis une trentaine d’années, un accroissement du temps consacré au travail pour les travailleurs les plus qualifiés, au Québec comme dans la plupart des sociétés occidentales (Burke et Cooper, 2008; Lapointe, 2005; Lee, 2007). Dans un contexte où les « arrangements temporels » (Thoemmes, 2000) tendent à s’individualiser de façon à mieux prendre en compte les réalités et les besoins des salariés et salariées tout comme ceux des organisations, cette thèse interroge le caractère « volontaire » des conduites d’hypertravail observées chez les travailleurs et les travailleuses des secteurs des services informatiques et du multimédia. Elle s’attarde plus particulièrement aux processus psychosociaux qui sous-tendent la construction de ces conduites. Inscrite au sein d’une approche psychosociale et systémique, notre recherche articule une théorie qui met en résonance les fonctionnements individuel et organisationnel, soutenue par le modèle du Système psychique organisationnel (Aubert et de Gaulejac, 1991), et une théorie de la socialisation plurielle et active, soutenue par le modèle du Système des activités (Baubion-Broye et Hajjar, 1998; Curie, 2000). Opérationnalisée selon une grille articulée autour de cinq niveaux d’analyse (intra-individuel, interpersonnel, positionnel, idéologique et de la tâche et de l’organisation du travail), nous avons mené 34 entretiens biographiques (26 hommes et 8 femmes) auprès de salariés et salariées des secteurs des services informatiques et du multimédia. Les résultats mettent en évidence trois types de processus menant à l’adoption de conduites d’hypertravail ; un cas-type qui illustre un processus de renforcement d’une identité professionnelle de « grand travailleur » ; un cas-type qui rend compte d’un processus de suraffiliation organisationnelle et d’assujettissement de la vie hors-travail; et un cas-type qui expose le maintien d’une conduite d’hypertravail défensive, dans un contexte de mise à l’épreuve organisationnelle. Au final, les résonances particulières observées entre ces niveaux et facteurs nous amènent à souligner l’intérêt de mieux comprendre l’hypertravail en prenant en compte les significations que les individus donnent à leurs conduites, à partir d’un regard diachronique et synchronique. Nous discutons également du caractère dynamique et évolutif de la relation individu-collectif-organisation et du rôle différencié des organisations et des collectifs de travail dans la construction des conduites d’hypertravail. Nous relevons enfin certaines implications des nouvelles pratiques et normes de temps de travail observées dans ces organisations, favorables au développement et au maintien de l’hypertravail. Mots-clés : temps de travail, longues heures de travail, conduites d’hypertravail, articulation travail-vie personnelle, socialisation plurielle et active, domination au travail.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013


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Allergies to grass pollen are the number one cause of outdoor hay fever. The human immune system reacts with symptoms to allergens from pollen. Objective: We investigated the natural variability in release of the major group 5 allergen from grass pollen across Europe. Methods: Airborne pollen and allergens were simultaneously collected daily with a volumetric spore trap and a high-volume cascade impactor at 10 sites across Europe for 3 consecutive years. Group 5 allergen was determined with a Phl p 5 specific ELISA in two fractions of ambient air: Particulate Matter (PM) >10μm and 10μm>PM>2.5μm. Mediator release by ambient air was determined in FcεR1-humanized basophils. Origin of pollen was modeled and condensed to pollen potency maps. Results: On average grass pollen released 2.3 pg Phl p 5/pollen. Allergen release per pollen (potency) varied substantially, ranging from 0 to 9 pg Phl p 5/pollen (5 to 95% percentile). The main variation was locally day-to-day. Average potency maps across Europe varied between years. Mediator release from basophilic granulocytes correlated better with allergen/m3 (r2=0.80, p<0.001) than with pollen/m3 (r2=0.61, p<0.001). In addition, pollen released different amounts of allergen in the nonpollen bearing fraction of ambient air depending on humidity. Conclusion: Across Europe, the same amount of pollen released substantially different amounts of group 5 grass pollen allergen. This variation in allergen release is on top of variations in pollen counts. Molecular aerobiology, i.e. determining allergen in ambient air, may be a valuable addition to pollen counting.


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Although women’s exclusion in sport has attracted significant attention in the western context, similar issues in relation to post-colonial societies have remained in the margins of the sociology of sport. By analysing primary, interview-based evidence, in this article we explore the challenges female rugby players face regarding gender and sexuality in Fiji; a male dominated post-colonial society. In particular, we focus on participants’ resistance to dominant cultural practices and ways in which they (re)negotiate gender norms and sexuality in a double-bind struggle against both traditional and sporting male hegemonies. We argue that the case of Fijian women rugby players illustrates an interplay between a multiplicity of power relations in sport in a post-colonial society and the resilience with which the athletes negotiate and respond to them, as well as the dynamic nature and the transformative potential of their everyday practices.


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This chapter focuses on the use of social capital as a construct to examine and explain the formation and operation of inter-organizational partnerships. In particular it shows how social capital contributes to the sustainability of a public sector partnership. In this research context social capital is defined as the networks, trust, norms and values that enable individuals and organizations to achieve mutual goals through collaboration. This definition draws upon the author’s empirical research on partnerships and partnership working in the field of post-compulsory education and her practical experience of establishing, managing and leading international partnerships for teaching and research in teacher education. The emphasis is on the practical application of social capital to qualitative data and on identifying sources of evidence, including research literature from different disciplines in the social sciences to interpret and theorize primary data. The first section of the chapter considers the complexities of defining social capital in the context of rival theoretical and political perspectives and leads to a discussion of the dimensions of social capital that are found in effective and sustained partnerships.


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One of the key issues in the computational representation of open societies relates to the introduction of norms that help to cope with the heterogeneity, the autonomy and the diversity of interests among their members. Research regarding this issue presents two omissions. One is the lack of a canonical model of norms that facilitates their implementation, and that allows us to describe the processes of reasoning about norms. The other refers to considering, in the model of normative multi-agent systems, the perspective of individual agents and what they might need to effectively reason about the society in which they participate. Both are the concerns of this paper, and the main objective is to present a formal normative framework for agent-based systems.


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Formal and informal partnerships have become key features of education policy and practice in many countries and managing such collaborative arrangements is an important dimension of the role(s) of leaders of educational organizations. Recent research has shown both the tensions and conflict that can develop in partnerships as well as the opportunities and benefits of partnership working for organizations and individuals. This article focuses on the characteristics of partnerships that contribute to their effectiveness, sustainability and success, filling a gap in the literature on educational partnerships. The research data emanate from a qualitative study of partnership working in England. The study used a grounded approach and inductively linked characteristics of partnerships found in the partnership literature with empirical data from a case study of a subregional partnership of education and training organizations. This combined evidence is used to conceptualize partnership as a continuum of weak to strong forms of partnership and to develop a table of characteristics which underpin such partnerships. The findings reveal the extent to which trust, networks, norms and values support effective, sustained and successful partnerships. These characteristics are differentiated and may fluctuate during the lifecourse of a partnership but remain fundamental features of partnership working and significantly contribute to the strength and effectiveness of partnerships.


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Tese de mestrado em Biologia Evolutiva e do Desenvolvimento, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016