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In his presidential address to the Belfast meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1874, John Tyndall launched what David Livingstone has called a ‘frontal assault on teleology and Christian theism’. Using Tyndall's intervention as a starting point, this paper seeks to understand the attitudes of Presbyterians in the north of Ireland to science in the first three-quarters of the nineteenth century. The first section outlines some background, including the attitude of Presbyterians to science in the eighteenth century, the development of educational facilities in Ireland for the training of Presbyterian ministers, and the specific cultural and political circumstances in Ireland that influenced Presbyterian responses to science more generally. The next two sections examine two specific applications by Irish Presbyterians of the term ‘science’: first, the emergence of a distinctive Presbyterian theology of nature and the application of inductive scientific methodology to the study of theology, and second, the Presbyterian conviction that mind had ascendancy over matter which underpinned their commitment to the development of a science of the mind. The final two sections examine, in turn, the relationship between science and an eschatological reading of the signs of the times, and attitudes to Darwinian evolution in the fifteen years between the publication of The Origin of Species in 1859 and Tyndall's speech in 1874.


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This paper analyses the relation between exile and literature in Angelina Muñiz-Huberman’s work El canto del peregrino. In this collection of essays, the Spanish-Mexican writer, member of the second generation of Spanish Republican exiles in Mexico, outlines a poetics of exile. From the outset, the relation between exile and literature is presented in terms of identity: while defining exile as “literary form”, the book tends to prefer a metaphorical concept of exile over ‘merely’ historical or referential approaches to it. More in particular, this paper will examine how the author constructs an identity of ‘exiled writer’ based on the close association between exile and literature on the one hand, and on the view of exile as ‘home’ or ‘dwelling’, on the other hand. A second point of interest concerns the discursive impact of this literary and metaphorical concept of exile and the author’s personal experience. A brief analysis of the essayist’s discursive voice and her writing practice shows how Muñiz-Huberman gives shape to an intrinsically complex and paradoxical view on exile.


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Concerns about the sexual health of women who identify as other than heterosexual have been highlighted in numerous research reports, yet access to information, advice and services remains limited within Northern Ireland. In response to this, a group of young women have produced a sexual health resource (‘‘The L Pack’’) specifically for those who identify as lesbian or bisexual. This article discusses the issue of lesbian sexual health and the rationale for the production of The L Pack. Drawing upon discussions with the young women involved and the various partners, it outlines the participatory process of producing information for young women by young women, the meaning and value of this and the nature of learning for all involved. Illustrating feminist and related principles through practice examples, the article outlines how the project moved from a focus on individual learning to one where the young women involved gained the knowledge, skills and confidence to take their learning to their peers and others.


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Este artículo reconstruye la teoría del amor de Pedro Laín Entralgo, en su doble referencia, a la ontología fenomenológica y a la metafísica de Zubiri. El amor representa para Laín el lugar en que se produce la posesión íntima de lo real y, al mismo tiempo, la incursión en el dinamismo y la apertura de la misma realidad. El repaso por las formas y grados que la teoría lainiana distingue en el amor lleva a encontrar en su forma máxima una apertura ontológica de carácter vertical hacia el fundamento metafísico. El artículo esboza finalmente la posibilidad de reinterpretar el amor como relación horizontal con una exterioridad de carácter inmanente.


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This paper outlines the design and development of a Java-based, unified and flexible natural language dialogue system that enables users to interact using natural language, e.g. speech. A number of software development issues are considered with the aim of designing an architecture that enables different discourse components to be readily and flexibly combined in a manner that permits information to be easily shared. Use of XML schemas assists this component interaction. The paper describes how a range of Java language features were employed to support the development of the architecture, providing an illustration of how a modern programming language makes tractable the development of a complex dialogue system.


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Upland Scotland contains some of Britain’s most prized areas of natural heritage value. However, although such areas may appear both ‘wild’ and ‘remote’, these are typically working landscapes which symbolise the interdependence of nature and society. The complexity of this relationship means that management responses will need to address a multitude of potentially conflicting priorities whilst at the same time ensuring that sufficient social and institutional capital exists to allow for the promotion of landscape integrity. The introduction of national parks to Scotland in the form of the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000 allows for a high-level of protection for designated areas in upland Scotland. Yet, whilst the recent Act outlines the statutory purpose and direction national parks should take, it allows a significant degree of flexibility in theway in which the Actmay be implemented. This level of discretion allows for significant local distinctiveness within the model but also raises questions about the potential effectiveness of chosen responses. In order to assess the potential implications of a model rooted in self-determination,we provide a case study review of the institutional basis of the Cairngorms National Park along with an assessment of the strategic character of the first National Park Plan. It is argued that whilst the Cairngorms National Park Authority has developed a significant level of stakeholder engagement, the authority may struggle to bridge the policy-implementation gap. Although a number of shortcomings are identified, particular concerns relate to the potential mismatch between strategic ambition and local level capacity.


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This paper describes the testing of a novel flexible masonry concrete arch system which requires no centering in the construction phase or steel reinforcement in the long-term. The arch is constructed from a 'flat pack' system by use of a polymer reinforcement for supporting the self-weight of the concrete voussoirs and behaves as a masonry arch once in the arch form. The paper outlines the construction of a prototype arch and load testing of the backfilled arch ring. Some comparisons to the results from analysis software have been made. The arch had a load carrying capacity far in excess of the current Highways Agency (United Kingdom) design wheel loads.


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The use of social pedagogy as a paradigm for critically appraising developments within child and family social work has been largely neglected. This paper outlines the work of Augusto Boal and his adoption of social pedagogy as a method for empowering oppres-sed social groups in Brazil. It is argued that Boal’s approach can be adapted by using action research techniques to analyse and effect change in situations where child care professionals face daily contradictions in their attempts to both protect children and support families. To demonstrate its relevance to child care practice, a description is provided of how the approach was used with two groups of social work students – one undertaking qualifying training, the other post-qualifying training. The results of this application suggest a new theoretical framework for practice which aims to establish communicative consensus around the needs of children and a mutual appreciation of roles and responsibilities.


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One of the key lessons learnt in the UK from the Laming Inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbié was the importance of social workers developing consistent and long-term relationships with young children in whose lives they are involved. This issue is now informing policy developments, including the proposed Social Work Practices which, based on a similar model to General Practitioner practices, aim to provide a lead professional to act as a parental figure and an advocate for every child in care. This paper begins by confirming the importance of developing relationships between social workers and young children, but questions the ability of the new policy developments to facilitate these. Drawing upon data from research involving interviews with social workers, the paper outlines the factors which hinder social workers' relationships with young children and argues that while the new proposals address some of the more surface structural and organizational factors, they do not address the deeper factors regarding attitudes, values and emotional competence which are crucial if social workers are to successfully build relationships with young children in care.


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This paper outlines how the immediate life support (ILS) course was incorporated into an undergraduate-nursing curriculum in a university in Northern Ireland. It also reports on how the students perceived the impact of this course on their clinical practice. The aim was to develop the student’s ability to recognise the acutely ill patient and to determine the relevance of this to clinical practice. Prior to this the ILS course was only available to qualified nurses and this paper reports on the first time students were provided with an ILS course in an undergraduate setting. The ILS course was delivered to 89 third year nursing students (Adult Branch) and comprised one full teaching day per week over two weeks. Recognised Advanced Life Support (ALS) instructors, in keeping with the United Kingdom Resuscitation Council guidelines, taught the students. Participants completed a 17 item questionnaire which comprised an open-ended section for student comment. Questionnaire data was analysed descriptively using SSPSS version 15.0. Open-ended responses from the questionnaire data was analysed by content and thematic analysis. Results Student feedback reported that the ILS course helped them understand what constituted the acutely ill patient and the role of the nurse in managing a deteriorating situation. Students also reported that they valued the experience as highlighting gaps in their knowledge Conclusion. The inclusion of the ILS course provides students with necessary skills to assess and manage the deteriorating patient. In addition the data from this study suggest the ILS course should be delivered in an inter-professional setting – i.e taught jointly with medical students. References: Department of Health & Quality Assurance Agency (2006). Department of Health Phase 2 benchmarking project – final report. Gloucester: Department of Health, London and Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education


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The concept of governance has been widely discussed in both the business and non-business sectors. The debate has also been entered into within the charity sector, which comprises over 169,000 organizations in the UK. The UK-based Charity Commission, which describes itself as existing to ‘promote sound governance and accountability’, has taken a lead in this debate by promoting greater regulation and producing numerous recommendations with regard to the proper governance of charitable organizations. However, the concept of what is meant by governance is unclear and a myriad of ideas are placed under the umbrella of ‘good governance’. This paper explores the major themes that form the basis of much of this discussion, examining both the theoretical underpinnings and empirical investigations relating to this area (looking from the perspective of the key stakeholders in the charity sector). Based on an analysis of the extant literature, this paper presents a broad definition of governance with respect to charities and outlines a future research agenda for those interested in adding to knowledge in this area.


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The paper starts presents the work initially carried out by Queen's University and RSRE (now Qinetiq) in the development of advanced architectures and microchips based on systolic array architectures. The paper outlines how this has led to the development of highly complex designs for high definition TV and highlights work both on advanced signal processing architectures and tool flows for advanced systems. © 2006 IEEE.


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Mammalian transient receptor potential melastatin (TRPM) non-selective cation channels, the largest TRP subfamily, are widely expressed in excitable and non-excitable cells where they perform diverse functions ranging from detection of cold, taste, osmolarity, redox state and pH to control of Mg(2+) homeostasis and cell proliferation or death. Recently, TRPM gene expression has been identified in vascular smooth muscles with dominance of the TRPM8 channel. There has been in parallel considerable progress in decoding the functional roles of several TRPMs in the vasculature. This research on native cells is aided by the knowledge of the activation mechanisms and pharmacological properties of heterologously expressed TRPM subtypes. This paper summarizes the present state of knowledge of vascular TRPM channels and outlines several anticipated directions of future research in this area.


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This article presents a UK-based research that has studied the existing sheltered or assisted living housing population and its future housing options and preferences. This meets an identified need to know and understand users' needs and requirements in much more detail that outlines what is liked and disliked by older people about sheltered housing, so that those who plan and design such housing can be aware of their views. The study also sought to understand the architects' challenges in designing and adapting this type of housing. The sheltered housing managed by housing associations in Belfast, Northern Ireland, was assessed through a series of site visits, structured interviews, and a focus group with stakeholders. Findings revealed older users' keen interest in participating in their housing needs assessment, identified building design concerns and provided recommendations for potential design guidelines. The findings of this research have provided important policy and design guidance to NI housing providers, and also allowed various stakeholders to participate in the debate about the quality of housing provided for the older people. This is a significant research study that generated considerable interest from various housing providers. This is an international peer reviewed journal.


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After assuming control of Malaysia's sewer systems, Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. commissioned a study into the available sewer rehabilitation techniques in the markety with the intention of finding suitable methods to rehabilitate sewers in and around Malaysia. This report outlines the key findings of the study, focusing on the applicable sewer rehabilitation techniques which use Trenchless Technology.