947 resultados para Ostrich farming


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The state of Assam in northeastern India has an excellent sub-tropical climate for the development of fresh water fish culture in a variety of aquatic bodies. Aquaculture not only plays an important role in nutrition but also in the rural economy of the State. A pilot project conducted with a group of resource poor tribal farmers revealed that a production of about 1 800 kg/ha/yr could be achieved from small seasonal homestead ponds through integrated use of locally available biological resources. This implies an excellent opportunity for improving the rural economy through the development of small-scale fish culture enterprises. In this project, a greater emphasis was placed on improving the knowledge and skills of the farmers and their farming practices so that in the future they would be in a position to expand their activities with financial assistance made available locally. Aquaculture being a new activity in the area, this pilot project was only a start in acquainting the farmers with the practice and potential of aquaculture.


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Wastewater is reused and treated in four main types of farming in Vietnam: fish culture in 200 ha; rotation of rice and fish culture in 400 ha; land vegetables and aquatic vegetables.


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Based on the encouraging results obtained by earlier workers, the concept for a floating hatchery was developed for producing tilapia for both farming and enhanced fisheries in the freshwater lakes and coastal lagoons of Gabon. The research and development work to test this concept was undertaken with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Two places in Gabon were selected, representing climatic and environmental condition similar to other parts of the country. The study aims to improve fish production in the freshwater lakes of the Lambarene area, and in the numerous coastal lagoons of Gabon, to compensate for the current overexploitation of natural stocks, or the alternative of introducing other species, and to reduce the drift of fishing population away from lakes.


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The marine grouper species are considered high value food fish in several countries. However, controlled breeding and hatchery production of grouper fingerlings for commercial farming is still in its infancy. Investigations on the growth performance of the brown marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forskal), camouflage grouper E. polyphekadion (Bleeker) and their hybrid (E. fuscoguttatus x E. polyphekadion) under hatchery and growout culture conditions indicate the potential of grouper hybrids for aquaculture.


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The effect of aquaculture, especially shrimp farming, on agriculture has caused heated debate among aquaculturists, agriculturists, and non-governmental organizations. As data on the negative impact of shrimp farming on adjacent rice fields are not available, a study was undertaken in rice fields skirting three shrimp farms: a semi-intensive farm; an extensive farm; and a semi-intensive farm with a buffer zone. The buffer zone was found to be helpful in preventing salinization of the adjacent agricultural fields and the Electrical Conductivity (EC) values (less than 1) reported were found to be harmless to the rice crop. Thus, aquaculture and agriculture can coexist in coastal areas if there are buffer zones in between.


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A study of the farming systems in the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam) indicate that fish culture brings to the household a higher level of net farm income and family labor use. In general, adoption of fish culture is strongly affected by: (1) decline of wildfish; (2) location of the farm; (3) farm size per person and available water bodies within the farm; (4) income of farm, excluding income from fish; (5) guidance from agricultural extension workers; (6) policies of local government on the development of agriculture including aquaculture.


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Experiments with fish enclosures were conducted at the Deepwater Rice Farming Systems Research Site at Shuvullah, Mirzapur, Bangladesh. The objective was to study the performance of silver barb (Puntius gonionotus) called Thai sharputi or rajputi in Bangladesh in mono-and-polyculture with grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), catla (Catla catla) and rohu (Labeo rohita). Each enclosure measured 21 m x 21 m with an approximate net height of 3.5 m. The stocking densities per cubic meter were 1 fingerling for Thai sharputi monoculture (enclosure 1), and 2 fingerlings for the polyculture systems (enclosure 2 and 3). The species ratio for enclosure 2 was 0.37:0.27:0.02:0.34 (grass carp:Thai sharputi:common carp:catla) and for enclosure 3, 0.4:0.4:0.2 (catla:rohu:Thai sharputi). In monoculture (enclosure 1), Thai sharputi performed well. This relatively good production was mainly attributed to the use of appropriately sized fingerlings and rapid growth from consumption of an abundant supply of azolla in addition to feed given. For the polyculture in enclosure 2, the average weight gain of common carp was the highest (673 g) followed by grass carp (475 g) and Thai sharputi (286 g). For the polyculture in enclosure 3, the length and weight gains for Thai sharputi were almost the same as for the monoculture.


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The Oxbow Lakes Small Scale Fishermen Project in western Bangladesh is primarily a Social Fisheries Project. The project aims at self-management of the Oxbow lakes fishing and fish farming by members of the local communities and the sharing of the benefits in an equitable manner. Project emphasis is on social and institutional aspects of the community water resource management and on improving the fish yields through better fisheries practices.


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Aquaculture in riceland has been practiced in Mekong Delta, Vietnam for a long time and integrated rice-freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming has become more and more popular. The integrated farming systems developed and practiced by farmers in the area to produce more food and more cash crops are presented and discussed.


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Por envolver número crescente de atores domésticos, a participação do Brasil na Cooperação Técnica entre Países em Desenvolvimento (CTPD) representa domínio privilegiado para se compreenderem oportunidades e desafios à institucionalização da Cooperação Sul-Sul nas relações exteriores do país. Além de contarem com competência setorial, instituições implementadoras da CTPD brasileira passaram a reunir conhecimentos sobre países com os quais o Brasil não mantinha ligações históricas estreitas e contínuas, aumentando seu potencial de influência sobre as diretrizes da política externa. Ao mesmo tempo, boa parte dessas instituições possui estrutura voltada para o desenvolvimento doméstico, conflitando com a alocação crescente de seus recursos para a promoção do desenvolvimento internacional. Por um lado, embora a busca pelo desenvolvimento nacional seja baluarte da diplomacia brasileira, os benefícios da CTPD para o mesmo aparecem de forma difusa no discurso diplomático. Por outro lado, agências implementadoras passaram a desenhar estratégias para triar ou induzir demandas, alimentando divergências com instituições decisórias e implementadoras que sustentavam visões distintas sobre o desenvolvimento e a inserção internacional do Brasil. O objetivo geral desta tese é entender os determinantes do envolvimento do Brasil na CTPD e os impactos da alocação crescente de recursos oficiais brasileiros para a promoção do desenvolvimento internacional sobre a formulação da política externa brasileira. A análise será aprofundada por meio de estudo dos casos de duas agências protagonistas na CTPD brasileira: a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) e o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI). Seu envolvimento na CTPD apresenta trajetória semelhante na medida em que induzido, inicialmente, por doadores tradicionais e, posteriormente, como maior ênfase, pela diplomacia brasileira. Durante o Governo Lula, diante do volume crescente de demandas, EMBRAPA e SENAI, identificados tradicionalmente com modelos de desenvolvimento focados no crescimento econômico e no avanço científico-tecnológico, fortaleceram suas divisões de Relações Internacionais e buscaram influenciar o processo decisório da CTPD considerando lições aprendidas em campo e elementos de seus respectivos planejamentos estratégicos. Não obstante, com a entrada do Governo Dilma e as novas prioridades do desenvolvimento e da política externa, essas instituições divergiram na avaliação da instrumentalidade da CTPD. A vertente Sul-Sul se desmobilizou no SENAI, mas continuou relevante na EMBRAPA, o que pode guardar relação com a maior competitividade do setor agrícola brasileiro e com a capacidade da EMBRAPA de mobilizar fontes alternativas de recursos humanos e financeiros para implementar ações. Porém, a polarização entre agronegócio e agricultura familiar dentro da empresa, alimentada pela sua polarização na sociedade brasileira e fora do país, comprometeu o alinhamento institucional em torno do caráter estratégico de sua atuação na CTPD.


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A discussion is presented on the 2 approaches - holism and reductionism - in the study of environmental sciences, making reference to various projects presently being conducted by ICLARM and its collaborators using the holistic approach. Schematic representations are given of ICLARM's FISHBASE, the ECOPATH II model of the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem and submodels which may be incorporated in large simulation models of the upwelling system, and also material flows in a rice-fish/shrimp integrated farming systems of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.


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ICLARM has recently developed a strategic Plan for International research on living aquatic resources management which identifies tropical coastal resource systems as one of its areas of research emphasis. Details are given of a new approach for analysing and comparing coastal resource systems - the coastal cross-section concept. Agroecosystems analysis and farming systems research were used as a basis for the development of this concept.


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In a single cohort of small freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, the size range of females in the population is rather small. However, among the males, three major morphotypes are found and each has a distinct size category. The differential growth pattern in males, termed "heterogeneous individual growth" (HIG), is a major bottleneck confronting the profitability of farming this species. An attempt is made to understand the cause and impact of HIG on the culture system and methods by which HIG could be minimized in growout in order to maximize the market yield structure of the harvested population.


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The viability of integrating rice farming with fish culture was studied in ten (10) rice plots. The on-farm research was done during one rice-growing season starting May 2003. The rice variety used was IR 2793-80-1 while the fish species was the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The fish culture period lasted 77 days. An average fish production of 132.4 kg/ha was obtained. The mean recovery rate of tilapia was 43 per cent. Total rice yield from the fields stocked with fish was lower than from unstocked fields. The net returns were not significantly different.


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Tilapia farming in Kuwait is in its early stages. Slow growth, high production cost and poor demand are the major constraints to the expansion of tilapia culture in Kuwait. This article presents some suggestions for overcoming these problems to improve the economic feasibility of tilapia culture in Kuwait.