936 resultados para Nanoparticle Penetration
The Tandem-GMAW method is the latest development as the consequences of improvements in the welding methods. The twin-wire and then the Tandem-method with the separate power sources has got a remarkable place in the welding of many types of materials with different joint types. The biggest advantage of Tandem welding method is the flexibility of choosing both the electrodes of different types from each other according to the type of the parent material. This is possible because of the feasibility of setting the separate welding parameters for both the wires. In this thesis work the effect of the variation in three parameters on the weld bead in Tandem-GMA welding method is studied. Theses three parameters are the wire feed rate in the slave wire, the wire feed rate in the master wire and the voltage difference in both the wires. The results are then compared to study the behaviour of the weld bead with the change in these parameters.
Physical damage can strongly affect plant growth, reducing the biomass of developing organs situated at a distance from wounds. These effects, previously studied in leaves, require the activation of jasmonate (JA) signalling. Using a novel assay involving repetitive cotyledon wounding in Arabidopsis seedlings, we uncovered a function of JA in suppressing cell division and elongation in roots. Regulatory JA signalling components were then manipulated to delineate their relative impacts on root growth. The new transcription factor mutant myc2-322B was isolated. In vitro transcription assays and whole-plant approaches revealed that myc2-322B is a dosage-dependent gain-of-function mutant that can amplify JA growth responses. Moreover, myc2-322B displayed extreme hypersensitivity to JA that totally suppressed root elongation. The mutation weakly reduced root growth in undamaged plants but, when the upstream negative regulator NINJA was genetically removed, myc2-322B powerfully repressed root growth through its effects on cell division and cell elongation. Furthermore, in a JA-deficient mutant background, ninja1 myc2-322B still repressed root elongation, indicating that it is possible to generate JA-responses in the absence of JA. We show that NINJA forms a broadly expressed regulatory layer that is required to inhibit JA signalling in the apex of roots grown under basal conditions. By contrast, MYC2, MYC3 and MYC4 displayed cell layer-specific localisations and MYC3 and MYC4 were expressed in mutually exclusive regions. In nature, growing roots are likely subjected to constant mechanical stress during soil penetration that could lead to JA production and subsequent detrimental effects on growth. Our data reveal how distinct negative regulatory layers, including both NINJA-dependent and -independent mechanisms, restrain JA responses to allow normal root growth. Mechanistic insights from this work underline the importance of mapping JA signalling components to specific cell types in order to understand and potentially engineer the growth reduction that follows physical damage.
Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, produces brown lesions on guava fruits, causing severe losses on postharvest. In this study, the infection and colonization of guava fruits by C. gloeosporioides has been examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Fruits at the physiologically mature stage were inoculated with a 10(5) conidia/mL spore suspension. Afterward, fruits were incubated at 25 °C in a wet chamber for periods of 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 h to allow examination of the infection and colonization process. Conidia germination and appressoria formation occurred six hours after inoculation (h.a.i). Penetration occurred directly via penetration pegs from appressoria, which penetrated the host cuticle 48 h.a.i. Notably, the appressoria did not produce an appressorial cone surrounding the penetration pore. Infection vesicles were found in epidermal cells 96 h.a.i. The same fungal structures were found in epidermal and parenchymal cells of the host 120 h.a.i. Colonization strategy of C. gloeosporioides on guava fruit was intracellular hemibiotrophic.
The design of therapeutic cancer vaccines is aimed at inducing high numbers and potent T cells that are able to target and eradicate malignant cells. This calls for close collaboration between cells of the innate immune system, in particular dendritic cells (DCs), and cells of the adaptive immune system, notably CD4+ helper T cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. Therapeutic vaccines are aided by adjuvants, which can be, for example, Toll¬like Receptor agonists or agents promoting the cytosolic delivery of antigens, among others. Vaccination with long synthetic peptides (LSPs) is a promising strategy, as the requirement for their intracellular processing will mainly target LSPs to professional antigen presenting cells (APCs), hence avoiding the immune tolerance elicited by the presentation of antigens by non-professional APCs. The unique property of antigen cross-processing and cross-presentation activity by DCs plays an important role in eliciting antitumour immunity given that antigens from engulfed dead tumour cells require this distinct biological process to be processed and presented to CD8+T cells in the context of MHC class I molecules. DCs expressing the XCR1 chemokine receptor are characterised by their superior capability of antigen cross- presentation and priming of highly cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. Recently, XCR1 was found to be also expressed in tissue-residents DCs in humans, with a simitar transcriptional profile to that of cross- presenting murine DCs. This shed light into the value of harnessing this subtype of XCR1+ cross-presenting DCs for therapeutic vaccination of cancer. In this study, we explored ways of adjuvanting and optimising LSP therapeutic vaccinations by the use, in Part I, of the XCLl chemokine that selectively binds to the XCR1 receptor, as a mean to target antigen to the cross-presenting XCR1+ DCs; and in Part II, by the inclusion of Q.S21 in the LSP vaccine formulation, a saponin with adjuvant activity, as well as the ability to promote cytosolic delivery of LSP antigens due to its intrinsic cell membrane insertion activity. In Part I, we designed and produced XCLl-(OVA LSP)-Fc fusion proteins, and showed that their binding to XCR1+ DCs mediate their chemoattraction. In addition, therapeutic vaccinations adjuvanted with XCLl-(OVA LSP)-Fc fusion proteins significantly enhanced the OVA-specific CD8+ T cell response, and led to complete tumour regression in the EL4-OVA model, and significant control of tumour growth in the B16.0VA tumour model. With the aim to optimise the co-delivery of LSP antigen and XCLl to skin-draining lymph nodes we also tested immunisations using nanoparticle (NP)-conjugated OVA LSP in the presence or absence of XCLl chemokine. The NP-mediated delivery of LSP potentiated the CTL response seen in the blood of vaccinated mice, and NP-OVA LSP vaccine in the presence of XCLl led to higher blood frequencies of OVA-specific memory-precursor effector cells. Nevertheless, in these settings, the addition XCLl to NP-OVA LSP vaccine formulation did not increase its antitumour therapeutic effect. In the Part II, we assessed in HLA-A2/DR1 mice the immunogenicity of the Melan-AA27L LSP or the Melan-A26. 35 AA27l short synthetic peptide (SSP) used in conjunction with the saponin adjuvant QS21, aiming to identify a potent adjuvant formulation that elicits a quantitatively and qualitatively strong immune response to tumour antigens. We showed a high CTL immune response elicited by the use of Melan-A LSP or SSP with QS21, which both exerted similar killing capacity upon in vivo transfer of target cells expressing the Melan-A peptide in the context of HLA-A2 molecules. However, the response generated by the LSP immunisation comprised higher percentages of CD8+T cells of the central memory phenotype (CD44hl CD62L+ and CCR7+ CD62L+) than those of SSP immunisation, and most importantly, the strong LSP+QS21 response was strictly CD4+T cell-dependent, as shown upon CD4 T cell depletion. Altogether, these results suggest that both XCLl and QS21 may enhance the ability of LSP to prime CD8 specific T cell responses, and promote a long-term memory response. Therefore, these observations may have important implications for the design of protein or LSP-based cancer vaccines for specific immunotherapy of cancer -- Les vacans thérapeutiques contre le cancer visent à induire une forte et durable réponse immunitaire contre des cellules cancéreuses résiduelles. Cette réponse requiert la collaboration entre le système immunitaire inné, en particulier les cellules dendrites (DCs), et le système immunitaire adaptatif, en l'occurrence les lymphocytes TCD4 hdper et CD8 cytotoxiques. La mise au point d'adjuvants et de molécules mimant un agent pathogène tels les ligands TLRs ou d'autres agents facilitant l'internalisation d'antigènes, est essentielle pour casser la tolérance du système immunitaire contre les cellules cancéreuses afin de générer une réponse effectrice et mémoire contre la tumeur. L'utilisation de longs peptides synthétiques (LSPs) est une approche prometteuse du fait que leur présentation en tant qu'antigénes requiert leur internalisation et leur transformation par les cellules dendrites (DCs, qui sont les mieux à même d'éviter la tolérance immunitaire. Récemment une sous-population de DCs exprimant le récepteur XCR1 a été décrite comme ayant une capacité supérieure dans la cross-présentation d'antigènes, d'où un intérêt à développer des vaccins ciblant les DCs exprimant le XCR1. Durant ma thèse de doctorat, j'ai exploré différentes approches pour optimiser les vaccins avec LSPs. La première partie visait à cibler les XCR1-DCs à l'aide de la chemokine XCL1 spécifique du récepteur XCR1, soit sou s la forme de protéine de fusion XCL1-OVA LSP-Fc, soit associée à des nanoparticules. La deuxième partie a consisté à tester l'association des LSPs avec I adjuvant QS21 dérivant d'une saponine dans le but d'optimiser l'internalisation cytosolique des longs peptides. Les protéines de fusion XCLl-OVA-Fc développées dans la première partie de mon travail, ont démontré leur capacité de liaison spécifique sur les XCRl-DCs associée à leur capacité de chemo-attractio. Lorsque inclues dans une mmunisation de souris porteuse de tumeurs établies, ces protéines de fusion XCL1-0VA LSP-Fc et XCLl-Fc plus OVA LSP ont induites une forte réponse CDS OVA spécifique permettant la complète régression des tumeurs de modèle EL4- 0VA et un retard de croissance significatif de tumeurs de type B16-0VA. Dans le but d'optimiser le drainage des LSPs vers es noyaux lymphatiques, nous avons également testé les LSPs fixés de manière covalente à des nanoparticules co- injectees ou non avec la chemokine XCL1. Cette formulation a également permis une forte réponse CD8 accompagnée d'un effet thérapeutique significatif, mais l'addition de la chemokine XCL1 n'a pas ajouté d'effet anti-tumeur supplémentaire. Dans la deuxième partie de ma thèse, j'ai comparé l'immunogénicité de l'antigène humain Melan A soit sous la forme d un LSP incluant un épitope CD4 et CD8 ou sous la forme d'un peptide ne contenant que l'épitope CD8 (SSP) Les peptides ont été formulés avec l'adjuvant QS21 et testés dans un modèle de souris transgéniques pour les MHC let II humains, respectivement le HLA-A2 et DR1. Les deux peptides LSP et SSP ont généré une forte réponse CD8 similaire assoc.ee a une capacité cytotoxique équivalente lors du transfert in vivo de cellules cibles présentant le peptide SSP' Cependant les souris immunisées avec le Melan A LSP présentaient un pourcentage plus élevé de CD8 ayant un Phénotype «centra, memory» (CD44h' CD62L+ and CCR7+ CD62L+) que les souris immunisées avec le SSP, même dix mois après I'immunisation. Par ailleurs, la réponse CD8 au Melan A LSP était strictement dépendante des lymphocytes CD4, contrairement à l'immunisation par le Melan A SSP qui n'était pas affectée. Dans l'ensemble ces résultats suggèrent que la chemokine XCL1 et l'adjuvant QS21 améliorent la réponse CD8 à un long peptide synthétique, favorisant ainsi le développement d'une réponse anti-tumeur mémoire durable. Ces observations pourraient être utiles au développement de nouveau vaccins thérapeutiques contre les tumeurs.
We study the interplay between the effects of surface anisotropy and dipolar interactions in monodisperse assemblies of nanomagnets with oriented anisotropy. We derive asymptotic formulas for the assembly magnetization, taking into account temperature, applied field, core and surface anisotropy, and dipolar interparticle interactions. We find that the interplay between surface anisotropy and dipolar interactions is well described by the analytical expression of the assembly magnetization derived here: the overall sign of the product of the two parameters governing the surface and the dipolar contributions determines whether intrinsic and collective terms compete or have synergistic effects on the magnetization. This is illustrated by the magnetization curves of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticle assemblies in the low concentration limit.
Diplomityöni tavoitteena on selvittää mekaanisen puunjalostuksen kunnossapitohitsauksessa huomioitavat asiat ja laatia niiden pohjalta vaneritehtaan käyttöön kunnossapitohitsauksen ohjeistus. Diplomityössä käsiteltiin yhtä kunnossapidon aluetta, hitsausta. Työssä esiteltiin erilaisia hitsaukseen liittyviä määritelmiä ja menetelmiä. Käytännön kokeet oli valittu esimerkkitehtaalle tärkeistä kohteista. Diplomityö tehtiin vaneriteollisuuden koneita suunnittelevaan ja toimittavaan yritykseen. Käytännön kokeet suoritettiin toimivassa vaneritehtaassa. Teoriaosassa keskityttiin sellaisiin osa - alueisiin, jotka liittyvät vaneritehtaan jokapäiväiseen kunnossapitohitsaukseen. Käytännön osuudessa havaittiin tiettyjä kokeesta toiseen toistuvia puutteita. Tällaisia olivat mm. vajaa hitsautumissyvyys, lisäaineiden käsittely, puikon koon valinta ja railon valmistus. Näiden seikkojen kautta vahvistui käsitys ohjeistuksen tarpeellisuudesta, joka oli jo työn tavoitteissa yhtenä päämääränä. Ongelmia esiintyi myös eräiden materiaalien hitsauksessa. Tämä alue tulee hoitaa kuntoon koulutuksella pikimmiten. Tilanne esimerkkitehtaassa kunnossapitohitsauksen osalta oli parempi kuin alun perin oletettiin. Muutamien puutteiden poistamisen, ohjeistuksen ja koulutuksen jälkeen tilanne tulee olemaan hyvä. Innostusta hitsauksen salojen selville saamiseen on kunnossapidon työntekijöiden joukossa.