963 resultados para Mezza-Garcia


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We study two-dimensional Banach spaces with polynomial numerical indices equal to zero.


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Para la mentalidad colonialista del siglo XIX la raza negra estaba provista de una extraordinaria sexualidad y lujuria. En la metrópolis el equivalente era la mujer sexuada, la prostituta. En los primeros años del siglo XX este tándem, prostituta-colonizado, sirve a los artistas vanguardistas como elemento de confrontación con la moral imperante. Son las artistas mujeres, con una intención feminista, quienes principalmente utilizan el primitivismo asociado a la mujer en su crítica a los estereotipos. Figura pionera en ello es Hannah Höch, especialmente en su serie De un Museo Etnográfico, en el que asocia figuras femeninas y objetos de arte primitivo. En los años 70 del siglo XX, algunas artistas de la performance, como Carolee Schneemann o Ana Mendieta reivindican el cuerpo femenino con el significado de Origen y Fertilidad que tiene en las culturas primitivas. En este mismo contexto puede inscribirse la escultura Maman de Louise Bourgeois. El elemento de crítica social, que está vigente aún en nuestros días, puede verse en las obras de las Guerrilla Girls.


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En el presente artículo introducimos el concepto de “recuperación mutua” y proponemos las prácticas creativas como herramientas eficientesde recuperación de personas tanto con problemas de salud mental como con algún tipo de diversidad funcional. Frente al concepto clásico de “arte-terapia” nosotros proponemos el concepto de “práctica creativa” como más compatible con el modelo de “recuperación mutua”. Para ello, en primer lugar realizamos un breve repaso crítico a la relación del arte con la locura. Seguidamente, presentamos los conceptos hermanos de “recuperación” y “recuperación mutua” en el marco de lo que se ha venido a denominar las “health humanities”. Para finalizar, describimos dos prácticas creativas que en la actualidad están siendo evaluadas en España en el contexto de un proyecto de investigacióninternacional en recuperación mutua: Los seminarios creativos con personas con trastorno mental grave en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla y el grupo de teatro con personas con diversidad funcional de la Asociación Síndrome de Down-Sevilla


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Stand-alone virtual environments (VEs) using haptic devices have proved useful for assembly/disassembly simulation of mechanical components. Nowadays, collaborative haptic virtual environments (CHVEs) are also emerging. A new peer-to-peer collaborative haptic assembly simulator (CHAS) has been developed whereby two users can simultaneously carry out assembly tasks using haptic devices. Two major challenges have been addressed: virtual scene synchronization (consistency) and the provision of a reliable and effective haptic feedback. A consistency-maintenance scheme has been designed to solve the challenge of achieving consistency. Results show that consistency is guaranteed. Furthermore, a force-smoothing algorithm has been developed which is shown to improve the quality of force feedback under adverse network conditions. A range of laboratory experiments and several real trials between Labein (Spain) and Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland) have verified that CHAS can provide an adequate haptic interaction when both users perform remote assemblies (assembly of one user’s object with an object grasped by the other user). Moreover, when collisions between grasped objects occur (dependent collisions), the haptic feedback usually provides satisfactory haptic perception. Based on a qualitative study, it is shown that the haptic feedback obtained during remote assemblies with dependent collisions can continue to improve the sense of co-presence between users with regard to only visual feedback.


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The identification and classification of network traffic and protocols is a vital step in many quality of service and security systems. Traffic classification strategies must evolve, alongside the protocols utilising the Internet, to overcome the use of ephemeral or masquerading port numbers and transport layer encryption. This research expands the concept of using machine learning on the initial statistics of flow of packets to determine its underlying protocol. Recognising the need for efficient training/retraining of a classifier and the requirement for fast classification, the authors investigate a new application of k-means clustering referred to as 'two-way' classification. The 'two-way' classification uniquely analyses a bidirectional flow as two unidirectional flows and is shown, through experiments on real network traffic, to improve classification accuracy by as much as 18% when measured against similar proposals. It achieves this accuracy while generating fewer clusters, that is, fewer comparisons are needed to classify a flow. A 'two-way' classification offers a new way to improve accuracy and efficiency of machine learning statistical classifiers while still maintaining the fast training times associated with the k-means.


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An extension of the pole-zero matching method proposed by Stefano Maci et al. for the analysis of electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures composed by lossless dipole-based frequency selective surfaces (FSS) printed on stratified dielectric media, is presented in this paper. With this novel expansion, the dipoles length appears as a variable in the analytical dispersion equation. Thus, modal dispersion curves as a function of the dipoles length can be easily obtained with the only restriction of single Floquet mode propagation. These geometry-dispersion curves are essential for the efficient analysis and design of practical EBG structures, such as waveguides loaded with artificial magnetic conductors (AMC) for miniaturization, or leaky-wave antennas (LWA) using partially reflective surfaces (PRS). These two practical examples are examined in this paper. Results are compared with full-wave 2D and 3D simulations showing excellent agreement, thus validating the proposed technique and illustrating its utility for practical designs.


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