941 resultados para Medical evidence
A new case of spontaneous cure of human Chagas' disease is described in Uruguay. An 87-year-old man who had a typical acute phase of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in 1947 and never received specific treatment against the disease, when examined in 1998 revealed several completely negative parasitological and serological tests, including traditional serology, PCR and flow cytometry. As a whole, such findings fulfill the current criteria to define the cure of Chagas' disease. Clinical data suggest the possibility of a benign evolution of Chagas' disease in this case, but the basic findings (slight cardiac and esophageal impairment) could also be due to the advanced age of the patient.
The objective of the study was to report the first occurrence of the parasitoid Brachymeria podagrica in pupae of Ophyra aenescens, a fly of medical-sanitary importance. Human feces was used as bait to collect the insects. In the study 20 pupae of Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Muscidae) were obtained, of which 20% of the total yielded the parasitoid Brachymeria podagrica (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae).
After the discovery and initial characterization of Rickettsia felis in 1992 by Azad and cols, and the subsequent first description of a human case of infection in 1994, there have been two communications of human rickettsiosis cases caused by Rickettsia felis in Latin America. The first one was published in 2000 by Zavala-Velazquez and cols in Mexico. In 2001 Raoult and cols described the occurrence of two human cases of Rickettsia felis rickettsiosis in Brazil. In the present discussion these two articles were compared and after the description of the principal signs and symptoms, it was concluded that more studies are needed with descriptions of a greater number of patients to establish the true frequency of the clinical signs and symptoms present in Rickettsia felis rickettsiosis.
A survey was done to determine the most common hospital accidents with biologically contaminated material among students at the Medical College of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Six hundred and ninety-four students (between fifth and twelfth semesters of the college course) answered the questionnaire individually. Three-hundred and forty-nine accidents were reported. The accident rate was found to be 33.9% in the third semester of the course, and increased over time, reaching 52.3% in the last semester. Sixty-three percent of the accidents were needlestick or sharp object injuries; 18.3% mucous membrane exposure; 16.6% were on the skin, and 1.7% were simultaneously on the skin and mucous membrane exposure. The contaminating substances were: blood (88.3%), vaginal secretion (1.7%), and others (9.1%). The parts of the body most frequently affected were: hands (67%), eyes (18.9%), mouth (1.7%), and others (6.3%). The procedures being performed when the accidents occurred were: suture (34.1%), applying anesthesia (16.6%), assisting surgery (8.9%), disposing of needles (8.6%), assisting delivery (6.3%), and others (25.9%). Forty-nine percent of those involved reported the accident to the accident control department. Of these 29.2% did not receive adequate medical assistance. Eight percent of those involved used antiretroviral drugs and of these 86% discontinued the treatment on receiving the Elisa method applied to the patient (HIV-negative); 6.4% discontinued the treatment due to its side-effects; and 16% completed the treatment.
A positive coefficient of association (affinity) between Runchomyia reversa and Anopheles cruzii and high (0.38) index were observed, probably due to the similar breeding places (bromeliads) and to landing habits. Furthermore, a high (0.92) index of association between Oc. scapularis and Wyeomyia incaudata, with low coefficient of association was observed.
Cyclospora cayetanensis causes watery diarrhea in tropical countries, among travelers and after ingestion of contaminated water and food. Very little is known about its epidemiology, pathogenic aspects and reservoirs. In Brazil, its prevalence is unknown and to date there have been reports of three outbreaks. We report here a retrospective study of 5,015 stool samples from 4,869 patients attended at Clinical Hospital of the University of São Paulo Medical School, SP, Brazil between April 1996 and January 2002, with 14 cases of Cyclospora cayetanensis being detected there was a prevalence of 0.3%. Of the 14 infected patients, the mean age was 38 years and 71.4% were female. Ten patients presented symptoms; six presented levels of immunological markers and five patients were immunodeficient.
The work presented in this thesis was developed in collaboration with a Portuguese company, BeyonDevices, devoted to pharmaceutical packaging, medical technology and device industry. Specifically, the composition impact and surface modification of two polymeric medical devices from the company were studied: inhalers and vaginal applicators. The polyethylene-based vaginal applicator was modified using supercritical fluid technology to acquire self-cleaning properties and prevent the transport of bacteria and yeasts to vaginal flora. For that, in-situ polymerization of 2-substituted oxazolines was performed within the polyethylene matrix using supercritical carbon dioxide. The cationic ring-opening polymerization process was followed by end-capping with N,N-dimethyldodecylamine. Furthermore, for the same propose, the polyethylene matrix was impregnated with lavender oil in supercritical medium. The obtained materials were characterized physical and morphologically and the antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts was accessed. Materials modified using 2-substituted oxazolines showed an effective killing ability for all the tested microorganisms, while the materials modified with lavender oil did not show antimicrobial activity. Only materials modified with oligo(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) maintain the activity during the long term stability. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity of the materials was tested, confirming their biocompatibilty. Regarding the inhaler, its surface was modified in order to improve powder flowability and consequently, to reduce powder retention in the inhaler´s nozzle. New dry powder inhalers (DPIs), with different needle’s diameters, were evaluated in terms of internal resistance and uniformity of the emitted dose. It was observed that they present a mean resistance of 0.06 cmH2O0.5/(L/min) and the maximum emitted dose obtained was 68.9% for the inhaler with higher needle´s diameter (2 mm). Thus, this inhaler was used as a test and modified by the coating with a commonly-used force control agent, magnesium stearate, dried with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) and the uniformity of delivered dose tests were repeated. The modified inhaler showed an increase in emitted dose from 68.9% to 71.3% for lactose and from 30.0% to 33.7% for Foradil.
An acute case of Chagas disease was studied in 1944, with clinical and laboratory follow-up until 2007, in Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A five-year-old girl living in a rural hut that was highly infested with Triatoma infestans presented a febrile clinical condition compatible with the acute form of trypanosomiasis. She presented a positive thick blood smear, but never again showed serological and/or parasitological evidence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, on several occasions. This patient never received any specific treatment and, to this day, she remains completely asymptomatic, with normal findings from clinical, electrocardiographic, X-ray and echocardiographic examinations.
ABSTRACT - Background: Integration of health care services is emerging as a central challenge of health care delivery, particularly for patients with elderly and complex chronic conditions. In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) already began to identify it as one of the key pathways to improve primary care. In 2005, the European Commission declared integrated care as vital for the sustainability of social protection systems in Europe. Nowadays, it is recognized as a core component of health and social care reforms across European countries. Implementing integrated care requires coordination between settings, organizations, providers and professionals. In order to address the challenge of integration in such complex scenario, an effective workforce is required capable of working across interdependent settings. The World Health Report 2006 noted that governments should prepare their workforce and explore what tasks the different levels of health workers are trained to do and are capable of performing (skills mix). Comparatively to other European countries, Portugal is at an early stage in what integrated care is concerned facing a growing elderly population and the subsequent increase in the pressure on institutions and professionals to provide social and medical care in the most cost-effective way. In 2006 the Portuguese government created the Portuguese Network for Integrated Care Development (PNICD) to solve the existing long-term gap in social support and healthcare. On what concerns health workforce, the Portuguese government already recognized the importance of redefine careers keeping professional motivation and satisfaction. Aim of the study: This study aims to contribute new evidence to the debate surrounding integrated care and skills mix policies in Europe. It also seeks to provide the first evidence that incorporates both the current dynamics of implementing integrated care in Portugal and the developments of international literature. The first ambition of our study is to contribute to the growing interest in integrated care and to the ongoing research in this area by identifying its different approaches and retrieve a number of experiences in some European countries. Our second goal of this research is to produce an update on the knowledge developed on skills mix to the international healthcare management community and to policy makers involved in reforming healthcare systems and organizations. To better inform Portuguese health policies makers in a third stage we explore the current dynamics of implementing integrated care in Portugal and contextualize them with the developments reported in the international literature. Methodology: This is essentially an exploratory and descriptive study using qualitative methodology. In order to identify integrated care approaches in Europe, a systematic literature review was undertaken which resulted in a paper published in the Journal of Management and Marketing in Health care titled: Approaches to developing integrated care in Europe: a systematic literature review. This article was recommended and included into a list of references identified by The King's Fund Library. A second systematic literature review was undertaken which resulted in a paper published in the International Journal of Healthcare Management titled: Skills mix in healthcare: An international update for the management debate. Semi-structured interviews were performed on experts representing the regional coordination teams of the Portuguese Network for Integrated Care Development. In a last stage a questionnaire survey was developed based on the findings of both systematic literature reviews and semi-structured interviews. Conclusions: Even though integrated care is a worldwide trend in health care reforms, there is no unique definition. Definitions can be grouped according to their sectorial focus: community-based care, combined health and social care, combined acute and primary care, the integration of providers, and in a more comprehensive approach the whole health system. Indeed, models that seek to apply the principles of integrated care have a similar background and are continually evolving and depend on the different initiatives taken at national level. . Despite the fact that we cannot argue that there is one single set typology of models for integrated care, it is possible to identify and categorize some of the basic approaches that have been taken in attempts to implement integrated care according to: changes in organizational structure, workforce reconfiguring, and changes in the financing system. The systematic literature review on skills mix showed that despite the widely acknowledged interest on skills mix initiatives there is a lack of evidence on skills mix implications, constraints, outcomes, and quality impact that would allow policy makers to take sustained and evidence-based decisions. Within the Portuguese health system, the integrated care approach is rather organizational and financial, whereas little attention is given to workforce integration. On what concerns workforce planning Portugal it is still in the stage of analyzing the acceptability of health workforce skills mix. In line with the international approaches, integration of health and social services and bridging primary and acute care are the main goals of the national government strategy. The findings from our interviews clarify perceptions which show no discrepancy with the related literature but are rather scarce comparing to international experience. Informants hold a realistic but narrow view of integrated care related issues. They seem to be limited to the regional context, requiring a more comprehensive perspective. The questionnaire developed in this thesis is an instrument which, when applied, will allow policy makers to understand the basic set of concepts and managerial motivations behind national and regional integrated care programs. The instrument developed can foster evidence on the three essential components of integrated care policies: organizational, financial, and human resources development, and can give additional input on the context in which integrated care is being developed, the type of providers and organizations involved, barriers and constraints, and the workforce skills mix planning related strategies. The thesis was successful in recognizing differences between countries and interventions and the instrument developed will allow a better comprehension of the international options available and how to address the vital components of integrated care programs.
Author's pre-print
INTRODUCTION: Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis endemic in Brazil, especially in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, where Histoplasma capsulatum was isolated from the soil. H. capsulatum may compromise unusual areas, including the oropharynx, particularly in patients presenting disseminated histoplasmosis; which is associated with a state of immunosuppression, such as AIDS. METHODS: During database analysis of a total of 265 cases of histoplasmosis, the medical records of 11 patients with histological or microbiological diagnoses of oral histoplasmosis (OH) between 1987 and 2008 were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: This work reports 11 cases of OH, the majority presenting histopathological or microbiological evidence of disseminated histoplasmosis (DH). In the patients with DH, OH was the first manifestation of histoplasmosis. Five of the 11 patients discussed were HIV-seropositive with clinical and laboratory findings of AIDS. Four patients presented active pulmonary tuberculosis concomitant with histoplasmosis. Treatment was based on the use of itraconazole and amphotericin B deoxycholate. Eight patients responded successfully to therapy after one year, two did not come back for reevaluation and one died despite adequate therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Oral histoplasmosis is closely associated with immunosuppression status, especially in patients presenting AIDS; moreover, in many cases, OH is the first sign of disseminated histoplasmosis.