1000 resultados para Matemática - Conhecimento e aprendizagem
The aim of this study is to reflect about the cultural aspects concerning Mathematics Education, from the relationship betwen the development of the social practice and the production and systematization of knowledge about Mathematics. Thus, in first instance, there is a reflection about the producton level of mathematics knowledge in diverse social contexts, facing the level of complexity of the investigated reality. In a second instance, considerations are made about the necessity of understanding the culture phenomenum, in a totalizing perspective and the implications facing the atomization of culture in researches of ethnographic aspects about the production of mathematics in specific social contexts.
In this article, we present results that express the occurrence of narratives researches in the form of theses and dissertations in postgraduate programs in Brazil, from 2000 to 2010 in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics area. We consulted the Student Registration, on the site of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, through the keywords: narrative research, narrative inquiry and teacher training. Through reading the abstracts, we identified the area of knowledge, the IES and the supervisor. Of the 162 (one hundred, sixty two) academic productions identified, 31 (thirty-one) are in the area of Science and Mathematics teaching. The data obtained point to the existence of groups of studies and research training in the country engaged in narrative research in Mathematics and Science Teaching, in line with teacher training.
Apresenta-se neste trabalho experiências obtidas através de 06 (seis) anos consecutivos de trabalho com a disciplina de Geometria Espacial em turmas de formação inicial de professores de matemática. A proposta de trabalho em grupos colaborativos se justifica pela necessidade atual de os professores em atividade utilizarem essa poderosa ferramenta como facilitadora da aprendizagem pessoal e dos estudantes sob sua orientação. Os alunos das várias turmas foram desafiados à tarefa de apresentarem, ao final da disciplina (semestre), um trabalho contendo: material escrito (capa, formatação, desenvolvimento do tema, cálculos, desenhos, resultados e referências), material concreto produzido com canudos e fitilho (sólidos construídos: acabamento, uniformização, montagem e medidas) e apresentação oral do grupo (arquivos de programas de apresentação). A metodologia proposta para a realização dessa tarefa em todas as turmas foi de grupos colaborativos, com em média 05 (cinco) alunos cada. Para a 1ª turma foi proposta a construção de “esqueletos” dos poliedros de Platão, com a maior aresta (canudinho) fixada. Cada grupo deveria observar uma propriedade dentre as seguintes: sólidos com a mesma área total; com o mesmo volume; com uma mesma esfera inscrita e com uma mesma esfera circunscrita. Todo material coletado dos grupos (escrito, construído ou digital/apresentação oral), está sendo devidamente catalogado, para então ser disponibilizado no Laboratório de Ensino de Matemática do referido curso. Os trabalhos propostos posteriormente foram gradativamente sendo mais desafiadores. O último trabalho proposto (2012) teve o seguinte tema: Poliedros Arquimedianos ou semirregulares.
Como é conhecido pela maioria, infelizmente, o ensino de matemática vem enfrentando muitas dificuldades. Cerca o ensino dessa disciplina mitos, preconceitos, que fazem com que o estudante, muitas vezes, já chegue à escola com medo das aulas de matemática. Por outro lado, ainda perdura em muitas escolas um ensino focado na reprodução e não na construção do conhecimento, apesar de alguns professores buscarem alternativas para tornarem as aulas mais atrativas, priorizando atividades interessantes e motivadoras. O famoso livro didático e os caderninhos de apoio enviados pela secretaria do estado da educação ainda continuam sendo os principais recursos disponíveis na sala de aula. Os exercícios e listas, muitas vezes considerados intermináveis, buscam sem sucesso fixar um conhecimento que muitas vezes não foram se quer apropriado pelos alunos. Diante do exposto faz-se necessário pensar em transformações no ensino de matemática que ultrapassem a simples reprodução de exercícios e permitam tanto para o professor, quanto para o aluno um ensino mais atraente e desafiador e principalmente repleto de significados. Dessa forma, este estudo tem como objetivo mostrar ao aluno, a partir dos jogos matemáticos, a diversão e, também, a superação, possibilitando a construção de aprendizagens significativas.
One tool that has been in evidence, especially among young people, is Facebook. It can be classified as a synchronous communication tool that allows communities of people with similar interests to discuss and exchange experiences in real time, promoting the sharing of information and the creation of collective knowledge, even if they being in different parts of the globe. In this paper we show that Facebook can be used as an educational tool to aid the work done in the classroom and the impact of creating closed groups in online social networking for educational purposes. The survey was conducted with a group of students at a private school in Bauru/SP. We investigated the interaction profile of students with a closed group created on Facebook and through a questionnaire analyzed whether students use virtual environments for personal or educational. The survey reveals students perceptions about relevant aspects and the potential use of this tool as teaching-learning strategy
This article aims to reflect on the qualitative analysis regarding the modification and the acquisition of new knowledge, as well as to identify the contribution of computer use in an intervention activity. It was used content analysis and it was created categories and units of analysis and from the frames containing the analysis of the categories it was randomly chosen four groups which led to their evaluation. Concerning to such frames of analysis and evaluation of the frequency of the records it was structured a metatext. The result of the analysis has shown the students' difficulty to realize their records, to express their interpretations and understandings in their mathematical activities by using the English language. It was noticed that the activity performed using the software Geogebra, based on the constructionist view, make possible the students to identify the modification and acquisition of new concepts.
Article exploratory nature that presents reflection on the information, knowledge and learning society and the social role of information and knowledge about new social structures that culminate in the emergence of the "network society". The concepts of knowledge, networks and the importance of information literacy are highlighted to learn to access and use the information wisely and foster the construction and sharing of knowledge through relationships without restrictions of space and time. It aims to establish a conceptual link between, trying to show the need for better understanding between these areas for innovation and the development of people and organizations in contemporary society.
To understand how teachers deal with curriculum change proposals, and how their professional knowledge are involved in this process, is critical in order to understand the impact of these changes in pedagogical practice. From L. S. Shulman’s typology of teacher knowledge, we aimed to describe and interpret how a Physical Education teacher deals with the pedagogical content knowledge when developing a theme from Curriculum Proposal of Physical Education from the State of São Paulo (PPC-EF). A case study was conducted with the use of semi-structured interviews and classroom observation. The teacher made adjustments at the approach and activities suggested by the PPC-PE, mobilizing several teacher knowledge, and her autonomy was not removed. On the other hand, difficulties in relating “theory” and “practice” indicate the need for construction of pedagogical content knowledge to better direct the learning of students to the critical appropriation of movement culture.
Apresentamos nosso entendimento, confirmado por pesquisa e pela prática em diversas situações de sala de aula, de que o método da Dialética Materialista Histórica pode e deve ser utilizado no ensino e na aprendizagem de Matemática. Neste artigo, exemplificamos a abordagem sugerida, discutindo dialeticamente a expressão matemática do Fator Previdenciário.
This paper presents part of the results of a post-doctoral research project which is called "Hypermedia Design involved with the User Experience". The discussion will be undertaken in this article assumes that the use of a hypermedia environment facing the field of Design can facilitate the process of teaching and learning in an undergraduate degree in Design. The theme that guides the paper of the following question: if the education and training in design does not allow access, involvement and knowledge of the technologies in its primary base that practitioners and researchers are forming for the near future? For both this study focuses on the use of a digital environment by reporting of an experiment of using hypermedia digital book "Design, Education and Technology" as a teaching tool in undergraduate courses in design, results and notes on issues involving interactivity and user experience. The methodology has a qualitative bias, developed along the lines of exploratory research in the form of a case study, lectures, and workshops for the dynamic observation, a questionnaire and analysis of results were applied
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Experimentation in Science Education is used since the beginning of 19th century and has it origins linked to the laboratory classes realized in the universities. This classes used, and in many cases, still using the Scientific Method initially purposed by Descartes in 18th century for the construction of scientific knowledge. One of the allegations is that the method would be the fast stand the cheapest to generating scientific information, although, it is based on the empiricism-positivism, which considers that all people have the same learning skill and they can start from the same spot. Through this paper, is not intended to contest the scientific methodology, or even its importance in science history, but just try to identify and describe other possibilities in using of the teaching laboratory, which can make the learning easier for a much higher number of students, contemplating different cognitive capabilities and generating a better scientific knowledge learning and its transfer to practical situations in life, besides, they can provide more significant learnings. Over the text, four different purposes will be presented, which depart from the laboratory use for theory evidence, incapable to make students use the learned knowledge outside the school, until that which develops in the students capabilities to scientifically argue about their day to day themes