991 resultados para Light Sensitivity


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A proteólise, as propriedades viscoelásticas e a aceitação sensorial de queijo prato light fabricado com e sem adição de cultura adjunta (CAD) foram avaliadas. Os queijos foram fabricados a partir de leite microfiltrado. Dois tratamentos foram testados em duplicata: o queijo controle foi fabricado apenas com cultura mesófila tradicional (acidificante e aromatizante), e o outro foi fabricado com adição de CAD (Lactobacillus helveticus), além da cultura tradicional. A composição dos queijos foi determinada no quinto dia após a fabricação. A proteólise e as propriedades reológicas foram avaliadas nos dias 5, 25 e 45 após a fabricação. Os parâmetros viscoelásticos foram obtidos a partir de testes de relaxação. As amostras foram avaliadas sensorialmente por meio de testes de aceitação. Não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) na composição dos queijos. Os índices de profundidade de proteólise foram significativamente (p<0,05) maiores ao final do tempo de maturação para o queijo fabricado com adição de CAD. As propriedades viscoelásticas dos queijos não foram influenciadas pelo uso de CAD (p>0,05). Nos testes de aceitação sensorial, o queijo produzido com CAD obteve notas significativamente (p<0,05) mais altas para os atributos aroma, textura e impressão global. Em relação ao atributo intenção de compra, 70% dos consumidores, certamente ou provavelmente, comprariam o queijo com CAD, enquanto apenas 43,4% teriam a mesma atitude em relação ao queijo controle.


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Foi determinado o perfil sensorial descritivo de três amostras de iogurte light, sabor pêssego, pela metodologia fundamentada na Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ). A equipe sensorial definiu os termos descritores, os materiais de referência para o treinamento das qualidades e quantificações de cada um dos termos e a ficha de avaliação das amostras, de forma consensual. Dez provadores foram selecionados e rigorosamente treinados para compor a equipe definitiva, utilizando-se como critérios o poder discriminativo, reprodutibilidade e consenso dos provadores entre si. Foram gerados doze termos descritores pelo método de rede. A intensidade de cada descritor foi avaliada em cada amostra por escala não estruturada de nove centímetros, com termos de intensidade ancorados em seus extremos, sendo o mínimo à esquerda e o máximo à direita. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA, Teste de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP). Os resultados indicaram que as amostras comerciais apresentaram grande variação em seus perfis sensoriais. Na ACP, ficou evidenciado que a amostra A foi caracterizada principalmente pelos atributos gosto doce, sabor pêssego e firmeza dos pedaços de fruta. A amostra B foi caracterizada pelos atributos brilho, cor pêssego e cremosidade, e a amostra C foi caracterizada pela maior intensidade dos atributos gosto ácido, adstringência, textura farinácea e aroma artificial de pêssego. De acordo com o teste de aceitação, todas as amostras apresentaram boa aceitação em todos os atributos avaliados. Desta maneira, a análise do perfil sensorial da amostra C, que contém proteína de soja na sua formulação, revelou que este ingrediente não foi percebido pelos provadores, e não interferiu na sua aceitação.


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A light snack was developed using a fat replacer as a flavor fixative agent. The product presented a calorie reduction of up to 47.5% in comparison with products available on the market. The impact of this fat replacer on the sensory properties was determined by comparing this light snack to the traditional ones. No significant difference in texture was observed; however, there was a difference in color (deltaE = 8.67), due mainly to luminosity (deltaL = 7.79). The light snack presented high sensory acceptability (7.27 ± 1.3; 82.5% of grades were > 7 on 9-point hedonic scale); no significant difference in snack acceptability was observed. However, the traditional snack was significantly preferred in sensory terms (p < 0.05). In an opinion survey when the consumers were informed about snack composition, 75% of them said that they would buy the light snack instead of the traditional one. The caloric and fat reductions allow the use of the claims "light snack" and "fat free", in accordance with the legislation of various countries. We conclude that it is technologically possible to use a fat replacer in snack production, resulting in a sensory acceptable light snack with great potential to replace traditional ones.


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Foram estudados diferentes agentes de corpo na substituição total da sacarose na formulação de chocolate, buscando-se obter um produto diet em sacarose e light em calorias (25% de redução calórica teórica em relação à formulação padrão, com sacarose) e com boa aceitação sensorial. Os agentes de corpo utilizados neste estudo foram: polidextrose, inulina, frutooligossacarídeos - FOS, lactitol e maltitol; como edulcorante de alta intensidade empregou-se a sucralose. Os chocolates light obtidos foram submetidos às análises de umidade (Karl Fisher), tamanho de partículas (micrômetro digital) e propriedades reológicas (viscosidade plástica - etaca e limite de escoamento de Casson - tauca). O teor de umidade dos chocolates light variou de 1,23 a 2,12%; o tamanho de partículas de 19 a 24 µm; o etaca de 6,60 a 11,00 Pa.s; e o tauca de 0,05 a 1,31 Pa. As formulações com polidextrose, polidextrose e lactitol e polidextrose e maltitol foram selecionadas para análise sensorial por apresentarem boa performance tecnológica e adequada maquinabilidade da massa de chocolate durante as diferentes etapas do processo. A análise sensorial indicou que as três formulações avaliadas não diferiram entre si ao nível de significância de 5% em relação à intensidade do aroma, dureza, derretimento na boca e sabor e, quanto à intenção de compra, as amostras diferiram entre si ao nível de significância de 5%, sendo que a formulação que continha 32,60% de Polidextrose e 15,57% de Maltitol foi a preferida.


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Samples of ketchup available on the Brazilian market, one traditional (sweetened with sucrose) and three light versions (sweetened with aspartame, acesulfame-K and a blend of cyclamate, saccharin and stevia) were evaluated for their physicochemical characteristics and sensory profile (Quantitative Descriptive Analysis). Four main groups of attributes were generated: appearance, oral texture, aroma and flavor. The samples presented significant differences in all attributes, except for syneresis and overripe tomato flavor. The highest means for sweetener and bitter tastes and aftertastes were observed for the samples sweetened with acesulfame-K and the blend of sweeteners. Although different characteristics were observed among the products evaluated and, despite the differences in the formulations, the light ketchup sweetened with aspartame was the one that presented properties most similar to those of the traditional ketchup.


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No presente estudo foi determinado o perfil sensorial e a aceitação de três marcas comerciais de chá light sabor pêssego, denominadas A, B e C, acondicionadas em embalagem PET e adquiridas no comércio local. O perfil sensorial foi determinado por Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ) utilizando-se uma equipe de 11 provadores rigorosamente selecionados e treinados. A aceitação dos produtos foi avaliada por 33 consumidores representativos do público alvo. Os resultados da ADQ foram submetidos à Análise de Variância (ANOVA), Teste de Média de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais. As amostras comerciais apresentaram perfis semelhantes em alguns termos descritores e diferenças significativas em outros. A amostra A caracterizou-se principalmente pelos atributos aroma e sabor de banana passa; a amostra B por aroma artificial de pêssego e refrescância; e a amostra C por aroma natural de pêssego e doçura. O Teste Afetivo, analisado por ANOVA e Teste de Média de Tukey, indicou maior aceitação para a amostra C. A cor das amostras foi avaliada pelo método Cielab L*a*b*, sendo que a amostra C se destacou das demais pela cor vermelha.


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In Brazil, several little economically explored fruits have good potential as raw material for the agro-industry. This study aimed to produce and determine the physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of light jambolan jelly. This fruit has intense purple color, which gave the jellies - both standard and light - a quite attractive visual aspect. The light jellies exhibited similar physical-chemical characteristics to the ones developed through the conventional method and; with the proportion of sweeteners used, the caloric values of the formulations were reduced to the range of 41 to 53%, attending the requirements of the Brazilian legislation for this type of product. The sensory profile obtained for the 4 light formulations developed, clearly showed the tasters' preference for the jelly elaborated with the association of cyclamate and saccharin. Thus, the results revealed good perspectives for the application of this fruit in the food industry.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää sopiva analyyttinen menetelmä muokatun kraft-sellukuidun substituutioasteen (DS) kvantitatiivista määrittämistä varten. Muokkauksella tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä joko kovalenttisesti tai adsorption avulla tapahtuvaa molekyylin kiinnittymistä sellukuidun pinnalle. Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa käsitellään lyhyesti eri muokkaustapoja ja yhdisteitä joiden avulla voidaan saavuttaa haluttuja ominaisuuksia sellusta valmistetuille lopputuotteille. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosuudessa käydään läpi käyttötarkoitukseen soveltuvimpia suoria ja epäsuoria analyysimenetelmiä. Analyysimenetelmistä kaikkein lupaavimpia testattiin työn kokeellisessa osassa. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin kehittämään muokatulle sellulle kvantitatiivista menetelmää DS:n määrittämiseksi Fourier-muunnos infrapuna-vaimennettu kokonaisheijastus (FTIR-ATR) spektrometrillä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa ei löytynyt yhtään dokumentoitua tutkimusta, jossa FTIR-ATR menetelmää olisi käytetty muokatun sellukuidun kvantitatiiviseen tutkimukseen. Muiden analyysimenetelmien, kuten alkuaineanalyysin, termogravimetrisen analyysin (TGA) ja valomikroskopian avulla pyrittiin tuottamaan lisätietoa muokkauksesta. Kvantitatiivisen FTIR-ATR menetelmän kehitykseen käytetyt muokatut sellukuidut olivat selluloosa-asetaattia ja selluloosa betainaattia. Saatujen tulosten perusteella muokattujen sulfiitti- ja kraft sellukuitujen DS:n kvantitatiivinen määrittäminen on mahdollista FTIR-ATR menetelmällä. Vähäinen kalibrointipisteiden määrä vaikeutti tarkan analyysimenetelmän tekemistä. Kehitetyn menetelmän suurimpina ongelmina olivat kiinteiden näytteiden heterogeenisyys sekä mahdollisten epäpuhtauksien tunnistaminen. Jatkotutkimusten avulla kehitettyä menetelmää on kuitenkin mahdollista käyttää muokattujen sellukuitujen jatkuvaan analysointiin selluteollisuudessa.


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Hammaslääketieteessä käytetettävien komposiittien valonläpäisevyys vaihtelee. Samoin LED-valokovettimet eroavat toisistaan valotehonsa ja muotoilunsa perusteella. On yleisesti tiedossa, että valokovettimesta tulevan valon intensiteetti pinta-alayksikköä kohden heikkenee, kun kovettimen etäisyys kasvaa. Toisaalta ei ole tiedossa, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin sijoitettu materiaali tarkalleenottaen vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksiä käytettäessä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettava etukäteen polymerisoitu materiaali vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksillä. Tutkimus suoritettiin käyttämällä kahta eri valokovetinta. Jotta etäisyyden vaikutusta valotustehoon voitiin demonstroida, vaihdettiin kovettimen etäisyyttä sensorista 0,2,4,6,8,10mm välillä. Valotehot rekisteröitiin MARC resin calibrator -laitteella. Sensorin ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettavat erilaiset komposiittilevyt olivat valmiiksi kovetettuja,1mm paksuisia, filleripitoisuuksiltaan neljää erilaista muovia. Valotehot rekisteröitiin jokaiselta etäisyydeltä komposiitin ollessa sensorin päällä. Rinnakkaisesti verrattiin myös etäisyyden vaikutusta valotehoon ilman esikovetettua materiaalia kovettimen kärjen ja valoa mittaavan sensorin välissä. Vertailun suorittamiseksi laskettiin intensiteettisuhdeluku muovillisen ja muovittoman arvon välillä aina tietyllä etäisyydellä Valokovettimen kärjen etäisyyden kasvattaminen sensorista (eli valokovetettavasta kohteesta) odotusten mukaisesti pienensi valotehoa. Laittamalla sensorin ja kovettimen väliin komposiittilevy, valoteho pieneni odotetusti vielä enemmän. Tutkittaessa intensiteettisuhdetta (valoteho muovin kanssa : valoteho ilman muovia) kuitenkin huomattiin, että 4-6mm:n kohdalla suhdeluku oli suurempi kuin 0,2,8 ja 10mm kohdalla. Johtopäätöksenä oli, että suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho saavutetan laittamalla kovetuskärki mahdollisimman lähelle kohdetta. Jos valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen välissä oli kiinteä komposiittipalanen, suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho kohteeseen saavutetaan edelleen laittamalla kovetuskärki kiinni muoviin. Jos etäisyyttä muovin pinnasta sen sijaan kasvatettiin, valokovetusteho ei laskenutkaan niin nopeasti kuin oli odotettu. Tämä voi liittyä siihen, että tehokkaan valokeilan halkaisijan koko on suurempi verrattuna komposiitin sekä sensorin halkaisian kokoon. Toiseksi on arvioitu, että resiinikomposiitin täyteaineet voisivat fokusoida läpi kulkevaa valoa sensoriin. Se, pitääkö tämä ilmiö paikkansa, vaatii kuitenkin enemmän tutkimusta


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Behavioral economics has addressed interesting positive and normative questions underlying the standard rational choice theory. More recently, it suggests that, in a real world of boundedly rational agents, economists could help people to improve the quality of their choices without any harm to autonomy and freedom of choice. This paper aims to scrutinize available arguments for and against current proposals of light paternalistic interventions mainly in the domain of intertemporal choice. It argues that incorporating the notion of bounded rationality in economic analysis and empirical findings of cognitive biases and self-control problems cannot make an indisputable case for paternalism.


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Kvantitatiivinen reaaliaikainen polymeraasiketjureaktio (engl. polymerase chain reaction, PCR) on osoittautunut käyttäjäystävällisimmäksi menetelmäksi nukleiinihapposekvenssien kvantitoimisessa. Tätä menetelmää voidaan herkistää pienempien DNA-pitoisuuksien havaitsemiseen käyttämällä hyväksi aikaerotteista fluorometriaa (engl. time-resolved fluorometry, TRF) ja luminoivia lantanidileimoja, joiden fluoresenssin pitkän eliniän ansiosta emission mittaus voidaan suorittaa vasta hetki virittävän valopulssin jälkeen, jolloin lyhytikäinen taustasäteily ehtii sammua. Tuloksena saadaan korkea signaali-taustasuhde. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli rakentaa TRF:än pystyvä reaaliaikainen PCR-laite, sillä tällaista laitetta ei ole markkinoilla tarjolla. Laite rakennettiin kehittämällä lämpökierrätin ja yhdistämällä se valmiiseen TRF:än kykenevään mittapäähän. Mittapään ja lämpökierrättimen hallitsemiseksi kehitettiin myös tietokoneohjelma. Valon tuottamiseksi ja mittaamiseksi haluttiin käyttää edullisia komponentteja, joten työssä käytettiin valmiin mittapään optiikkaa, jossa viritys tapahtuu hohtodiodilla (engl. light-emitting diode, LED) ja lantanidileiman emission mittaus fotodiodilla (engl. photodiode, PD) tai valomonistinputkella (engl. photomultiplier tube, PMT). Myös mittapään suorituskykyä tutkittiin. Työtä varten kehitettiin lämpökierrätin, joka koostui Peltier-elementillä lämmitettävästä PCR-putkitelineestä ja lämpökannesta. Mittalaitteen suorituskyvyn tutkimiseen käytettiin kelaattikomplementaatioon perustuvaa PCR-tuotteen havaitsemismenetelmää. Kelaattikomplementaatio perustuu kahteen erilliseen oligonukleotidimolekyyliin, joista toiseen on sidottu lantanidi-ioni ja toiseen valoa absorboiva ligandirakenne, jotka yhdessä muodostavat fluoresoivan kokonaisuuden. Kehitetyn lämpökierrättimen todettiin olevan tarpeeksi tarkka sekä tehokas ja sen lämmitys- ja jäähdytysnopeuden maksimeiksi saatiin 2,6 °C/sekunti. Detektorina käytetyn PD:n ei todettu olevan tarpeeksi herkkä emission havainnoimiseksi ja se korvattiin laitteessa PMT:llä. Käytetyllä PCR-määrityksellä kynnyssykleiksi (engl. threshold cycle, Ct) sekä kehitetylle että referenssilaitteelle saatiin 28,4 käyttämällä samaa 100 000 kopion DNA:n aloitusmäärää. Työssä osoitettiin, että on mahdollista kehittää edullisia komponentteja käyttävä, TRF:än pystyvä, reaaliaikainen PCR-laite, joka kykenee vastaavaan Ct-arvoon kuin vertailulaite. PD:n herkkyys ei kuitenkaan riittänyt. Tulokset olivat lupaavia, sillä LED- ja PD-teknologiat kehittyvät ja markkinoille on tullut myös muita komponentteja, joiden avulla on tulevaisuudessa mahdollista kehittää vielä herkempi laite.


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ABSTRACT The present study aims to evaluate crop, pasture and forest land prices in Brazil, between 1994 and 2010, in the light of Post-Keynesian theory. The results provide evidence that land, more than just a simple factor of production, must be conceived of as an economic asset. In fact, the price of rural land is determined not only by the expected profitability deriving from agricultural activities but also by the agents' expectations about its future appreciation and liquidity in an economic environment permeated with uncertainty. In this context, as an object of speculation, land has been particularly important as a store of value.


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The underwater light field is an important environmental variable as it, among other things, enables aquatic primary production. Although the portion of solar radiation that is referred to as visible light penetrates water, it is restricted to a limited surface water layer because of efficient absorption and scattering processes. Based on the varying content of optical constituents in the water, the efficiency of light attenuation changes in many dimensions and over various spatial and temporal scales. This thesis discusses the underwater light dynamics of a transitional coastal archipelago in south-western Finland, in the Baltic Sea. While the area has long been known to have a highly variable underwater light field, quantified knowledge on the phenomenon has been scarce, patchy, or non-existent. This thesis focuses on the variability in the underwater light field through euphotic depths (1% irradiance remaining), which were derived from in situ measurements of vertical profiles of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Spot samples were conducted in the archipelago of south-western Finland, mainly during the ice-free growing seasons of 2010 and 2011. In addition to quantifying both the seasonal and geographical patterns of euphotic depth development, the need and usability of underwater light information are also discussed. Light availability was found to fluctuate in multiple dimensions and scales. The euphotic depth was shown to have combined spatio-temporal dynamics rather than separate changes in spatial and temporal dimensions. Such complexity in the underwater light field creates challenges in data collection, as well as in its utilisation. Although local information is needed, in highly variable conditions spot sampled information may only poorly represent its surroundings. Moreover, either temporally or spatially limited sampling may cause biases in understanding underwater light dynamics. Consequently, the application of light availability data, for example in ecological modelling, should be made with great caution.


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Adults and children can discriminate various emotional expressions, although there is limited research on sensitivity to the differences between posed and genuine expressions. Adults have shown implicit sensitivity to the difference between posed and genuine happy smiles in that they evaluate T-shirts paired with genuine smiles more favorably than T-shirts paired with posed smiles or neutral expressions (Peace, Miles, & Johnston, 2006). Adults also have shown some explicit sensitivity to posed versus genuine expressions; they are more likely to say that a model i?,feeling happy if the expression is genuine than posed. Nonetheless they are duped by posed expressions about 50% of the time (Miles, & Johnston, in press). There has been no published study to date in which researchers report whether children's evaluation of items varies with expression and there is little research investigating children's sensitivity to the veracity of facial expressions. In the present study the same face stimuli were used as in two previous studies (Miles & Johnston, in press; Peace et al., 2006). The first question to be addressed was whether adults and 7-year-olds have a cognitive understanding of the differences between posed and genuine happiness {scenario task). They evaluated the feelings of children who expressed gratitude for a present that they did or did not want. Results indicated that all participants had a fundamental understanding of the difference between real and posed happiness. The second question involved adults' and children's implicit sensitivity to the veracity of posed and genuine smiles. Participants rated and ranked beach balls paired with faces showing posed smiles, genuine smiles, and neutral expressions. Adults ranked.but did not rate beach balls paired with genuine smiles more favorably than beach balls paired with posed smiles. Children did not demonstrate implicit sensitivity as their ratings and rankings of beach balls did not vary with expressions; they did not even rank beach balls paired with genuine expressions higher than beach balls paired with neutral expressions. In the explicit (show/feel) task, faces were presented without the beach balls and participants were first asked whether each face was showing happy and then whether each face wasfeeling happy. There were also two matching trials that presented two faces at once; participants had to indicate which person was actuallyfeeling happy. In the show condition both adults and 7-year-olds were very accurate on genuine and neutral expressions but made some errors on posed smiles. Adults were fooled about 50% of the time by posed smiles in thefeel condition (i.e., they were likely to say that a model posing happy was really feeling happy) and children were even less accurate, although they showed weak sensitivity to posed versus genuine expressions. Future research should test an older age group of children to determine when explicit sensitivity to posed versus genuine facial expressions becomes adult-like and modify the ranking task to explore the influence of facial expressions on object evaluations.