971 resultados para LiGaO2 substrates


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A number of studies in yeast have shown that DNA topoisomerase TI is essential for chromosome condensation and disjunction during mitosis at the metaphase/anaphase transition and meiosis I. Accordingly, kinetic and mechanistic studies have implied a role for topoisomerase rr in chromosome disjunction. As a step toward understanding the nature and role of topoisomerase II in a mammalian germline in vivo, we have purified topoisomerase II from rat testis to homogeneity and ascertained several of its catalytic activities in conjunction with that of the purified enzyme from liver. The purified enzymes appeared to be monomers under denaturing conditions; however, they differed in their relative molecular mass. Topoisomerase II from testis and liver have apparent molecular masses of 150 +/- 10 kDa and 160 +/- 10 kDa, respectively. The native molecular mass of testis topoisomerase II as assayed by immunoblot analysis of cell-foe extracts, prepared in the presence of SDS and a number of protease inhibitors, corroborated with the size of the purified enzyme. Both enzymes are able to promote decatenation and relax supercoiled DNA substrates in an ATP and Mg2+-dependent manner. However, quantitative comparison of catalytic properties of topoisomerase II from testis with that of the enzyme from liver displayed significant differences in their efficiencies. Optimal pH values for testis enzyme are 6.5 to 8.5 while they are 6 to 7.5 for the liver enzyme. Intriguingly, the relaxation activity of liver topoisomerase II was inhibited by potassium glutamate at 1 M, whereas testis enzyme required about half its concentration. These findings argue that topoisomerase II from rat testis is structurally distinct from that of its somatic form and the functional differences between the two enzymes parallels with the physiological environment that is unique to these two tissues.


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Poor pharmacokinetics is one of the reasons for the withdrawal of drug candidates from clinical trials. There is an urgent need for investigating in vitro ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) properties and recognising unsuitable drug candidates as early as possible in the drug development process. Current throughput of in vitro ADME profiling is insufficient because effective new synthesis techniques, such as drug design in silico and combinatorial synthesis, have vastly increased the number of drug candidates. Assay technologies for larger sets of compounds than are currently feasible are critically needed. The first part of this work focused on the evaluation of cocktail strategy in studies of drug permeability and metabolic stability. N-in-one liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) methods were developed and validated for the multiple component analysis of samples in cocktail experiments. Together, cocktail dosing and LC/MS/MS were found to form an effective tool for increasing throughput. First, cocktail dosing, i.e. the use of a mixture of many test compounds, was applied in permeability experiments with Caco-2 cell culture, which is a widely used in vitro model for small intestinal absorption. A cocktail of 7-10 reference compounds was successfully evaluated for standardization and routine testing of the performance of Caco-2 cell cultures. Secondly, cocktail strategy was used in metabolic stability studies of drugs with UGT isoenzymes, which are one of the most important phase II drug metabolizing enzymes. The study confirmed that the determination of intrinsic clearance (Clint) as a cocktail of seven substrates is possible. The LC/MS/MS methods that were developed were fast and reliable for the quantitative analysis of a heterogenous set of drugs from Caco-2 permeability experiments and the set of glucuronides from in vitro stability experiments. The performance of a new ionization technique, atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), was evaluated through comparison with electrospray ionization (ESI), where both techniques were used for the analysis of Caco-2 samples. Like ESI, also APPI proved to be a reliable technique for the analysis of Caco-2 samples and even more flexible than ESI because of the wider dynamic linear range. The second part of the experimental study focused on metabolite profiling. Different mass spectrometric instruments and commercially available software tools were investigated for profiling metabolites in urine and hepatocyte samples. All the instruments tested (triple quadrupole, quadrupole time-of-flight, ion trap) exhibited some good and some bad features in searching for and identifying of expected and non-expected metabolites. Although, current profiling software is helpful, it is still insufficient. Thus a time-consuming largely manual approach is still required for metabolite profiling from complex biological matrices.


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The UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are enzymes of the phase II metabolic system. These enzymes catalyze the transfer of α-D-glucuronic acid from UDP-glucuronic acid to aglycones bearing nucleophilic groups affording exclusively their corresponding β-D-glucuronides to render lipophilic endobiotics and xenobiotics more water soluble. This detoxification pathway aids in the urinary and biliary excretion of lipophilic compounds thus preventing their accumulation to harmful levels. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of stereochemical and steric features of substrates on the glucuronidation catalyzed by UGTs 2B7 and 2B17. Furthermore, this study relates to the design and synthesis of novel, selective inhibitors that display high affinity for the key enzyme involved in drug glucuronidation, UGT2B7. The starting point for the development of inhibitors was to assess the influence of the stereochemistry of substrates on the UGT-catalyzed glucuronidation reaction. A set of 28 enantiomerically pure alcohols was subjected to glucuronidation assays employing the human UGT isoforms 2B7 and 2B17. Both UGT enzymes displayed high stereoselectivity, favoring the glucuronidation of the (R)-enantiomers over their respective mirror-image compounds. The spatial arrangement of the hydroxy group of the substrate determined the rate of the UGT-catalyzed reaction. However, the affinity of the enantiomeric substrates to the enzymes was not significantly influenced by the spatial orientation of the nucleophilic hydroxy group. Based on these results, a rational approach for the design of inhibitors was developed by addressing the stereochemical features of substrate molecules. Further studies showed that the rate of the enzymatic glucuronidation of substrates was also highly dependent on the steric demand in vicinity of the nucleophilic hydroxy group. These findings provided a rational approach to turn high-affinity substrates into true UGT inhibitors by addressing stereochemical and steric features of substrate molecules. The tricyclic sesquiterpenols longifolol and isolongifolol were identified as high-affinity substrates which displayed high selectivity for the UGT isoform 2B7. These compounds served therefore as lead structures for the design of potent and selective inhibitors for UGT2B7. Selective and potent inhibitors were prepared by synthetically modifying the lead compounds longifolol and isolongifolol taking stereochemical and steric features into account. The best inhibitor of UGT2B7, β-phenyllongifolol, displayed an inhibition constant of 0.91 nM.


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We present systematic investigations of buckling in Langmuir monolayers of polyvinyl acetate formed at the air-water interface. On compression the polymer monolayers are converted to a continuous membrane with a thickness of ~2–3 nm of well-defined periodicity, lambdab. Above a certain surface concentration the membrane undergoes a morphological transition buckling, leading to the formation of striped patterns. The periodicity seems to depend on molecular weight as per the predictions of the gravity-bending buckling formalism of Milner et al. for fluidlike films on water. However anomalously low values of bending rigidity and Young's modulus are obtained using this formalism. Hence we have considered an alternative model of buckling-based solidlike films on viscoelastic substrates. The values of bending rigidity and Young's modulus obtained by this method, although lower than expected, are closer to the bulk values. Remarkably, no buckling is found to occur above a certain molecular weight. We have tried to explain the observed molecular-weight dependence in terms of the variation in isothermal compressive modulus of the monolayers with surface concentration as well as provided possible explanations for the obtained low values of mechanical properties similar to that observed for ultrathin polymer films.


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We demonstrate ordered array formation of Au nanoparticles by controlled solid-state dewetting of a metal film on stepped alumina substrates. In situ transmission electron microscopy studies reveal that the dewetting process starts with nucleation of ordered dry regions on the substrate. The chemical potential difference between concave and convex surface regions induces anisotropic metal diffusion leading to the formation of nanowires in the valleys. The nanowires fragment due to Rayleigh instability forming arrays of metal nanoparticles on the substrate. The length scale of reconstruction relative to the starting film thickness is an important parameter in controlling the spatial order of the nanoparticles.


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The reactions of terminal borylene complexes of the type [CpFe(CO)(2)(BNR2)](+) (R = `Pr, Cy) with heteroallenes have been investigated by quantum-chemical methods, in an attempt to explain the experimentally observed product distributions. Reaction with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (CyNCNCy) gives a bis-insertion product, in which 1 equiv of carbodiimide is assimilated into each of the Fe=B and B=N double bonds to form a spirocyclic boronium system. In contrast, isocyanates (R'NCO, R' = Ph, 2,6-wXy1, CY; XYl = C6H3Me2) react to give isonitrile complexes of the type [CpFe(CO)(2)(CNR')]+, via a net oxygen abstraction (or formal metathesis) process. Both carbodiimide and socyanate substrates are shown to prefer initial attack at the Fe=B bond rather than the B=N bond of the borylene complex. Further mechanistic studies reveal that the carbodiimide reaction ultimately leads to the bis-insertion compounds [CpFe(CO)(2)C(NCy)(2)B(NCY)(2)CNR2](+), rather than to the isonitrile system [CpFe(CO)(2)(CNCy)](+), on the basis of both thermodynamic (product stability) and kinetic considerations (barrier heights). The mechanism of the initial carbodiimide insertion process is unusual in that it involves coordination of the substrate at the (borylene) ligand followed by migration of the metal fragment, rather than a more conventional process: i.e., coordination of the unsaturated substrate at the metal followed by ligand migration. In the case of isocyanate substrates, metathesis products are competitive with those from the insertion pathway. Direct, single-step metathesis reactivity to give products containing a coordinated isonitrile ligand (i.e. [CpFe(CO)(2)(CNR')](+)) is facile if initial coordination of the isocyanate at boron occurs via the oxygen donor (which is kinetically favored); insertion chemistry is feasible when the isocyanate attacks initially via the nitrogen atom. However, even in the latter case, further reaction of the monoinsertion product so formed with excess isocyanate offers a number of facile (low energetic barrier) routes which also generate ['CpFe(CO)(2)(CNR')](+), rather than the bis-insertion product [CpFe(CO)(2)C(NR')(O)B(NR')(O)CNR2](+) (i.e., the direct analogue of the observed products in the carbodiimide reaction).


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Introduction Xanthine oxidase (XO) is distributed in mammals largely in the liver and small intestine, but also is highly active in milk where it generates hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Adult human saliva is low in hypoxanthine and xanthine, the substrates of XO, and high in the lactoperoxidase substrate thiocyanate, but saliva of neonates has not been examined. Results Median concentrations of hypoxanthine and xanthine in neonatal saliva (27 and 19 μM respectively) were ten-fold higher than in adult saliva (2.1 and 1.7 μM). Fresh breastmilk contained 27.3±12.2 μM H2O2 but mixing baby saliva with breastmilk additionally generated >40 μM H2O2, sufficient to inhibit growth of the opportunistic pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. Oral peroxidase activity in neonatal saliva was variable but low (median 7 U/L, range 2–449) compared to adults (620 U/L, 48–1348), while peroxidase substrate thiocyanate in neonatal saliva was surprisingly high. Baby but not adult saliva also contained nucleosides and nucleobases that encouraged growth of the commensal bacteria Lactobacillus, but inhibited opportunistic pathogens; these nucleosides/bases may also promote growth of immature gut cells. Transition from neonatal to adult saliva pattern occurred during the weaning period. A survey of saliva from domesticated mammals revealed wide variation in nucleoside/base patterns. Discussion and Conclusion During breast-feeding, baby saliva reacts with breastmilk to produce reactive oxygen species, while simultaneously providing growth-promoting nucleotide precursors. Milk thus plays more than a simply nutritional role in mammals, interacting with infant saliva to produce a potent combination of stimulatory and inhibitory metabolites that regulate early oral–and hence gut–microbiota. Consequently, milk-saliva mixing appears to represent unique biochemical synergism which boosts early innate immunity.


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We present a systematic investigation of morphological transitions in poly vinylacetate Langmuir monolayers. On compression, the polymer monolayer is converted to a continuous membrane with a thickness of similar to 2-3 nm. Above a certain surface concentration the monolayer, on water, undergoes a morphological transition-buckling, leading to formation of striped patterns of period of lambda(b)similar to 160 nm, as determined from in situ grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering measurements. The obtained value is much smaller than what has been typically observed for Langmuir monolayers on water or thin films on soft substrates. Using existing theories for buckling of fluidlike films on fluid substrates, we obtain very low values of bending rigidity and Young's modulus of the polymer monolayer compared to that observed earlier for lipid or polymeric monolayers. Since buckling in these monolayers occurs only above a certain surface concentration, we have looked at the possibility that the buckling in these films occurs due to changes in their mechanical properties under compression. Using the model of Huang and Suo of buckling of solidlike films on viscoelastic substrates, we find values of the mechanical properties, which are much closer to the bulk values but still significantly lower. Although the reduction could be along the lines of what has been observed earlier for ultrathin polymer film or surface layers of polymers, the possibility of micromechanical effects also determining the buckling in such polymer monolayers cannot be ruled out. We have provided possible explanation of the buckling of the poly vinylacetate monolayers in terms of the change in isothermal compression modulus with surface concentration.


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A series of secondary and tertiary amide-substituted diselenides were synthesized and studied for their GPx-like antioxidant activities using H2O2 Cum-OOH, and tBuOOH as substrates and PhSH as thiol co-substrate.The effect of substitution at the free -NH group of the amide moiety in the sec-amide-based diselenides on GPx activity was analyzed by detailed experimental and theoretical methods. It is observed that substitution at the free -NH group significantly enhances the GPx-like activities of the sec-amide-based diselenides, mainly by reducing the Se center dot center dot center dot O nonbonded interactions. The reduction in strength of the Se center dot center dot center dot O interaction upon introduction of N,N-dialkyl substituents not only prevents the undesired thiol exchange reactions, but also reduces the stability of selenenyl sulfide intermediates. This leads to a facile disproportionation of the selenenyl sulfide to the corresponding diselenide, which enhances the catalytic activity. The mechanistic investigations indicate that the reactivity of diselenides having sec-or tert-amide moieties with PhSH is extremely slow; indicating that the first step of the catalytic cycle involves the reaction between the diselenides and peroxide to produce the corresponding selenenic and seleninic acids.


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Comprehension of a complex acoustic signal - speech - is vital for human communication, with numerous brain processes required to convert the acoustics into an intelligible message. In four studies in the present thesis, cortical correlates for different stages of speech processing in a mature linguistic system of adults were investigated. In two further studies, developmental aspects of cortical specialisation and its plasticity in adults were examined. In the present studies, electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings of the mismatch negativity (MMN) response elicited by changes in repetitive unattended auditory events and the phonological mismatch negativity (PMN) response elicited by unexpected speech sounds in attended speech inputs served as the main indicators of cortical processes. Changes in speech sounds elicited the MMNm, the magnetic equivalent of the electric MMN, that differed in generator loci and strength from those elicited by comparable changes in non-speech sounds, suggesting intra- and interhemispheric specialisation in the processing of speech and non-speech sounds at an early automatic processing level. This neuronal specialisation for the mother tongue was also reflected in the more efficient formation of stimulus representations in auditory sensory memory for typical native-language speech sounds compared with those formed for unfamiliar, non-prototype speech sounds and simple tones. Further, adding a speech or non-speech sound context to syllable changes was found to modulate the MMNm strength differently in the left and right hemispheres. Following the acoustic-phonetic processing of speech input, phonological effort related to the selection of possible lexical (word) candidates was linked with distinct left-hemisphere neuronal populations. In summary, the results suggest functional specialisation in the neuronal substrates underlying different levels of speech processing. Subsequently, plasticity of the brain's mature linguistic system was investigated in adults, in whom representations for an aurally-mediated communication system, Morse code, were found to develop within the same hemisphere where representations for the native-language speech sounds were already located. Finally, recording and localization of the MMNm response to changes in speech sounds was successfully accomplished in newborn infants, encouraging future MEG investigations on, for example, the state of neuronal specialisation at birth.


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We report a detailed and full computational investigation on the hydrovinylation reaction of styrene with the Ni(II)-phospholane catalytic system, which was originally presumed to proceed through a cationic mechanism involving a nickel hydride intermediate. The following general features emerge from this study on a specific catalyst complex that was found to give quantitative yield and moderate selectivity: (a) the activation barrier for the initiation (18.8 kcal/mol) is higher than that for the reaction due to a low-lying square-planar pentenyl chelate intermediate originating from a Ni(II)-allyl catalyst precursor. Consequently there is an induction period for the catalysis; (b) the exit of product from the catalyst is via a β-H-transfer step instead of the usual β-H elimination pathway, which has a very high activation energy due to a trans effect of the phospholane ligand; (c) the turnover-limiting and enantio- determining transition state is also the β-H-transfer; (d) because of the absence of a hydride intermediate, the unwanted isomerization of the product is prevented; (e) since the enantio-discrimination is decided at the H-transfer stage itself, the configuration of the product in a catalytic cycle influences the enantioselectivity in the subsequent cycle; (f) the trans effect of the sole strong ligand in the d8 square-planar Ni(II), the stability of the η3-benzyl intermediate, and the availability of three coordination sites enable regioselective hydrovinylation over the possible oligomerization/polymerization of the olefin substrates and linear hydrovinylation. This work has also confirmed the previously recognized role of the hemilabile group at various stages in the mechanism.


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SecB, a soluble cytosolic chaperone component of the Secexport pathway, binds to newly synthesized precursor proteins and prevents their premature aggregation and folding and subsequently targets them to the translocation machinery on the membrane. PreMBP, the precursor form of maltose binding protein, has a 26-residue signal sequence attached to the N-terminus of MBP and is a physiological substrate of SecB. We examine the effect of macromolecular crowding and SecB on the stability and refolding of denatured preMBP and MBP. PreMBP was less stable than MBP (ΔTm =7( 0.5 K) in both crowded and uncrowded solutions. Crowding did not cause any substantial changes in the thermal stability ofMBP(ΔTm=1(0.4 K) or preMBP (ΔTm=0(0.6 K), as observed in spectroscopically monitored thermal unfolding experiments. However, both MBP and preMBP were prone to aggregation while refolding under crowded conditions. In contrast to MBP aggregates, which were amorphous, preMBP aggregates form amyloid fibrils.Under uncrowded conditions, a molar excess of SecB was able to completely prevent aggregation and promote disaggregation of preformed aggregates of MBP. When a complex of the denatured protein and SecB was preformed, SecB could completely prevent aggregation and promote folding of MBP and preMBP even in crowded solution. Thus, in addition to maintaining substrates in an unfolded, export-competent conformation, SecB also suppresses the aggregation of its substrates in the crowded intracellular environment. SecB is also able to promote passive disaggregation of macroscopic aggregates of MBP in the absence of an energy source such as ATP or additional cofactors. These experiments also demonstrate that signal peptide can reatly influence protein stability and aggregation propensity.


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Cognitive impairments of attention, memory and executive functions are a fundamental feature of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. The neurophysiological and neurochemical changes in the auditory cortex are shown to underlie cognitive impairmentsin schizophrenia patients. Functional state of the neural substrate of auditory information processing could be objectively and non-invasively probed with auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and event- related fields (ERFs). In the current work, we explored the neurochemical effect on the neural origins of auditory information processing in relation to schizophrenia. By means of ERPs/ERFs we aimed to determine how neural substrates of auditory information processing are modulated by antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia spectrum patients (Studies I, II) and by neuropharmacological challenges in healthy human subjects (Studies III, IV). First, with auditory ERPs we investigated the effects of olanzapine (Study I) and risperidone (Study II) in a group of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. After 2 and 4 weeks of treatment, olanzapine has no significant effects on mismatch negativity(MMN) and P300, which, as it has been suggested, respectively reflect preattentive and attention-dependent information processing. After 2 weeks of treatment, risperidone has no significant effect on P300, however risperidone reduces P200 amplitude. This latter effect of risperidone on neural resources responsible for P200 generation could be partly explained through the action of dopamine. Subsequently, we used simultaneous EEG/MEG to investigate the effects of memantine (Study III) and methylphenidate (Study IV) in healthy subjects. We found that memantine modulates MMN response without changing other ERP components. This could be interpreted as being due to the possible influence of memantine through the NMDA receptors on auditory change- detection mechanism, with processing of auditory stimuli remaining otherwise unchanged. Further, we found that methylphenidate does not modulate the MMN response. This finding could indicate no association between catecholaminergic activities and electrophysiological measures of preattentive auditory discrimination processes reflected in the MMN. However, methylphenidate decreases the P200 amplitudes. This could be interpreted as a modulation of auditory information processing reflected in P200 by dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems. Taken together, our set of studies indicates a complex pattern of neurochemical influences produced by the antipsychotic drugs in the neural substrate of auditory information processing in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and by the pharmacological challenges in healthy subjects studied with ERPs and ERFs.


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The enzyme carnitine acetyltransferase (acetyl-CoA:carnitine O-acetyltransferase, EC has been purified to homogeneity from hepatic mitochondria of clofibrate-fed rats. It is a protein of molecular weight 56 000 composed of two non-identical subunits of molecular weight 34 000 and 25 000. The enzyme is inhibited by palmityl-CoA as well as acetyl carnitine. The inhibition by fatty acyl-CoA is competitive with respect to both the substrates, carnitine and acetyl-CoA. The inhibition by acetylcarnitine is reversed by carnitine but not by acetyl-CoA.


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The inhibitory action of the anticancer antibiotic, Adriamycin, on succinate-dependent oxidative phosphorylation in heart mitochondria was markedly potentiated by the presence of hexokinase in the reaction medium. This 'hexokinase effect' was not observed in the oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates, or when liver or kidney mitochondria were used in place of heart mitochondria. These results offer a biochemical explanation for the extreme cardiac toxicity of the drug.