990 resultados para Lancaster Institution, Southwark, Eng.


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Anecdotal evidence has it that when Dublin’s venereal disease hospital closed its doors for the last time in the 1950s, its administrative staff began to burn its records, starting with the most recent. This attempt to conceal the results of sexual profligacy is perhaps understandable in the rarefied climate of mid-century Catholic Ireland. However, the sense of shame attached to this institution has been pervasive. For example, of all Dublin’s major hospitals, the lock hospital remains the only one without a dedicated history. And, throughout its two centuries of existence, the ‘lock’ had often been a site of controversy and approbation.

The institution began in the eighteenth century as the most peripatetic, poor relation of the city’s voluntary hospitals, wandering indiscriminately through a series of temporary premises before finally achieving a permanent home and official recognition as a military-sponsored medical hospital in 1792. It also gained architectural extensions by both Richard and Francis Johnston and in the following decades. This new-found status and a growing re-conceptualisation of venereal disease as a legitimate medical problem rather than a matter of morality was, however, somewhat compromised by the choice of site at Townsend Street. The institution occupied a hidden part of city, appropriating the vacated home of the Hospital for Incurables, another marginalised group whose presence in the city had been viewed through the lens of superstition and fear. For the rest of its existence, the lock hospital would share this experience occupying a nebulous position between medicine and morality; disease and sin.

Using what’s left of the hospital’s records and a series of original architectural drawings, this paper discusses the presence and role of the lock hospital in the city in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, tracking how changes in its administration and architectural form reflected wider attitudes towards disease, sexuality and gender in Georgian Dublin.


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Generating timetables for an institution is a challenging and time consuming task due to different demands on the overall structure of the timetable. In this paper, a new hybrid method which is a combination of a great deluge and artificial bee colony algorithm (INMGD-ABC) is proposed to address the university timetabling problem. Artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) is a population based method that has been introduced in recent years and has proven successful in solving various optimization problems effectively. However, as with many search based approaches, there exist weaknesses in the exploration and exploitation abilities which tend to induce slow convergence of the overall search process. Therefore, hybridization is proposed to compensate for the identified weaknesses of the ABC. Also, inspired from imperialist competitive algorithms, an assimilation policy is implemented in order to improve the global exploration ability of the ABC algorithm. In addition, Nelder–Mead simplex search method is incorporated within the great deluge algorithm (NMGD) with the aim of enhancing the exploitation ability of the hybrid method in fine-tuning the problem search region. The proposed method is tested on two differing benchmark datasets i.e. examination and course timetabling datasets. A statistical analysis t-test has been conducted and shows the performance of the proposed approach as significantly better than basic ABC algorithm. Finally, the experimental results are compared against state-of-the art methods in the literature, with results obtained that are competitive and in certain cases achieving some of the current best results to those in the literature.


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This paper explores the changing relationship between knowledge creation and city centre spaces, focusing on the relocation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) into urban centres and the ensuing economic, social and cultural regeneration. Using the Ulster University's relocation to Belfast city centre, the paper highlights the opportunities a new anchor institution can offer a deprived inner city community. This case study draws attention to the drivers of university relocation and the untapped potential for regeneration in city centres such as Belfast, Northern Ireland. The paper looks to the future and questions whether large-scale city projects, such as the university relocation, can truly form connections with their new neighbouring inner city communities while contending with the mounting pressure of reduced government resources.


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Africa has a significant burden of childhood disease, with relatively few skilled health care professionals. The African Paediatric Fellowship Programme was developed by the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health at the University of Cape Town to provide relevant training for African child health professionals, by Africans, within Africa. Trainees identified by partner academic institutions spend 6 months to 2 years training in the Department of Pediatrics and allied disciplines. They then return to their home institution to build practice, training, research, and advocacy. From 2008 to 2015, 73 physicians have completed or are completing training in general pediatrics or a pediatric subspecialty. At 1 year posttraining, 98% to 100% are practicing back in their home institution. The impact of the returning fellows is evident from their practice interventions, research collaborations, and positions as stakeholders who can change health care policies. Thirty-three centers in 13 African countries are partners with the program, and the program template is now followed by other partner sites in Africa. Increasing and retaining the skills pool of African child health specialists is building a network of motivated, highly skilled clinicians who are equipped to advance child health in Africa.


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In this study we calculate the electron-impact uncertainties in atomic data for direct ionization and recombination and investigate the role of these uncertainties on spectral diagnostics. We outline a systematic approach to assigning meaningful uncertainties that vary with electron temperature. Once these uncertainty parameters have been evaluated, we can then calculate the uncertainties on key diagnostics through a Monte Carlo routine, using the Astrophysical Emission Code (APEC) [Smith et al. 2001]. We incorporate these uncertainties into well known temperature diagnostics, such as the Lyman alpha versus resonance line ratio and the G ratio. We compare these calculations to a study performed by [Testa et al. 2004], where significant discrepancies in the two diagnostic ratios were observed. We conclude that while the atomic physics uncertainties play a noticeable role in the discrepancies observed by Testa, they do not explain all of them. This indicates that there is another physical process occurring in the system that is not being taken into account. This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation REU and Department of Defense ASSURE programs under NSF Grant no. 1262851 and by the Smithsonian Institution.


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Infection is a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Premature neonates are particularly susceptible to infection because of physiologic immaturity, comorbidity, and extraneous medical interventions. Additionally premature infants are at higher risk of progression to sepsis or severe sepsis, adverse outcomes, and antimicrobial toxicity. Currently initial diagnosis is based upon clinical suspicion accompanied by nonspecific clinical signs and is confirmed upon positive microbiologic culture results several days after institution of empiric therapy. There exists a significant need for rapid, objective, in vitro tests for diagnosis of infection in neonates who are experiencing clinical instability. We used immunoassays multiplexed on microarrays to identify differentially expressed serum proteins in clinically infected and non-infected neonates. Immunoassay arrays were effective for measurement of more than 100 cytokines in small volumes of serum available from neonates. Our analyses revealed significant alterations in levels of eight serum proteins in infected neonates that are associated with inflammation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis. Specifically P- and E-selectins, interleukin 2 soluble receptor alpha, interleukin 18, neutrophil elastase, urokinase plasminogen activator and its cognate receptor, and C-reactive protein were observed at statistically significant increased levels. Multivariate classifiers based on combinations of serum analytes exhibited better diagnostic specificity and sensitivity than single analytes. Multiplexed immunoassays of serum cytokines may have clinical utility as an adjunct for rapid diagnosis of infection and differentiation of etiologic agent in neonates with clinical decompensation.


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Fast electron energy spectra have been measured for a range of intensities between 1018 Wcm−2 and 1021 Wcm−2 and for different target materials using electron spectrometers. Several experimental campaigns were conducted on peta watt laser facilities at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Osaka University. In these experimental campaigns, the pulse duration was varied from 0.5 ps to 5 ps. The laser incident angle was also changed from normal incidence to 40° in p-polarized. The results show a reduction from the ponderomotive scaling on fast electrons over 1020 Wcm−2.


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It is predicted that climate change will result in rising sea levels, more frequent and extreme weather events, hotter and drier summers and warmer and wetter winters. This will have a significant impact on the design of buildings, how they are kept cool and how they are weathered against more extreme climatic conditions. The residential sector is already a significant environmental burden with high associated operational energy. Climate change, and a growing population requiring residence, has the potential to exacerbate this problem seriously. New paradigms for residential building design are required to enable low-carbon dioxide operation to mitigate climate change. They must also face the reality of inevitable climate change and adopt climate change adaptation strategies to cope with future scenarios. However, any climate adaptation strategy for dwellings must also be cognisant of adapting occupant needs, influenced by ageing populations and new technologies. This paper presents concepts and priorities for changing how society designs residential buildings by designing for adaptation. A case study home is analysed in the context of its stated aims of low energy and adaptability. A post-occupancy evaluation of the house is presented, and future-proofing strategies are evaluated using climate projection data for future climate change scenarios.


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Modern approaches to biomedical research and diagnostics targeted towards precision medicine are generating ‘big data’ across a range of high-throughput experimental and analytical platforms. Integrative analysis of this rich clinical, pathological, molecular and imaging data represents one of the greatest bottlenecks in biomarker discovery research in cancer and other diseases. Following on from the publication of our successful framework for multimodal data amalgamation and integrative analysis, Pathology Integromics in Cancer (PICan), this article will explore the essential elements of assembling an integromics framework from a more detailed perspective. PICan, built around a relational database storing curated multimodal data, is the research tool sitting at the heart of our interdisciplinary efforts to streamline biomarker discovery and validation. While recognizing that every institution has a unique set of priorities and challenges, we will use our experiences with PICan as a case study and starting point, rationalizing the design choices we made within the context of our local infrastructure and specific needs, but also highlighting alternative approaches that may better suit other programmes of research and discovery. Along the way, we stress that integromics is not just a set of tools, but rather a cohesive paradigm for how modern bioinformatics can be enhanced. Successful implementation of an integromics framework is a collaborative team effort that is built with an eye to the future and greatly accelerates the processes of biomarker discovery, validation and translation into clinical practice.


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This study describes research on a postgraduate blended learning programme within the Department of Education at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. It is based on a multi-philosophical paradigm and examines students‟ satisfaction levels through the application of Herzberg‟s Motivation and Hygiene Theory. The main question being addressed in this research is: “Can the Motivation and Hygiene Theory be adopted as a means to measure student satisfaction with their blended learning environment?” Embedded within this research question are four fundamental questions which set the scene for the development of this research study and are explored in greater detail in Chapters 4 and 5 respectively: 1. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning satisfaction with their b-Learning course? 2. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning dissatisfaction with their b-Learning course? 3. Can these factors be represented as Motivation and Hygiene factors? 4. Will this method of measuring learning satisfaction lead to a set of guidelines that could be considered as a framework for the development of b-Learning courses? The results indicate that the Motivation and Hygiene Theory or an adapted version such as the Enricher and Enabler Theory proposed in this study could be considered as a plausible means of analysing an institution‟s b-Learning processes. The opportunity to carry out future research is evident and can be varied depending on the research objectives in mind. Examples where further exploration would be beneficial lay within the application of this theory to the wider sector; the use of larger samples, focusing on the teachers, as well as the learners and the application of Web 2.0 technologies as means of gathering information. The results of this research will be of great significance to those areas of education that are interested in locating quick and efficient means by which to evaluate their b-Learning and to no lesser extent e-Learning environments.


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The main goal of this study was to analyse the development of a pedagogy for autonomy tuned to the current situation in which Higher Education finds itself, namely of implementation of the Bologna Process in Europe, and in particular at the Escola Superior Agrária of the Polytechnic School at Coimbra. For this purpose new course units were created, new descriptors written, new materials developed and new methodologies tried. A case study was undertaken to observe and analyse the changes the institution was undergoing and to assess the impact of the new methodologies, particularly regarding the development of student autonomy. The target population for this study were the first year students on the Biotechnology degree in the year 2007/2008, to whom a battery of tests were applied, namely proficiency tests, belief tests, metacognitive tests, as well as methods of ethnographic research. The study relied on the European Framework of Reference for Languages and the European Language Portfolio to establish recognised levels and competences, and employed the portfolio as its main tool for measuring student autonomy. This portfolio was simultaneously biographical and descriptive and was organised by the students in their own time. Great incentive was given to this independent work. The ethnographic component of the study was of significant importance being given to students learning histories and to the collection of students’ reflections. This component aimed in particular to allow students the opportunity to express their thoughts on the experience they underwent during 20 weeks. From the analysis of the data, a significant improvement in self-confidence and motivation for lifelong learning is observable in the development of multiple tasks. Regarding the students’ progression towards proficiency, this improvement is less clear, but the final results of educational success were generally of great relevance.


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À semelhança do que aconteceu em muitas instituições públicas, as universidades têm enfrentado pressões crescentes para mudar, tendo de repensar as suas formas de governança e de gestão, dando mais ênfase à implementação de sistemas de gestão do desempenho (SGD). Apesar de existirem vários estudos sobre o desempenho, estes têm ignorado o uso dado à informação recolhida. Além disso, e apesar de terem ocorrido várias reformas na governança destas instituições, existem ainda poucos estudos que relacionam a governança e o desempenho. Assim, esta pesquisa visa explorar a forma como as universidades medem, reportam e gerem o desempenho e como as estruturas de governança se relacionam com estas práticas. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, um estudo comparativo entre universidades britânicas e portuguesas foi realizado. Os dados foram recolhidos através da utilização de uma metodologia qualitativa, sendo os métodos utilizados a análise documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas a membros dos órgãos de governo e gestão de cada instituição. A análise dos dados mostrou a inexistência de um sistema completamente integrado de gestão de desempenho (SGD) em ambas as instituições, essencialmente devido à falta de práticas de gestão de desempenho. De facto, apesar de alguns dos entrevistados terem reportado o "uso positivo" de dados sobre o desempenho, alguns relataram o "não uso" desses dados, principalmente em relação ao desempenho individual, e outros o "mau uso" dessa informação, tendo sido reportadas práticas de gaming e deturpação dos resultados. Como forma de ultrapassar alguns destes problemas, verificou-se a co-existência de duas estruturas de governança: uma 'formal', da qual fazem parte todos os órgão de governo, com um valor mais 'simbólico'; e uma estrutura 'paralela', constituída por órgãos mais ágeis, que gerem a universidade no dia a dia. Verificou-se terem sido vários os fatores a afetarem, negativa e positivamente, os SGD em ambas as instituições, tendo sido rotulados de "inibidores" e "determinantes", respetivamente. A pesquisa mostrou que, apesar de as estruturas de governança serem importantes para a implementação e funcionamento de um SGD, há outros fatores que precisam de ser levados em consideração, nomeadamente, o nível de comunicação e o nível de envolvimento dos atores no processo. Estes dois fatores são considerados relevantes para a integração bem sucedida de práticas de medição, reporte e gestão de desempenho. Esta integração, juntamente com outras mudanças que ocorreram em termos de governança, contribuirá certamente para que se passe de um sistema em que se governa o desempenho para um sistema em que se governa para o desempenho.


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The exponential growth of the world population has led to an increase of settlements often located in areas prone to natural disasters, including earthquakes. Consequently, despite the important advances in the field of natural catastrophes modelling and risk mitigation actions, the overall human losses have continued to increase and unprecedented economic losses have been registered. In the research work presented herein, various areas of earthquake engineering and seismology are thoroughly investigated, and a case study application for mainland Portugal is performed. Seismic risk assessment is a critical link in the reduction of casualties and damages due to earthquakes. Recognition of this relation has led to a rapid rise in demand for accurate, reliable and flexible numerical tools and software. In the present work, an open-source platform for seismic hazard and risk assessment is developed. This software is capable of computing the distribution of losses or damage for an earthquake scenario (deterministic event-based) or earthquake losses due to all the possible seismic events that might occur within a region for a given interval of time (probabilistic event-based). This effort has been developed following an open and transparent philosophy and therefore, it is available to any individual or institution. The estimation of the seismic risk depends mainly on three components: seismic hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The latter component assumes special importance, as by intervening with appropriate retrofitting solutions, it may be possible to decrease directly the seismic risk. The employment of analytical methodologies is fundamental in the assessment of structural vulnerability, particularly in regions where post-earthquake building damage might not be available. Several common methodologies are investigated, and conclusions are yielded regarding the method that can provide an optimal balance between accuracy and computational effort. In addition, a simplified approach based on the displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) is proposed, which allows for the rapid estimation of fragility curves, considering a wide spectrum of uncertainties. A novel vulnerability model for the reinforced concrete building stock in Portugal is proposed in this work, using statistical information collected from hundreds of real buildings. An analytical approach based on nonlinear time history analysis is adopted and the impact of a set of key parameters investigated, including the damage state criteria and the chosen intensity measure type. A comprehensive review of previous studies that contributed to the understanding of the seismic hazard and risk for Portugal is presented. An existing seismic source model was employed with recently proposed attenuation models to calculate probabilistic seismic hazard throughout the territory. The latter results are combined with information from the 2011 Building Census and the aforementioned vulnerability model to estimate economic loss maps for a return period of 475 years. These losses are disaggregated across the different building typologies and conclusions are yielded regarding the type of construction more vulnerable to seismic activity.


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This thesis addresses the impacts of public policies on outward foreign direct investment, seeking to contribute to a better understanding of the interplay between pro-internationalisation policies and firm behaviour. Home country measures associated with these policies are explored in terms of use and awareness, as determinants of foreign direct investment, as drivers of policy objectives, in terms of perceived importance and impact in different scenarios of internationalisation. Using a comprehensive database of 441 Portuguese firms, being those that had participated at least in one of the 11 types of public support between 1994 and 2009. The empirical papers presented here reveal a moderating effect of firm capabilities and internationalisation conditions on policy objectives. In fact, firms’ resources and capabilities frame the awareness and use of home country support measures, the existence of public policy determinants of foreign direct investment, the decision to carry out more aggressive modes of entry and the choice of more demanding environments, the impact of policy objectives, and the perceived importance of incentives. In practical terms, the findings of this thesis points that firms’ resources and capabilities are negatively associated with the use of public support, contrasting with awareness, which is found to increase with firms’ resources and capabilities. This insight sheds light on a potential problem of incentives allocation. Our results support the established theorizing about the co-evolution of government and firms' policies, home country measures being found as determinants of foreign direct investment. It is also shown that prointernationalization policies reinforce the firms’ resources and capabilities, which seems to have a positive impact on international growth. An evaluation of public policy, from the foreign direct investor's lens, supports the argument that firms involved in more demanding projects tend to attribute more importance to public supports. Behind the specific and concrete contributions identified in each of the empirical papers, as a whole this thesis makes methodological contributions by introducing the evaluation of impacts of public policies to the field of international business through the firm perspective; these contributions are achieved by taking the pro-internationalisation policies of a small open economy to better understand the impacts of public policies, and by shedding light on co-evolution between resource and institutional-based views.


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Tese dout., Philosophy, Lancaster University, 2011