990 resultados para Kalgoorlie Terrain


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Fighting wildland fire is a physically demanding occupation. Wildland firefighters need to be physically fit to work safely and productively. To determine whether personnel are fit for duty, many firefighting agencies employ physical competency tests, such as the pack hike test (PHT). The PHT involves a 4.83-km hike over level terrain carrying a 20.4-kg pack within a 45-min period. The PHT was devised to test the job readiness of US wildland firefighters but is also currently used by some fire agencies in Australia and Canada. This review discusses the history and development of the PHT with emphasis on the process of test validation. Research-based training advice for the PHT is given, as well as discussion of the risks associated with completing the PHT. Different versions and modifications to the PHT have emerged in recent years and these are discussed with regard to their validity. Finally, this review addresses the relevance and validity of the PHT for Australian and Canadian wildland firefighters.


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Texture synthesis employs neighbourhood matching to generate appropriate new content. Terrain synthesis has the added constraint that new content must be geographically plausible. The profile recognition and polygon breaking algorithm (PPA) [Chang et al. 1998] provides a robust mechanism for characterizing terrain as systems of valley and ridge lines in digital elevation maps. We exploit this to create a terrain characterization metric that is robust, efficient to compute and is sensitive to terrain properties.

Terrain regions are characterized as a minimum spanning tree derived from a graph created from the sample points of the elevation map which are encoded as weights in the edges of the graph. This formulation allows us to provide a single consistent feature definition that is sensitive to the pattern of ridges and valleys in the terrain Alternative formulations of these weights provide richer characteristicmeasures and we provide examples of alternate definitions based on curvature and contour measures.

We show that the measure is robust, with a significant portion derived directly from information local to the terrain sample. Global terrain characteristics introduce the issue of over- and underconnected valley/ridge lines when working with sub-regions. This is addressed by providing two graph construction strategies, which respectively provide an upper bound on connectivity as a single spanning tree, and a lower bound as a forest of trees.

Efficient minimum spanning tree algorithms are adapted to the context of terrain data and are shown to provide substantially better performance than previous PPA implementations. In particular, these are able to characterize valley and ridge behaviour at every point even in large elevation maps, providing a measure sensitive to terrain features at all scales.

The resulting graph based formulation provides an efficient and elegant algorithm for characterizing terrain features. The measure can be calculated efficiently, is robust under changes of neighbourhood position, size and resolution and the hybrid measure is sensitive to terrain features both locally and globally.


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Fournier and Grey (2000) suggest that those inhabiting the contested terrain of Critical Management Studies (CMS) share a commitment to identifying inequality and subordination in organizations and to the associated possibility of emancipation, however this is conceived. Despite their additional claim that one crucial distinction between critical and non-critical management studies is the ‘philosophical and methodological reflexivity’ of the former (Fournier and Grey 2000: 19), our review indicates limits to this reflexivity in CMS’s empirical practices – indeed, we argue these may even be counter-productive with regard to its political allegiances. To encourage wider discussion of these issues, we provide a tripartite framework of understandings of research ethics drawn from within and outside the management academy, and interrogate the opportunities and limitations of each for enriching CMS research.


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Many studies have examined issues of youth and public spaces; however, less attention has been devoted to seniors and their navigation and experience of community spaces, particularly in relation to their sense of inclusion in, or exclusion from, consumptive spaces. This paper explores the everyday experiences of seniors in four Australian shopping centres, two in Melbourne and two in Hobart. Based on a survey of 260 seniors (the majority aged 75 years or more), respondents’ perceptions of this environment are considered, including the reasons for visiting the shopping centre, and the challenges of accessing and negotiating the shopping centre ‘terrain’.
The research findings indicate that how seniors engage with and navigate the shopping centre is influenced not only by the nature of the space itself, but also by their personal historical and cultural experiences. Where and why seniors choose to ‘hang out’ in shopping centres has implications for research into the social landscapes of ageing, along with public policy and shopping centre procedures. There is a need to consider both the social and physical well-being of older people in the shopping centre locus, and to take positive steps towards improving and enhancing their experience in an environment that is often used to provide a range of experiences that go beyond mere ‘retail therapy’.


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This study examined reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Long Form (IPAQ-LC) in Chinese seniors, including moderating effects of neighborhood walkability and socioeconomic status (SES) on reliability and validity. The IPAQ-LC was interviewer-administered (n = 96), accelerometer and 7-day walk-diary data were collected (n = 94), and the IPAC-LC was readministered (N = 92). Acceptable reliability was found for all measures of physical activity (PA) overall and across different types of neighborhood. Participants from highly walkable neighborhoods were more reliable at estimating walking for transport. Participants from low-SES areas were less reliable at estimating leisure-time PA and sitting but more reliable at estimating transport-related walking. IPAQ-LC walking was significantly related to light- but not moderate-intensity accelerometry-based PA. It was moderately to strongly related to a 7-day diary of walking. The data imply slow-paced walking, probably due to age, climate, and terrain. The findings suggest that the IPAQ-LC’s reliability and validity are acceptable in Chinese seniors.


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As part of a broad disciplinary shift, from a focus on measuring the value and meaning of cultural artefacts to understanding the import of cultural flows, humanities researchers are increasingly turning to other disciplines and disciplinary practices to inform their research. For film scholars, rather than providing a reading of specific media texts and their qualities there is an increasing focus on the contextual events that shape and formulate cinema practice. This chapter is an example of how cross-disciplinary relationships, for example between Cinema Studies, Geospatial Science, Statistics and the Creative Arts can uncover new research questions and test methodologies across uncharted disciplinary terrain. It also offers an opportunity to reflect on some of the key assumptions around collaborative research, through its reorganization of academic spaces and “sites” of knowledge.


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This paper re-examines the terrain of traditional communication time-based studies in the context of a case study of the communication practices of higher education students in both formal and informal contexts through an online survey and semi-structured phenomenologically focussed interviews. While focussing on the nature of students’ listening behaviour for learning and for leisure, the study explores how ideas and information are mediated in contemporary communication environments which encompass mobile devices, social media, etc. In exploring the nexus between the visual and the verbal, the research probes the ways in which contemporary higher education students navigate the increasingly complex communication environment and questions the capacity of current multiliteracies theories, for example, to engage meaningfully with this less charted terrain. The data suggests that the rapid and pervasive changes due to digital affordances have now positioned listening in a pivotal position alongside the explosive visual communication media. The capacity of our current curricula to respond creatively to the increasingly complex mix of new communication paradigms is open to question.


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 This research analyses the role of terrain ruggedness and elite domination as obstacles undermining the cooperation and cohesiveness of groups in societies. Specifically, terrain ruggedness hinders state capacity development and fiscal decentralisation could mitigate this negative effect. Additionally, it proves the role of elites in the selection of economic policies.


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Here, we evaluated the potential of using bathymetric Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to characterise shallow water (<30 m) benthic habitats of high energy subtidal coastal environments. Habitat classification, quantifying benthic substrata and macroalgal communities, was achieved in this study with the application of LiDAR and underwater video groundtruth data using automated classification techniques. Bathymetry and reflectance datasets were used to produce secondary terrain derivative surfaces (e.g., rugosity, aspect) that were assumed to influence benthic patterns observed. An automated decision tree classification approach using the Quick Unbiased Efficient Statistical Tree (QUEST) was applied to produce substrata, biological and canopy structure habitat maps of the study area. Error assessment indicated that habitat maps produced were primarily accurate (>70%), with varying results for the classification of individual habitat classes; for instance, producer accuracy for mixed brown algae and sediment substrata, was 74% and 93%, respectively. LiDAR was also successful for differentiating canopy structure of macroalgae communities (i.e., canopy structure classification), such as canopy forming kelp versus erect fine branching algae. In conclusion, habitat characterisation using bathymetric LiDAR provides a unique potential to collect baseline information about biological assemblages and, hence, potential reef connectivity over large areas beyond the range of direct observation. This research contributes a new perspective for assessing the structure of subtidal coastal ecosystems, providing a novel tool for the research and management of such highly dynamic marine environments. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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This chapter critiques the political theology of Slavoj Zizek as beset by social theoretical and strategic political problems. Political theology here is a privileged intellectual terrain on which to simultaneously resolve questions about liberating forms of social cohesion in a post-revolutionary political community and about cultural strategy in the radical program. In connection with the Marxist critique of religious ideology, Zizek’s work represents an important contribution to the research program that emerged from the Althusserian approaches to social theory. But although Zizek has the conceptual resources to generate a dialectical theory of the connection between religious ideology and political strategy, he instead opts for a theory of radical rupture with existing forms of life. Detoured through the encounter with Carl Schmitt, Zizek’s doctrine of radical rupture quickly becomes an inverted Schmittianism, freighted with the problems of the militarisation of politics and the arbitrary designation of enemies that he diagnoses in Schmitt, but does not transcend in his own response. Zizek’s figure of the “religious suspension of the ethical” brings the politics of rupture to its most problematic (and baroque) formulations, revealing the fundamental problem of the ideological representation of political structures.


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Devious Intimacy combines a sly, playful wit with a melancholic tenderness to navigate the complex terrain of difficult feelings. Vickery’s poems move effortlessly between the private world of love and sexuality to wider forms of connection, teasing out how past histories and literature underscore contemporary human bonds and how we imagine ourselves in light of neighbours, nationhood, and the environment. From Abstract Expressionism to Test Cricket, Vickery’s poetry delves into that which delights and intrigues us, both celebrating and critiquing our everyday routines and aesthetic modes of reception. Wry, smart, and bristling with acute observation, Devious Intimacy is a beguiling mix of charm and charge.


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Distributed energy and water balance models require time-series surfaces of the meteorological variables involved in hydrological processes. Most of the hydrological GIS-based models apply simple interpolation techniques to extrapolate the point scale values registered at weather stations at a watershed scale. In mountainous areas, where the monitoring network ineffectively covers the complex terrain heterogeneity, simple geostatistical methods for spatial interpolation are not always representative enough, and algorithms that explicitly or implicitly account for the features creating strong local gradients in the meteorological variables must be applied. Originally developed as a meteorological pre-processing tool for a complete hydrological model (WiMMed), MeteoMap has become an independent software. The individual interpolation algorithms used to approximate the spatial distribution of each meteorological variable were carefully selected taking into account both, the specific variable being mapped, and the common lack of input data from Mediterranean mountainous areas. They include corrections with height for both rainfall and temperature (Herrero et al., 2007), and topographic corrections for solar radiation (Aguilar et al., 2010). MeteoMap is a GIS-based freeware upon registration. Input data include weather station records and topographic data and the output consists of tables and maps of the meteorological variables at hourly, daily, predefined rainfall event duration or annual scales. It offers its own pre and post-processing tools, including video outlook, map printing and the possibility of exporting the maps to images or ASCII ArcGIS formats. This study presents the friendly user interface of the software and shows some case studies with applications to hydrological modeling.


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As técnicas de sensoriarnento remoto e geoprocessamento são fundamentais para processamento e integração de dados de mapeamento geológico/geotécnico, principalmente estudos de gerenciamento e planejamento. A área estudada compreende o município de Três Cachoeiras. Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul o qual inclui-se na "Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica". O município tem st: deparado com problemas de localização de sitios adequados à disposição final dos resíduos sólidos. bem como o assentamento de loteamentos residenciais e industriais, localização de jazidas de extração de material para construção, fontes de abastecimento de água e necessidade de criação de áreas de preservação ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir mapeamentos da área em questão, através da pesquisa geológico-geotécnica desenvolvida com emprego de imagens de satélite e fotografias aéreas, em que as informações foram cruzadas no SIG. Baseado nisto, investigaram-se os aspectos acima mencionados. a partir de uma contribuição geológico/geotécnica ao município, incluindo-se levantamento de campo, fotointerpretação, processamento e classificação de imagens do município de Três Cachoeiras, sendo os dados integrados num sistema de geoprocessamento. Utilizando-se cartas planialtimétricas, fotografias aéreas e imagem de satélite LANDSAT TM5. foram criados planos de informação como o limite da área estudada, a estrutura viária municipal, a delimitação de reservas ecológicas baseadas na legislação ambiental vigente e, por meio do modelo numérico do terreno, a carta de declividade. A fotointerpretação gerou planos de rede de drenagem, litológica. morfoestruturas e formações superficiais. Os dados de campo. sobrepostos às litológicas obtidas por fotointerpretação, produziram a carta litológica. No tratamento das imagem, foram gerados produtos com contraste, operações entre bandas, filtragens e análise de componentes principais, os quais contribuíram parira classificação da imagem e resultando nos planos de rochas/solos e cobertura/uso do solo (carta de uso atual do solo). O cruzamento destas informações permitiu a obtenção da carta de formações superficiais, lidrogeológica que, juntamente com as cartas litológica, declividades e uso atual do solo distribuíram os atributos do meio físico em planos elaborados por novos cruzamentos, que satisfazem o objetivo do estudo, sendo estes planos o produto final, ou seja, cartas de recomendação: a extração de materiais para construção civil; a implantação de obras de infraestrutura; a disposição de resíduos sólidos e loteamentos; geotécnica à agricultura; à implantação de áreas destinadas à preservação ambienta1 e recuperação.


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O final do século passado foi marcado por um movimento global de grande magnitude, protagonizado por aproximadamente 30 países que deixaram o autoritarismo e adotaram a democracia como regime de governo. Tal processo Huntington (1991) denominou de “Terceira Onda de Democratização” e foi caracterizado pela participação de múltiplos atores e motivado por diferentes fatores. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a particularidade da atuação dos atores internacionais como uma das causas desse enorme movimento democratizador. Para a realização dessa empreitada, elegeu-se como objeto de estudo a atuação da Fundação Konrad Adenauer e sua experiência de atuação no Brasil como promotora dos valores democráticos durante a ditadura militar até o início da redemocratização. O estudo introduz o conceito de “ator híbrido” para referir-se às Fundações Políticas alemãs. Por este termo, entende-se a natureza tanto social (vinculada a partidos políticos) como estatal (atores da cooperação internacional alemã) de tais Fundações. O hibridismo da Fundação Konrad Adenauer e seu engajamento internacional refletem o contexto geopolítico da Guerra Fria e a história política da Alemanha do pós-guerra, que fez da cooperação internacional, em particular a promoção da democracia, um caminho para sua nova inserção no cenário mundial. Assim, a dissertação percorre as causas internacionais da Terceira Onda e os diferentes modos de difusão dos valores democráticos, com maior destaque para a cooperação internacional. Prepara-se, desse modo, o terreno para analisar a relevância para a Alemanha da cooperação internacional e da atuação mundial das Fundações Políticas. Esse arcabouço teórico fornece os subsídios necessários para compreender e apontar as especificidades da atuação da Fundação Konrad Adenauer, ator internacional da Terceira Onda de Democratização. Tais especificidades são evidenciadas na análise de seu modus operandi no Brasil, uma vez que a experiência brasileira demonstra como seu caráter híbrido foi essencial para contornar os evidentes obstáculos inerentes ao contexto político autoritário e promover idéias e atores em prol da democracia.