966 resultados para Image texture
Compared with other existing methods, the feature point-based image watermarking schemes can resist to global geometric attacks and local geometric attacks, especially cropping and random bending attacks (RBAs), by binding watermark synchronization with salient image characteristics. However, the watermark detection rate remains low in the current feature point-based watermarking schemes. The main reason is that both of feature point extraction and watermark embedding are more or less related to the pixel position, which is seriously distorted by the interpolation error and the shift problem during geometric attacks. In view of these facts, this paper proposes a geometrically robust image watermarking scheme based on local histogram. Our scheme mainly consists of three components: (1) feature points extraction and local circular regions (LCRs) construction are conducted by using Harris-Laplace detector; (2) a mechanism of grapy theoretical clustering-based feature selection is used to choose a set of non-overlapped LCRs, then geometrically invariant LCRs are completely formed through dominant orientation normalization; and (3) the histogram and mean statistically independent of the pixel position are calculated over the selected LCRs and utilized to embed watermarks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can provide sufficient robustness against geometric attacks as well as common image processing operations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a new region-based unified tensor level set model for image segmentation. This model introduces a three-order tensor to comprehensively depict features of pixels, e.g., gray value and the local geometrical features, such as orientation and gradient, and then, by defining a weighted distance, we generalized the representative region-based level set method from scalar to tensor. The proposed model has four main advantages compared with the traditional representative method as follows. First, involving the Gaussian filter bank, the model is robust against noise, particularly the salt-and pepper-type noise. Second, considering the local geometrical features, e. g., orientation and gradient, the model pays more attention to boundaries and makes the evolving curve stop more easily at the boundary location. Third, due to the unified tensor pixel representation representing the pixels, the model segments images more accurately and naturally. Fourth, based on a weighted distance definition, the model possesses the capacity to cope with data varying from scalar to vector, then to high-order tensor. We apply the proposed method to synthetic, medical, and natural images, and the result suggests that the proposed method is superior to the available representative region-based level set method.
Feature-based image watermarking schemes, which aim to survive various geometric distortions, have attracted great attention in recent years. Existing schemes have shown robustness against rotation, scaling, and translation, but few are resistant to cropping, nonisotropic scaling, random bending attacks (RBAs), and affine transformations. Seo and Yoo present a geometrically invariant image watermarking based on affine covariant regions (ACRs) that provide a certain degree of robustness. To further enhance the robustness, we propose a new image watermarking scheme on the basis of Seo's work, which is insensitive to geometric distortions as well as common image processing operations. Our scheme is mainly composed of three components: 1) feature selection procedure based on graph theoretical clustering algorithm is applied to obtain a set of stable and nonoverlapped ACRs; 2) for each chosen ACR, local normalization, and orientation alignment are performed to generate a geometrically invariant region, which can obviously improve the robustness of the proposed watermarking scheme; and 3) in order to prevent the degradation in image quality caused by the normalization and inverse normalization, indirect inverse normalization is adopted to achieve a good compromise between the imperceptibility and robustness. Experiments are carried out on an image set of 100 images collected from Internet, and the preliminary results demonstrate that the developed method improves the performance over some representative image watermarking approaches in terms of robustness.
Watermarking aims to hide particular information into some carrier but does not change the visual cognition of the carrier itself. Local features are good candidates to address the watermark synchronization error caused by geometric distortions and have attracted great attention for content-based image watermarking. This paper presents a novel feature point-based image watermarking scheme against geometric distortions. Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is first adopted to extract feature points and to generate a disk for each feature point that is invariant to translation and scaling. For each disk, orientation alignment is then performed to achieve rotation invariance. Finally, watermark is embedded in middle-frequency discrete Fourier transform (DFT) coefficients of each disk to improve the robustness against common image processing operations. Extensive experimental results and comparisons with some representative image watermarking methods confirm the excellent performance of the proposed method in robustness against various geometric distortions as well as common image processing operations.
This paper focuses on the problem of incomplete data in the applications of the circular cone-beam computed tomography. This problem is frequently encountered in medical imaging sciences and some other industrial imaging systems. For example, it is crucial when the high density region of objects can only be penetrated by X-rays in a limited angular range. As the projection data are only available in an angular range, the above mentioned incomplete data problem can be attributed to the limited angle problem, which is an ill-posed inverse problem. This paper reports a modified total variation minimisation method to reduce the data insufficiency in tomographic imaging. This proposed method is robust and efficient in the task of reconstruction by showing the convergence of the alternating minimisation method. The results demonstrate that this new reconstruction method brings reasonable performance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a new image segmentation method that applies an edge-based level set method in a relay fashion. The proposed method segments an image in a series of nested subregions that are automatically created by shrinking the stabilized curves in their previous subregions. The final result is obtained by combining all boundaries detected in these subregions. The proposed method has the following three advantages: 1) It can be automatically executed without human-computer interactions; 2) it applies the edge-based level set method with relay fashion to detect all boundaries; and 3) it automatically obtains a full segmentation without specifying the number of relays in advance. The comparison experiments illustrate that the proposed method performs better than the representative level set methods, and it can obtain similar or better results compared with other popular segmentation algorithms.
High-resolution electron macroscopic images of lamellar single crystal of polyethylene (PE) have been successfully obtained using high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM), although so far the feasibility of obtaining HREM images from such a radiation sensitive polymer is still drastically questioned. The HREM images with a clear two-dimensional periodic structure reported here were recorded in a transmission electron microscope operated at 200 kV. The images consisted of lattice fringes derived from the <001> zone, and the structure images of different lattice fringes were resolved. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such clear structure images of PE have been reported at a molecular level.
A digital image analysis(DIA) technique can be applied directly to the image obtained by polarizing microscope. The time-resolved DIA apparatus including image collecting, showing and data analysis has been home-made. As an example, it has been used to study the banded spherulite in the blends of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(styrene-ran-acrylonitrile) (SAN).