995 resultados para IOnômero de vidro fotoativado


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Abstract in italiano L’oggetto del presente elaborato è una proposta di traduzione dall’italiano al portoghese di un racconto della scrittrice Paola Zoffoli intitolato "Matteo il maestro vetraio". Il libro ha come fine quello di far conoscere ai più piccoli la rinomata arte del vetro veneziano. Questo progetto si divide in tre capitoli: nel primo vengono presentate l’autrice e l’opera, nel secondo vengono commentate le scelte traduttive con particolare attenzione al tipo di pubblico cui il testo è rivolto, nel terzo vengono esposte le conclusioni. La proposta di traduzione viene fornita in appendice. Sinopse em português O tema desta tese é uma proposta de tradução de italiano para português do conto "Matteo il maestro vetraio" escrito por Paola Zoffoli. O livro tem o fim de sensibilizar as crianças sobre a renomada arte do vidro veneziano. Este estudo é composto por três capítulos: no primeiro, é apresentada a autora e a obra, no segundo analizam-se as opções tradutivas com especial atenção para o tipo de leitores aos quais o texto está endereçado, enquanto que no terceiro estão apresentadas as conclusões. A proposta de tradução encontra-se no final do presente trabalho em anexo.


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Com a finalidade de determinar as formas do arco dentário inferior de maior incidência na oclusão normal natural, utilizou-se um método matemático associado ao emprego de uma função polinomial, o qual foi aplicado a 63 modelos de arcadas inferiores selecionados a partir de 6118 adolescentes. Todos os indivíduos eram portadores de dentição permanente, incluindo os segundos molares, e oclusão normal natural. Em cada dente foi fixada uma esfera de vidro, que teve a função de simular o acessório do aparelho ortodôntico, sendo utilizada na medição das distâncias entre o centro da imagem dessas esferas aos eixos x e y. Após a digitalização dos modelos de gesso, as imagens foram plotadas em um programa de computador, a fim de se obterem a função polinomial de sexto grau e o gráfico dessa função para os 126 segmentos de curva, originados das secções das imagens em lado direito e esquerdo. A seguir organizaram-se esses segmentos, de acordo com as características da curvatura anterior dos arcos dentários, em oito grupos diferentes de formas, que receberam as denominações de Forma A, Forma B, Forma C, Forma D, Forma E, Forma F, Forma G, Forma H. Cada grupo foi, então, dividido em três subgrupos, conforme os tamanhos pequeno, médio e grande. Os resultados indicaram 23 formas representativas do arco dentário inferior e uma forma média para a oclusão normal natural.


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Com a finalidade de determinar as formas do arco dentário inferior de maior incidência na oclusão normal natural, utilizou-se um método matemático associado ao emprego de uma função polinomial, o qual foi aplicado a 63 modelos de arcadas inferiores selecionados a partir de 6118 adolescentes. Todos os indivíduos eram portadores de dentição permanente, incluindo os segundos molares, e oclusão normal natural. Em cada dente foi fixada uma esfera de vidro, que teve a função de simular o acessório do aparelho ortodôntico, sendo utilizada na medição das distâncias entre o centro da imagem dessas esferas aos eixos x e y. Após a digitalização dos modelos de gesso, as imagens foram plotadas em um programa de computador, a fim de se obterem a função polinomial de sexto grau e o gráfico dessa função para os 126 segmentos de curva, originados das secções das imagens em lado direito e esquerdo. A seguir organizaram-se esses segmentos, de acordo com as características da curvatura anterior dos arcos dentários, em oito grupos diferentes de formas, que receberam as denominações de Forma A, Forma B, Forma C, Forma D, Forma E, Forma F, Forma G, Forma H. Cada grupo foi, então, dividido em três subgrupos, conforme os tamanhos pequeno, médio e grande. Os resultados indicaram 23 formas representativas do arco dentário inferior e uma forma média para a oclusão normal natural.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a topografia de superfície dos fios estéticos, antes e após teste de deflexão. A amostra foi composta por 70 corpos de prova de fios 0,014 redondos, sendo 10 de cada uma das marcas comerciais avaliadas: Orthocosmetic Elastinol (Masel), Flexy Super Elastic Esthetic (Orthometric), InVu (TP Orthodontics) e ProForm Nitanium (Ortho Organizers) fios de NiTi revestidos por Teflon®; Optis (TP Orthodontics) fio de resina reforçado por fibra de vidro ou FRP; Niticosmetic (Tecnident) fio de NiTi revestido por resina epoxídica; e Nitinol SE (3M Unitek) fio de NiTi superelástico, usado para controle. A topografia de superfície de cada fio foi avaliada por rugosímetro e por microscópio óptico, antes e após ser submetido a ensaio de deflexão, no lado em que a força foi aplicada e no lado oposto a este. Cada fio foi defletido em 3,1mm, a uma velocidade de 1mm/min, com célula de carga de 5N a 36⁰C + 1⁰C. A análise de variância a três critérios (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre os fios e o teste de Tukey mostrou que o fio Optis (TP Orthodontics) apresentou aumento nos parâmetros de rugosidade Ra, Rt e Rz, após a deflexão. O fio Niticosmetic (Tecnident) apresentou aumento na rugosidade média (Ra). O fio InVu (TP Orthodontics) foi o único que mostrou aumento na rugosidade no lado em que a força foi aplicada. A análise visual por meio de microscopia óptica revelou alterações na superfície em todos os fios estéticos após o teste de deflexão, desde delaminações do revestimento, observadas nos fios Orthocosmetic Elastinol e InVu, riscos permanentes na superfície, como visto nos fios Flexy Super Elastic Esthetic, Niticosmetic e ProForm Nitanium, e até mesmo fratura incompleta, no fio Optis. Concluiu-se que o fio Niticosmetic apresentou topografia de superfície similar ao fio metálico, e os demais fios estéticos apresentaram maior rugosidade e alterações visuaisna superfície.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar de que modo o packaging design influencia na tomada de decisão de compra dos consumidores no mercado do azeite gourmet. Pretende-se, também, estudar uma solução de packaging design para a marca Oliveiras Gold Portugal (OGP), que permita aumentar o seu potencial atrativo na perspetiva do grupo alvo (target), definido pela marca. Começou-se por analisar as políticas de marketing-mix com o objetivo de compreender a importância da embalagem na política de marketing de uma marca. O marketing-mix, além de grande responsável pela definição dos canais de distribuição e comercialização do produto, é também responsável pelas influências sobre o consumidor. Estudou-se, igualmente, a importância da embalagem de produto como elemento potencialmente influenciador no ato da tomada de decisão de compra. Tal estudo permitiu perceber que o consumidor é estimulado de várias formas, sendo o fator estético um dos mais importantes instigadores. A cor, altura e forma, são os três principais atributos que influenciam a decisão do consumidor no momento da compra. No entanto, tanto o material como a usabilidade são cruciais. Na maioria das situações, representam um fator de escolha. Diferenças entre vidro e Polietileno Tereftalato (PET) proporcionam diferentes condições e proteção no armazenamento do produto, contribuindo ainda para a questão estética na visão do consumidor. Questões ergonómicas devem também ser levadas em conta, considerando a sua relação com a usabilidade e funcionalidade. De modo a analisar o potencial da proposta desenvolvida, optou-se por um enfoque qualitativo, nomeadamente na realização de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas e, posteriormente, testes à embalagem. Os resultados relativos à proposta de packaging parecem indicar caraterísticas inovadoras, nomeadamente a forma triangular e cónica, os detalhes ergonómicos e o design característico e diferenciador da marca.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar de que modo o packaging design influencia na tomada de decisão de compra dos consumidores no mercado do azeite gourmet. Pretende-se, também, estudar uma solução de packaging design para a marca Oliveiras Gold Portugal (OGP), que permita aumentar o seu potencial atrativo na perspetiva do grupo alvo (target), definido pela marca. Começou-se por analisar as políticas de marketing-mix com o objetivo de compreender a importância da embalagem na política de marketing de uma marca. O marketing-mix, além de grande responsável pela definição dos canais de distribuição e comercialização do produto, é também responsável pelas influências sobre o consumidor. Estudou-se, igualmente, a importância da embalagem de produto como elemento potencialmente influenciador no ato da tomada de decisão de compra. Tal estudo permitiu perceber que o consumidor é estimulado de várias formas, sendo o fator estético um dos mais importantes instigadores. A cor, altura e forma, são os três principais atributos que influenciam a decisão do consumidor no momento da compra. No entanto, tanto o material como a usabilidade são cruciais. Na maioria das situações, representam um fator de escolha. Diferenças entre vidro e Polietileno Tereftalato (PET) proporcionam diferentes condições e proteção no armazenamento do produto, contribuindo ainda para a questão estética na visão do consumidor. Questões ergonómicas devem também ser levadas em conta, considerando a sua relação com a usabilidade e funcionalidade. De modo a analisar o potencial da proposta desenvolvida, optou-se por um enfoque qualitativo, nomeadamente na realização de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas e, posteriormente, testes à embalagem. Os resultados relativos à proposta de packaging parecem indicar caraterísticas inovadoras, nomeadamente a forma triangular e cónica, os detalhes ergonómicos e o design característico e diferenciador da marca.


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Surfactants are versatile organic compounds that have, in a single molecule, double chemical affinity. The surfactant molecule is composed by a hy drophobic tail group, a hydrocarbon chain (linear, branched, or mixed), and by a hydrophilic head group, which contains polar groups that makes it able to be applied in the organophilization process of natural clays. Microemulsions are microheterogeneous b lends composed by: a surfactant, an oily phase (non - polar solvent), an aqueous phase, and, sometimes, a co - surfactant (short - chain alcohol). They are systems with thermodynamic stability, transparent, and have high solubility power. Vermiculite is a clay m ineral with an expandable crystalline structure that has high cation exchange capacity. In this work vermiculite was used to obtain organoclays. The ionic surfactants dodecyl ammonium chlori de (DDAC) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (C 16 TAB) were used in the organophilization process. They were used as surfactant aqueous solutions and, for DDAC, as a microemulsion system. The organoclays were used to promote the separation of binary mixtures of xylene isomers (ortho - and meta - xylene). Dif ferent analytical techniques were used to characterize microemulsion systems and also the nanoclays. It was produced a water - rich microemulsion system with 0.92 nm droplet average diameter. The vermiculite used in this work has a cationic exchange capacity of 172 meq/100g and magnesium as main cation (24.25%). The basal spacing of natural vermiculite and organo - vermiculites were obtained by X - ray Diffraction technique. The basal spacing was 1.48nm for natural vermiculite, 4.01nm for CTAB - vermiculite (CTAB 4 ) , and 3.03nm for DDAC - vermiculite (DDAC M1A), that proves the intercalation process. Separation tests were carried out in glass columns using three binary mixtures of xylene (ortho - xylene and meta - xylene). The results showed that the organovermiculite pre sented an enhanced chemical affinity by the mixture of hydrocarbons, when compared with the natural vermiculite, and also its preference by ortho - xylene. A factorial experimental design 2 2 with triplicate at the central point was used to optimize the xylen e separation process. The experimental design revealed that the initial concentration of isomers in the mixture and the mass of organovermiculite were the significant factors for an improved separation of isomers. In the experiments carried out using a bin ary mixture of ortho - xylene and meta - xylene (2:1), after its percolating through the organovermiculite bed (DDAC M1), it was observed the preference of the organoclay by the ortho - xylene isomer, which was retained in greater quantity than the meta - xylene o ne. At the end of the treatment, it was obtained a final concentration in meta - xylene of 47.52%.


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Among the species of freshwater shrimp being cultivated, Macrobrachium rosenbergii stands out. Knowledge about the behavior of this species and the influence of certain factors on its development can help optimize management practices and minimize the likely impacts shrimp farming has on the environment and the animals themselves. The objective of this study was to characterize the species' behavior during early stages of development under different stocking densities over a 24-hour cycle. Ten day old postlarvae were transferred from the Jundiaí School of Agriculture (EAJ - Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí) in Macaíba (RN), Brazil to the Shrimp Behavior Laboratory (LSPR - Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), where they were weighed and measured. Eight aquaria with constant temperature, aeration and filtration, and subjected to a12 h light/12 h dark cycle were used for each experiment. Each aquarium also contained two shelters made of bricks and the water quality was monitored weekly. Behavioral observations were made at two densities: 25 individuals/m-² and 40 individuals/m-². The methods for recording behaviors were: behavioral sampling – enter and leave the shelter, exploring on the substrate, exploring in the water column, move away, attack, pursuit and cannibalism; scan sampling - inactivity, feeding, exploration, digging, swimming, cleaning and staying in the shelter. Observations were made during a 15 minute period/per aquarium at a frequency of 4 times daily, for 4 days/week, and over 4 weeks. Food was provided 2 times/day for each aquarium population, immediately before the 1st and 3rd observation periods. Our results demonstrate that at high density, there is an increased frequency of agonistic behavior; during the light phase, there is a greater frequency of behaviors that result in less exposure (inactivity, cleaning and staying in the shelter); during the dark phase, there is an increased frequency of behaviors that result in greater exposure (feeding, exploration, swimming and digging); at times of feed offer, there is an increased frequency of leaving the shelter, moving away, pursuit, feeding, exploration and swimming. At low density, the animals showed a lower frequency of agonistic behaviors, greater weight gain and higher growth rates, which indicates that this is a more favorable growing environment for cultivation and when applied, can generate better living conditions, favor survival rates and increase management success


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This paper presents a study of the integration of filters and microstrip antennas, yielding devices named as filtennas for applications in wireless communications systems. The design of these structures is given from the observation of filtennas based integration between horn antennas and frequency selective surfaces (FSS), used in the band X. The choice of microstrip line structures for the development of a new configuration filtennas justifies the wide application of these transmission lines, in recent decades, always resulting in the production of circuit structures with planar light-weight, compact size, low cost, easy to construct and particularly easy to integrate with other microwave circuits. In addition, the antenna structure considered for the composition of filtennas consists of a planar monopole microstrip to microstrip filters integrated in the feed line of the antenna. In particular, are considered elliptical monopole microstrip (operating in UWB UWB) microstrip filters and (in structures with associated sections in series and / or coupled). In addition, the monopole microstrip has a proper bandwidth and omnidirectional radiation pattern, such that its integration with microstrip filters results in decreased bandwidth, but with slight changes in the radiation pattern. The methods used in the analysis of monopoles, and filters were filtennas finite elements and moments by using commercial software Ansoft Designer and HFSS Ansoft, respectively. Specifically, we analyze the main characteristics of filtennas, such as radiation pattern, gain and bandwidth. Were designed, constructed and measures, several structures filtennas, for validation of the simulated results. Were also used computational tools (CAD) in the process of building prototypes of planar monopoles, filters and filtennas. The prototypes were constructed on substrates of glass-fiber (FR4). Measurements were performed at the Laboratory for Telecommunications UFRN. Comparisons were made between simulated and measured, and found good agreement in the cases considered


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Thin films of Co2FeAl (CFA) and trilayers with CFA/M/CFA, where M is Au or Ag, produced by magnetron sputtering onto glass and oriented (MgO (100)) substrates were investigated. The structural, magnetic static and magnetic dynamics properties were analyzed by distinct experimental techniques. Through X-ray diffraction was observed an A2 phase for the samples (completely disordered), where the atoms are randomly located in the lattice. The static magnetic behavior, in some samples, reveal a plateau behavior generated by a biphasic system. The magnetoimpedance measurements were performed by varying the angle between the external magnetic field and current with respect of anisotropy direction. For this reason, the MI results show a asymmetric magnetoimpedance (AMI) behavior. For the single and trilayers samples with 500 nm-thick, the AMI effect is more evident in comparison with samples with 1000 nm-thick. Therefore, in this work was stablished a route to produce Heusler alloy samples with A2 phase in thin film geometry onto amorphous and oriented substrates, and due to structural disorder was possible to study the hysteretic and MI asymmetric effects.


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In the last decades, analogue modelling has been used in geology to improve the knowledge of how geological structures are nucleated, how they grow and what are the main important points in such processes. The use of this tool in the oil industry, to help seismic interpretations and mainly to search for structural traps contributed to disseminate the use of this tool in the literature. Nowadays, physical modelling has a large field of applications, since landslide to granite emplacement along shear zones. In this work, we deal with physical modelling to study the influence of mechanical stratifications in the nucleation and development of faults and fractures in a context of orthogonal and conjugated oblique basins. To simulate a mechanical stratigraphy we used different materials, with distinct physical proprieties, such as gypsum powder, glass beads, dry clay and quartz sand. Some experiments were run along with a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), an instrument that shows the movement of the particles to each deformation moment. Two series of experiments were studied: i) Series MO: We tested the development of normal faults in a context of an orthogonal (to the extension direction) basin. Experiments were run taking into account the change of materials and strata thickness. Some experiments were done with sintectonic sedimentation. We registered differences in the nucleation and growth of faults in layers with different rheological behavior. The gypsum powder layer behaves in a more competent mode, which generates a great number of high angle fractures. These fractures evolve to faults that exhibit a higher dip than when they cross less competent layers, like the one of quartz sand. This competent layer exhibits faulted blocks arranged in a typical domino-style. Cataclastic breccias developed along the faults affecting the competent layers and showed different evolutional history, depending on the deforming stratigraphic sequence; ii) Series MOS2: Normal faults were analyzed in conjugated sub-basins (oblique to the extension direction) developed in a sequence with and without rheological contrast. In experiments with rheological contrast, two important grabens developed along the faulted margins differing from the subbasins with mechanical stratigraphy. Both experiments developed oblique fault systems and, in the area of sub-basins intersection, faults traces became very curved.


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This work aims to investigate the behavior of fractal and helical elements structures in planar microstrip. In particular, the frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) had changed its conventional elements to fractal and helical formats. The dielectric substrate used was fiberglass (FR-4) and has a thickness of 1.5 mm, a relative permittivity 4.4 and tangent loss equal to 0.02. For FSSs, was adopting the Dürer’s fractal geometry and helical geometry. To make the measurements, we used two antennas horns in direct line of sight, connected by coaxial cable to the vector network analyzer. Some prototypes were select for built and measured. From preliminary results, it was aimed to find practical applications for structures from the cascading between them. For FSSs with Dürer’s fractal elements was observed behavior provided by the multiband fractal geometry, while the bandwidth has become narrow as the level of iteration fractal increased, making it a more selective frequency with a higher quality factor. A parametric analysis allowed the analysis of the variation of the air layer between them. The cascading between fractal elements structure were considered, presented a tri-band behavior for certain values of the layer of air between them, and find applications in the licensed 2.5GHz band (2.3-2.7) and 3.5GHz band (3.3-3.8). For FSSs with helical elements, six structures were considered, namely H0, H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5. The electromagnetic behavior of them was analyzed separately and cascaded. From preliminary results obtained from the separate analysis of structures, including the cascade, the higher the bandwidth, in that the thickness of the air layer increases. In order to find practical applications for helical structures cascaded, the helical elements structure has been cascaded find applications in the X-band (8.0-12.0) and unlicensed band (5.25-5.85). For numerical and experimental characterization of the structures discussed was used, respectively, the commercial software Ansoft Designer and a vector network analyzer, Agilent N5230A model.


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This work aims to study and investigate the use of a hybrid composite polymer formed with blanket aramid (Kevlar 29) fiber blanket flax fiber and particulate dry endocarp of coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn), using as matrix an epoxy resin based thermoset for use in areas of protective equipment. Besides such material is used an aluminum plate, joined to the composite by means of glue based on epoxy and araldite commercial. The manufacturing process adopted was manual lamination (Hand Lay Up) to manufacture the hybrid composite. After the composite is prepared, an aluminum plate is subjected to pressure and glued to cure the adhesive. Layers of veil will also be used to separate the particulate from the linen blanket layer without disturbing the alignment of the fibers of the blankets. To characterize the mechanical and physical behavior was manufactured a plate of 800 x 600 mm of the hybrid composite, which were removed specimens for tests of water absorption to saturation; density; impact test (Charpy) and two test specimens for ballistic testing 220 mm x 200 mm to make a comparative study between the dry state and saturated water absorption and thus see the ballistic performance of these two conditions. The test was applied to make a comparative study of fracture in these two conditions, caused by penetrating ballistic missile (38 and 380). To test the impact (Charpy) will analyze the absorbed energy, fracture appearance and lateral contraction, also in dry condition and saturation of absorbed water, thereby analyzing situations where the impact load is relevant, such as bumps and shocks produced by stone, metal or wooden bars among others. The proposed configuration, along with the tests, has the purpose, application in the fields of equipment against ballistic impact, such as helmets; bullet proof vests; shields; protective packaging and other items to be identified in this research.


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Magnetic multilayers are the support for the production of spintronic devices, representing great possibilities for miniaturized electronics industry. having the control to produce devices as well as their physical properties from simple multilayer films to highly complex at the atomic scale is a fundamental need for progress in this area, in recent years has highlighted the production of organic and flexible spintronic devices. Because of this trend, the objective of this work was to produce magnetic multilayers deposited on flexible substrate using magnetron sputtering dc technique. Three sets of samples were prepared. The first set composed of the trilayer type CoFe=Cu(t)=CoFe with different thickness of the metallic spacer. The second set consists of two multilayer subgroups, CoFe=Cu in the presence of IrMn layer as a buffer and the next multilayer as cap layer. The third set consisting of non-magnetostrictive multilayer permalloy (Py=Ta and Py=Ag) on flexible substrate and glass. The magnetic properties, were investigated by magnetometry measurements, ferromagnetic resonance and magnetoimpedance (MI), measurements were carried out at room temperature with the magnetic field always applied on the sample plane. For structural analysis, the diffraction X-ray was used. The results of the trilayer showed a high uniaxial anisotropy field for the sample with a spacer of 4.2 nm. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as the buffer, the study of static and dynamic magnetic properties showed isotropic behavior. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as a cap, the results of static magnetic properties of the magnetic behavior exhibited a spin valve structure type. However there was a disagreement with results of ferromagnetic resonance measurements, which was justified by the contribution of the unstable and stable grain to the rotatable anisotropy and Exchange bias in ferromagneticantiferromagnetic interface. The third serie of samples showed similar results behavior for the MI Ag multilayers spacer in both substrates. There are also significant MI changes with the Ta spacer, possible associated with the compressive stress on the flexible substrate sample.


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Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and has the highest mortality rate. Patient survival is highly correlated with early detection. Computed Tomography technology services the early detection of lung cancer tremendously by offering aminimally invasive medical diagnostic tool. However, the large amount of data per examination makes the interpretation difficult. This leads to omission of nodules by human radiologist. This thesis presents a development of a computer-aided diagnosis system (CADe) tool for the detection of lung nodules in Computed Tomography study. The system, called LCD-OpenPACS (Lung Cancer Detection - OpenPACS) should be integrated into the OpenPACS system and have all the requirements for use in the workflow of health facilities belonging to the SUS (Brazilian health system). The LCD-OpenPACS made use of image processing techniques (Region Growing and Watershed), feature extraction (Histogram of Gradient Oriented), dimensionality reduction (Principal Component Analysis) and classifier (Support Vector Machine). System was tested on 220 cases, totaling 296 pulmonary nodules, with sensitivity of 94.4% and 7.04 false positives per case. The total time for processing was approximately 10 minutes per case. The system has detected pulmonary nodules (solitary, juxtavascular, ground-glass opacity and juxtapleural) between 3 mm and 30 mm.