934 resultados para Hospitality industry -- Customer services -- Evaluation
Suomalainen julkisen sektorin asiakaspalvelu elää tällä hetkellä merkittävää murrosvaihetta. Julkisesta asiakaspalvelusta on tehty kansainvälisestikin vain vähän tieteellistä tutkimusta, ja tähän asti tehty tutkimus on keskittynyt pääasiassa valtiollisiin toimijoihin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin virtuaalisen asiakaspalvelun soveltuvuutta ja potentiaalisia tuottavuushyötyjä kuntaorganisaatiolle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millainen virtuaalinen asiakaspalvelun toimintamalli soveltuu nimenomaan kuntaorganisaatiolle. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena, ja tutkimuskohteena oli Oulun kaupunki. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna teemahaastatteluna. Haastateltavana oli Oulun kaupungin työntekijöitä sellaisilta toimialoilta, jotka joko asioivat kuntalaisten kanssa suoraan tai osallistuvat kuntalaisille suunnatun asiakaspalvelun kehittämiseen. Tutkimus osoitti, että kuntaorganisaatiolle soveltuva virtuaalinen asiakaspalvelun toimintamalli ottaa huomioon kuntakontekstin erityispiirteet, automatisoi helpot tehtävät ja mahdollistaa tehokkaan resurssien käytön ohjaamalla asiakaspalvelukontaktit automaattisesti ja paikkariippumattomasti vapaana olevalle asiakaspalvelijalle. Virtuaalisen asiakaspalvelun pitää olla vaikuttavaa sekä kuntalaiselle että kuntaorganisaatiolle. Toimintamallin tulee vastata tietoturvan ja tietosuojan vaatimuksiin, jotta sitä voidaan soveltaa kattavasti volyymipalveluissa, joista on potentiaalisesti saavutettavissa suurimmat hyödyt. Toimintamallin tulee olla toimialariippumaton ja helposti monistettavissa mittakaavahyötyjen aikaansaamiseksi.
Previous research on productivity is often associated with manufacturing or uses manufacturing definitions of productivity. Marketing research on services has not been satisfied with the manufacturing definitions. No universal definition for service productivity exists. The lack of a universal definition highlights the complexity entailed in the concept of productivity. The objective of this study was to investigate service productivity in situations, where traditional ways are in some cases even not possible or are not enough. In one definition of the productivity of service organisations there is the efficiency of the organisation on the input side and on the output side the customers’ perceived quality or value-in-use. To learn about value-in-use, many methods have been developed. A common practice is to make customer opinion surveys in the form of customer questionnaires and interviews. However, customers cannot always be asked directly, for example, because of impaired cognitive abilities. Such cases include the elderly and children. Furthermore, customer opinion surveys are time consuming. In addition, customers do not always know what kind of services they would benefit from. For the empirical part of the study, a business area was identified where traditional ways of measuring value-in-use are difficult or in some cases even not possible. This business area is safety telephone services. These services are most often used by the elderly. The way to define value-in-use here was to assess how well the services offered met customer expectations. Comparing the services customers asked for and the services provided to them indicated whether customer expectations were met. This study showed that customers had their ideas concerning the contents of the services but many times the services provided did not meet these expectations. Organisational efficiency aspirations can decrease customers’ value-in-use. This study found a solution, in which increasing organisational efficiency would go hand-in-hand with increasing customers’ value-in-use; the result being that the organisations’ needs and the service users’ expectations were in line. Value creation for customers produced organisational efficiency and thus increased productivity. In this study, customer expectations were observed by means of wellness technology. With the help of modern technology, customer expectations can be followed quickly and easily and customers can co-create with the organisation. This type of an approach could be useful even in the development of other services for other ages and in different contexts. If a service organisation decreases the number of personnel and, at the same time, tries to offer services to the same or a larger clientele, customers easily notice the change, which is often negative. To avoid harmful decrease in value-in-use, limitations to the aspiration of efficiency should be implemented – one of such is that the organisation is required to meet certain quality standards defined by experts. The aim is to secure that, as a result of efficiency aspirations in the organisation, the quality of the service offerings does not diminish below mutually agreed standards. Traditionally, when productivity in services has been estimated, organisational efficiency has not been combined with both customer expectations and an expert assessment of quality. This study contributes with novel thinking entitled ‘Relationship Management of the Elderly’. This study handles productivity, expert defined quality and value-in-use in an organisational context, which is practically untouched in previous research studies.
The role of contract manufacturing and subcontracting has been seen in black and white in product and service point of view. It used to be seen either as a product or a service. In the thesis product-service system, offering combining products and services, was discussed. Theory was created from two perspectives; Service productization via Business Model generation and product servitization via New Service Development process. Target for the case study was to point out new ways of service thinking and ways for changing business environment in contract manufacturing, especially in customer satisfaction and profitability point of view. The case study is following the New Service Development process phases. First ideas were collected from literature and via sales management interviews. Service offering and tool for service requirement evaluation was created. Last financial results of example service scenarios were calculated. It is recommended to take service offering into internal use and further develop it into modular service model. It is also recommended to take created customer service requirement evaluation tool into use for capturing customer service needs but also for communicating those internally.
The tightening competition and increasing dynamism have created an emerging need for flexible asset management. This means that the changes of market demand should be responded to with adjustments in the amount of assets tied to the balance sheets of companies. On the other hand, industrial maintenance has recently experienced drastic changes, which have led to an increase in the number of maintenance networks (consisting of customer companies that buy maintenance services, as well as various supplier companies) and inter-organizational partnerships. However, the research on maintenance networks has not followed the changes in the industry. Instead, there is a growing need for new ways of collaboration between partnering companies to enhance the competitiveness of the whole maintenance network. In addition, it is more and more common for companies to pursue lean operations in their businesses. This thesis shows how flexible asset management can increase the profitability of maintenance companies and networks under dynamic operating conditions, and how the additional value can then be shared between the network partners. Firstly, I have conducted a systematic literature review to identify what kind of requirements for asset management models are set by the increasing dynamism. Then I have responded to these requirements by constructing an analytical model for flexible asset management, linking asset management to the profitability and financial state of a company. The thesis uses the model to show how flexible asset management can increase profitability in maintenance companies and networks, and how the created value can be shared in the networks to reach a win-win situation. The research indicates that the existing models for asset management are heterogeneous by nature due to the various definitions of ‘asset management’. I conclude that there is a need for practical asset management models which address assets comprehensively with an inter-organizational, strategic view. The comprehensive perspective, taking all kinds of asset types into account, is needed to integrate the research on asset management with the strategic management of companies and networks. I will show that maintenance companies can improve their profitability by increasing the flexibility of their assets. In maintenance networks, reorganizing the ownership of the assets among the different network partners can create additional value. Finally, I will introduce flexible asset management contracts for maintenance networks. These contracts address the value sharing related to reorganizing the ownership of assets according to the principles of win-win situations.